Terry Babbington
The Berrymania series from the mid 90's by a lifelong fan of Berrynarbor from Essex.

This month's pictorial poser is a copy of a water-colour which was given to me some 3 years ago, as a cheer-up gift during a bout of illness. It shows one of the classic village views so often to be found on old postcards - of the old Post Office and Fuchsia Cottage. It measures 11" x 8", and was painted by J.B. Martin in September 1913.
Little is known about the picture, although there could be a connection with Arlington Court, as it was given to the previous owner by someone who lives in that area, who, before retiring, worked on the estate. If anyone has any information as to who the artist was, or anything else, I should be most grateful.
Regarding February's picture of the charabanc 'Jumbo', Mr. Ben Richards of West Seven Ash Farm was quick to call me and is convinced that the man standing at the front is John Bowden, c1916, who moved to Kentisbury. More details later, hopefully.
Terry Babbington
38 Park Road,
Thundersley, Essex SS7 3PP
Tel: 01268-758757
Let me begin by thanking firstly, Lorna Bowden for her information on Little Ruggaton in the October issue, and secondly, Mrs. Johnston of Barnstaple, who 'phoned me saying that the 19thC drawing that I submitted for the same issue was not, in her opinion, Bowden Farm. She knew the farm many years ago and felt it could not be the same building, even allowing for some artistic licence. So where is it? Little Ruggaton perhaps? Maybe the hill formation in the background might give a clue.
Now for this issue's contribution. The anonymously published photographic postcard from my collection depicts an old AEC charabanc parked by the lych gate, registration No. T6970, and, judging by the solid tyres, from around the time of WWI. It has apparently been nicknamed 'Jumbo' and the sign on its side reads: 'SHAPCOTT Combe Martin Phone 3Xl'. Can anybody identify anyone? The young man at the front and the lady at the back appear to be locals; the passengers, all ladies, appear to be a sight-seeing group, possibly from a local W.I. or something similar. And can anyone shed any light on the charabanc or its owners, Shapcott? I have never seen this name on any other picture of local charabancs. If anyone can help with identification, I should be delighted to hear from you.
Wanted: A copy of the book 'Notes on Combe Martin' privately published in 1902 by K. Toms. Condition is immaterial, but must be complete. Your price paid for original copy!
Terry Babbington
38 Park
Road, Thundersley, Essex, SS7 3PP
or ring 01268-758757

This is a 19th Century print depicting Bowden Farm, the birthplace of Berrynarbor's most famous son, Bishop Jewell, in 1522. His life is well documented, unlike the print, of which very little is known. Who was the artist? When was it drawn? Can anyone please help with any information?
Terry Babbington [01268-758757]
Terry hopes to be down in the village in October, so if you can throw any light on this print, please either leave the information at the Post Office or Chicane. Thank you.

This is a copy of an original poster, measuring approx. 15" x 10", giving details of the letting of Little Ruggaton Farm, the tenants at that time being Messrs. Huxtable. The notice was issued on the 20th September 1882 by Messrs. Harding & Son of Barnstaple. This highly prized [by me] poster was given to me by a friend who found it at an Ephemera Auction in London. The paper is quite fragile and has, in fact, been torn in half, but all the details are quite clear. Does anybody know the outcome of this notice and any details of its subsequent tenants and history? I should be very pleased to hear from you, or you could contact Judie instead if you prefer.
Many thanks to those of you who responded to my picture of the Hunt. It was interesting to read your memories. As yet I have no response to the funeral of Capt. Bassett, but I imagine it is too far back for anyone to have any personal knowledge.
Terry Babbington
38 Park Road,
Thundersley, Essex. SS7 3PP
[01268] 758757
Last issue Terry Babbington shared with us a picture of the Hunt outside the Globe [more of this later] and for his second contribution, he has sent a postcard of the funeral of the Late Capt. C. N. Bassett R.N., February 6, 1908.

This is a photographic postcard published by E. Grattan Phillipse of Ilfracombe. It was posted in Berrynarbor on 13th February, 1908, and addressed to Miss E. Slee, Burrow Lodge, Ilfracombe, from her mother, who presumably lived in Berrynarbor. Does anybody know who Miss Slee was, where in Ilfracombe Burrow Lodge is, and what was the nature of Captain Bassett's death? Can you recognise any of the people pictured - perhaps the old gent in the middle with the white beard?
Although it is a sombre subject, it is a smashing picture of the funeral attendees at the rear of the church. The police appear to be in attendance [I wonder why], and the only lady in the picture is the one in the large hat on the far right. Does anybody know who she is?
If anyone can help me in any way with these queries, I should love to hear from you, or have a word with Judie Weedon.
Terry Babbington
38 Park Road,
Thundersley, Essex, SS7 3PP
[01268] 758757
I should like to introduce myself as a far-flung reader of the Newsletter who is a keen collector of anything relating to Berrynarbor - I have every issue of the Newsletter - particularly postcards. My interest goes back several years and was sparked off by the many enjoyable holidays spent in the village since about 1964, when I was a boy of 10. More recently I have enjoyed coming with my wife and three daughters, but sadly visits have been curtailed of late due to ill-health, but hopefully things will be different this year. My collection of Berrynarbor and Watermouth cards has grown to about 400 and along the way I have accumulated quite a few duplicates surplus to my collection. If anybody is interested, I should be glad to provide a list on request. I prefer to swap rather than sell, but am open to negotiation! If you are interested or would just like to 'talk postcards' please contact me - I should welcome all communications.

I hope you will enjoy my first contribution, a postcard-sized photograph of the Hunt meeting outside the Globe. There is nothing on the card to suggest when it was taken, who the people are or what hunt it is. Judging from the wintry-looking trees on the brow of Hagginton Hill, it is most likely a fox hunt, but what Pack? It was possibly taken in the 1950's and perhaps someone might get a clue from the brewers - Arnold and Hancock. Can anybody shed any light at all on this picture or the subject? Does the hunt still meet in Berrynarbor? I should be glad to receive any information, however small.
Terry Babbington
38 Park Road
Thundersley, Essex, SS7 3PP
Tel: 01268-758757
*Beggars can't be choosers, but I am sure that many of you, like me, wish that we could improve on the quality of reproduction of the old postcards and photographs . However, so that you can see them more clearly and with the hope that you may be able to identify subjects, Alan and Nora have kindly agreed that I may display better prints in the post Office.