This website provides an archive of all 200 Editions of the Berrynarbor Newsletter, as circulated from August 1989 to October 2022. It provides a rich tapestry of over 30 years of social history and local knowledge. We hope you enjoy exploring the content.
August 1989 - Edition No.1
Following the results of the Survey carried out by the Parish Council in 1988, a need was identified for a village newsletter. To get things off the ground, a group of volunteers met recently and have made a start.
It is hoped to publish bi-monthly initially, but if the response is good, this could be increased to monthly.
The aim is to make this an interesting and informative Newsletter which it is hoped you will enjoy. Everyone is invited to contribute any item of interest - village news, coming events, 'hatched, matched and despatched', or items re hobbies, travel, favourite recipes, etc. The success of this Newsletter depends on YOU, the reader, and the input received.
The way to contribute news is to 'post' items in the boxes provided in the Manor Stores and the Post Office. The deadline for each issue will be the 15th of the month prior to publication. The next edition is due in October, so items by the 15th September please.
This first edition has been distributed to every house in the Parish, in future Graham Jones (Post Office) and Sue and Melvyn Day (Meakings) have offered to deliver it with the newspapers. For those of you who do not take a paper, there will be a good supply in the Post Office and Manor Stores for you to collect.
It is not intended to charge for this Newsletter, so it is hoped that you will support any fund-raising efforts that might be necessary.
The first few issues have been made possible by Alan Bacon at Ilfracombe [Community] College allowing us the use of their facilities for printing and providing paper.
Just a few words of thanks to everyone who is helping to make the Newsletter possible:
Ginny and Stuart Neale and Graham and Maureen Jones for collecting information and distribution; Sue and Melvyn Day for distribution; Ilfracombe College for all printing facilities; the Parish Council for arranging to distribute this issue and their very generous financial support, and our band of volunteers who are attacking the not inconsiderable task with great enthusiasm.
Parish Council
Featured Articles...
Mark Norman (9)
Tales of Ghosts, Ghouls and generally macabre folklore.
Vi Kingdon (10)
Articles, Poems and Memories from the long serving President to the Berrynarbor W.I.
Berry in Bloom (126)
News from the team keeping Berry looking beautiful...
At A Glance Diary (191)
Events, Clubs, Meetings, Schedules and more. If it's happening in the village, it's in here!