Edition 62 - October 1999

Artwork by: Sebastian Seston Ferdinand [Age 10]

Artwork: Judie Weedon


Congratulations to Sebastian Seston-Ferdinand [10] for his delightful wraparound cover for this issue.

It is lovely to welcome a return of artwork by pupils from our Primary School. In this instance, their task was to produce a black and white drawing for the October cover, and with such a wonderful selection [over 30], it was an almost impossible task to pick just one. A selection of pictures appears in this issue, and others will be used in forthcoming newsletters. Thank you all for your splendid efforts.

Articles and items continue to come [this really is a bumper issue!] and thank you all for your contributions. I should like to pay especial tribute to Tom Bartlett and our 'Local Walker', whose continued support and encouragement have been invaluable. Tom's 'Old Berrynarbor' articles began in Issue No. 2, making this issue's No. 61; whilst our walker first stepped out round the coastal path, from Rillage to Widmouth, in August 1990, thus making the return visit to this delightful and short[ish] walk No. 56!

Although it may have been a bit of an anti-climax and old hat now, last month's eclipse was an occasion - more to some than others. Where were you? Did you go somewhere special to watch it? Or did you just ignore it? Please will you write and tell us your eclipse story - just a few lines [or more] so that we can record how Berrynarborites experienced this event.

Everybody's bit [so start writing right now!] should be in the Post Office or at Chicane by Monday, 15th November [latest], together with other items and articles for the December and Christmas issue. Thanks.





With no meeting in August, most members met up at the various fetes and the Horticultural Show. Congratulations and thanks to those who helped to set up the Show and to those who participated, making it such a colourful occasion.

After our summer break, twenty-two members welcomed, on the 8th September, Mr. Nick Oliver from St. John's Nursery, who brought along a selection of plants, shrubs and bulbs to give our gardens colour through the autumn and winter. His helpful advice was much appreciated - so often one buys something in a garden sale and wonders afterwards why it hasn't flourished! During the tea break, several items were purchased, and Nick voted Win Collins's eschscholzia the Flower of the Month. Maggie Bland won the raffle - always a pleasure to see her when she can make the journey. There was a big thank you to Ethel Tidbury who, in spite of being incapacitated for so many weeks, had still managed to send along, with Eunice's help, birthday cards and plants - what a game lady to whom we say, get well soon, we miss you. Before leaving, members were reminded of the Group Social Evening which Berrynarbor is hosting on the 1st October . . . helpers needed at the Manor Hall by 6.15 p.m. please.

Our next meeting will be on the 5th October when our good friend from the Library, Mr. Green, will be telling us about Past Decades of Books. The November meeting, on the 2nd, will be the Annual General Meeting and members are asked to make every effort to attend - has it really come round again!

Meetings commence at 2.30 p.m. at the Manor Hall and visitors are always welcome.

Vi Kingdon - President

Ode to Autumn
Reds, golds, russet browns,
Autumn paints the scene.
Harvest safely gathered in,
Our thanks for wonders seen.


Illustrated by: Patrick McEntee [Age 10]

Please Help! - Teddies for Tragedies

With recent events in Turkey and elsewhere, knitted teddies are wanted more than ever to comfort children in these tragedy torn areas. If you are a knitter and can spare a couple of hours to make a little child a teddy to cuddle at night, your help would be most appreciated. A copy of the pattern, which it is important is followed, can be obtained from Judie [883544] and completed teddies may be returned either to her or Vi Kingdon, who will arrange for them to be shipped off to bring comfort and hope to children around the world. Thank you.





It is with regret we report that Bill lost his struggle and died peacefully, after a long illness, on the 9th September. As a past Treasurer of the Men's Institute and Co-ordinator for the Neighbour Hood Watch Scheme, his help and support were much appreciated. Our thoughts at this sad time are with Joan, Sue and Simon, and his daughter, Pat, in Australia.

Bill was born in Walthamstow, East London, in 1922. He joined the Signals Branch of the Army at the beginning of the War and spent much of his time in Corsica, North Africa and Italy. After the War, he joined the newly formed communications branch of the Foreign Office, and following his marriage to Joan in 1948, had postings to Trieste, Amman, Warsaw, Bangkok, Bonn, Mbabane [Swaziland], Saigon, Delhi and finally Singapore.

Pat, who has four children, emigrated to Australia in 1974 and he and Joan visited them all a couple of years ago.

He and Joan first visited North Devon in 1970 after a cousin had moved to Combe Martin, and when Bill retired in 1980, they too moved to the South West. Bill enjoyed his golf, listening to classical music, his garden and the wild life, especially the birds and the ducks, and had recently taken up watercolour painting.

Bill's cheerful presence has and will be missed by us all.

We should like to thank everyone for their cards and kind messages. The support we received was a great comfort to us at this sad time. Thank you to those who attended the funeral and for the flowers, which were beautiful.

Joan, Sue and Simon


Artwork: Alvary Scott


Summer Events - a kaleidoscope of colour transformed the Church for the Flower Festival over the last week-end in July. 'Events of the 20th Century ' took us back over the last 100 years, starting in the porch with Beatrix Potter and Peter Rabbit on one side and the Teddy Bears' Picnic on the other, and finishing at the bottom of the south aisle in the present day, with the World Wide Web. In between were many other contrasts from the two World Wars to the Coronation of our Queen, exploration, art, music - all depending on the imagination of the arrangers - and looking up to the east end, the beautiful backdrop of the altars with flowers in the windows reaching up towards the roof. There was a steady flow of visitors over the four days and the Preview Evening and Sunday 'Songs of Praise' were enjoyed by everyone who came. [Did you hear the tale of the missing carrots? Friday morning and on opening the porch gate, Peter's carrots had disappeared! The tops were later found by the west door and the carrots - well nibbled -further up the path. Squirrel Nutkin at work again!]


The 17th August saw us all back up at the Manor Hall once again, setting up stalls, side-shows and barbecue, ready for our Summer Fayre in the evening. It is amazing how quickly the hall fills up and with such variety. Thank you to everyone for their hard work it is wonderful to see people coming in with enthusiasm, year after year, to do their bit and to give their support. A special thank you to John Hood and the Management Committee for having everything ready and at our disposal. Proceeds from both these events will go to the Tower Fund - the Flower Festival raised £672; the final figure for the Fayre is not yet to hand but £927 was taken on the night.

By now most people will have realised the time of the Sunday Service has changed to 11.00 a.m. to enable the Rector to officiate in both Combe Martin and here. The pattern of services remains the same for the time being.

The Harvest Festival will be celebrated the first week-end in October.

  • Sunday, 3rd October: Family Communion, 11.00 a.m.
  • Wednesday, 6th October: Evensong, 6.30 p.m. followed by the Supper in the Manor Hall and Auction of Produce.
    Tickets on sale at the Post Office, Adults - £3.00, Children - £1.00

Everyone will be made most welcome.

Remembrance Sunday falls on the 14th November this year. The service will begin at 11.00 a.m. Please see posters for details nearer the time.

Illustration by: Michael McCormick [Age 10]

Mary Tucker


Artwork: Debbie Rigler Cook


Congratulations and best wishes to Jason and Tracey [nee Yeo] on the birth of your baby daughter, Scarlett Erin, on the 27th June. Scarlett, who weighed in at 7 lbs 10 oz is the fourth great-grandchild for Ivy and Walter and the fourth grandchild for Marlene and sister for Dylan, Vashti and Devon.

Congratulations Karen and Ian on the birth of your beautiful baby boy, Kelan. It was really wonderful to see him only six hours after he was born. Congratulations, too, to Mum - Anne Hookway - you're a Nan now and Laura you made it to Aunty!

Lots of love to you all - Jacqui, Simon and Sophie

We also send our congratulations and best wishes to you all.



As its title suggests, the Ilfracombe & District Volunteer Bureau covers the coastal and rural area of North Devon, from Mortehoe across to Countisbury, West Down and all the parishes in between! The Bureau seeks to promote volunteering in the area, provide services to local people who need help with transport, befriending, shopping, gardening, etc., and help recruit volunteers for other agencies. Until recently, these activities have been mainly confined to Ilfracombe. However, the recently received extra funding has enabled it to expand its services to the outlying villages, working alongside existing services and helping to develop new services wherever possible.

We need volunteers to work locally in the Berrynarbor area. We pay out-of-pocket expenses, offer on-going support and a choice of volunteering activities:

Volunteering is an opportunity to

  • use your free time
  • learn new skills
  • enjoy the satisfaction of helping others
  • make new friends
  • make a difference in your community
  • meet other people
  • share your skills to the benefit of others
  • improve your job chances

If you have a few hours to spare and would like more information, why not call in at Ilfracombe Volunteer Centre, 148/9 High Street, Ilfracombe, or 'phone Jan Knight on [01271] 866300.



Shortly before my grandfather, Stanley Warburton of Little Gables, Berrynarbor, passed away in June 1996, he may possibly have lent his personal, signed copy of 'Chingford at War', author Stanley Warburton. We, his family, believe he lent this book to a friend in the village, and we are very anxious for its safe return as it is an important part of the family history.

If anyone has any information as to this book's whereabouts, could you please contact either Mrs. P.S. Land [daughter] of 40 Willow Close, Ilfracombe [Tel: 866778] or myself, Mrs. S.F. Jakeman [granddaughter] of 11 Kenilworth Close, Hemel Hempstead, Herts, HP2 4EY [Tel: 01442 266299].

Many thanks.




PROGRAMME 1999-2000

Meetings are held in the Methodist Hall, Combe Martin on Thursdays, as indicated below, at 7.30 p.m. Everyone is welcome, including visitors to our villages. For further information, please contact Tom on 883408.

  • 21st October - The Hidden Edge of Exmoor - Kes Webb
  • 18th November - More About Combe Martin Mines - Mike Warburton
  • 9th December - Barnstaple & Around, Volume II - Slide Show and Social Evening - Tom Bartlett
  • 20th January - Devon Seaside Resorts in Earlier Times - John Travis
  • 17th February - Gothic Imagery - Jim Coulter
  • 16th March - Combe Martin Census - Continued - Moose Boyer
  • 20th April - Ilfracombe Lifeboatmen - Bob Thompson
  • 18th May - History of the North Devon Coastguard - Lee Haigh



A reminder that the village nebuliser may be obtained from Nicola Cornish [883484], Breezes, Barton Lane. When using it, patients will need their own pre-pack of Ventolin, face mask and connector. However, it is IMPORTANT that the nebuliser is only used on the advice of a doctor.


Artwork: Debbie Rigler Cook


Congratulations Peter on your 18th Birthday and for achieving your GCSE English exam.

With love from Mum, Dad and the Family.




If you have ever passed through Staff Nurse Sally Barten's hands and suffered like this: had items various stuck on, in or under you, been bathed when you only had one three weeks ago [true story], been woken up to be given a sleeping pill, been got out of bed when you didn't want to, been put back to bed also when you didn't want to, had your pyjama trousers removed to deter you from leaving the ward to have a forbidden cigarette, or had to endure carols being sung on Christmas morning, then relax - she's gone!

After 21 years on Fortescue Ward, the lady with the lamp/lump/limp has retired.

Best wishes, Sally, on your retirement - may it be long and happy. And to you, too, Peter. Well done on your achievement.


Tenders for 2000-2001

The Parish Council will be inviting tenders in October for
[a] Maintenance of Seats and Shelters
[b] Grass Cutting, Garden Maintenance, Footpath Clearance, etc. for the year commencing 1st April 2000

Suitably experienced contractors who wish to tender should write to
Miss Michelle Beaumont, Clerk to the Council
Cross Cottage, East Buckland, Barnstaple, EX32 OTB for tender documents by Friday, 16th October, 1999



Jamie Ross [Age 10]

We came to Berrynarbor
In August '99.
We stayed at Hillcrest Cottage
And that was very fine.
The journey from London went very well
Until grandad's car, whilst climbing a hill
All of a sudden became quite ill
It lost all of its oil you see!
So we phoned our Graham and down he came
To take us back from whence we came.
He towed us to the car park
At the back of Hillcrest Cottage.
We telephoned the RAC and said
'Please send us a car
So that we can enjoy our holiday,
Without one we can't go far.'
So the car was delivered
And we continued our holiday.
We really have had a wonderful time
And as I said before the cottage was fine,
And hopefully we can return quite soon
But not in nineteen ninety-nine!

Harry Dryden - Ruislip, Middlesex

Luke Dunham [Age 10]



Artwork: Debbie Rigler Cook


'Pete Rothwell would like to announce that he no longer lives alone at Treetops, Goosewell, with Hardy his dog - he now lives with his new wife Sally and her three boys, James, David and Robert. Who's a lucky boy?'

Congratulations, Pete, and our very best wishes to you and Sally for your future health and happiness and our thanks for your artistic contributions to our Newsletter.

We also send congratulations and best wishes for every happiness to the following brides and grooms.

A honeymoon in China followed the marriage of Becky Delve and Adrian Green at Exeter Registry Office on the 31st July. Becky, youngest daughter of Marian and Ron Delve of Yeoford [late of Bessemer Thatch] was attended by her sister Rachael and Adrian's sister Danielle. Becky, who teaches the nursery class of autistic and children with moderate learning difficulties at Hatton School, Redbridge, and Adrian, an assistant curator at the Museum of London at the Barbican, live in South Woodford, London.

Angela and George Powell of Green Leas were delighted that St. Peter's and the village were the chosen place for the marriage of their son James and Victoria Johnson on the 4th September. James's elder brother Robin was the Best Man, and his younger, identical twin brothers, Dominic and Christian, ushers. A honeymoon in Portugal followed the reception at the Fo'c's'le in Combe Martin. James, who works for Ikea, and Victoria, a sales supervisor for a car rental company, live in Burton Latimer near Kettering.

The 11th September, a beautiful autumn day - the colours reflected in the bridal theme of gold and beige - was the wedding day of Kevin Mundy and Caroline Bruce of Roborough, Barnstaple. A Blessing at St. Peter's followed the ceremony at Barnstaple Registry Office, with a reception at Sandy Cove rounding off the day. Kevin, a car refinisher, and Caroline, also in the motor trade - working for Pat Williams live at Croft Lee.

Peter Bowden and Zoe Jones
For your marriage on the 2nd October.
Good luck in the future
Love from Vicki, Becky and Daniel


Artwork: Paul Swailes


In July we had the Sing-a-long Review presented by Monica Ley and her Studio Music Singers - an excellent production thoroughly enjoyed by an audience of well over 100.

In August we had the Berry Revels. The weather was fine and again we had a good attendance of both locals and visitors.

Then came September and the Horticultural and Craft Show. Another fine day and visitors were able to enjoy their cups of tea sitting outside. Exhibits numbered about the same as last year and made a spectacular display in the Manor Hall. The judges, each commending the high standards, awarded the cups for each Section as follows:

  • The Globe Cup - Floral Art - Judie Weedon
  • The Walls Cup - Home Cooking - Mrs. Judges
  • The Davis Cup - Handicrafts - Linzi Lawrence
  • The Watermouth Cup - Handicrafts - John Weaver
  • The Watermouth Castle Cup - Wine - Bernard Allen
  • The George Hippisley Cup - Art - Mary Hughes
  • The Vi Kingdon Award - Photography - Mary Hughes
  • The Derrick Kingdon Cup - Fruit & Vegetables- Iain McCrae
  • The Lethaby Cup - Potted Plants - Jill McCrae
  • The Manor Stores Rose Bowl - Cut Flowers- Julia Fairchild
  • The P.T.A. Cup - Class 3- Wendy Barter
  • The Mayflower Dish - Class 1- Amy Charalambous
  • Management Committee Cup - Best in Show- Linzi Lawrence

The judges deliberated long and hard over the award for Best in Show - it was a very close three-way split between the wine of Bernard Allen and the raspberries of Iain McCrae, but the decision finally went to Linzi Lawrence for her beautiful 'Lady in Red'.

So another summer over! My thanks to everyone who worked so hard to put these events together and to everyone who involved themselves with and attended them. I hope you all enjoyed yourselves, then we can do it again next year!

John Hood - Chairman



The photographic competition at the Berry Revels, Church Fayre and Horticultural and Craft Show certainly attracted attention, but not everyone was brave enough to enter and show how much [or how little!] they observed of the places around them. It was the 'newcomers' rather than the 'locals' who were willing to have a go! The crooked chimney at Hammonds Farm caused problems and more than one person confused the lych gate with the public loos!! If you can recall the photos, the answers were:

  • Stone birds/animals:
    • [1] Bali Hai
    • [2] Lee House
    • [3] 61 The Village
  • Weathervanes:
    • [4] St. Peter's
    • [5] Moules Farm
    • [6] The Post Office
  • Chimneys:
    • [7] Little Gables
    • [8] Whiteley [Dormer Cottage]
    • [9] Hammonds
  • Lampposts:
    • [10] Parson's Pightle
    • [11] The Globe
    • [12] Wild Violets
  • Roofs:
    • [13] Drinking Fountain at Sawmills
    • [14] The Chapel
    • [15] Lych Gate
  • Wires:
    • [16] Turn Round, Rectory Hill
    • [17] Wood Park [Cherry Dene - no longer quite so leafy!] and
    • [18] Centre of village, Dunchideock House

The winners were: 1st Matthew and Becky Walls with 16 1/2 points, 2nd Ben Clarke [U16] with 15 1/2 points and Joint 3rd Nora Rowlands and Ginny and Kate Neale with 14 points.


Artwork: Harry Weedon


The Village has looked really pretty this summer with its numerous floral arrangements and thanks are due to the many helpers that made this possible.

In answer to the plea for help in planting up the baskets and tubs, 15 gallant volunteers came forward and a very pleasant afternoon was spent gardening in the Manor Hall. Thank you all for coming and thank you Phil and Lynne, who provided the workers with a most welcome and refreshing tea.

Particular thanks must go to the stalwarts who have tended and watered the arrangements throughout the summer.

Sadly, despite all our efforts, we were again beaten into second place by Catcott in Somerset.

Vi and Anne Davies

Congratulations to Vi and Anne and all their helpers - your efforts on our behalf are very much appreciated.


Artwork: Debbie Rigler Cook


We wish Alan and Linda Denzey [Lee View] and family good luck in their new home in Ilfracombe, and extend a warm welcome to Alan and Wendy Lord, John and Helen Williams, Phil and Lanie Shedden and Graham and Carol Lucas.

Alan and Wendy, who have taken over Brookvale, come from Henley-on-thames where Alan, together with their son Matthew, is a Director running the family business; Wendy is a member of the teaching profession, currently 'on supply' and their daughter Melanie and her husband live in Winchester.

Also in the teaching profession is John Williams. He and Helen have moved in to the Coach House at the Old Rectory from Ramsey in Cambridgeshire where John taught History and he is now teaching at Ilfracombe College. Helen has been an administrator with the Police Force, but is currently on the look-out for new employment.

Phil and Lanie have moved to Beech Hill from Northolt, near London. Phil is a sports injury therapist. They have a son Danny who works for the local authority in Hillingdon, and their daughter, Melanie, works in telecommunications in Swindon.

Graham and Carol Lucas have arrived from Gravesend in Kent, where they lived for 27 years, and moved into Brinscott Farmhouse. They have five children, the youngest two, Ivan and Colette have moved down with them. Their eldest daughter Eleanor has recently qualified as a doctor of medicine, Catherine is studying Educational Psychology at Lancaster University and Oliver will go to Manchester University next year. Graham has been involved with bananas all his life. He had his own business for many years but before his retirement was a Director of one of the big banana importers. Carol has had wide experience as a teacher, specialising in children with special needs. They plan to run the 16th Century farmhouse as bed and breakfast accommodation, converting the stone outbuildings into holiday cottages.



To Whom It May Concern:

Would the guardian/owner of Doris the Duck and family please note that she has spent the vast majority of the summer season residing at Mill Park? It has further come to my attention that her summer pitch fees are now well overdue! [Pint of lager in Ye Olde Globe]. If said fees are not paid in full [no half-pints thank you] with Christmas rapidly approaching, I cannot be responsible for her future.

Brian - Mill Park



Vehicle Crime:

Over the last few months there has been a steady decrease in recorded crime in the Ilfracombe area and the detection rate is now 41% which is the highest in Devon. While this decrease is gratifying and reflects well on our local Police, vehicle crime is cause for concern as the figures show an increase in the number of cars that are stolen and in theft from and damage to motor vehicles. Buying a car and running it is a major expense for us all and we need to protect this essential asset. The Police are launching an operation to catch those responsible and will warn owners of cars that are found to be left unlocked or with valuables left on view inside them, but it is really up to us to protect our own cars. This is what we need to do:

  • Never leave your car unlocked or with the roof or windows open
  • Never leave your keys in the car and always set car alarms and immobilisers
  • Never leave any valuables visible in the car or anything attractive to a thief - such as a jacket which he might think contains a wallet, or a handbag which he hopes might contain credit cards and cash - these are favourite targets. [Frequently the damage to the car in breaking in costs more than the value of the items that have been stolen.]
  • Have all your car windows etched with the car registration number
  • When leaving the car, remove the radio keypad, or the radio itself if it is one designed to be removed. Retract your aerial - a must target for vandals! Try and avoid remote car parks and at night try and park near a street lamp. Report any loss or damage to the Police as soon as possible giving your car details.

Peace of Mind:

PC John Knowles, the District Crime Prevention Officer, has managed to obtain a very considerable grant towards his successful Peace of Mind Initiative. It is particularly aimed at providing additional security for the homes of victims of crime, for the elderly who are not able to pay themselves to make their homes more secure and for those on Social Security Benefit. It is an unfortunate fact that if one's home has been burgled once, there is four times the chance that the thief will make a return visit rather than find a new target. If you are concerned and think you may be eligible for a grant under this scheme, we suggest you contact one of the Ilfracombe Resident Beat Officers - PC Rick Johns for central areas and WPC Jane Dyer for the outer districts. The initiative has proved very successful in Barnstaple and we hope maximum use will be made of it in Ilfracombe and the surrounding districts. To have one's home burgled is a traumatic experience.

If you think you may be eligible or know of anyone who you think could benefit from PC Knowles's 'windfall', do please contact the Police Station and give details so it can be followed up.

Bob Gilliat - Chairman


Artwork: Angela Bartlett


By Now we Had Settled In

The war was under way by now and my sister Jean and I were to attend Ilfracombe Grammar School. I remember the first bus journey and arriving. In their haste to get us to school, my mother and Gerald [my half-brother] had forgotten to tell us where the school was! 'Oh, well,' we thought, 'Just follow the other kids,' which we did. It was a fine school, designed for 300 pupils but at one time its numbers swelled to about 700. If you had fainted during Assembly, you would not have fallen down!

Jean was nearly always top of her class, while I was the same - well, I was if you turned the mark sheet upside down! There may have been a reason for this. Prior to moving to Devon I was friendly with a lad whose parents were addicted to the cinema. They would go nearly every night, taking Gordon and I with them with the result that we were too tired to absorb much of our lessons the next day! Another reason was that I was young - only 10 at the 11+ school - and it was like trying to read a book from which someone had torn out the middle pages. After a while the Headmaster suggested I leave, get some special tuition and then return. This was arranged and I was sent to a retired schoolmaster up Shute Lane in Combe Martin. I would cycle there every day, but academically I just got worse! I returned to the Grammar School but had lost it! I had enjoyed it there and made several friends. It was a very modern and well-equipped school in its day and I still have newsletters from Miss Gent, who was my Maths teacher. It is interesting to learn who has done what, and despite the huge classes [mine had 53 pupils], most have gone on to be successful in their lives and careers.

Around 1941-2, due to a shortage of labour on the farms, a scheme was devised for school children to be taken by bus to farms to assist with potato lifting. You could volunteer and be issued with little blue cards upon which the wages, 9d [4p] per hour, could be recorded. 'This is for me' I thought, and jumped at the chance!

Since I was not achieving much at the Grammar School, it was decided that I should go to Adelaide College -- a private school - and it was whilst I was here that I hit on a devious plan. I approached farmer Bert Watts at Lydford Farm with a tale that we were to be given a certain day off, and asked him if he had any work. He had and on that certain day I was given the job of pulling cabbage stumps at a field on the bend opposite Widmouth Farm. The road there is cut into the hill and glancing up from pulling stumps, I could see a double decker bus approaching. As it got nearer I could just about make out someone waving from the top deck. As it drew level, I realised it was my mother who thought I was at school it did not go down too well and that was the end of that initiative!

During this time, when I was up to no good, my mother invited family and friends to come and stay to get them away from the risks of being near London. But none stayed long, home sickness and the remoteness soon had them returning.

Jean remained at the Grammar School until she was 15, leaving to go to Barnstaple School of Art, where she did two years and her talent was rewarded by the offer of a job. She would paint, in oil, pictures of the Hangman Hills in limpet shells to earn a bit of cash, and these were sold at the village shop and at a kiosk at Watermouth Caves for half-a-crown, 2s.6d. [12.5p] with her 'cut' being 6d. [2.5p]. Knowing that she would be called into the Services, she took a job at Leonard Bowden's farm - Sloley - where on an Exmoor pony she would round up sheep and cows, feed the animals, kill and pluck the turkeys at Christmas, work the milking machine and do all the jobs of a general farm. One day when she was left on her own, a cow was due to calf. She coped well and Leonard and his wife were more than pleased.

Gerald worked on Stan Huxtable's farm, Northlea, where he fitted in well and even to this day people speak well of him. One day Stan asked him to take his old cart horse, Tidy, to Combe Martin to be shod. Gerald always said that if you watched Tidy closely, you could see him move! Dressed in his usual summer attire of straw hat, open shirt, shorts and sandals, Gerald sat on an old sack astride Tidy, plodding along until they came to the bus queue when Gerald raised his hat and asked, 'Excuse me, but have the hounds passed this way?' Once when he was in the shippen [cow shed] an idea occurred to him. He had noticed that as soon as the cows' chains were released after milking, they walked out into the road and covered it with muck. Since it was his job to keep the road clean, he thought 'Why don't I just rattle the chains?' It worked, and there was much less sweeping required!

On another occasion in the shippen, Gerald leant over behind a cow called White Socks. At that moment, White Socks coughed and it would be indelicate to give a graphic description of what happened, but his jacket was open with Stan's paying-in book and pipe in the inside pocket! Stan's wife, Bessie, cleaned up his coat but they all agreed that White Socks was no lady!

More Soon.

Tony Beauclerk - Colchester



It is good to gee Bob Richards home and out and about again. and if anyone is not too good at present, we hope you will soon be feeling a lot better.



Widmouth Head Revisited

The walk along the cliffs, from the coastguard cottages to Watermouth, is so beautiful at all times of the year. How fortunate we are that Berrynarbor's stretch of the South West Peninsular Coast Path offers such stunning sea-scapes -- now enclosed with glimpses of tiny, hidden coves, then turn a corner and it's the wide open spaces with views of Holdstone Down and Foreland Point lighthouse beyond. Recently, three sturdy wooden benches have been placed along the way in the most ideal locations for stopping to observe the rich natural history of our coastline.

The first of these is above Rillage Point. In late summer it has a carpet of scabious, in early summer orchids bloom there. On our last visit the tide was out, revealing a lot of rocky outcrops, each occupied by oyster catchers, cormorants or great black-backed gulls. A peregrine falcon flew towards Hagginton Beach.

Past the little quarry, brambles and rose hips; through a shady section with giant hogweed plants and the second bench is reached, overlooking Samson's Bay. Fulmars come and go; fit snugly into their cliff ledges. Small copper butterflies land on blue sheep's bit flowers. The colour combination is just right.

Now around the other side of Samson's Bay for the steep ascent of Widmouth Head and the best bench of all! Below the old lookout building, a couple of steps have been cut out and a little patch of ground levelled to make way for the seat, thus providing access to a part of the Head which had previously blocked the view of the open sea. These improvements have made it possible to see far out over the Channel. This is a good place for scanning the sea and sky for gannets. Some distance away there was a disturbance in the water. We could just make out dark triangles, with a concave curve to one edge - dorsal fins! This was exciting.

They came closer, turning eastwards. Their rounded grey-black backs, with white below, shining in the sunlight, could be seen now as they came to the surface of the water to breathe - a small school of porpoises, half a dozen of them, graceful and streamlined. We watched them rise and fall in a smooth rolling action. Eventually they disappeared from sight in the direction of Lynmouth. Although they are shaped like huge fish, they are actually mammals. Like whales and dolphins, the common [or harbour] porpoise belongs to the order of marine animals called cetaceans.

They are most likely to be sighted off western shores in late summer, especially August and September. The Romans called them porcus piscus - pig fish. They are four and a half to six feet in length and usually live about sixteen years, although twenty-three is the maximum age recorded. Porpoises eat mackerel, whiting, herring, shrimps and squid, needing 91bs to I I lbs of fish a day. They are rather timid, being wary of swimmers and boats, but when they meet porpoises from other groups, they apparently swim rapidly in circles as a form of greeting ceremony!

There are even cases of porpoises supporting an ill or injured member of the group, raising it to the surface to enable it to breathe. It is pleasant to think of these charming creatures out there in the Channel near Watermouth and to look out for those triangles breaking the surface of the water and the rolling movement of grey and white.

Lewis Carol brought the notion of the porpoise to the attention of Victorian children with his lines in Alice in Wonderland:

"Will you walk a little faster?" said a whiting to a snail,
"There's a porpoise close behind us, and he's treading on my tail."

Our Walker is wondering who provided the benches that have been so cleverly sited and make a big difference to this walk - the National Trust, Parish Council, landowner or perhaps the Heritage Coast Authority? Can anyone help?


Illustrations by: Paul Swailes



I find the Newsletter very interesting and Hedley Nicholls [see Childhood Memories, August 1999] learned his trade with my father, Thomas Ley. Hedley sadly lost a finger working the saw in our sawmill that was fixed at the back of Orchard House. This happened in August 1931 and my father died about two weeks after, I am sorry to say.

Vera Lewis - Epsom, Surrey[Ley]

You have kindly kept me supplied with the Berry Newsletter, which I enjoy and now have quite a collection!

Just to remind you, I lived in Berry with my mother and family, while my father served in World War One, until 1919. I still visit occasionally with my cousin, Dorothy Grinnall who now has 55, Hillcrest.

Mother was born in 1882 [Ellen Harding], so you can imagine the interest I found in reading what Beatrix Potter wrote in 1882. It struck me that the Berry ambience hasn't changed much over the years! For me, at least, your inclusion of that piece of history, was a delight. Many thanks and good wishes.

Stanley Barnes - York

It was lovely to see Tony Beauclerk and his wife, Betty, [down from Colchester, Essex] when they called for a coffee and a chat. I was also visited by a David White of Pembroke, who was following up his ancestors who lived here in the 1600's! Their name was Farrier. I don't know if anyone has information going back this far? David took a copy of the Newsletter and was going to enlarge on his quest and what he found so far, but sadly I have not heard anything further - perhaps he'll pick this message up on the Internet!


6 Church street, llfracombe EX34 8HA Tel: 862131

Please support our
at The Lantern, Ilfracombe, 10.00 to 12 noon
Home-made Bread, Cakes and Marmalade, Raffle
A chance to meet old friends or just take a breather from the shopping!

A date for your diary: CHRISTMAS FAIR at The Lantern
Thursday, 2nd December, 10.00 to 12.00 noon
Gifts, Brick-a-Brack, Tombola, Cake Stall, Raffle


Artwork: Peter Rothwell


The Rectory
Combe Martin

Dear Friends,

At this time of year, how do I pass on a message about fruits of the Harvest, Remembrance Sunday and our spiritual life, in one short letter? How about one word: Perseverance. Without the perseverance of our farmers and growers, even when either the weather or the beaurocrats seem set against us, there would be no harvest.

Without perseverance we should not have won two world wars and we should not have the freedom to think and express our own views. Winston Churchill was famous as a war leader whose speeches inspired many. He once gave a speech at a school prize-giving. He said: "Never give up. Never, never give up. Never, never, never give up."

In our journey to God we sometimes feel like giving up. If Churchill's words do not encourage us, then perhaps we ought to remember Jesus's words in the parable of the sower. Despite all the set backs [seed falling on the path, falling on rocky ground, falling in with weeds], there will be a harvest in the Kingdom of God.

I like the prayer of that great Devonian, Sir Francis Drake: 'O Lord God, when thou givest to us thy servants to endeavour any great matter, grant us also to know that it is not the beginning but the continuing of the same until it be thoroughly finished which yieldeth the true glory, through him who for the finishing of thy work laid down his life, thy Son Jesus Christ.'

With all good wishes,
your Friend and Rector,

Keith Wyer




Sunday School has now re-started - same place, but different time. Penn Curzon Room at 11.00 a.m. to 12.00 noon. We need YOU! Please join us, you will be very welcome.

Marion and Sally B

Story: A little boy was given two separate 10p pieces by his mother to take to Sunday school - one to put in the collection and the other to buy some sweets on his way home. Skipping along the road he tripped and dropped the coins. One rolled down a nearby drain. The boy looked up to heaven and said, "Sorry God, there goes your 10p."



Rectory Hill, Berrynarbor TeI: [01271] 882102

May I introduce myself? My name is Phil and I have recently moved to the village with my wife Lanie. I should like to take this opportunity to let you know that I opened a Treatment of Injuries Clinic at Beech Hill. For the past 10 years, I have been running a practice, so if you have a soft tissue ligament injury, or a mechanical problem with your back or neck, please get in touch with me.

I am fully qualified to treat patients and with my qualifications I also have full public indemnity insurance through the Society of Sports Therapists, of which I am a full member. I have been involved in Sports Medicine for 12 years, working for Enfield FC and until recently Aldershot FC, which I have only had to give up due to the travelling that would have been involved!

I have a Full Diploma in Treatment and Management and Rehabilitation of Injuries plus a Full Diploma in all aspects of Electrotherapy achieved at Keele Univenity.

If I can be of any help to anyone, please ring me on the above number.

Phil Shedden



Open to everyone in the Church and all Villagers [age no barrier!], these meetings allow you to link up with friends over a meal. Following a very successful tea at Miss Muffet's at the end of September, the next meeting is an

Invitation to Lunch

By reserved ticket from Margaret Andrews [883385] or Mary Tucker [883881]

  • at the Globe [Phil and Lynne)
  • 1.00 p.m.
  • 27th October 1999
  • choice of menu
  • smaller portions available
  • pay on the day
  • access without steps
  • transport arranged on request
  • usual Berrynarbor welcome

If you would like more information, Please ring Margaret or Mary.



Overnight, very
Whitely, discreetly,
Very quietly
Our toes, our noses
Take hold on the loam,
Acquire the air.
Nobody sees us,
Stops us, betrays us;
The small grains make room.
Soft fists insist on
Heaving the needles,
The leafy bedding,
Even the paving.
Our hammers, our rams,
Earless and eyeless.
Perfectly voiceless,
Widen the crannies,
Should through holes. We
Diet on water,
On the crumbs of shadow,
Bland-mannered, asking
Little or nothing.
So many of us!
So many of us!
We are shelves, we are
Tables, we are meek,
We are edible,
Nudgers and shovers
In spite of ourselves.
Our kind multiplies:
We shall by morning
Inherit the earth.
Our foot's in the door.

Sylvia Plath [1932-1963]

Born in Boston, U.S.A., Sylvia Plath later moved to England where she married the late Poet Laureate, Ted Hughes in 1956. Following her separation from Hughes in 1962, she sadly committed suicide in London the following year. She published only two volumes of poetry in her lifetime, but three followed subsequently. Her novel, The Bell Jar, written under the pen-name Victoria Lewis, was published in 1963.

Illustrated by: Paul Swailes


Artwork: Peter Rothwell


Live Music - once a month we shall have live music. The bands for pre-Christmas are:

  • Saturday, 18th September: Out of the Blue
  • Saturday, 16th [or 23rd October]: Prairie Dogs [date to be confirmed]
  • Saturday, 20th November: Parcel of Rogues
  • Saturday, 11th December: Slack Alice

Theme Nights - once a month we shall be having a 'theme' night.

October's theme on Saturday, 2nd October is a Mexican Night; 6th November will be an Italian Night and for the 4th December, we shall be having an 'Oceanic' theme featuring a seafood menu. Tables for the Theme Nights are by reservation only. Look out for more details on posters/boards at the pub.

We shall be running various promotions, special offers and competitions every Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday night up until Christmas.

Every Saturday, 7.30 to 8.30 p.m., is Happy Hour with lager/bitter from £1.00 a pint and more special prices besides.

For Saturday nights in our Dining Room, we recommend you book in advance. Our Saturday night Supper Licence allows diners to purchase drinks at the bar up to midnight, so tell the taxi driver to come a bit later - no need to rush off at 11.20 p.m., especially if the band is still playing!

And finally - details of our Christmas activities will be given in the December issue.




Well it is time to look at the weather for July and August.

July was a proper summer month with only 27mm [1 "] of rain, the driest month since January 1997 when we recorded 14mm [1/2"]. On the 9th July, the warmest day, the temperature reached 28.2 Deg C.

August was anything but a proper summer month with 143mm [5 3/4"] of rain, 24mm [1"] of which fell on the 24th/25th. This must have been very disappointing for the people on holiday unless they were lucky enough to choose the Bank Holiday week-end. The highest temperature was 27.4 Deg C on 2nd August, and during the night of the 20th, it slipped back to single figures, 9.7 Deg C.

We must mention 11th August - the Eclipse - in case anybody has forgotten! It was kind of the skies to clear sufficiently to enable us to view the great event, though we found it rather disappointing after all the hype. We had thought it would go a lot darker. Our thermograph did record a drop in temperature of about 2 Deg C, starting 45 minutes before totality and recovering 2.3 Deg C 45 minutes after.

Let's hope that we have an Indian Summer to help us through the coming winter.

Sue and Simon




Meetings are held on the third Wednesday of every month [apart from Christmas] at the manor Hall, and commence at 8.00 p.m. The annual subscription remains at £2.00 with a £3.00 charge per evening, except November and December when a charge of £5.00 will be made and prior booking is ESSENTIAL. In January the meeting will cost just £1.00 but members are asked to be adventurous and bring with them a really good wine. Bookings, when necessary, may be made with Jill McCrae [882121] or Tony Summers [883600].

  • 20th October Value for Money Wines - Alan Rowlands
  • 17th November Quality Wines from Spain - Laymont and Shaw of Truro
  • 8th December Christmas Special - Stoke Rivers Jan Tonkin & Friends
  • 19th January Members' Millennium Favourites - Tony Summers
  • 16th February Testing your Taste Buds! - Tony Summers
  • 15th March Some of the Best - Jolly's Wines
  • 19th April Looking for Inspiration - Alex Parke
  • 17th May More of the Best - Katherine Lightfoot, St.Austell Brewery

Tom Bartlett, Publicity Officer



The annual Presentation Night was held in the Institute on Thursday, 28th July, when the Chairman, Gordon Hughes, presented the Trophies to the following players:

WinnerRunner Up
Handicap Singles
[Len Bowden Memorial Shield]
Dave HarrisMaurice Draper
Scratch SinglesPhil BridleDave Harris
DoublesIvan Clarke and Kevin BrooksDave Harris and John Huxtable
Winter LeagueMaurice DraperGraham Hatcher
Highest BreakMaurice Draper

John Huxtable


Part 3

In the 1950's to 1970's, Road Rallying was a popular sport, with British Minis, Escorts, Triumphs and Rovers ruling supreme. Many routes were set using 'herring bones' - at every junction leave one or more road[s] to left or right or both, according to how many 'bones' are at the intersection point.

Try this one out! Starting at Ye Olde Globe go downhill, using ALL the through roads AND footpaths available. For reference, see leaflet 'Footpaths and and Walks Around the Village', produced by the Parish Council and price 20p at the Post Office.

Answers next issue.

Alan Rowlands




Greetings from all at Berrynarbor Primary School.

After a long and much needed rest, the children and staff have launched into a new and exciting Autumn Term! We were delighted to be asked to contribute to the village Horticultural Show and the children were very pleased with their prizes for the Art Competition. We hope to be as well represented next year.

We are involved in several projects for the Millennium through Music and the Arts, and hope to display the efforts of the children throughout the term. We were very pleased to be asked to fill a Time Capsule to be buried in the foundations of the village fountain! We are busily debating what the contents of the capsule will be and what best represents the school for the interest and enlightenment of future generations.

Other highlights for this term include the School Book Fair, a Residential Visit to the Beaford Centre and the Harvest Festival . .. and then it will be Christmas!

Until next time, best wishes

Simon Bell - Headteacher


Buy your
and support your local

12p each from
Eunice Allen, Bali-Hai, Sterridge Valley
Call or 'phone 882491

Birthday and other Cards, 25p each

Eunice would be delighted to collect old
Greetings Cards [of any kind] for Recycling


Artwork: David Duncan


Carnivals are now past and although honours were in short supply this year, we all had a good time. Thanks to Alan Parkin for the use of the family tractor and to Richard at Watermouth Castle for the use of the smoke machine.

Quiz Nights start again on Sunday, 3rd October, and then every other Sunday as per last year. Final details for Christmas and the New Year are nearly in place, look out at the pub for more information shortly.

We shall be holding the Pumpkin Weigh-in and the Charity Skittles Evening on Saturday, 9th October - proceeds to the Children's Hospice South West.

Phil and Lynne


Artwork: Angela Bartlett

Beech Lea, Berrynarbor

This view taken by William Garratt about 1904 shows Beech Lea, built in 1902 by Goss's of Combe Martin for the Rev. Ernest George Hibbert and his wife. Their two children, Ken and Iris, were born whilst they were living here. When the Hibberts left, around 1921, the Rev. John Horndon Parry MA, an ex British Army Padre in India, and his family moved in. Miss Parry, their daughter, lived there until her death in the late '70's. Beech Lea was built as, and has always been considered, 'a desirable gentleman's residence', with its own tennis court, extensive garden and glass houses.

Sandy and Anne Anderson moved here from Bishops Stortford in Hertfordshire in 1984, with their four children - David, James, Seonaid and Pippa. Sandy, past Managing Director of Coutant Lambda in Ilfracombe, was recently promoted to work for the parent company here and internationally.

Tom Bartlett
Tower Cottage, September 1999

* It is becoming increasingly difficult for Tom to maintain his articles and new information on local history and any help from villagers' archives to assist with future articles would be extremely welcome.

If you think you could help, please contact either myself [883544] or Tom [883408]. Thank you.

Judie Weedon - Editor



Manor Hall, 7.30 to 11.30 p.m.

Dancing to the Hot Punch Dance Band
Tickets: £5.00 including Supper
obtainable from Theresa Crockett, Berrynarbor Trailer Park
or the Post Office

Bar Provided



1stW.I. Group Meeting, Berrynarbor, 7.30 p.m. [Helpers 6.15 p.m.]
3rdSt. Peter's Church: Harvest Festival - Family Communion, 11.00 a.m.
5thW.I. Meeting, 2.30 p.m. Manor Hall: 'Past Decades of Books' - Mr. G. Green [Library]
Yoga, Manor Hall, 7.00 p.m.
6thSt. Peter's Church: Harvest Festival - Evensong, 6.30 p.m. followed by Harvest Supper
7thWhist Drive, 7.30 p.m., Manor Hall
12thParish Council Meeting, 7.30 p.m., Manor Hall
Yoga Manor Hall, 7.00 p.m.
13thMobile Library in Village from 11.30 a.m.
14thAge Concern: Coffee Morning, the Lantern, 10.00 - 12.00 noon
Whist Drive, 7.30 p.m, Manor Hall
19thYoga, Manor Hall, 7.00 p.m.
20thBerrynarbor Wine Circle, Manor Hall, 8.00 p.m: Value for Money Wines - Alan Rowlands
21stWhist Drive, 7.30 p.m., Manor Hall
Combe Martin Historical Society, Methodist Hall, 7.30 p.m: The Hidden Edge of Exmoor - Kes Webb
25thTo Friday, 29th: College and Primary School Half Term
26thYoga, Manor Hall, 7.00 p.m.
27thMobile Library in Village from 11.30 a.m.
'Friendship' Lunch at the Globe, 1.00 p.m. [reserved ticket only]
28thWhist Drive, 7.30 p.m., Manor Hall
1stCollege and Primary School: Non-Pupil Day
Last day of Captures for Free Millennium Mugs!
2ndW.I. Meeting, 2.30 p.m. Manor Hall: Annual General Meeting
Yoga, Manor Hall, 7.00 p.m.
4thWhist Drive, 7.30 p.m., Manor Hall
9thParish Council Meeting, 7.30 p.m., Manor Hall
Yoga, 7.00 p.m., Manor Hall
10thMobile Library in Village from 11.30 a.m.
11thWhist Drive, 7.30 p.m., Manor Hall
13thBarn Dance, Manor Hall, 7.30 p.m. Dancing to the Hot Punch Dance Band
14thSt. Peter's Church: Remembrance Sunday Service, 11.00 a.m.
15thDeadline for Items for December Newsletter
16thYoga, Manor Hall, 7.00 p.m.
17thto 20th November: Studio Theatre, 'Present Laughter'
Berrynarbor Wine Circle, Manor Hall, 8.00 p.m: Quality Wines from Spain - Laymont and Shaw, Truro
18thWhist Drive, 7.30 p.m., Manor Hall
Combe Martin Historical Society, Methodist Hall, 7.30 p.m: More about Combe Martin Mines - Mike Warburton
23rdYoga, Manor Hall, 7.00 p.m.
24thMobile Library in Village from 11.30 a.m.
25thWhist Drive, 7.30 p.m., Manor Hall
30thYoga, Manor Hall, 7.00 p.m.
2ndAge Concern: Christmas Fair, The Lantern, 10.00 -- 12.00 noon
Whist drive, 7.30 p.m., Manor Hall
7thYoga Manor Hall, 7.00 p.m.



Theodore Roethke [1908-1963]

There was a Serpent who had to sing.
There was. There was.
He simply gave up Serpenting.
Because. Because.
He didn't like his Kind of Life;
He couldn't find a proper Wife;
He was a Serpent with a soul;
He got no Pleasure down his Hole.
And so, of course, he had to Sing,
And Sing he did, like Anything!
The Birds, they were Astounded;
And various Measures Propounded
To stop the Serpent's Awful Racket:
They bought a Drum. He wouldn't Whack it.
They sent, - you always send, - to Cuba
[ And got a Most Commodious Tuba;
They got a Horn, they got a Flute,
But Nothing would suit.
He said, 'Look Birds, all this is futile:
I do not like to Bang or Tootle.'
And then he cut loose with a Horrible Note
That practically split the Top of his Throat.
'You see,' he said, with a Serpent's Leer,
'I'm Serious about my Singing Career!'
And the Woods Resounded with many a Shriek
As the Birds flew off to the End of Next Week.


Illustrations by: Paul Swailes




Studio Theatre is celebrating the Noel Coward centenary year with a production of 'Present Laughter' at the Studio Theatre, Ilfracombe, 17th to 20th November. This was one of the many delightful plays written by the 'Master' and he had himself in mind for the leading role of Garry Essendine. So please put the dates in your diary and come along to enjoy an evening of sophisticated comedy.

Don't forget the Theatre Club on the 4th Thursday of each month, in the Studio Lounge, 7.30 p.m.


Here are some interesting facts about travel and transport.
Test your knowledge to see how TravelWise you are:

  1. In the next 25 years, by how much is road traffic forecast to increase? 50% / 25% / 5%
  2. How many cars a second pass Exeter on the M5 in the height of summer? 40 cars per minute / 60 cars per minute / 120 cars per minute
  3. What is 0345 48 4950? No. of cars in UK/Rail Enquiries phone number/Population of Manchester
  4. Regular cyclists enjoy a level of fitness equivalent to that of individual's 2 years younger / 6 years younger / 10 years younger
  5. Lack of physical activity is a health risk for how many men? 3 out of 10 / 4 out of 10 / 7 out of 10
  6. What is the average number of people in each car travelling to work? 1.2 / 1.9 / 2.1
  7. What percentage of road trips are under 5 miles? 29% / 53% / 71%
  8. Air pollution from road transport is linked with how many deaths per year in the UK? 50 / 500 / more than 5,000
  9. Global warming is a concern for our children's future and us. What is the fastest growing source of the gases that produce this effect? Power Generation / Road Transport / Industry
  10. If you drive an 'average' family car for 10,000 miles in one year at a constant speed of 30 mph, is the total weight of your exhaust emissions equal to: 1/10th of the weight of your car/halft the weight of your car/3 x the weight of your car

Answers in article 47



MONDAYS, 7.30 p.m.

£1.00, includes Coffee/Tea
[no subscription]


And the Womenfolk ain't gonna be left out!

'Women have made up their minds to go to the Klondike, so there is no use trying to discourage them. When our fathers, husbands and brothers decided to go, so did we, and our wills are strong and unfailing. We will not be drawbacks nor hindrances and they won't have to return on our account.'

So wrote Annie Hall Strong in 1897. She was then 27 and an unusual woman of her time. An accomplished musician, having studied in Germany and France for 5 years, she then taught music and German at the University of Washington. After their marriage in 1896, she and her husband, J.F.A. Strong, moved from Seattle to Skagway in the 1897 Gold Rush [see August 1999 Newsletter]. Amongst his many business interests, Mr. Strong founded several newspapers, including the Skagway News. Mrs. Strong, well-educated and in a position of importance in society, was well placed to observe the to-ings and fro-ings and, no doubt, the demise of many wives, sisters and other camp followers who descended on the town in their droves.

On 31st December 1897 she issued a paper comprehensively entitled

From Woman's Standpoint
Hints to Women
What should be Taken and What Should be Left Behind
Other Points of Value and Interest

Her first concern was to deter 'delicate women' who 'have no right attempting the trip ... those who love luxury, comfort and ease would better remain at home.' Having cleared that, she continues with sensible advice on 'being properly clothed and equipped for the trip to the interior ... First and most important of all, by far, to be considered is the selection of proper footwear. It is not necessary to have shoes two or three sizes larger than one's actual last, simply because you are going on a trip to the Klondike. Get a shoe that fits, and if the sole is not very heavy have an extra one added.'

Her minimum requirement in footwear are: one pair each of house slippers, knitted slippers, heavy soled walking shoes, arctics, felt boots, German socks, heavy gum boots, ice creepers, plus 3 pairs each of heavy all wool stockings and summer stockings.

Bear in mind that this would have been a year-long expedition and compare what you or I take for our two weeks in the sun! Mrs. Strong recommends that a woman can comfortably get along with:

  • 1 good dress
  • 1 suit heavy mackinaw - waist [bodice] and bloomers
  • 1 summer suit - waist and bloomers
  • 3 short skirts of heavy duck or denim to wear over bloomers
  • 3 suits winter underwear
  • 3 suits summer underwear
  • 1 chamois undervest
  • 1 long sack nightdress, made of eiderdown or flannel
  • 1 cotton nightdress
  • 2 pair of Arctic mittens
  • 1 pair of heavy wool gloves
  • 1 cap
  • 1 Arctic hood
  • 1 hat with brim broad enough to hold the mosquito netting from the face
  • 1 summer dress
  • 3 aprons
  • 2 wrappers
  • 2 shirt waists snow glasses some sort of gloves for summer wear, to protect the hands from mosquitoes
There follows a piece of advice, which should be understood by all women! 'An old miner would no doubt laugh at me to scorn for suggesting a little satchel or handbag, but the comfort derived from one hundred and one iotas a woman can deftly stow away in it will doubly repay the bother of carrying it.'

I listed the recommended 'commissaries' set out by the Canadian Government in Part I. Annie Strong commends it, but shoves in her 'penn'orth': 'From actual experience I find evaporated eggs a failure, and every one who took saccharin as a substitute for sugar are loud in their condemnation of it. Take plenty of sugar. One craves it, and 200 pounds per outfit is not too much. ' [That's four 30-mile trips to the top of the pass 240 miles just to carry the sugar!] 'The list fails to mention butter, on account of its being looked upon as a luxury, but all the old Yukoners take it in goodly supply ... The miners say pure grease makes a pleasant drink. '

Women are then advised to 'Take plenty of Tea. Fifty pounds of rolled oats is the usual amount mentioned in lists, but 100 pounds is far better. [another two journeys up the pass] 'Baking powder and candles are apt to be the first articles to disappear. A few extra pounds would come in handy.

She highly recommends the dried blackberries, raspberries and apples, and evaporated onion soup, vegetables and minced potatoes - and we thought these were comparatively recent innovations. A 'mess box' is advised, containing enough food for the trip, to avoid opening numerous sacks en route, and likewise she suggests three canvas bags, one 'exclusively for bedding', one for 'wearing apparel' and a third for 'footwear of all kinds. '

A final piece of advice regards replacement of the 'heavy, inconvenient ready made sleeping bags ... Take apiece of heavy canvas 5 x 14feet ... fold half the strip of canvas on the ground, place your bedding on it [1 rubber blanket, 3 or 4 pair all-wool blankets, I feather pillow] and draw the other half over you and don't have a restless night! 'You are thus protected from dampness and wind and have something doubly useful, for if you are caught out in a blizzard without a tent you can stretch your canvas over a pole and make a tent at a moment" notice. " Just like that!

Mr. Strong was made Governor of Alaska in 1911 and served for 8 years, returning to Seattle in 1918. After that, the couple travelled extensively until his death in July 1929. Annie's obituary in the Alaska Weekly dated April 25 1947 stated that Mrs. Strong had 'encircled the globe five times and spent much time in India, South America, Russia and England'. She was a remarkable - and tough - woman.

PP of DC


  • Skagway Museum
  • 'One Woman's Gold Rush' by Cynthia Brackett Driscoll



How well did you do? Give yourself one point for each correct answer.

[a] 50 [b] 120 [c] Rail Enquiries [d] 10 years [e] 7 [f] 1.2 [g] 71 [h] 5,000 [i] Road [k] 3 times

  • 1-3 - OK
  • 4-6 - Good
  • 7-10 - Great - you really are TravelWise!





31st DECEMBER 1999









  1. LOG ON - Makin a wood stove hotter
  2. LOG OFF -Don't add no more wood to the stove
  3. MONITOR -Keepin an eye on the wood stove
  4. DOWNLOAD -Getting the farwood off the truk
  5. MEGA HERTZ -When yer not kerful gittin the farwood
  6. FLOPPY DISC -Whatcha git from trying ta carry too much farwood
  7. RAM -That thar thang whut splits the farwood
  8. HARD DRIVE -Gittin home in the winter time
  9. PROMPT -Whut the mail aint in the winter time
  10. WINDOWS -Whut to shut when it's cold outside
  11. SCREEN -What to shut when it's black fly season
  12. BYTE -Whut them dang flys do
  13. CHIP -Munchies for the TV
  1. MICRO CHIP - Whut's in the bottom of the munchiebag
  2. MODEM - Whut cha did to the hay fields
  3. DOT MATRIX - Old Dan Matrix's wife
  4. LAP TOP - Whar the kitty sleeps
  5. KEYBOARD - Whar ya hang the dang keys
  6. SOFTWARE - Them dang plastic forks and knifs
  7. MOUSE - What eats the grain in the barn
  8. MAINFRAME - What holds up the barn roof
  9. PORT - Fancy Flatlander wine
  10. ENTER - Northerner talk for "C'mon in y'all"
  11. MOUSE PAD - That hippie talk fer the rat hole
  12. RANDOM ACCESS MEMORY - Wen ya cain't 'memer whutya paid fer the rifle when yore wife asks!

Arnold Dixon [TAD] - Houston, Texas



It is with much sadness we record the sudden and untimely death of Anna Noble on the 8th September.

Many villagers will remember Anna and her parents, Bob and Wendy, who lived at Donnybrook. Bob was an architect, responsible for the design of many of the nuclear power stations. Anna, who attended Ilfracombe Grammar School and trained as a graphic artist, also helped at The Globe. She moved to the Lake District to work as a matron in a school and was later followed by her parents. Bob died several years ago, and sadly Wendy died earlier this year.




Now only three months away from the end of the 20th Century and the start of a new Millennium, here is the What's Happening Diary.

The children at the Primary School were asked to decide what should be put in the capsule that will be buried under the Millennium Fountain, and they will also carry out the honour of placing the time capsule in position. All preparations for the fountain are completed and construction will start mid-November.


The last day to register children of the Parish for their free Millennium Mug. These mugs are unique to Berrynarbor, each one individually hand-made, and will become very valuable. The mugs can also be purchased at cost price. Register and order at the Post Office.


  • 3.00 p.m. The official Unveiling of the Millennium Fountain.

A big 'thank you' invitation to all parishioners in the hope you can attend, because you made it possible.

  • Evening Village Square Floodlit, including a large Christmas Tree

The Committee has had many representations as, of course, baby-sitters that evening are going to be rare and expensive, so we are going to open the Manor Hall at 8.00 p.m. and the Penn Curzon Room will become a creche/nursery.

The children's welfare will be the sole responsibility of the parents, or most probably grandparents! There will be music and light refreshments in the Hall, so if you have nowhere else to go, bring your drink and have a party here. At midnight, the IN place to be is the floodlit village square - join hands in 'Auld Lang Syne', raise a toast and listen to the bells of St. Peter's ring in the new Millennium!


  • Afternoon A Fun Medieval Fair in the Square apple bobbing, stocks, etc.
  • 7.30 p.m. Manor Hall - 'Berry Open House'

Full buffet and music, but we ask that you again bring your own drink and glasses. Many of you will have relations or friends visiting, and all the above events have been designed so they can join in the celebrations.


  • 2.00 p.m. Children's Party. Manor Hall - Food and Entertainment
  • 4.00 p.m. Presentation of the Millennium Mugs to the children of the Parish


  • Lunch Senior Citizens Lunch - The Globe, by invitation of the Millennium Committee

Thank you all for the wonderful support you have given the Committee, now please come along and enjoy YOUR Millennium.

Neil Morris - Chairman

In mid-January, there will be a public meeting to wind up the workings of the Millennium Committee, who will present the audited accounts.



Fanmor Productions have been making a new Village Video to commemorate the Millennium.

Still looking for material - have you something unique happening, some hidden away attraction or feel you were missed in the last video, then ring 883077. Filming will be completed at the end of the Millennium Celebrations and the video will hopefully be on sale early in the new year.