Edition 91 - August 2004

Artwork by: Peter Rothwell

Artwork: Judie Weedon


As the school summer holiday begins, Peter's cover depicting the tree house at Tree Tops is most appropriate - let's hope the weather returns to the hot, sunny days so the children can all enjoy being out of the classroom and in the fresh air.

Our good luck wishes go to all students for September: the young ones starting at the Primary School; the Year 6 pupils who will be going on to llfracombe College or elsewhere; those leaving the College to seek employment and those who are progressing to further and higher education at the North Devon College and universities throughout the country.

Thank you, Peter, for another enchanting cover and thank you, too, Debbie, Paul and Nigel for your continued illustrated support.

Talking of our four artists, a big thank you to them all for displaying their talented work at our third 'Country Collection', and thanks too to Tom Bartlett for his pictures of Old Berrynarbor and the pupils of the Primary School for some delightful and colourful ideas for the October cover. Look out for some of their work in the next issue.

The Show has again filled the coffers, although it has to be said that the number of locals - and presumably newsletter readers - who attended was disappointing. You were heavily outnumbered by visitors!

However, those who came enjoyed the display as well as the delicious home-made cakes and drinks. Thank you to everyone who helped or supported the Show in any way.

Articles continue to pour in - thank you - and keep them coming! They will be needed please for the October issue as soon as possible and by Wednesday, 15th September, at the very latest.

Finally, a word about the forthcoming Horticultural and Craft Show. A copy of the Schedule and Entry Forms is being circulated with this Newsletter, and an article appears later in this issue. Don't forget, it is a 'friendly' show - not Chelsea or the Royal Academy - just a bit of fun in showing what YOU can do!

Judie - Ed




At our meeting in June, Judie Weedon gave an interesting insight into the Berrynarbor Newsletter and how it came to start. Members were then able to look around the exhibition. The vote of thanks was given by Margaret Weller, the raffle won by Joan Wood and the competition for six small decorated cakes - which were then enjoyed with our cup of tea! - by Beryl Brewer.

Later in the month members enjoyed a cream tea at the Banbury's Garden Centre at Ashford, in remembrance of Bobbie Hacker. Bobbie had very kindly bequeathed a sum of money so that we could celebrate her birthday.

In July I was privileged to attend the Annual General Meeting of the W.l. held in Sheffield, and the singing of Jerusalem by 4,500 women made me feel proud to be a member and to be part of an organisation working for the good of other people and communities. It was interesting hearing the arguments for and against our three resolutions and being part of the voting process, and knowing that our Institute's vote really did make a difference. George Alagiah spoke passionately about keeping the BBC as an independent and trustworthy voice and about his role in the Fair Trade Campaign and how we can all make a difference. Esther Rantzen assured us that women can make a difference and that we should use the media to get our message across. The highlight of the meeting for me, however, was meeting so many W.l. members and hearing their views.

At our July meeting, Yvonne Davey and Patrick Hamilton told us about the role of the North Devon Volunteering Development Agency - what they do and their objectives for the future, including developing new community facilities and helping other organisations. The vote of thanks was given by Margaret Andrews. The raffle was won by Ethel Tidsbury and the competition for the oldest UK coin - 1890- by Janet Gibbins.

We don't have a meeting in August, so our next one will be on Tuesday, 7th September, when Patricia Stout will be telling us about the Arlington Court Carriage Collection. So ladies, do please come and join us.

Marion Carter




Just a few words to thank everyone - friends and family - who attended Julie's funeral, and to those who came back to Napps afterwards. All the wonderful flowers, thoughts and support meant so much and thank you to everyone who sent one of the hundreds of cards we received.

It's been over two months now since my Julie passed away on the 10th May, but it still seems like yesterday. A special thanks to my two kids, Justin and Gemma, who although I know are hurting just as much as me, have been like rocks for me. Julie would have been so proud of them. She saw Dylan, our first grandson, but never saw Jay, her second, who was born only three weeks later, and now a third grandchild is on the way - due at Christmas - so Julie lives on through them.

Thanks again.

Mike Richards


Artwork: Alvary Scott


TWO SPECIAL SERVICES were held in June.

On the 20th, Christians Together met in Berrynarbor for their evening service. The village choir led the singing and the preacher was Father Terry, who gave a forceful, yet humorous talk on "The Way Jesus Loves". The fellowship continued afterwards over tea and biscuits in the Manor Hall.

The following Sunday, the nearest to St. Peter's Day, we were joined by the Sunday School who were all 'disciples' for the day. They had brought their fishing boat into church and, after introducing themselves, performed a playlet and sang. Thank you to Sally and her helpers and we wish them all a happy summer holiday.

GIFT DAY dawned rather grey and drizzly, but the weather improved by mid-morning and many of us took the chance to have a chat with the Rector. Not quite so many envelopes were returned this year, but those who gave, gave generously and so far £816 has been raised. It is still not too late to return your envelope if it has been overlooked. Thank you once again to everyone who helps to support both the life of the church and the building itself.

No sooner will the Summer Fayre on 27th July be over than preparations for the Flower Festival, 'Our Village', to be held from 6th to 9th August, will be coming to fruition. The church will be open each day from 9.30 a.m. to 7.00 p.m.

Special events will be:

  • Thursday, 5th August - Preview with wine and cheese, 7.30 p.m. onwards. Tickets £2.50 will be on sale at the door or in church the Sunday before.
  • Friday. 6th August - Songs of Praise, 6.30 p.m.

On the subject of flowers, a reminder that Mrs. Linda Brown of Devon Cottage, Hagginton Hill [Tel: 882600], is in charge of church flowers and should be contacted in good time by anyone wishing to put flowers in the church for weddings, etc., whether she is being asked to do the arrangements or not. Her name is to be added to the list of officers, etc., inside the back cover of the Church Magazine, and on display in the church porch in the glass-fronted notice board. Another reminder, there is one shelf at the back of the church by the font for anyone to use at any time to place flowers in memory of a loved one.

HARVEST FESTIVAL this year will be on the last Sunday in September, the 26th, and the Evensong and Supper will be on Wednesday, 29th September. Please watch out for more details nearer the time. As always, gifts of produce and flowers will be much appreciated.

Mary Tucker

On 12th September, the North Devon District Council Civic Service will be held at St. Peter's at 11.00 a.m. This will be attended by Cllr. Yvette Gubb, Chairman, some 30 civic representatives from all over Devon who receive invitations, including all the North Devon District Councillors and their partners. Other guests process according to protocol and include past North Devon District Chairmen, North Devon County Councillors, Police, Chivenor Commanding Officer and M.P., with partners, as well as the Lord Mayor of Plymouth and the Chairmen of the eight other District Councils.

In some parts of the County, certain churches and their clergy are permanently designated as the Civic Church and Chaplain. The tradition in North Devon is for the Chaplain and Church to be selected from the ward of the Chairman, thus providing an honour for more parishes and a variety of venues. In recent years, St. Peter Ad Vincula [Combe Martin], Holy Trinity, St. Philip and St. James, Brookdale [all in llfracombe], Christ Church and St. Brannock [both in Braunton], All Saints [North Molton] have been honoured in this manner.

The Service was last held in Berrynarbor in 1985 during Cllr. Graham Andrews' second year of office.

Especial parking arrangements will be made for the morning. This service will replace the normal Sunday worship.

Margaret Andrews

Friendship lunches will be held at The Globe on Wednesdays 25th August and 22nd September, 12.30 p.m. onwards. Anyone new to the village will be very welcome to come and join us. Please give Mary Tucker a ring [883881] so that we have fairly accurate numbers to help the catering.




Sunday School finishes this term with a Bar-B-Q at Sarah's. The new term will commence on 12th September at 11.00 a.m. in the Penn Curzon Room, but we will not be idle during the holidays: we have a stall at the Summer Fayre on 27th July, then the Flower Festival in August, when we shall be decorating the children's corner in the church, swiftly followed by Combe Martin Carnival on 11th August. This year our float will be 'Joseph and his coat of many colours'. So, under Sarah's watchful eye, we shall all be getting 'plastered' again! Please come and cheer us on, a lot of work and effort goes into our float.

On 27th June, the children performed a short play about Peter, Jesus' favourite disciple, to celebrate our Patronal Festival. Ella very ably played Peter, with Ryan as Jesus. The other children were disciples or fish .and we finished with the song 'We Will Make You Fishers of Men', the children processing around the church collecting members of the congregation on the way.

I have had a letter from the Stark family, who have moved to France, thanking Berrynarbor Sunday School for the happy times that Jessica, Juliet and Eloise spent with us - we wish them well in their new adventure and we miss the girls very much, always so enthusiastic in Sunday School. We welcome Aimee who has recently joined us and hope she will enjoy our Sundays together.

We all wish you happy, sunny days to rest and refresh until we meet again.

Joke: I can't help admiring one little boy who summed up the problem of evil memorably. His pious grandmother caught him beating up his sister. 'Billy', she said, leaning over him and shaking her finger. 'It was Satan who told you to scratch Amy's face. 'Perhaps it was,' said Billy, 'But it was my idea to kick her in the shins'!

Sally B



Following Jim Constantine's article in the last issue seeking support for Broadband, sufficient people have now registered and it is understood that BT will be upgrading the Combe Martin exchange on Wednesday, 27th October. Great!

Thank you to everyone for your support in bringing the benefit of Broadband to Berrynarbor.

If you would still like to have more information, it is available on www.bt.com/broadband or speak to Jim on 882797.




The North Devon Hospice are organising two sponsored events to raise funds for the local Hospice.

The first, the 'Devon Dangle' - not for the feint-hearted - is on Sunday, 19th September, when you can take up the gauntlet to abseil either 80 or 180 feet of breath-taking cliffs near Hartland, in the safe hands of professionals. If you would like to take up this challenge, ring Alison Hunt on [01271] 344248 for an application form.

The second is less daring! A sponsored walk, cycle or horse ride on Exmoor on Sunday, 26th September, organised by Ivan Huxtable. The 21-mile walk starts at Simonsbath at 8.15 a.m., the 25-mile cycle starts at Simonsbath at 10.30 a.m. and the horse riders will start their 10-mile ride at 11.30 a.m. from Brendon Two Gates. For further information call Ivan on [01769] 540835 or Alison on [01271] 344248.


Artwork: Paul Swailes


Since the AGM on 4th May, various changes in membership of the Committee have come into play.

Vi Davies assumes the role of Treasurer with added responsibility to manage the diary and bookings. Jane Vanstone has become Secretary, and 'yours truly' elected Chairman to the Committee. There are new members to the Committee, Sue Sussex and Annie Trinder.

The usage of our Hall continues to grow and new, extra events and classes will be a feature of the diary as we move towards the autumn.

More immediately we look forward to the Berry Revels Fete, rescheduled to TUESDAY 17TH AUGUST to avoid a clash with events in the Combe Martin Carnival Week. This is the most significant event of the year to raise funds for the Hall and we'll be looking to your support to attend and contribute to a successful evening, at the same time hoping for the best of summer weather!

Progressively, the Committee will be addressing some key agenda items in the coming weeks, including:

  • Session Charges for hire of the Main Hall and Penn Curzon Room to be reviewed.
  • List of items for the Maintenance Programme are to be drawn up and prioritised in terms of needs for funds and any urgencies attaching.
  • A 3-year Business Plan will be considered as the vehicle to help us avail ourselves of the various Grants that may be available.

The Manor Hall is a superb asset to Berrynarbor and a focal point for the Village that may take on an even greater significance in the months ahead. Keeping abreast with the needs of Hall users and a keen eye for the future is what your Committee is about. To help get it right, your input of constructive ideas and comments are important. If you have items to put forward then please feel free to do so to me or to any members of the Committee.

Colin Tinder Chairman


Artwork: Debbie Rigler Cook


It was sad to say goodbye to Chris Jesson who, after ten years in the village, has moved to Alverton in Nottinghamshire, where she will be nearer to her family.

Brambly Hedge is now home to Rosemary Evans and her husband Ralph, an American who works for General Motors. They are moving here from the Middle East where Rosemary was teaching English as a foreign language. She is now teaching at the North Devon College. Hobbies include reading, especially detective novels, walking and now there is plenty of garden to keep them busy. Brambly Hedge is also home to their five, well-behaved 'rescue cats', who have come with them from overseas, together with their quarantine certificates and clean bills of health!

Glenbridge has been home to Margaret Ludlow for fifteen years, but she has now decided to move back to her roots and family in Salisbury. Margaret would like to thank all her friends and neighbours for their help, support and friendship and wishes them well for the future.

Returning to the village and the new residents at Glenbridge are Claire and Michael Prentice, who have been living in the llfracombe area since they left Summerhill a few years ago. The family has grown and now consists of daughters Olivia and Sarah, seven and five, and son Samuel, who is two. Bringing the household to seven are their two black Labradors, Freddy and Jackson.

Also returning to the village are Joan and Malcolm Garbett who left Berrynarbor Park to return to Lichfield some four years ago. Now, after a brief stop-over in Combe Martin, they are back here living at Corfe Cottage.

Having sold their home in Henley-on-Thames, Alan and Wendy Lord and their dog Meg have 'squeezed' themselves into Brookvale, whilst looking for somewhere a little larger to live! We wish them luck and hope they will keep in touch with the village.

Terry and Jackie Young have moved to Middle Marwood, leaving Rookery Nook available for Mike and Ann Williams who fell in love with it when they first saw it.

Originally from the Midlands, Mike - a retired engineer for Powergen and Ann - a retired general manager of a hygiene company - spent several months in Filleigh before finding their new home. They have two sons and two daughters, all of whom have flown the nest. Snow, their white [surprise, surprise!] cat, who adopted them ten years ago, has coped with the moves and has now settled in very happily. Mike and Ann enjoy walking and pottering in the garden.

After some time travelling backwards and forwards, Anna Stevens has finally moved to Farnham and Alwyns is now the home of Susan and Paul Wilkins.

Paul, a retired pharmacist, and Susan, a retired midwife, have come from the Cheltenham and Gloucester area. Their daughter, Anna, is completing her final year as a Medical Student at Leicester, and their hobbies include walking and country pursuits, having had and bred both dogs and horses.

To everyone who has left, we wish you every happiness in your new homes, and we wish the same and a warm welcome to all the newcomers to the village.



[Part 2 - again with apologies to Rudyard Kipling]

If you can keep your cool when anger flares up
And not apportion blame nor blow your top
If you can put your trust in those who're working
To motivate us all to keep our village shop
Who willingly give time to rattle cages
Check grants, make plans and survey sites to choose
Then instigate a meeting for us sages [dubious, but it rhymes!]
To bring us up to date - then air our views
If our postmaster's into golf and surfing
And tired of daily chores - no blame for that
Remember Nora's care for sick and aged
And Alan's help when we have lost the cat
They've passed on news, sold tickets, survived flooding
And opened shop next day we saw no tears
Can we not make allowance for their closing
Then wish them health and many happy years?
If you can help with time, or good ideas or cash
Or think up ways to make our own shop pay
 if you will shun the supermarket's trash
And wine shops where the booze is cheap, you may
Then buy your stamps, cooked meat and luscious veggies
And other needs, like pensions, cards and pop
Come have a chat, fund raise, provide the goodies
Then what is more - we'll keep our village shop!

Although the deadline has passed, IF you've not yet filled in the survey, please, please do so without delay. To parody the words of John Kennedy: "Ask not what your village shop can do for you, but what you can do for your village shop"!

PP of DC


Artwork: Debbie Rigler Cook


And the wedding party came from down under! St. Peter's Church on the 5th June was the venue for the marriage service of Jamie, son of Sue and Alan Richards of East Hagginton, and Julie-Ann, daughter of John and Linda Roberts, formerly of Pinehurst Residential Home, Ilfracombe, and now of Queensland, Australia. Jamie and Julie-Ann, who also live in Australia, returned to the village for their wedding, setting off again for their honeymoon and home.

The date - 12th June, the place - St. Peter's Church, Berrynarbor, the event - the wedding of Tom and Luan. Tom is the eldest son of Mary and Brian Malin of Mill Park, and Luan the daughter of Ian Sturman and Cindy Rich. Tom, who helps out with the family business at Mill Park, and Luan, who also helps with her family business, Richmond Engineering, live in llfracombe. Their honeymoon - a wedding present - was spent as VIP's at the Glastonbury Festival.

The wedding of Lloyd and Paula took place at St. Mary the Virgin Church at Pilton on Saturday, 19th June. Lloyd is the only son of Penny and Geoff Gove [On-a-Hill] and Laura the third daughter of Jim and Jenny ten-Bokkel of Barnstaple. Lloyd, the Service Manager of the family business Workshop in Barnstaple, and Laura, keeping it in the family, the Forecourt Manager at Lynton Cross, spent their honeymoon in Cuba and live in Milltown.

The 17th July was the wedding day of Christian and Laura, the marriage service taking place at St. Peter's Church, followed by a honeymoon in Thailand. Christian is the eldest son of Pat and Graham Rice of Combe Martin, and Laura the second daughter of Ann Pennington [late of Ducky Pool] and David Hookway. Christian, an electrician and Laura, who will be taking up her first teaching post at llfracombe College in the Autumn Term, live in Combe Martin.

To all the newlyweds, we send our congratulations and very best wishes for your future happiness.




June was a rather quiet month really, mainly due to members having other commitments. The proposed day run on the 19th had to be cancelled, or rather postponed, as we hope it will take place in September, and the Breakfast Run kindly organised by Steve, fell foul to weather and lack of numbers.

The only planned event in July was the Evening Run across Exmoor. Check the Diary for future dates -in addition to those listed, there are a couple of Hill Climbs which we could attend if there is sufficient interest.

We still hope that visitors will join us when they can, and we also look forward to new members from Berrynarbor.


  • 8th August - Road Racing at Keevil. Contact Brian for details. 11th August - Evening Run, 6.00 p.m. rear of The Globe
  • 14th/15th August - International Scramble
  • 21st August - Superbikes at Castle Combe
  • 8th September - Evening Run, 6.00 p.m. rear of The Globe
  • 25th/26th September - Superbike Week-end, Castle Combe




Illustrated by: Paul Swailes
Winter is cold-hearted,
Spring is yea and nay,
Autumn is a weather-cock
Blown every way:
Summer days for me,
When every leaf is on its tree.
When Robin's not a beggar,
And Jenny Wren's a bride,
And larks hang singing, singing, singing,
Over the wheat fields wide.
And anchored lilies ride,
And the pendulum spider
Swings from side to side.
And blue-black beetles transact business,
And gnats fly in a host,
And furry caterpillars hasten
That no time be lost,
And moths grow fat and thrive,
And ladybirds arrive.
Before green apples blush,
Before green nuts embrown,
Why, one day in the country
Is worth a month in town:
Is worth a day and a year
Of the dusty, musty, lag-last fashion
That days drone elsewhere.

Christina Rossetti [1830-1894]



As many of you will already be aware, Mary returned from Malawi last year although she has been back more recently to lecture the medical students who are training to be doctors in Blantyre hospital.

Having returned to Malawi, Mary has found much still to be done there. For instance, she told us that hospital staffing had got worse with at times only one nurse on duty at night for over 300 sick children.

Some of you may have heard recently on Radio 4, Bono of [U2] confirming much of what Mary has said, having visited Malawi. He was appalled to find four terminally ill people in each bed, three in the bed and one sleeping on the floor underneath. He also mentioned that medics were dying of Aids as fast as they could be trained.

Overall a very bleak picture in what is virtually the poorest country in the world.

Whilst Mary was there, our village and elsewhere contributed magnificently in blankets, teddy bears, bonnets and cash for basic medical supplies. The emphasis since her return has been for cash to pay for local supplies of basic medical equipment, like drips and antibiotics which are cheap but unavailable in the hospital.

Mary is due to leave for Tanzania in September, having qualified as a consultant, but will continue her association with Malawi. She believes the emphasis there, for the time being, must be for nurses in the children's wards, which will probably save more lives than anything else. We understand that a nurse's wage there may be as little as £10 sterling a month.

Back home we continue to send funds via Mary and this summer once again are utilising all monies from the sale of fruit and vegetables from our garden to help the cause in Malawi.

At the moment we place produce for sale down on the lane outside our cottage. Some more sensitive items, such as washed bags of salads, we sell from our cottage, picking them on demand. This will be especially true of runner beans, which are just coming on stream.

If you don't find what you want at the gate, call up at the house.

So far this year we have already raised £200 from garden produce alone.

Many thanks for your continuing support.

Bernard and June O'Regan

Pink Heather Cottages, Sterridge Valley



We should like to say thank you to those who opened their gardens and all those who helped with teas, cakes, plants and raffle prizes. It was another great success - over £400 being raised for Berry in Bloom and a donation to the Horticultural and Craft Show.

Unfortunately, we have had to cancel the Sterridge Valley Garden trail due to take place in August, due to the lack of gardens able to open.

Ann and Vi




  • Alan and Wendy Lord of Brookvale, are proud to announce two new babies in the family. Luke Robert was born on the 30th November 2003. Weighing 6 lbs 2 oz, a son for their daughter, Melanie, and Rob Grigorian. A granddaughter, Olivia Grace, was born on the 11th April. Olivia is the daughter of their son, Matthew, and Sarah.
  • Janet and Tony Gibbins of the Coastguard Cottages announce the arrival of their fourth grandchild, Sonny, who lives in Ilfracombe.
  • Congratulations to Graham Andrews [and Margaret] on becoming a Great Grandfather. Matthew Philip weighed in at 7 lbs 5 oz on the 8th April. The first child for Charlene [Graham's eldest granddaughter] and Tony Peace of Yorkshire.
  • David and Louise Richards are delighted to announce the birth of their son, Joshua David Lewis. Joshua, a brother for Elyse, Kirsty and Kayleigh, a first grandson for Norman and a great-grandson for Ivy, weighed in at 8lbs 1oz on the 7th June.
  • Mike Richards is proud to announce the arrival of his second grandson. Justin and Care's son, Jay Liam, was born on the 11th June, weighing 6 lbs 13 oz
  • June and Malcolm Davidson are delighted to announce the arrival of their first grandchild. Kitty, a daughter for their son William and his wife Louise, who jive in London, was born on the 3rd July and weighed 8 lbs 1 oz.

A very warm welcome to all the new babies and congratulations to all the parents, grandparents and great-grandparents.




As we said at the end of the last report, May started off badly. The first 3 days were lovely for the bank holiday then the North Westerly gales arrived and the temperature plummeted. We put the geraniums out to harden off on the Monday and put them back in the greenhouse on the Thursday to thaw out and dry off. After that the weather picked right up again and it was dry, warm and sunny with light winds until the bank holiday weekend. The total rain for the month was only 31mm (1 1/4") of which 15mm fell overnight on the 3rd. We had no recordable rain at ali between 7th and 29th. This was considerably dryer than the Mays of 2002 and 2003 when we recorded 156mm (6 1/4") and 80mrn (3 1/4") respectively, but only slightly dryer than May 2001 which produced 34mm (1 3/8"). This was the driest month of 2001.

The winds were generally light apart from the 3rd and 4th when they reached 25k and 30k. The hottest day was the 27th when the temperature climbed to 23.7C. This was cooler than the maximums in the previous 3 years which all topped 27.40 C. Judie recorded 131.64 hours sunshine in May 2003 but this year was well up with 176.69 hours.

June was a month of contrasts with rain and cool days right at the beginning of the month and then warming up with sea fog around the coastal areas and temperatures rising to 27.90 C on the 7th, this was no record temperature as last year we had 29.2 C and in 2000 30.3 C. The lowest temperature was 8.2 C on the 2nd, which was slightly warmer than the 2003 lowest of 7.7 C. From the 11th to the 22nd it was quite dry with small amounts of rain on the 18th and the 22nd, then the barometer caught the eye as it started to fall on the 22nd from 1011 mbs to 992mbs by 0800hrs on the 23rd. This brought 20mm (3/4") rain and 30k of wind and a wind chill of 50 Deg C. The total rain for the month was 48mm (1 7/8") which was about average, last year we had 50mm (2").

Again the hours of sunshine were up with 184.30 this June compared with 172.12 last year, although the increase was not as great as in May.

The breakdown in the weather has continued into the beginning of July which may be good news for the gardens as far as the rain goes, but the strong winds are not doing the plants much good, hopefully though summer will return.

Simon and Sue



First came the media hype. If you believed everything that was written last autumn, the future of North Devon and a sizeable chunk of the known universe was hanging by a slender thread, dependent on the whim of London critics and their response to Ilfracombe's newest restaurant.

Then came the waiting, the watching and the speculating. When would '11 The Quay', the result of a collaboration between Damien Hurst and Berrynarbor resident, Simon Browne, actually open its doors, which had remained stubbornly shut over the winter and into the spring?

The answer came at the end of May, with the restaurant's official launch, initially based around a reduced 'Tapas and Mezze' menu, while a full complement of staff was being put into place.

Six of us booked a table for a few days later, ominously coinciding with the culmination of 'Hell's Kitchen' on Channel 4, which seemed to have turned half the nation into experts in running a restaurant. Would the team crack under such pressure? Not a bit of it. We had a great evening of excellent but unpretentious food, enjoyed in relaxed surroundings with friendly service - all set off by the stunning view from the 'Atlantic Room'.

11 The Quay is now serving a full dinner menu [on Saturday evenings only at the time of writing], which friends from Berrynarbor sampled recently. They too were impressed by the quality of food on offer and felt that they had enjoyed good value for money. This is a venture that deserves to succeed for these reasons alone - congratulations to Simon and the rest of the team.

Tim Jones



Summer Comedies at the Landmark - Studio Theatre will be presenting a Double Bill of hilarious comedies from the pen of Alan Ayckbourn. If you want a laughter-filled Sunday evening out, then look no further than the Landmark Theatre on Sundays 8th and 29th August.

Old Tyme Music Hall - we announce the welcome return of the summer season of Old Tyme Music Hall, directed by Pamela Beecham. It will take place on Fridays and we are confident that it will play to full houses, so don't forget to book up in good time.

Broadway Magic - After last year's acclaimed 'And All That Jazz', we bring more musical theatre to the Landmark with Broadway Magic. Once again, adult and young studio theatre join under the direction of Lee Baxendale to perform a show for all who love musicals. The show will include comedic scenes and some stunning dance routines, choreographed by Anna Whatley and with a cast of over thirty singers and dancers, this production promises to be an all singing, all dancing spectacular, with something for everybody. Broadway Magic can be seen at the Landmark at 8.15 p.m. on the 1st and 22nd August.


Artwork: Angela Bartlett


In 1954, Betty and I were married [50 years now!] and were browsing around at the nearby market. It wasn't long before Betty spotted the pet stall. There, in a rather small cage, were three fluffy bundles. "Oh, wouldn't it be nice to have a pup?" she said, with a look of delight in her eyes. We agreed on a little bitch, but we had further shopping to do. "I'll tell you what" the proprietor smiled, "You give me your address and I'll drop her off on my way home, you can pay me the £2 then."

Well, we finished our shopping and went home to our evening meal. The evening drew on, but no sign of the man. I know what, Betty," I said, realising that we were both feeling rather down. "We have his address and we'll go and see what has happened."

Off we went, found his house and he was most apologetic. We paid him the £2 and took our bundle of fluff home. We called her Mandy and she was a cross between a cairn and a golden spaniel.

Mandy grew into a nice little dog, though being a terrier type was inclined to snap. At about 10.30 each night, when the roads were quiet, I would take her out to train - to follow to heel, sit and stay, and generally be obedient.

We took her everywhere in the car and always thought she could be trusted to leave the shopping alone. One day, however, she tore open a packet of acid hypo - a poisonous chemical used in fixing photograph prints. She ate the lot, but apparently with no harm!

One day we had the radio on and there was a brass band playing. Suddenly Mandy gave a long, low howl and was wagging her tail. We were able to develop this and she would 'sing' to order, not just for us but for anyone.

We had Mandy for about ten years but she became ill and had to be spayed, but sadly her heart would not stand the strain and she died.

Two weeks later we had a call from the vet who had operated, who said, "I've got a litter of cross-bred Labrador pups which will have to be put down if they can't be found homes." We told her we didn't want another dog, but she said to come and have a look anyway - she knew what she was doing! She came out to us holding a large bundle of fur on one arm. Two pups were upside down and one the right way up! We chose a bitch and took her home, but it was a puzzle to know what to call her - so that is what we called her, Puzzle!

Puzzle was a 'no trouble' dog, falling in with everything we did. She would lay outside our holiday caravan and not worry anyone; she loved to swim and would be in and out of the sea whilst we were at the beach. She would also accompany me to the post box without being on the lead but there was one incident in the early days when she wandered into the middle of a busy road. With traffic going by on both sides, she stood there bewildered. Fortunately she stayed where she was and with a break in the traffic I grabbed her. I told her off for being so silly and she never did it again! I was really the silly one, though, for not having her on a lead.

In those days I used to do a lot of swimming down at the Colchester open air pool. On talking to the manager about my dog, he said, "Well look, if you bring her on the last day of the season, nobody else comes, she can have a swim on her own." On the day, the weather was fine and off we went. Puzzle was obviously excited and couldn't wait to jump in and after a while I thought I'd better get her out. I grabbed her and lifted her out, intending to have a little rest myself. She wasn't having any and jumped straight in again. I decided to go off the spring board, she just followed and jumped in after me. What a delight she was!

At the times of both Mandy and Puzzle, we had a white rabbit, Snowball, who bit Mandy on the nose and would chase Puzzle around the back garden, much to her distaste, The picture [by courtesy of Essex County Standard] shows Snowball, Puzzle and our second son, Christopher. Sadly, Puzzle died of old age in 1979.

Then came Bonnie. Bonnie was, in fact, our eldest son's dog and because he is a Remote Observation Vehicle Pilot [small submarines used for oil rig, etc., purposes], this meant he spent a lot of time offshore. Yes, every time he was away, we looked after Bonnie. This went on for some time until, because he was spending so much time away, he gave her to us. She was quiet, lovable and all you could wish for in a dog. Sadly, Bonnie became ill and eventually had to be put to sleep. Once again we were without a dog.

Not for too long - Ray called in to see us with a present - a little bitch puppy and we named her Bessie. But Bessie was a 'chewer'! She first attacked the best quality vinyl flooring in the utility room - her room. Then she went for the control panel on the washing machine; next the paint on the radiator, architrave and even the furniture. However, once you get them past the chewing stage, they are OK. [l wonder how many other dog owners have suffered from this problem?!] Or are they? Given half a chance they will take over your best arm chair - no doubt thinking they are keeping it warm for you! Bessie is also a 'puller', which has meant treatment for me, but now I have found a lead called a 'Haltee' which Bessie hates and runs away when I try to put it on. She is now in her eleventh year and still loves her walks and life in general. If there is nothing to bark at, she is not worried, and as we watch television she sleeps. Her nose and mouth move about with all sorts of twitchings, accompanied by faint little noises and grunts. Her feet are also 'on the go'!

We hope to have Bessie for some time yet, but I know my heart will be broken once again one day.

Tony Beauclerk - Colchester




New Councillor - After the resignation of Mary Malin, no by-election was called and so the Parish Council had the duty of co-opting a new member. I am delighted to say we had three volunteers - any of whom would have been an asset to the Council.

After the voting by ballot was complete, the new Councillor emerged Mark Adams, who lives in Castle Hill and is an optician, practising in both Ilfracombe and Braunton.

Graham E. Andrews - Chairman

N.B. There is no meeting scheduled for August. The next Parish Council Meeting will be on Tuesday, 7th September- a week earlier than normal.



    You may designate what you will to your own, of course, but in French when uncertain of 'le' or 'la', you can refer to l'ordinateur. It is a bit dated but the French Academy will be pleased it is not American or English.




The gift which I am sending you is called a dog, and is in fact the most precious and valuable possession of mankind.

Theodorus Gaza

Dogs are not our whole life, but they can make our lives whole.

Robert Caras

I take the liberty of confiding to your charity and humanity ... Max, who is the best and gentlest and most reasonable and well-mannered, as well as the most beautiful small animal of his kind. I shall take it kindly if he be not too often gratified with titbits at meals. Of course what he most intensely dreams of is being taken out on walks, and the more you are able to indulge him the more he will adore you and the more all the latent beauty of his nature will come out.

Henry James

The dog is a saint. He is straightforward and honest by nature. He knows by instinct when he is not wanted; lies quite still for hours when his king is hard at work. But when the king is sad and worried he creeps up and lays his head on his lap. "Don't worry. Never mind if they all abandon you. Let us go out for a walk and forget all about it!"

Alex Munthe

Somewhere a little dog doth wait;
it may be by some garden gate.
With eye alert and tail attent -
You know the kind of tail's that's meant -
With stores of yelps of glad delight
To bid me welcome home at night

John Kendrick Bangs

You think dogs will not be in heaven? I tell you, they will be there long before us.

Robert Louis Stevenson

No one appreciates the very special genius of your conversations as a dog does.

Christopher Morley

He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your god. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion.


I miss the wagging little tail;
I miss the plaintive, pleading wail;
I miss the wistful, loving glance;
I miss the circling welcome-dance.

Henry Willet "In Memoriam"

Near this spot are deposited the remains of one who possessed Beauty without Vanity, Strength without Insolence, Courage without Ferocity, and all the Virtues of Man without his Vices. This praise, which would be unmeaning Flattery, if inscribed over human ashes, is but a just Tribute to the Memory of BOATSWAIN, a Dog.

John Cam Hobhouse

Every boy should have two things:
a dog, and a mother willing to let him have one.


Illustrations by: Debbie Rigler-Cook


Artwork: Peter Rothwell


The Rectory
Combe Martin

Dear Friends,

In a small village in fifteenth century Germany, there was a family of eighteen children. Money was scarce and two brothers shared a dream of being artists, but realised that financial help from the family would be impossible. So they decided that one of them should go and work in the nearby mines to support the other through art academy; and then the other would return, sell their art work, or work in the mines, to send the other brother off to study. The decision was made by the toss of a coin and Albert stayed at home to work in the mines.

Four years later, his brother returned home to a great celebration. At the end of the meal he stood up and raised his glass and said, "To my brother Albert who made all this possible. Now, my brother, it's your turn to go to the academy." Slowly Albert rose to his feet, tears streaming down his face, as he said that that would no longer be possible. He held out his hands, saying that bones in every finger had been broken at least once while working in the mine, and that he could not even pick up his glass for the toast, never mind hold a pencil or an art brush, and what is more, arthritis had set in.

His brother, Albrecht Durer was so moved by that sacrifice of love that he drew the pair of hands together pointing to the sky. He simply called it 'Hands', but people soon responded to the loving masterpiece and renamed it 'The Praying Hands'. The brother's sacrifice was remembered for ever.

With all good wishes.

Your Friend and Rector

Keith Wyer



Articles in the last two issues of the Newsletter seem to have stirred up some remembrances of times past. Thank you for sharing your memories with us.

The photo of Scat Lerwill on his pony reminded me of walks in the Sterridge Valley when my children were small. He used to pass by on his way home from the Globe - sometimes he would nod to us, at other times he appeared to be asleep with the pony in charge.

Seeing his grocery bill from the Manor Stores reminded me of the six happy years spent working in the shop for Miss Cooper, who had taken over from Mr. Baker. I started work there in 1951 and we sold practically everything from groceries to hardware. Paraffin was delivered by tanker and was pumped into a large metal tank in one of the storehouses at the rear of the shop and customers would bring their own cans and bottles to buy a gallon or a pint - health and safety was unheard of! Vinegar would be delivered in a cask, which had to be tapped and Mr. Long, the Landlord of the Globe, would do this for us. Customers again always brought their own bottles, usually lemonade ones. Cheddar cheese came in a 90 lb round, covered in muslin, which had to be soaked off with a wet cloth. It had a thick rind and we would cut the cheese into smaller pieces with a wire. This was rather tricky and if you were not careful the wire would snap.

I also learned how to bone a side of bacon. It always arrived in Hessian sacking delivered from the Harris Bacon Company, of Calne in Wiltshire, and the Danish Bacon Company. In the summer, with all the visitors coming to Berrynarbor, we would sell as many as six sides of bacon a week. It was sliced up, using a hand turned slicer, which had to be cleaned at the end of each day. The customer would choose the thickness of the rasher. Money was tight in those days and we would often sell a single egg or one Oxo cube for a penny - 1d!

After six very happy years working for Miss Cooper, I thought ! should try the 'wider world', so I joined the Women's Royal Army Corps and went to train at a camp near Guildford, Surrey. Well! What a shock! That lasted for three long weeks, it was all too rough for a 'Berry Maid'! We had to wear thick lisle stockings and such heavy shoes - second cousins to boots, I think - which gave me blisters on my blisters, and not to mention the drill! My mother paid £15 to get me out, so home I came and as they say, the rest is history.

Rosslyn Hammett

Steve McCarthy's letter to 'My dear Aunty' in his Rural Reflections brought back so many happy memories of my childhood and walks up the Score Valley.

My father, the late Charles [Charlie] Huxtable was the local monumental mason, our home being 'Kalinova', 13 Church Street, llfracombe, from where he ran his business. No doubt older readers will remember the many headstones on view in the windows of what is now The Handyman Suppliers.

My father was the Manager of the Score Cemetery and every Sunday afternoon he and I would walk out to Score so that he could inspect the cemetery and at that time, the very beautiful and peaceful chapel.

If my memory serves me correctly, the cemetery was privately owned, each plot being owned by individual families who paid a certain amount each year towards the upkeep of the cemetery and chapel. At that time, funeral services were often held in the little chapel.

As the families have died out, so the income has reduced - very few remain now. This accounts for the now over-grown resting places and the vandalised chapel. It is worth noting here that over the years, Mrs. Gwen Cross of llfracombe has organised working parties to clear the brambles, cut trees, etc., and at these times it was good to see the old cemetery looking something like its old self.

Our Sunday walk would start through Bicclescombe Park and then on past where today's factory is. The hedgerows here were open to the sun and you would always find flowers. Below the sycamores, which still stand as beautiful as ever, there was garlic - not used much in those days, but now find the odd leaf very good in a fresh green salad. Today, where a passing car, bike or foot has crushed a plant, the smell takes me back.

We would look for double ferns - I don't know their name but it was a common fern, bright green with a wide leaf. There was great excitement when we found one and there were a lot more when we got closer to the end of the lane. Needless to say, these were left to give joy on another day,

In those days the special engravings on the headstones were roses, lilies and ivy leaves. We would always be on the look out for a really fresh ivy leaf, which would be carefully wrapped up and taken back to the workshop to be drawn and used as required on a headstone.

In the spring time there would be lambs in the fields and to your left, the top field below Score Woods would be a mass of primroses - and still is. You look as you drive up to Mullacott next spring!

In the cemetery itself, there was always a mass of spring flowers - the pink variety of primroses as well as yellow and wild violets in every nook and cranny. The perfume filled the air. No doubt the flowers still abound and show their heads when cleared of brambles and other weeds.

The chapel was locked in those days but Dad would, as Manager, hold a key and so I have only happy memories of the then peaceful and lovely little place of worship.

My family and I visited there one Christmas to collect ivy for the house - the long stems were so good for picture frames and we were horrified to see what the vandals had done to the building and so glad that Dad was not there to see it.

Our walk home would take the same route or up to Cairn Woods and down Station Road, but this depended on the weather. We would arrive home to a meal prepared by Mum - a high tea it was called. Why high? Can anyone tell me? It would usually consist of kippers or 'Combe herrings, cold meat and pickles. No chips in those days, but lots of bread and butter and always a home-made cake of some sort!

Happy days and thanks for the memories.

Betty Blackmore

We read with great amusement the account by Jenny T of life at the coastguard cottages when the coastguards lived there. Yes! There are days [and nights] when it's terribly rough out there and the waves crash on the rocks at Rillage Point. it's tough if you need to go out and your clothes are soaked before you even reach the car park!

We moved into the cottages in the summer of 2000, with a baby on the way. On the first evening we saw dolphins playing off the point and the sunset was beautiful. Our first baby arrived at the end of October and so did the winds and horizontal rain that we had been told about. We laughed at night lying in bed talking about the roof coming off and one night, while the station was being renovated, we were woken by a loud crash. We looked out of the window just in time to see a port-a-loo and its contents disappearing down the road towards Watermouth! Since we found the kiddies playhouse at several addresses in the garden, we have bought shares in the local building suppliers and buy plenty of cement!

The summers arrive again and it is so fabulous. We loved it so much that we got the parents to move in next door.

The boats, large and small, bob about on the sea; we have seen dolphins several times already this year and seals frequently too. The falcons soar majestically, the pheasants bring their young into the gardens and the sunsets are breathtaking. We see the lifeboat bringing back stricken boats, the Oldenburg on her way to Lundy and the Waverley steaming across the channel. The benefits of living here far outweigh those soggy, windy days when you have all on to keep even your own hair!'

Like Jenny, we love the sea and hope we'll never take that washing-up view for granted!

Janet G and Rachel T


There's a picture at the bottom of my garden
And it fills my heart with joy,
As the day break dawns and the sun awakes
And the sea-gulls soar above.
Yachts sail by without a sound
And fishing boats make their way,
On a sea of turquoise blue
Bejewelled by another glorious day!
There's a picture at the bottom of my garden
And it takes my breath away,
As the twilight fades with a sinking sun
At the end of a perfect day.
A sea of midnight blue
Reflects the orange sun so bright
As it slips through the lilac hue
And dips into the night.

Janet G


Illustration by: Peter Rothwell




What a busy term for all of us! The older children have a class show of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat at the end of term. All the children have had swimming tuition at llfracombe Pool this term.

The children raised £517 toward our new playground from an Activity Evening in May. The work to resurface and enlarge the tarmac area will proceed this summer.

Celebration time! Keep an eye on the local press for details of our excellent SAT's results this year. We shall also be in the press in September for achieving our 'Active Mark' award from the Sports Council. In May, we entered a national poetry competition. 67,000 children entered. 19 of our children will have their work published in a poetry anthology! We also had five runners up.

Wish us luck with our new building plans. We hope major work will begin in the autumn and that the local community and our neighbours are not inconvenienced in any way. Please let me know if you have any difficulties.

Poetry Samples:


The sea is rough,
The sea is smooth,
The sea is big,
The sea is wide.
The sea is blue,
The sea is green,
The sea is big,
The sea is wide.
I stand in the sea,
It's as cold as ice.
I ran back out,
I ran back in,
I dare to swim,
I promise I will.
The sea is big,
The sea is wide.
The fishes swim,
They're scared of you,
If you try to catch them,
They scutter away.
The sea is big,
The sea is wide.
The sea is loud,
The sea is clear.
There's more sea than land,
Land around you,
Sea around you,
Sea round you.
The sea is big,
The sea is wide.

Gracie [age 10]


Weed, weed, you are a pest,
With you there I have no rest.
I want to dig you out,
So I can plant my seed.
I look after my plant
Day after Day,
So get out of the way.
If you don't get out of my way,
I will kill you with a deadly spray.

Ross [age 9]

P.S. Are there any music teachers living locally who could offer after school classes to our pupils? Please get in touch if you are interested. I am sure that parents would pay for tuition if it were available. The school could rent a room for this purpose.

Karen Crutchfield - Headteacher


Artwork: Peter Rothwell


The Sawmill

  • is now open all day, every day, from 12.00 noon.
  • 'Balloon Magic' shows every Monday night, 7.30 p.m., through the summer holidays. Great for the kids - all welcome.
  • Soon to be advertising 'All You Can Eat' nights - due to start with a Chinese night on 23rd October.

The Globe

  • Opening hours remain the same with food served 12.00 to 2.00 p.m. and 6.00 to 9.00 p.m.
  • Wednesday 18th August, Morris Dancers at 9.00 p.m.
  • Quiz Nights will start again [provisionally] on the 3rd October.

Both Pubs If anyone wants to join [or start] a team for pool, darts or skittles, please contact Karen [882259] or Karl [882465].


Artwork: Helen Weedon


Spring and early summer just past have been carbon copies of those last year: April and May being both warm and dry only to be followed by a wet June. By the end of June last year, many were certain that an unsettled summer lay ahead. Such pessimists, however, were to be proven wrong as rain clouds evaporated and record temperatures were reached.

Day after day the sun would rise up and discover yet another clear sky. Then just as it had done the morning before, the sun fast began penetrating such a heat that it generated a haze that bleached the sky and enveloped the land. By late August the landscape too had been bleached. Leaves began to crinkle whilst blades of grass withered and were drained of colour. Yes, the countryside still resembled a patchwork quilt but now it seemed as though it had been created using just beige wool.

During those hot, stifling days, wildlife instinctively sought refuge in any shelter available. Farmers moved their livestock out of fields with no shade so that only hoof prints remained in the earth as evidence that there had once been animal life within the walled hedgerows. Hoof prints that were made, of course, when the ground was softer and rain aplenty.

Yet though the weeks rolled by without a droplet falling, some areas of ground refused to dry up. It was in places such as these that hikers, walking a footpath along the edge of a field, would sink their feet very slightly into the earth beneath them, forcing water out of the ground. Unaware of these delicate puddles created by their footprints, the hikers would walk on, allowing the water to filter back into the earth where it remains.

Or does it? For hidden by the covering of dry grasses, a slender gulley lay unnoticed where the hikers had left their mark; and it is here, into this gully's shallow trough, that the water begins steadily leaking. So steadily, that a continuous dribble of water develops, a dribble that works out the camber of the field and begins trickling alongside it.

At the end of the field this trickle of water meets another from a similar gulley. The two join forces, head off downstream and soon meet another, then another and then even more. When the earth beneath them develops a sudden gradient, this once delicate dribble takes on an urgency about it. The further it descends, so the more water greets it, seeping out from its banks. Suddenly the water darts underground. When it emerges, it finds itself flowing once more at a gentle pace sheltered from the heat of the sun.

Now our gentle stream is meandering through a thick wood. Here and there its waters gently babble over rocks and twigs, only bothering to hasten its flow when nearby tree trunks narrow its banks.

For a while, the stream enjoys the pleasures of infancy and adolescence. Contentedly it flows, this way then that way. Occasionally it lightly splashes its water against its sides or laughingly gurgles to itself, acting as though it hasn't a care in the world. Too soon, however, its flow hastens once more as its landscape changes once more.

Gone is the protection of the swaying trees, replaced now by open grassland and sloping hills that rise on either side. As the river spurts on, these hills periodically descend and allow tributaries to greet it. These force its banks to ever widen. In no time it seems the flowing waters have developed into a mature river. Now running ever faster, its waters bid farewell to the days when it was once a youthful brook. All too suddenly adulthood has arrived.

Yet all the time it scurries on, now scrambling over large boulders or under long bridges. Was that a rail bridge or a road bridge? No time to stop, no time to ask questions. Now, the river must hurry on, so much so, it fails to notice the fall ahead as its waters go cascading downwards. With just enough time to produce a magnificent spray of mist in the air, its deluge of water re-gathers and surges on.

Another river of contemporary size soon comes to greet it. This swells its banks even further and pushes the land out so far it can barely call itself a river any more. Realizing it is reaching the twilight of its course, it finds itself within an expansive estuary. Ahead it sees the whitewash of breakwaters and its final destination.

Then with one final surge, it spews its waters out into the wide-open sea. And when the climate is right, tiny droplets of water will rise up from that sea and make themselves known in the sky. And when the wind is just right, those droplets will gently glide until they hover over the land. And when the climate is right once more, these droplets will tumble out of the sky, bounce upon the ground beneath them and then silently disappear into the earth. And then finally, like a newly born creature that is able to find its way to its mother's milk, despite its eyes being closed, those droplets of water will instinctively find their way to the nearest sound of gently flowing water. The cycle is complete.

Illustration by : Paul Swailes

Steve McCarthy



Lorna's photograph in the June issue prompted Gary Songhurst to delve in to his pictures to find this postcard [the date on the back is 1959] of the village showing the lack of trees and laid hedges and taken from the hill rising up behind Wild Violets and Orchard House, both of which show in the foreground before the road rises to the village past Beach Leigh.



Gary also uncovered some photographs of Wild Violets and the chalets, taken at approximately the same time. This first picture shows Wild Violets in 1957, when Vi and Ernie first moved down from London.

The second, just a few years later, shows the opposite elevation [where Vi's extension is], showing on the far right the door to the apple loft. During the summer, when Vi took in visitors, she, Ernie and Gary would sleep in the loft. The following photo, taken in the late 1950's, shows Vi [on the left], Ernie [on the right], Gary [in front] with 16 of their visitors, for whom Vi would cook.

The last photo, taken at Watermouth, is of Lewis Down, a stonemason, who built the terrace of 4 houses at Wood Park, Gary, Ernie and 'Uncle' Jack Draper, when they were building John Brain's bungalow. This was Gary's first year at work and don't' be fooled by what looks like his bag of tools, he's clutching on to his lunch!!

Whilst talking of the increase in tree growth, I could not resist including this photograph of Chicane, taken in 1969 just before we moved in. It is interesting to note that the only trees on the valley slope were the beautiful beeches. These are now almost hidden from view. When we first came, the slope was covered in bluebells and primroses and the bracken was fired annually to keep it under control. A few years ago, SWEB cut a swathe to clear the scrub trees from interfering with the cables. The next spring the valley slope was covered in wild flowers, the foxgloves were magnificent. Sadly, the saplings are growing apace, once again cutting out the sunlight.

What appears to be trees in the top left-hand corner are in fact branches of fir trees in the front garden of the bungalow.




Congratulations to Simon Hann, Deputy Head, but currently Acting Headmaster, at Sunbridge School at Portsmouth. Simon was put forward by the Governors of the school and has won the Leadership Award - For Making a Difference to the Lives of Children for schools in Hampshire, for his work with secondary school boys who have emotional or behavioural difficulties. Simon was at Berrynarbor Primary School in the mid-1970's, before going to llfracombe College and the North Devon College.

From there he attended Plymouth College of Art and Design, taking a course in silversmithing, before doing a 3-Dimensional Art and Silversmithing degree at Camberwell College of Art & Design in London. He returned to Plymouth to complete a teaching diploma.

Simon, son of Val and David Hann, late of Croft Lee, lives near Chichester with his wife Philippa and children Millie, George and Poppy. Simon, who himself has suffered with dyslexia problems, says: "When kids have been told they are not going to get any qualifications and you manage to help them through and get them to reach their potential, then it's a real buzz." He now goes forward for a national award.

Good luck, Simon, and our congratulations on all you have achieved this far.



"Up the airy mountain
Down the rushy glen.

William Allingham

A midsummer day on Exmoor. We set off across Brendon Common with the joyful sound of larks all about us. A group of Exmoor ponies grazed on the ridge opposite. There were a lot of small heath butterflies. These little light golden-brown butterflies are plentiful throughout the summer on moorland, downs, dunes and grassy meadows, but elsewhere they tend to be seen in ones and twos. Their flight is rapid and they close their wings on landing.

We passed an unusual cairn - the heap of stones being surmounted by a large metal star on a post, which provided a good landmark. A deep rut by the track had filled with water and formed a little pool. This had attracted a large "darter" type of dragonfly. The insect had stormed past us and come to rest at the water's edge, showing off its very broad sky-blue abdomen. The long wings had brown patches at the base. Such a gorgeous creature seemed worthy of a more interesting name than the Broad-bodied Libellula or Libellula Depressa.

The blue colour is present only in the mature male and is not metallic [unlike the colouring in a lot of the hawker dragonflies and in damselflies]. The Libellula Depressa frequents small ponds and slow-moving streams. When resting it holds its wings horizontal in cooler weather and lowers them to shade its thorax in warm weather. There was a clear view of the Welsh mountains that day, layer upon layer of them, but the sea in between was hidden from view, so this gave a strange and unusual perspective. We dropped down towards Lankcombe Ford, a pleasant and peaceful place.

We crossed by means of stepping stones and climbed up Withcombe Ridge, where we sat and watched a dozen ponies canter past on their way to drink at the ford. There were three foals with them. After a short interval, two more ponies arrived, appearing very protective towards a small foal which they kept close between them.

Illustrated by: Paul Swailes

Looking like scatterings of snow, there were a lot of patches of fluffy white cotton grass round about. As we headed back towards Dry Bridge [on the Simonsbath to Lynmouth road], a little hollow seemed an ideal place to shelter from the wind while eating an apple or consulting the map, but there right in the middle was a knotted plastic bag left by a dog walker. I cannot see the logic of depositing these bags about the countryside. Encased in plastic, their contents are not going to biodegrade. In recent years this habit has been on the increase along paths and lanes, with 'dog bags' slung into hedges or even carefully tied onto branches, ready to drip on to some unsuspecting cyclist or walker below.

Beside the unfenced road at Dry Bridge were cows of every colour with their calves. Just one of the cows was a 'Beltie' with a wide cummerbund of curly, creamy-white fur; a very good looking animal. From Dry Bridge we walked up Shilstone Hill to the triangulation point) 1328 feet above sea level, where there was a fine prospect towards Foreland Point and the Bristol Channel and of miles of moorland in every other direction.

On our return, we found that several of the calves had left their own mothers to cross the road and congregate around the Beltie. What made her so popular I don't know, unless they too were impressed by her pretty markings. At the car park someone had left the tracking sign for "l have gone home" - a circle of stones with one stone in the middle, representing a man standing inside his tepee.

Sue H



1st 'Broadway Magic', Landmark Theatre, 8.15 p.m.
5th St. Peter's Church: Flower Festival Preview, 7.30 p.m.
6th St. Peter's Church: Flower Festival to 9th August, inc.
6.30 p.m. Songs of Praise
8th Bikers of Berrynarbor: Road Racing at Keevil
Studio Theatre: Summer Comedies at The Landmark
11thMobile Library in Village from 11.30 a.m.
Bikers of Berrynarbor: Evening Run, 6.00 p.m. rear of Globe
10thNorth Devon Spinners, Manor Hall, 10.00 a.m. onwards
14thand 15th Bikers of Berrynarbor: International Scramble
17thBerry Revels, Manor Hall, 6.30 p.m.
21stBikers of Berrynarbor: Superbikes at Castle Combe
22nd'Broadwa Magic', Landmark Theatre, 8.15 p.m.
24thNorth Devon Spinners, Manor Hall, 10.00 a.m. onwards
25thMobile Library in Village from 11.30 a.m. Friendship Lunch, The Globe, 12.30 p.m.
29thStudio Theatre: Summer Comedies at The Landmark
30th6.00 p.m. Last Date for Entries for Horticultural & Craft Show
2nd Primary School and llfracombe College: Start of Autumn Term
4th Horticultural & Craft Show: Entries staged by 10.30 a.m., Show 2 p.m.
7th W.I. Meeting, Manor Hall, 2.30 p.m: Patricia Stout, Curator of Arlington Carriage Museum
Parish Council Meeting, Manor Hall, 7.30 p.m.
8th Mobile Library in Village from 11.30 a.m.
Bikers of Berrynarbor: Evening Run, 6.00 p.m. rear of Globe
12thSt. Peter's Church: N.D.D.C. Civic Service, 11.00 a.m.
14thNorth Devon Spinners, Manor Hall, 10.00 a.m. onwards
19thNorth Devon Hospice: Devon Dangle
22ndMobile Library in Village from 11.30 a.m.
Friendship Lunch, the Globe, 12.30 p.m.
25th& 26th Bikers of Berrynarbor: Superbike Week-end, Castle Combe
26thSt. Peter's Church: Harvest Festival
North Devon Hospice: Exmoor Sponsored Walk/Cycle/Ride
28thNorth Devon Spinners, Manor Hall, 10.00 a.m. onwards
29thSt. Peter's Church: Harvest Evensong and Supper

Manor Hall Diary:

MondaysBadminton, 7.30 p.m.
Tuesdays2nd & 4th in month: N.D.Spinners 10.00 a.m. onwards
Yoga, 7.00 p.m.
ThursdaysWhist Drive, 7.30 p.m.
FridaysShort Mat Bowls, 7.00 p.m.
SundaysShort Mat Bowls, 2.00 p.m.

Mobile Library:
(Assistant - Jacqui Mackenzie)

11.30 - 11.45 a.m.Sandy Cove
11.50 - 12.05 p.m.Barton Lane
1.15 - 1.40 p.m.The Square
1.45 - 2.05 p.m.Sterridge Valley



Do you have a damp, secluded patch in your garden just itching to be filled? If so, your problems are over. You need look no further. I have millions of seeds just for you!

The RAGGED ROBIN is a fabulous wild flower which is related to the Campion, Corn Cockle and Spurrey. It favours wet meadow, ditch and bog locations, and flowers between May and July. I have not seen Ragged Robin growing anywhere locally except in the Sterridge Valley, but that is not surprising because if it didn't grow along the roadside between CTC and the Globe, I wouldn't see it, would l?

It would be great to see this plant proliferate among the damp areas of Berrynarbor - marsh, bog, river and pond margins; beside springs and wells, even by leaky cess pits. It is not fussy. It is not a pest. It will not take over and it dies back each year after seeding. so . . let's get together and propagate! If you want some seeds, give me a call.

Ragged Robin
Lychnis flos-cuculi

Chris Walden
Cherry Tree Cottage
Tel: 882377

Illustration by: Paul Swailes




Yes, it's not a misprint, the Berrynarbor Horticultural and Craft Show is in its 25th Year. Not bad for a sleepy little village. It is just another sign of the skills and interests that are here, just below the surface, striving for an opportunity to shine [he says, tongue in cheek!].

As it is the 25th Anniversary of the Show, the organisers are trying to make it the biggest and best ever, with some additional categories and a Junior Section to each one. The Juniors will also have their own Cup for the highest overall points winner. Not only this, but in each category there will be not just the usual certificates, but prizes. Yes, you've read it correctly - PRIZES!

We have done some sweet-talking [and arm twisting] to local and even national enterprises, who have very kindly agreed to sponsor the various categories to provide prizes for both adult and junior winners. There is also a new panel of Judges.


The full 2004 Schedule is included with this Newsletter, but should yours be missing - or you would like an additional copy - please contact either Judie on 883544 or myself on 883600, or call at one of the other outlets given in the Schedule to which entries should be returned. We will ensure that you get a copy,

The categories are fairly wide-ranging so that everyone should be able to find something that they can enter. Remember, its not just flowers, fruit and vegetables, it's also art, crafts and photography, with a 'catch all' category in most sections for items not actually specified.

We are not looking for outstanding entries, just the best you can do. And gardeners, if the weather has been too hot, too cold, too wet, too dry, your neighbours have suffered as well.

WE WANT EVERYONE TO BE INVOLVED. so, if you can find a few flowers, or fruit, or vegetables in your garden; something you made that you are proud of; a photograph you took that you feel really works - find a category and put it in. It doesn't cost anything to enter and who knows, you could end up one of our 25th Anniversary Prize Winners.



All things bright and beautiful,
All creatures great and small,
Al! things wise and wonderful,
The Lord God made them ALL.
But what we never mention,
Though gardeners know it's true
Is when He made the goodies
He made the baddies too.
All things spray and swattable,
Disasters great and small,
All things paraquatable,
The Lord God made them all.
The greenfly on the roses,
The maggots in the peas,
Manure that fills our noses,
He also gave us these.
The drought that kills the fuchsias,
The frost that nips the buds,
The rain that drowns the seedlings,
The blight that hits the spuds.
The midges and mosquitoes,
The nettles and the weeds,
The pigeons in the green stuff,
The sparrows on the seeds.
The fly that gets the carrots,
The wasp that eats the plums,
How black the gardener's outlook,
Though green may be his thumbs.
But still we gardeners labour,
Midst vegetables and flowers,
And pray what hits our neighbours
Will somehow bypass ours.
All things bright and beautiful,
All creatures great and small,
All things wise and wonderful,
The Lord God made them all.

Illustration by : Paul Swailes


Artwork: Angela Bartlett


Berrynarbor - View No. 90

This view of our village was taken by William Garratt around 1906-8 and shows the backs of the cottages on Pitt Hill, as well as the roof of Fuchsia Cottage and part of The Lodge. It also shows Hagginton Hill, from North Lee Farm with its linhey and all the cottages stretching up to Grattons at the top.

The terrace of cottages shown in the foreground are, from right to left: Swan Cottage - then No. 38, Forge Cottage - then No. 37, and finally the two former cottages, one of which served as the local post office until 1921 when it was transferred to the present premises. These two cottages were, in the late '30's, completely changed to form Langleigh House and Lee View House.

At the time this photographic postcard was taken, The Lodge had only been built a few years before, in 1904. It is interesting to note how on Hagginton Hill there were at that time some large gaps between properties, which over the ensuing years were filled in by the building of further cottages.

Around the time this photograph was taken, Harry Camp lived in No. 38, which is now Forge Cottage and Swan Cottage was his forge and blacksmith's shop. Harry Camp was Vera Greenaway's grandfather and had, I believe, previously lived in Challacombe. The outbuildings shown would have probably housed chickens and a pig or two.

Tom Bartlett
Tower Cottage, July 2004



A smile costs nothing, but gives much. It enriches those who receive, without making poorer those who give. It takes but a moment, but the memory of it sometimes lasts forever. None is so rich or mighty that he can get along without it, and none is so poor but that he can be made rich by it.

A SMILE creates happiness in the home, fosters good will in business, and is the countersign of friendship. it brings rest to the weary, cheer to the discouraged, sunshine to the sad, and it is nature's best antidote for trouble.

Yet it cannot be bought, begged, borrowed, or stolen, for it is something that is of no value to anyone until it is given away.

Some people are too tired to give you a SMILE. Give them one of yours, as none needs a SMILE so much as he who has no more to give.

Author Unknown



The Group working on our behalf to retain the village shop and Post Office have had quite a good and positive response to the survey, but would like this to be even better.

Although the deadline has passed, please, please fill in and return your form to one of the group as soon as possible. Thank you.