Berry Millennium Committee
Working on behalf of the village to great the new millennium in style.
At the public meeting held on 20th February to finalise the business and disband the Committee, the Audited Accounts were presented, and it was proposed, seconded and carried unanimously that they be adopted. After setting aside £100 to facilitate the mounting of the Millennium Plates on the church wall, the remaining £500 was allocated as follows:
- £150 to be shared equally between the Playgroup, Sunday School and Youth Club
- £200 to Berrynarbor in Bloom for 2 stone troughs for the Square
- £50 for a Millennium tree to be planted in Claude's Garden
- £100 for the provision of a memento in the Berry Down area
The meeting closed with a vote of thanks by Graham Andrews, on behalf of the village, to the Committee and it's Chairman, Neil Morris.
Didn't it go well? To write individually to the people who gave so much would give me double writer's cramp and involve a bank loan for stamps! So here is a big
- The Millennium Committee for their endless hours of work - Tom Bartlett, Lorna Bowden, Mary and Gordon Hughes, Maurice [Mr. Fix It] Lane, Alan Rowlands, Bill Scholes and he who was 'just about everywhere at the same time', Gary Songhurst.
- The Drinking Fountain:
- Peter Rothwell [original design], Be
Barten, assisted by Debbie Cook [fountain creation], Gary Songhurst [main
builder], Michael Bowden [stonework], John Fanner [roof tiling], Richard Lewis [plumbing]
and Gerry Marangone [inscription carving]. The Headmaster - Simon Bell - Denise
Lane and the children of the Primary School for their 'Time Capsule'.
- Parish Children's Plates: Julie Richards of Napps [production of plates], Debbie Cook [illustrations] and Malcolm Wilkinson [calligraphy]. These beautiful plates are on view in St. Peter's Church.
- Sally Barten for her magnificent Millennium Tapestry.
- The Ozelton Family of The Sawmills who organised the whole of the Children's Party, raised money and paid for the entertainer - so much enjoyed by the children, and judging by their faces, the parents as well! Also for paying for the Scottish Piper and providing the disco at all the Manor Hall events. Such generosity!
- The Manor Hall Management Committee who provided all facilities free of charge. Daphne Darlington and Family and the staff of the Sandy Cove Hotel for superb buffets. Pyrotechnics - Fairy Queen Elise [nee Fanner] and her husband Paul, for their bravery and for obtaining the fireworks at a discount price. Lynne and Phil at Ye Olde Globe for hosting the Senior Residents Lunch. Graham Andrews and Yvette Gubb for obtaining a grant from the N.D.D.C. The Parish Council for their donation. The Kemp Family for their donation. The Haines Family of Watermouth Castle for their great generosity. Judie and Ken Weedon for their 'behind the scenes help' and generosity. The Parcel of Rogues, who with other bands donated their fee at the Picnic in the Park, and Doreen Prater and the W.I. and all the helpers at this event. John Boxall of Sloley's Farm for the donation of the Christmas Trees. Nora Rowlands and the staff at the Post Office, who have never refused any request! Our Rector, Keith Wyer, and Mary and Tom Tucker, and those who fetched and took home the Seniors from their lunch - Ivan Clarke, Hilary and Mark Adams and Sue Wright.
- Ernest Baker of Birdswell Lane who, after the New Year's Eve celebrations, spent the following morning sweeping up the square. Everyone who donated decorations, decorated the Manor Hall and cleaned up after each event. Clive Darch and the many helpers who put up the marquee.
- Our Bell Ringers - Michael Bowden, Jim Brooks, John and Norman Fanner, Bill Huxtable and Joyce and Gary Songhurst -- whose hours of practice produced a first-class performance on New Year's Day.
- Medieval Fayre: What an afternoon! Wendy and Colin Applegate of Bessemer Thatch, Glynis and Graham Hatcher of Miss Muffets, Joyce and John Mabin of The Lodge, June and Bernard O'Regan [who made the pennants], Jackie and Ray Pierpoint of Langley House, Roger Luckham and all their families, friends and helpers, and not forgetting those fair maidens in the stocks - Ann Davies and Jane Jones.
- Those two exceptional people, Michael Bowden and Danny Lloyd who walked from Berry to Simonsbath and raised over £1,600 in sponsorship, together with their back-up team of Diane Lloyd, Derrick Phillips and John Clarke, who gave so much help. The Berry Broadcasting Company for their donation of £1,000, and Mary and Brian Malin and Family of Mill Park for the 'Great Duck Race'. And to Valerie, the best 'Girl Friday' going!
- And finally, to you, the people of Berry, for your great support and donations.
On Wednesday, 23rd February at 7.00 p.m., a public meeting will be held in the Manor Hall to present the fund raising accounts, which will then be independently audited [service free] by Chris Walden. Please be there as we need sufficient people to sanction the accounts and as there will be a surplus of funds, we shall announce the parish projects to which they will be donated.
Community spirit is alive and well and Judging from the support of our younger citizens, it's in safe hands for many years to come.
With very sincere thanks,
Neil Morris - Chairman
[And a very sincere thank you to you, too, Neil. Well done!]
Millennium Mugs
There are quite a lot of ordered but unpaid for Mugs awaiting collection from the Post Office. Please arrange to collect these as soon as possible and by the end of February at the latest. Mugs remaining then will be sold to fill requests made since the original deadline order date.
The Millennium Committee is seeking decorations for the Manor Hall and tree for the Christmas and New Year celebrations. If anyone has any unwanted items, or could spare some tinsel, baubles, lights, etc., please contact Mary Hughes on 882580 as soon as possible. Thank you.
Now only three months away from the end of the 20th Century and the start of a new Millennium, here is the What's Happening Diary.
The children at the Primary School were asked to decide what should be put in the capsule that will be buried under the Millennium Fountain, and they will also carry out the honour of placing the time capsule in position. All preparations for the fountain are completed and construction will start mid-November.
The last day to register children of the Parish for their free Millennium Mug. These mugs are unique to Berrynarbor, each one individually hand-made, and will become very valuable. The mugs can also be purchased at cost price. Register and order at the Post Office.
- 3.00 p.m. The official Unveiling of the Millennium Fountain.
A big 'thank you' invitation to all parishioners in the hope you can attend, because you made it possible.
- Evening Village Square Floodlit, including a large Christmas Tree
The Committee has had many representations as, of course, baby-sitters that evening are going to be rare and expensive, so we are going to open the Manor Hall at 8.00 p.m. and the Penn Curzon Room will become a creche/nursery.
The children's welfare will be the sole responsibility of the parents, or most probably grandparents! There will be music and light refreshments in the Hall, so if you have nowhere else to go, bring your drink and have a party here. At midnight, the IN place to be is the floodlit village square - join hands in 'Auld Lang Syne', raise a toast and listen to the bells of St. Peter's ring in the new Millennium!
- Afternoon A Fun Medieval Fair in the Square apple bobbing, stocks, etc.
- 7.30 p.m. Manor Hall - 'Berry Open House'
Full buffet and music, but we ask that you again bring your own drink and glasses. Many of you will have relations or friends visiting, and all the above events have been designed so they can join in the celebrations.
- 2.00 p.m. Children's Party. Manor Hall - Food and Entertainment
- 4.00 p.m. Presentation of the Millennium Mugs to the children of the Parish
- Lunch Senior Citizens Lunch - The Globe, by invitation of the Millennium Committee
Thank you all for the wonderful support you have given the Committee, now please come along and enjoy YOUR Millennium.
Neil Morris - Chairman
In mid-January, there will be a public meeting to wind up the workings of the Millennium Committee, who will present the audited accounts.
31st DECEMBER 1999

As part of the Millennium events, a Duck Race was held at Mill Park on the Sunday of the Spring Bank Holiday at the end of May. A well-attended event since this was the start of the half-term holiday.
Luckily, the weather stayed fair - dull, but it did not rain. Three races were held - the Napps Touring Park Paddle, the Watermouth Waddle and the host's race, the Mill Park Meander - with prizes donated by the three caravan sites.
Numbered ducks were sponsored to raise funds for the Millennium Fund. The ducks were released at Mill Park, racing down the stream, over the waterfall and on to Sawmills, where they were caught at the bridge - though a few were missed and did sail on to Watermouth and out to sea!
As well as an afternoon of fun, the sum of £325 was raised and our thanks go to everyone who came to help on the day, both collecting sponsor money and venturing into the stream to get soaked whilst assisting the ducks on their way and to collect them at their destination.
Brian and Mary Malin - Mill Park

Mitch and I would like to thank everyone who gave so generously to the Millennium Sponsored Walk from Berrynarbor to Simonsbath. So far, the grand total collected is £1,462, which will hopefully have reached £1,500 by the time you read this.
The walk was started at the church steps by the eldest resident of the Village, Una Warburton, at 9.00 a.m. by the dropping of a Union Jack flag and Neil Morris was there to film the event. We arrived at Simonsbath at 1600 hours, having been followed for the last couple of miles by two goats that, I think, took a fancy to Mitch's legs!
We should like to thank everyone who supported us, but especially Derrick Phillips and John Clark who followed us through three bad sections of road with their vehicle hazard lights on and our refreshment stop lady, Diane, who was at three different spots to greet us when we arrived with drinks and foot-spray! We must not forget Paul Bowden who made up the signs for the vehicle and Denise and Maurice for providing us with very welcome ice creams.
Danny Lloyd
Our main fund-raising events have now all taken place. Michael Bowden and Danny Lloyd's Walk - we have it on video! - brought overwhelming sponsorship. This is recorded earlier, as is Mary and Brian and the Malin family's Great Duck Race. A well-attended and 'fun' afternoon, with only a duck or two escaping into the Bristol Channel. Finally, our very successful Picnic in the Park. Bands waived their fees, Julie Richards presented a beautiful doll for the raffle [which was won by Ann Davies], and Mark Adams offered a brand new car, all you had to do was throw six sixes with six dice! Panic set in inside a quarter of an hour when someone threw FIVE! A special thanks to Doreen Prater and all her WI volunteers who fed and watered the workers all day. Fine weather and the generosity of folks blessed all three events.
Fingers crossed, we have now reached our financial target. Building permission has been given by the NDDC for the fountain; Be Barten [with Debbie's help] is working on it day and night; mugs and plates are ordered - so all is proceeding well. Please don't forget to register your child at the Post Office, we don't want any unhappy faces on the day!
Hopefully, we shall be able to give the diary of events for the Millennium Celebrations in the next Newsletter and thank you all for your support.
Neil Morris -
Millennium Committee
By the time this newsletter reaches you, two of our BERRYNARBOR three fund-raising events will have taken place. First, the Great Sponsored Walk on 22nd May when Mitch Bowden and Danny Lloyd are walking from Berry to Simonsbath. Having great faith I know they will make it -- hills all the way, but fine young men you are! I thank them so much for their community spirit and you, the people of Berry, for your generosity.
Secondly, on the 30th May, the Great Duck Race organised by Mary, Brian and the Malin family. What a great idea! Again, to them, many thanks. I suspect plastic yellow ducks will be found floating in the Bristol Channel for quite a few months!
Now we are leading up to our major event, the Picnic in the Park at Watermouth Castle on Sunday, 20th June. There has been a lot of organisation and effort put in to making this a super day. Posters have been displayed in Torrington, Bideford, Ilfracombe, Exeter and Barnstaple, so it's fingers crossed for fine weather and a good crowd and again we shall be counting on you, good people of Berrynarbor!
Talking about fund-raising, the Berry Broadcast Committee has generously donated £1,000 from the proceeds of their last Show and the NDDC have awarded us £1,250 towards the Millennium fountain.
Please note that Millennium mugs will be presented to every child under 16 years of age, not 18 as published in the last newsletter. Apologies for any disappointment.
That's the news this month - see you all at the Picnic in the Park.
Neil Morris - Chairman
Another two months have ticked by with more developments. Be Barten and Peter Rothwell have started work on the drinking fountain, and Peter is nearing completion on the design for the commemorative mugs, which will be unique to Berrynarbor. Mitch Bowden and Danny Lloyd are in full training for their intrepid sponsored walk to Simonsbath. Sponsor forms are being distributed, so please sign up. Brian and Mary Malin of Mill Park are going to run a duck race on the stream from Mill Park to Sawmills weir and the WI have volunteered to run the workers' refreshment tent at our Picnic in the Park on the 20th June. So, as you can see, many of our community are getting into the spirit and getting involved. Can you help in some way - small or large?
Neil Morris - Chairman
Berry Millennium
[Two for the Price of One]
Visit this unique Family Theme Castle and Picnic by The Lake whilst being entertained by live music Gates Open at 10.00 a.m.
Don't forget to go to the Post Office and register children's names [under 18 on the 1st January 2000] for inscribing on the Millennium Plates. Residents and former residents may also register to receive their special Millennium Mugs.
We are now on countdown. The Parish Council are giving the Millennium Committee solid support, for which the Committee and I are most grateful. Lynn and Phil from The Globe have very kindly offered to give lunch on Saturday, 1st to the Senior Citizens who are unable to attend the evening function. Many thanks to them.
One of our main sponsors, the Berry Broadcasting Cast, are performing their annual show on Friday and Saturday, 12th and 13th March, with all proceeds going to the Fund. So, please buy your ticket and give us your support.
As you can see, we now have our own Berrynarbor Millennium logo, kindly designed and produced by Shaun Cooper, which will go on all correspondence. The Mug project is well in hand and Julie Richards has produced two plates on which every child in the Parish will have their name inscribed. Which brings me to a major point - from 1st March, a register will open at the Post Office for people to register their child/children's name. Please do this, we don't want to disappoint any child and I'm sure you won't want the task of explaining why you didn't register!
Due to many requests to hold another public meeting, we shall be doing so on SUNDAY, 14th FEBRUARY, at 7.30 p.m. at the Manor Hall. If you can attend, please do so as we need your support.
Neil Morris - Chairman
Following meetings and discussions, the Millennium Committee is now in a position to give basic plans. There will be two days of celebrations - 1st January 2000, Millennium Saturday, is planned as Family Day. There will be many activities during the day but the highlight will be a Grand Dance in the Manor Hall in the evening, with a large marquee covering the car park. The 2nd January, Millennium Sunday, will be Children's Day, again with many activities and with a commemorative mug or plaque being presented to every child in the Parish - Julie Richards has kindly offered her services for this project.
As mentioned in the October Newsletter, the proposed permanent reminder of the Millennium will be a drinking fountain in the village square, adjacent to the bus shelter. The fountain has been designed by Peter Rothwell who is now working closely with Be Barten of Lydford Farm, who will create the stonework with, hopefully, some help from Debbie Cook. The Committee will be making application to the Millennium Lottery for funding.
Raising funds will be the real challenge. We did not want any event to take the 'edge off' the School or Church in their annual fund raising events, so it was decided to hold a Music Festival, with a 'Picnic in the Park' theme. Richard and Jonathan Haines have most generously allowed us to hold the event at Watermouth Castle. So, on Sunday, 20th June 1999, there will be a picnic in the park, by the lake, with music for all and including all the attractions of the Castle. Fuller details will follow. We shall, however, need a LOT of help, so if you can assist in any way - by fund raising or practical help -- please contact us, perhaps via Alan at the Post Office, who is the Treasurer, or any of the other members of the Committee - Lorna Bowden, Tom Tucker, Tom Bartlett, Gordon and Mary Hughes, Gary Songhurst and Bill Scholes. We shall be giving more information and up-dates of all plans in all future Newsletters.
Neil Morris -
Little Orchard
As Reported in the August Newsletter, a group of volunteers agreed to form a Committee to co-ordinate and organise events and the elected officers are:
- Chairman: Neil Morris
- Secretary: Lorna Bowden
- Treasurer: Alan Rowlands
It is proposed that events will be held over the two days - Millennium Saturday and Sunday, 1st and 2nd January, with times set aside for the children and youth of the village and for adults and families. Plans for a grand openings, church celebrations, discos, a walk, village entertainment and dancing and the presentation of a commemorative memento to all children, together with other ideas, are currently in the melting pot.
Fund raising will probably take the form of a single main event to be held next summer, in which all organisations and groups will be invited to participate, application for grants and the promise of the proceeds from next year's BBC production. It is also hoped, with the approval of the village, to provide a lasting public reminder of the Millennium.
The Committee are meeting regularly and working hard on behalf of us all to bring ideas to fruition and to ensure two days of happy celebrations. If you come up with any bright ideas, do please contact any of the officers above.
Following the distribution of a letter/questionnaire to every house in the parish, an Open Meeting was held on 13th July in the Manor Hall. Apologies were received from Graham Andrews and Lorna Bowden represented the Parish Council. Although overall attendance was sparse, those present gave enthusiastic support for planned events and put forward other interesting ideas to celebrate the Millennium.
Following a call for volunteers to form an official committee to co-ordinate and organise the events, the following put their names forward: Gordon and Mary Hughes, Tom Bartlett, Denise Lane, Alan Rowlands, Tom Tucker, Neil Morris, Bill Scholes, Gary Songhurst and Lorna Bowden, Matthew Walls and Len Coleman who would represent the Parish Council.
Future developments will be reported through the Newsletter.
It is proposed to involve everyone in the Parish, from the youngest to the oldest, in a day and a half of FREE celebrations to mark the Millennium. The suggested dates are the afternoon of Sunday, 1st January 2000, and all day and evening on Monday, 2nd January 2000.
Some suggestions on how to celebrate this event are: a children's activity/competition with the winner receiving a millennium cup - children's party - tea dance - bingo - exhibitions - entertainment - side shows - masked ball - food - wine.
Several village organisations have already been approached regarding support for the event and many have reacted positively to the idea. The following have either been contacted or will be shortly:
The Primary School | St. Peter's Church | The Parish Council | |
The Men's Institute | The Women's Institute | The Pre-School | |
Manor Hall Management Committee | Wine Circle | Youth Club | |
The Globe | Bessemer Thatch | The Post Office | |
The Lodge | Smythen Farm Holiday Cottages | Sandy Cove Hotel | |
Napps Camp Site | Sawmills | Berrynarbor Caravan Park | |
Watermouth Castle | Watermouth Holiday Villas | Watermouth Cove Caravan Park | |
Mill Park | Spinners | Middle Lee | |
Miss Muffets | Tom Bartlett |
A Millennium Box will be placed in the Post Office for all suggestions regarding events, fund-raising ideas, offers of support/donations, etc.
This is a whole village event and we should like to include everyone in some way. It is important, therefore, that we begin preparations NOW, so please do send in your suggestions by the end of June.
Further details in the next Newsletter.
Berrynarbor Millennium Committee