Primary School

The latest news from our Primary School founded in 1847 ...


We returned to school on the 1st September and were so impressed by the children. They made the return to school look effortless. Very well done to all those children making that very big first step into school. We were so proud of you all. We were also very pleased to welcome a new family to the school who also have recently moved to the village - do say hello to the Barnett family if you see them.

At the time of writing, we were reflecting as a school on the sad passing of Queen Elizabeth II. We spent some time in class reflecting on her extraordinary time as the UK's longest reigning monarch; as well as her role as mother, grandmother and great grandmother, and of course extending respect and condolences to the Royal Family.

Some of you may know our wonderful Kitchen Manager, Diane, left our school at the end of the summer term. We shall certainly miss her and the way she looked after us all with her delicious dinners. Good luck for all you do in the future, Diane. We are pleased to have appointed Sue Hayes as our Kitchen Manager. Sue brings with her a vast amount of experience and will lead on menu development across our Federation.

Welcome to Reverend Mark, our new Vicar. We are really looking forward to working with Mark, coming back to assemblies in the church and further strengthening that link between our School and

St. Peters. Thank you to Stuart Neale and St. Peter's for organising the gift of a Good News Bible for each of our Year 6 leavers in July. It is very much appreciated. Both Stuart and Reverend Mark attended the Leavers' Assembly and were very impressed by our confident children.

We are super excited about the year ahead, with lots of lovely activities and events planned for the children. We shall be supporting "Hello Yellow" the children's mental health charity by wearing something yellow and raising funds for this cause. We shall be holding our first celebration of learning of the year and parents will be coming along to this - a chance for our younger members of the school to show parents what they have been doing and to perform to an audience. The PTFA are holding a Quiz on the evening on the 7th October to raise funds for our lovely school. Look out for posters in the village - all welcome.

As we head into winter, we are very conscious of the problems this will pose for many people. As a school, we employ a Pastoral Co-ordinator to work with families in many areas, including assessing

grants and extra financial help. If you know someone who may need further help either due to the cost-of-living crisis or otherwise please have a look at these links from Devon County Council. Applying for the Pupil Premium grant successfully can also mean that families are eligible for further funding.

With this being our final submission for the Newsletter - we should like to thank Judie for all her tireless work and commitment as editor. It has been an invaluable source of information on village life and a great way for us to communicate with the village. We shall continue to update our website so that you can continue to keep up with our news. Enjoy a well-earned break, Judie!



We are delighted to say that after months of anticipation our big production at the Landmark Theatre was able to go ahead. This was the first time many of our children had performed onstage as part of a school production since 2019 - this means that our current Year 6 cohort last performed when they were in Year 3! Congratulations to Pine and Alder classes for a fantastic performance of "Star Warts - the Umpire Strikes Back". The show was full of fun, jokes, singing, dancing and the odd Star Wars reference thrown in. We were so impressed with each and every individual performance. It was wonderful to see every single child throw their heart and soul into the show. You rehearsed with endurance, performed with confidence and gave us so many moments to remember. Huge thanks go to staff, parents and children who made this production happen.

Following our last update - we can let you know that SATS results are in and we couldn't be more thrilled. We had a wonderful set of results - with many above local and national average. Very well done to all our children taking part in formal assessment this year throughout the school - you should be very proud of yourselves!

We held our Federation wide Music Concert and Art Gallery at the end of term. This was another event we have been able to continue with after a break due to COVID19. Many of our pupils performed individually and as classes - expertly led by Mrs. Barrow our Music Coordinator. We were hosted by Tim Baker, Head of Music at Ilfracombe Academy, with the Academy band treating us to a performance also! Parents then had the opportunity to view some super art work from the children - show casing the range of styles we have looked at over the last year. We also learned our contribution to the world record attempt for the largest postage stamp design competition successfully became a record!

Year 5&6 took part in our Broadening Horizons event. This year we asked a broad range of people from all walks of life to talk about their careers and life experiences. We heard about adventures in the wilds of South America, heard about careers from a broad range of disciplines including social work, the arts, forensic science as well as public office. It is so important to us that our children see there is a great big world of opportunity outside our lovely village.

Our mini fete was another opportunity to return to normality, with games in the playground and lots of tea, coffee and cake served, we raised almost £600 towards our lovely school.

Finally, we want to say a fond farewell to our Y6 leavers. You have been a very special year and we shall miss you. We know you will continue to embody our values as you embark on the next step of your education.

Our thanks go to staff, children and families for another year of hard work, commitment and fun. Have a great summer break and we look forward to welcoming our new Reception Year on the 1st September 2022!

Best wishes to all our friends in the community.

Su Carey, Faye Poynter and the whole Staff Team



We must start this update by saying how proud we are of our Y6 children. They have recently completed their SATS - the first cohort to sit these national tests since 2019. The children rose to the challenge beautifully. They performed with maturity during the week and headed down to the recreation field for a picnic as soon as the last exam was over. Y6 then enjoyed a friendship morning at Ilfracombe Academy with other primary schools in the area. Thanks to Mrs. Orr, Mrs. Higgins and Mrs. Poynter for preparing the children so well for their SATS - we know they tried their best and that is all we can ask.

It is also worth remembering that there are other statutory assessments taking place/planned across the school. Year 2 are currently working their way through Reading and Maths test papers to assess their progress at the end of Key Stage 1. Year1 will have their phonics screening administered when we return after the half term and Year 4 will be the first cohort to undertake the multiplication tables check during June. Thank you to our Staff for supporting children in the classroom and families for supporting them at home. It feels a little strange to be taking part in these external tests after more than 2 years since the last set.

In April we were very lucky to receive a visit from Sue Neale on behalf of the church. They very kindly donated some seeds for the children to take home and grow. We hope the children will enjoy growing onions, marrows and runner beans - we are also planting some of the seeds at school. It is hoped that the crop of vegetables will be used at harvest festival. Fingers crossed we have some green fingered children amongst us! Thank you very much for organising this lovely activity for the children.

In the classroom we have been very busy constructing cardboard police cars and learning how to programme their lights to flash in different colours using Crumble - a programming tool used with their Chrome books. Look at all these police cars ready to go out on patrol with their lights flashing!


Y3 and Y4 had a wonderful trip to Yenworthy Lodge near Lynton. For many of them it was their first trip away from the family home and it was a great success. The children tried the zip wire, orienteering, rock climbing, rock pooling and so much more. They spent time with their friends - learning to be a little more independent and resilient. They had a chance to meet with their friends from Y3 and Y4 at West Down and join together for some activities mid-week. The children certainly returned to school walking a little taller, with confidence following their trip. Thank you to the staff at Yenworthy for making the trip so memorable for the children.

Our PTFA are now able to plan events with some certainty they will go ahead. KS1 took part in a bake-off a few weeks ago. Well done to Dotty and Monty for making the winning entry - a delicious chocolate cake decorated with smarties. Funds were raised from the cake sale to improve our outdoor equipment. We are looking forward to some outdoor theatre over in West Down - the Berrynarbor PTFA team will be there to provide refreshments to raise a few more funds on 7th July at 5 o'clock in the community field at West Down. Tickets are available below if you are interested in joining us. Information below.

With our very best wishes

Su Carey, Faye Poynter and the whole Staff Team

Expect larger than life characters, puppets, live music, dancing and lashings of absurdity.

Gather your friends and family, pack a picnic, bring a blanket or chair to sit on and join us down the rabbit hole. Don't be late, it's a very important date! Tickets available here:



A warmer and more spring like hello to all our friends in the community since the last newsletter. It goes without saying that COVID19 continues to hamper our plans but we are not going to dwell on that for this edition. We have lots of lovely and exciting news for you. Curriculum plans continue - please check our website for information on our planned activities in class.


In the last newsletter we hoped to hold a world book day event on the 3rd March and we are pleased to announce this was able to go ahead as planned. Children enjoyed a carousel of activities around the school based on an "around the world" theme. We studied stories from all over the world - here is our chosen story inspired by Chinese traditional story telling - The Magic Paintbrush. A beautiful story exploring how a little girl's integrity can withstand the corruption of power and greed.

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We all enjoyed a 'Dare to be Different' day back in February, raising some funds for our PTFA. Children and staff dressed up in whatever they liked and we celebrated those differences. Something we feel is particularly important at the current time as we watch events unfold in the Ukraine.

We should like to thank Jared Williams [Year 5] and bis brother Rhys [former pupil in Year 7] for organising a bake sale with proceeds going to the Red Cross Ukraine Crisis Fund. Well done to you both for putting the value of compassion into action and making a positive difference in the world.

In other news, we treated staff and children to something a little bit different - a silent disco. All classes took part and it was lovely to see everybody let off some steam and have fun.

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We all enjoyed a 'Dare to be Different' day back in February, raising some funds for our PTFA. Children and staff dressed up in whatever they liked and we celebrated those differences. Something we feel is particularly important at the current time as we watch events unfold in the Ukraine. We should like to thank Jared Williams [Year 5] and bis brother Rhys [former pupil in Year 7] for organising a bake sale with proceeds going to the Red Cross Ukraine Crisis Fund. Well done to you both for putting the value of compassion into action and making a positive difference in the world.

We celebrated Chinese New Year with a Chinese inspired lunch. The children enjoyed stir fry, spring rolls and fortune cookies - thankyou to Jane and Diane for arranging this - it was yummy!

We have an exciting week of science coming up with our STEM week. Children are looking forward to some exciting science experiments throughout the week. Our trips to Yenworthy Lodge in Lynton and to London draw ever closer. Plans are in place and we have all our fingers and toes crossed we can go. Yenworthy Lodge are set to provide a fun and challenging programme of outdoor events for our children in Years 3 and 4. London beckons for Years 5 and 6. It will be so exciting for the children to travel to our capital and enjoy the sights and sounds of the city. Our youngest group of children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2, will enjoy a trip to one of our local theme parks for the day and have recently had the opportunity to experience a forest school day with The Outdoors Group in Combe Martin.

Looking a little closer to home - we are really looking forward to taking part in the Queen's Jubilee Celebrations later in the year.

Storm Franklin gave the children the opportunity to complete some work on the commonwealth at home [we had a day of home learning to keep everyone safe]. Through these experiences we continue to broaden our horizons and embody our motto - Streams Yoday, Oceans Tomorrow.

We continue to give thanks to our staff, children and families who continue to support us in all we do and to all in our community, we extend our very best wishes.

Su Carey, Faye Poynter
and the whole Staff Team



A belated Happy New Year to all our friends in the community. Following the last Newsletter, we are sad to report that we had to cancel our walking nativity procession and other Christmas events due to cases of COVID19 in our school community. We were all very sad not to be able to celebrate this special time of year as a whole community. The children, as ever, rose to the challenge when asked to make lanterns to help us light our way during the planned walking nativity - a selection of photos follow. We think they did a great job and what a shame it was we couldn't use them as planned.

At the time of writing, we are grappling with the continuing pandemic and this is affecting both our pupil and staff populations. We have continued to plan our exciting curriculum for the children - thankyou to all our staff, children and families who are continuing to support us. In addition to all the lovely activities going on in class [please see our website for more information about our curriculum], we are hoping to take the children on a number of trips this term. It is so important we continue to broaden their horizons and embody our motto, Streams Today, Oceans Tomorrow.

We are looking forward to celebrating World Book Day on the 3rd March with an Around the World fancy dress theme. This is followed by STEM week where we shall be exploring the wonderful world of Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths. Years 5&6 across the Federation will be going to London - our first long distance trip for quite some time! We shall be complementing our RE curriculum with a trip to Exeter to explore places of worship and our little ones will be out and about in the community at one of our local wildlife parks.

Finally, we are really looking forward to welcoming parents back into school for open books afternoon. This will be the first time parents have been able to visit us since 2020 - even parent evenings have been virtual throughout our time under restriction! We shall also be looking to appoint some new pupil leaders to help us with our charity work, comment on the curriculum and how we can improve further and lead play for our younger pupils. Being the best we can be - committed to making a difference remains our number one priority, despite the continuing pandemic.

Look out for some photos of all these activities in the next edition of the Newsletter. In the meantime, we extend best wishes to all our supporters in the community.

Su Carey, Faye Poynter
and the whole Staff Team




Here, at school, we have continued to crack on with our varied curriculum - we have galloped across a wide variety of subjects this half term. We are really pleased to say it has been a joy to be able to host some of our usual events in the last term. Just before the October half term, we held our Annual Harvest Festival Service in the playground. It was lovely to see the children join together. We collected a generous pile of store-cupboard food for the local foodbank. Thank you to our parent community for the generous donations.

Armistice Day was marked poignantly this year by the children of Mulberry and Aspen Class [Reception, Year One and Year Two]. The children took time to research names of those fallen armed forces personnel from Berrynarbor and wrote individual thankyous to them all. You may have seen these on the lichgate to the church, marked also by the handmade poppies donated by our local community. It was a beautiful display of respect for those who gave their lives for our freedom. Some of our older children in Pine Class made their own reusable poppies and have raised money for the Royal British Legion by selling them to friends and family. We have heard we were also lucky to have had two of our Year 6 children attend the Remembrance Service in the village. The girls took responsibility for laying a wreath. Thank you to Brooke Bacon and Emily Stanbury - good work girls.

style=':10.0pt;:"Microsoft Sans Serif",sans-serif'>We have seen the return to Ilfracombe swimming pool for our course of lessons for Pine and Alder Class. Despite many children not able to attend lessons over the last 18 months, they have adapted well to the pool environment once again and made us proud with their efforts in the water.

We shall be performing our Walking Nativity around the village on Thursday, 2nd December, starting from the playing field at

5.30 p.m. and ending in the centre of the village. This has been a fixture in our calendar for the last couple of years. It will be great to be out and about in the village once again - seeing and hearing the Christmas story, singing carols and performing as a community. We have enjoyed learning carols and performing once again.

Towards the end of this half term sees our Christmas Dinner and Jumper Day. Looking forward to seeing all the cheerful Christmas themed clothing on display! Christingle will see the final event in our Christmas calendar - how wonderful it will be to gather in church for this special event. Greatly anticipated due to last year's cancellation.

We are all looking forward to a break over Christmas, spending time with our loved ones over the festive period.

Have a happy, safe and peaceful Christmas.

Su Carey, Faye Poynter
and the whole Staff Team



We hope you have had a lovely summer break. We welcomed the children back to school from Monday, 6th September. The return to school has signalled a further return to normality.

We should like to thank Sarah Hutchings and her team for running another successful summer club for our children. This year we had record numbers come along to enjoy fun activities together over the summer. In between running summer club, Sarah somehow managed to find the time to get married and is now Mrs. Higgins - congratulations Mrs. and Mr. Higgins!

We worked hard to make sure the school environment was ready for all the children to return to. We very much hope that they can enjoy a more settled year this year. At the time of writing, we no longer needed to maintain bubbles, children have been mixing and playing together across the school. We are very excited to be able to allow them to be together again and hope to re-establish the family culture of children caring for each other. We are already seeing our older children helping our new little ones and it has been wonderful to see our family together again.

Speaking of little ones - we are very pleased to welcome our new children to Reception.They have settled into school life with ease. Well done to all our new starters and all our children for such a fab start to the year.

With the end of restrictions, we are looking forward to continuing to offer our exciting and interesting curriculum.Our staff will continue to specialise in their own subject areas and will be able to move freely between our two schools - allowing us to teach in person once again.

Our children have been learning a wide variety of subjects, from traditional tales and nursery rhymes in Key Stage 1 to the life and work of Vincent Van Gough in Years 5 and 6.We have also been cracking on with literacy and numeracy skills. Pupils across all Years have been learning and thinking about how to reimagine Disney's short story "The Feast" from a different perspective - remembering to include a few adverbial phrases, alliteration, dialogue, noun phrases, similes, pathetic fallacy, onomatopoeia and relative clauses.Well done all of you!

Despite the obvious problems COVID19 brought for us, we have discovered a silver lining by implementing a staggered drop off and pick up time at the beginning and end to the school day. This has not only aided a more orderly start to the day for children - we hope that you have noticed this has eased congestion in the village too. We shall continue with the staggered timings as it works so well for us and hopefully helps you as residents in our community too.

We are tentatively starting to plan trips, visits and community events. We have not planned to arrange anything in the community until after the October half term, but we very much hope to allow wider community events leading up to Christmas - fingers crossed we shall be inviting our senior members of the community to the renowned Senior Dudes evening. Watch this space!

We are also so looking forward to start offering residentials and all the other extra-curricular experiences which enrich school life for our children and families. We have been able to provide bikeability sessions for our Year 6 pupils this half term - a further signal we are returning to our usual rhythm.

Please do visit our website for further details of all we do - the children have been working on their very own section of the site. It includes information for new starters and even has a staff "Top Trumps" segment. Coming soon!

Finally, in our last update we mentioned our filming session on Saunton beach with our Year 6 leavers. If you haven't already seen it - check out our Federation YouTube page here:

With best wishes

Su Carey, Faye Poynter
and the whole Staff Team



Since the return to school in March we have been busy cracking on with our work in class. The children have settled back into the daily routine extremely well - thank you to our staff and families for enabling this to happen. We are pleased to say that school trips are now firmly back on the agenda! The whole Federation has taken part in our courageous camp-out at Stapleton Farm, hosted by Adam and Natalie Stanbury. Over the course of the week the children took part in lots of activities, including foraging, fire lighting, pond dipping, a stream walk, as well as meeting the cows and learning about where milk comes from. How lovely for the children to spend a few days in the wilds at Berry Down. Special mention must go to our brave year 2's - they took part in their first ever sleepover at West Down School. We are so proud of them for camping out all night - they are all ready for the big camp out next year!

We have also ventured out to Saunton for a day at the beach. We managed to achieve not one but two things that day. Filming our socially distanced Year 6 performance in the absence of the use of the Landmark Theatre this year. It was fun to do some outside broadcasting! The children also had the opportunity to take part in a surf lesson and they were all so good. We clearly have some talented sea farers in our midst.



The children have been trying out their French conversational skills in Mrs. Owen's French Café afternoon. It was wonderful to see our children playing the part of café customers. They confidently ordered hot chocolate and croissants from their equally confident waiters and waitresses. Ambience was provided by French music and games - bravo les enfants!

At the time of writing, we are busy planning for Sports Day - sadly we shall not be able to invite families to watch this year but the children have been busy practicing for the usual array of events. We are so looking forward to holding a joint Federation event across both schools next year.

While lockdown has had its obvious drawbacks, restrictions on people visiting school have allowed us to think outside the box in terms of careers education for our older pupils. We have continued to host our Broadening Horizons event. This includes virtual presentations from a number of visitors, each showcasing their career. We have had some very interesting people offer their insight and expertise to our children. If you would be interested in being interviewed for our Careers Week event next year, please get in contact, we are always looking to inspire the children.

We are incredibly proud of our school family this year, including staff, children, parents, carers and governors. It goes without saying that this has been one of the most challenging and difficult years in education. Children have missed a significant amount of school, they have coped incredibly well during this time. We cannot thank our staff and families enough for the huge team effort it has taken to get us to the end of the academic year. Despite such a tricky time our children have been happy and committed to their learning. A wonderful tribute to our vision "being the best we can be, committed to making a difference".



This time of year is also full of pride and hope for our wonderful Year 6 who will have finished their time with us. In our special Final Assembly, we wished the very best of luck to them: Ruby, Donovan, Salah, George, Alfie, Angus, Rosie S, Rosie T, Harley, Rhys, Benjamin, Eddie, Sky and Lilie. You should be very proud of all you have achieved both inside the classroom and out.

We can't wait to welcome all our new starters in September - let's hope we are heading for a restriction-free Autumn Term.

We hope you have a happy and safe summer and we look forward to getting involved in the community as restrictions ease - hope you enjoy a few pictures from our camp-out below!

Su Carey, Faye Poynter
and the whole Staff Team.



Berrynarbor Staff are so happy to finally have all the children back in school.  The last few weeks have been challenging for everyone and the staff, children and families have had to adapt very quickly to a new way of working. 

Throughout lockdown the children enjoyed meeting up with their class each day through our online 'Are you ready' sessions. Here the children could speak to their teacher about the expectations for the day for their work. This was all set through the google classroom and google calendar. Berrynarbor children were able to access a variety of lessons, some pre-recorded, some live!

Children also had the opportunity to join in with lots of other exciting activities, such as live energy boost sessions for exercise and live story time with a member of staff at the end of the day. We even broadcast live from a farm where the children could watch some lambing taking place!

Now we are back at school, teachers are adjusting their plans to prioritise the learning most needed to progress as instructed by the Department for Education - we are arranging some exciting, weekly activities to celebrate being together again so the children have lots to look forward to. 

As we told our parents:

Hopefully in the next newsletter we can share some of the fab things we have been up to with you!

Faye Poynter and Su Carey - Co-headteachers  

Since we have been back at school, everyone has been happy to be back and to have a bit of normality in our lives again. On the first Wednesday back, we had a happy together day. On this day, we were allowed to wear clothes that made us happy. We also played games with our friends [Covid friendly]! Every week up until Easter, the teachers are giving us a surprise. We are getting extended break times so we can have more social time with friends that we haven't seen for ages.  We are still having staggered starting times and leaving times. We hope we can go on some epic adventures and trips again soon!

By Ruby and Rosie T - Year 6



Thanks must be given to ALL the staff at our Primary School, who in these troubled times for education, are keeping our school open, helping vulnerable children and those of Key Workers, as well as holding on line classes.

An Acrostic Poem about West Berry Federation Remote Learning
by Ruby Barrow [Year 6]


Live lessons keeping us motivated,
Outdoor intervals keeping us refreshed,
Continued Federation community brought together by a lunchtime 'Energy Boost' session,
Kind and caring teachers doing their best,
Delivering devices to help us,
Online play-times so we can communicate with our friends
Wonderful teachers keeping us as safe as we can be,
Normality - looking forward to being back together with our Federation Family.



We are so pleased with the way the children are working extremely hard in lessons, they are happy and everyone is very busy! Due to restrictions we have not managed to do lots of the lovely things we normally do and this has changed school life quite a lot. We normally pride ourselves on all the lovely extra-curricular activities we provide for our children, helping them become amazing young adults. However, we are trying to adjust and adapt where we can to make sure we do get to do some extra special things. 

As a staff team, we are very aware that due to the regulations of the second lockdown children are not able to go to clubs, keep up sports and meet with friends. With the dark, winter nights closing in this also makes being active a challenge. Therefore, this term we shall be prioritising the physical and mental health of our children.  We'll be making more time in the curriculum for children to be active, be outside and play with their friends.  This may mean that children don't get through quite as much of the curriculum as normal, however. the well-being of our children must be a priority.

Our school came together to mark Armistice Day and take part in a socially distanced two-minute silence on the school playground.

It was lovely to be able to bring all the bubbles together for such an important moment in time!

Finally, we should like to take this opportunity to note the passing of one of the most truly inspirational teachers we have ever had the pleasure of working at our school. Mrs Lucas inspired and touched the lives of so many local children and adults during her time teaching at Berrynarbor. Her dedication to the profession and our school ensured every child that crossed her path made excellent progress. She gave so much of her own time to additional revision clubs and extra-curricular activities. Many events she introduced are still run by staff now. She will remain in many people's hearts and minds forever. A true Berrynarbor Legend!

We were so sad to hear that Nanny June had passed away over the half term. She was such a large part of the school and local community. Nothing was ever too much trouble and she always had time to talk and see how everyone was. Nanny June would come into school regularly to hear readers and was also always there to serve tea and coffee at every event. Sometimes she would just turn up at school with a smile and KitKat!

She will be very much missed by both adults and children

Faye Poynter - Co-Headteacher



It's nice to be back at school after 6 months of lockdown. We all feel very safe back in this environment, but things are a bit different.

We have to go to school at different times depending on our houses, there are three time slots at the beginning and the end of the day. Our lessons are the same, however, now our teachers come to our classroom instead of us going to them. We have to stay in our 'bubbles' so we don't get to see the other year groups very often. 

We wash our hands all the time! 

Since the start of term, Year 6's have completed their Bikeability course and are all now safe on the road. All of the Reception children have joined and are happy in school, loving their lessons.

We have had 2 puppies visit school.  One was a jack and the other one was a sausage dog crossed with a terrier. The whole school got to see and play with them, as we are doing an English topic on puppies. 

Everyone is enjoying being with friends again. 

Written by - Rosie and Ruby, Year 6.




How were your first 3 months of 2020? We began ours with a 45-minute cross country run around Mill Park! The weather stayed dry and sunny and we raised an incredible £1500, a portion of which went to the North Devon Hospice.

Another highlight was watching Ilfracombe Academy's performance of We Will Rock You. We were seriously impressed by their talent. 

World Book Day this year was phenomenal! We all dressed up as word warriors and had to solve the mystery of which a member of staff had been pilfering from our extensive lexicon of superior vocabulary! The day made us recognise how important language is and how powerful words can be. 

At this time of year our excitement is building as our residentials are coming up. We will tell you all about those adventures in our next update. 

Berrynarbor School Pupil Leaders



What a busy two months! The lead up to Christmas is always frantic and brim full of exciting things.

Our highlights were the School Choir singing at Exeter Cathedral, Alder Class cooking a full Christmas Dinner for our annual Senior Dudes' Meal, the Walking Nativity - in the Manor Hall due to the weather - the Lantern Competition, Christingle, the KS1 Christmas Play, the whole school Christmas Dinner and an Assembly where our music students performed on their chosen instruments!

One of our pupils spent four months travelling the world and we enjoyed keeping up with his journey and learning more about the countries he visited.

Now most of the glitter has been swept away we can focus on the events of 2020. We have an exciting year coming up and look forward to telling you all about what we've been up to.

Berrynarbor School Pupil Leaders

from the KS1 Christmas Nativity Play



Three dates for your diary:

  • Wednesday, 4th December: Senior Dudes' Christmas Meal at the Manor Hall. Have you signed up to enjoy this special evening being waited on by the older pupils?
  • Friday, 6th December: The P.T.A. are holding a Festive Bingo ion the Manor Hall. Doors open at 6.30, eyes down at 7.00 p.m.
  • Wednesday, 18th December: Walking Nativity. Come and join us as we tell the story of Christmas whilst walking through the village, from 6.00 p.m.



It is nearly the end of a busy term and it has been a great one!  Our children [and grown-ups] have worked hard all year and the end of term assessments and performances reflect this hard work.

At the beginning of July, Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 children joined together to perform an awesome performance of Rock Bottom at The Landmark Theatre.  A couple of weeks later, children in Year 2 to Year 6 joined with children from West Down School for a shared musical extravaganza.  Ilfracombe Academy allowed us to use their inspiring venue and their school band supported our children to perform individually and in groups showcasing their musical talents.  The evening ended with all the children singing and playing their musical instruments together.

Sports day was great: perfect weather, lots of parents supporting and, of course. children supporting each other to have a go and do their best. 

Mulberry and Aspen Classes had a great day at Exmoor Zoo as part of their Jungle and Rainforests topic.  Pine Class went to Beam House for a residential trip. Year 2 children joined with Year 2 from West Down School for their first sleep-over in readiness for the many residential opportunities on offer as they enter KS2 in September.  All the children have had fun time learning both inside and outside the classroom.

Our new children have been in to visit us and get to know their teachers ready for starting school in September.  We're looking forward to welcoming them to the school. 

Next week we say goodbye to our Year 6 children.   This is always a time of mixed emotions.  We are sad to say goodbye but very proud of them and excited to see them move on to the next stage of education.  We all wish them well in the future and hope they'll stay in touch.

Sue Carey - Headteacher



We have a lot to look forward to this term and hope that the lovely sunny weather we are currently having will continue.

Our KS1 children are learning about the life cycle. They currently have caterpillars awaiting to make cocoons, eggs in an incubator and frogspawn. Spring really is an exciting season with everything bursting into life!

Our Y3/4 children recently travelled to the Roman Baths in Bath and are now looking forward to their residential trip to Beam House.

As we write, our Year 5 and 6 children are sitting their SATS exams. They are all doing an amazing job! After this week they will all be able to relax and enjoy starting to learn the script for their production in June.

After such a successful meal for the Senior Dudes, Years 5 and 6 students will host a meal for their parents. They will spend the day preparing the meal and then dress up and serve in the evening.

They also enjoyed their residential to London. It is a great experience; seeing a show, travelling on the underground and visiting the sights of the city.

As we move further into the term, our KS2 children will have the exciting opportunity to see a performance by the BBC Orchestra and a trip for Y3/4 to the Mix Festival. This is a large musical event where schools have the opportunity to listen to and take part in musical workshops.

Sports Day is just around the corner and in the coming weeks the children will be busy practising.

We have our PTFA Summer Fayre on the 5th July. We should love to see members of the community there. Please keep an eye out for posters with more information.

We are also planning a Wish Fish display for which the Village Shop have kindly given us space. The Wish Fishes' scales will show items that the school can use to enhance the curriculum - our PTFA hope that parents and friends of the school will take a scale and donate the items listed. We already have a very generous donation of some computing peripherals but other scales will list smaller items - for example the ingredients needed to make playdough - or things that we should like help making, for example outdoor cushions for a reading den.

It has been a busy year with lots of positive improvements. Our new school uniform and federation logo was part of our work on developing a strong ethos and vision for our schools. This vision and associated values have started to embed and we are very proud of what the children have achieved. Our teachers are busy making plans for next year which involve more subject specific teaching for KS2 children and hopefully more opportunities for links with our local community. If you'd like to get involved with school life please let us know. We welcome volunteers and can organise the necessary safeguarding checks and induction training.

From the staff and pupils, we wish everyone a safe and happy summer.

Sue Carey - Headteacher

Our Vision and Values
"Streams today, oceans tomorrow"

Our Vision:

Being the best that we can be; committed to making a difference.

  • A holistic curriculum which engages and excites through creativity and curiosity. Opening windows onto the world.
  • Develop independent, collaborative, motivated, self-reflective learners, through excellent teaching and learning
  • Give every child the opportunity to become self-assured, confident and compassionate; able to have a fulfilled life.

Our Values:

  • Truth - Freedom - Honesty - Justice
  • Respect - Responsibility - Integrity - Co-operation
  • Courage - Questioning - Bravery - Self-assurance
  • Endurance - Hope - Determination - Perseverance
  • Compassion - Forgiveness - Humility - Patience
  • Confidence - Calm - Inner Strength - Flourish
  • Curiosity - Questioning - Reasoning - Growth Mindset
The West Berry Family - working together
to broaden horizons and constantly improve the outcomes
for each of our children



We are writing this on World Book Day. This year our theme has been Detectives. A very talented member of staff wrote a mystery story for the children and they have spent the day using their inference skills to solve the mystery.

We won! Thank you again to everyone that supported the Tesco Bags of Help. The school scooped £4000 towards our playground renovations! We are currently collating prices and are hoping to begin work in the summer holidays. It will be a tricky job due to limited access, but we are hopeful we can get it done. Watch this space for photos.

The School Choir have had a busy start to the spring term. Their first event was a very successful evening alongside Beaford Arts and the Village Choir. The Manor Hall was full to capacity!

On Saturday, 2nd March, forty-eight children from across the Federation performed at Exeter Cathedral. This was part of the Chorister Outreach Project for KS2 children and involved other local schools and the Devon County Youth Choir. It was truly an amazing experience and a privilege to sing in such a stunning setting. The children made us extremely proud!

Here are some quotes on the performance:

Aspen Class also took part in an exciting Composition Workshop with the North Devon Sinfonia and composed music to their limericks.

Our Summer Term is always a busy one! Our Year 5 and 6 pupils will have their SATS tests. It can be a very stressful time, but they will be very well prepared and we are sure that they will all do amazingly.

We have our school production in the Theatre. The children really rise to the occasion of performing on stage and to a large audience. They never fail to impress and always pull off an amazing show! Tickets will be available from the School Office at the end of June.

Alongside this we also have a Residential, Sports Day and various sporting events. The children, and staff, are always ready for the summer holidays!

A date for your diary: PTFA Summer Fayre - Friday 5th July. Look out for posters for more information nearer the time.

We would like to wish everyone a very Happy Easter.

Sue Carey - Headteacher



Happy New Year to everyone! We hope you all had a great festive season.

Our Senior Dudes' Meal was a huge success! The children thoroughly enjoyed preparing and serving to their grandparents and the community. The hall and tables were decorated beautifully and added to the ambience, and the singing at the end really finished off such a lovely evening. Thank you to all who came along to such a wonderful community event.

The Walking Nativity was a great success and thoroughly enjoyed by all, with the addition of a donkey! We finished the evening by warming up in The Globe with mulled wine and tea/coffee. Guitarists, ukuleleists, a saxophonist and pianists performed Jingle Bells, Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer and Merry Christmas Everyone. We closed the evening with the choir singing Mistletoe and Wine and Merry Christmas Everybody. We should like to thank The Globe for allowing us to use their family room and providing warming refreshments!

We should also like to say another big thank you to The Globe for donating the takings from their Christmas Raffle, £250, towards our playground renovations.

Thank you to everyone that supported our Tesco Bags of Help. We are just waiting to hear the outcome and will keep you posted. The children have come back to school refreshed and ready for the new Spring Term.

As a Federation we have increased our involvement with musical events. During the Autumn Term children performed at Exeter Cathedral and they took part in an all-day workshop with Debbie Kent [the founder of the Teachers Rock Youth Choir] and Bazil Mead [the Founder of the London Gospel Choir]. 270 children and 100 adults from schools across Devon performed to an audience of 700 people. The tickets sold out in less than three weeks. This was an amazing opportunity for the children.

We also have several events coming up this term:

We are looking for volunteers to help in the school with gardening and reading. We are also short of lunchtime supervisors [this is a paid role]. If you have any spare time and would like to help, please call the office on 883493.

Later this year we'll be holding an Aspirations event for our oldest children. We are hoping to find people to come and talk to the children about the many exciting things that they might like to do in later life. If you or someone you know have experiences that you would like to share with the children, please get in touch and help us to inspire the next generation.

Thank you to everyone for your continued support of the school.

Sue Carey - Head Teacher



It has been a very busy term so far with lots to look forward to. The Schools have been thinking about our new adopted values and how we can relate these to Bible stories in Art and RE Week. The finished stories will be on display in the School along with a display of our values and new logo.

Some of the art work also ended up in the Pannier Market in Barnstaple as part of a wreath making competition, with our new strap line Streams today, Oceans tomorrow. Look out for it on the roof of the Pannier Market. The wreaths are 2m by 2m and will be suspended above the ceiling using chains. The fish were made by Pine Class and Oak Class, and over 100 baubles were used to decorate it.

We have launched a new programme to help the children to learn how to maintain good mental health. We are running a training session for parents and any interested adults on 22nd January, 6.30pm in The Globe. You do not have to have a child in school to join us.

Christmas preparations are underway and we are looking forward to our annual Walking Nativity on December 14th from 6.00 p.m. Come and join us as we tell the story of Christmas whilst walking through the village, returning to The Globe for the musical finale.

Please help our School whilst shopping at Tesco in Ilfracombe, we are entered for the Bags of Help competition, which is running through November and December. We desperately need funds to help with our playground renovations. As a school, Berrynarbor could win up to £4000 which could transform the outdoor space for all our children. Make sure you pop the token in the section for Berrynarbor School.

Please join us for our annual Christmas Fair at the Manor Hall on Tuesday 4th December. Pop along for a raffle ticket, Christmas cupcakes and lots more!

Don't forget to sign your name up for the Senior Dudes meal on the sheet in the Village Shop. The 6th December, for a four-course meal, prepared, cooked and served by the children in Alder Class in the Manor Hall. A treat not to be missed!

From all at West Berry Federation, we wish you a Happy Christmas and a Peaceful New Year.



A new school year, new children, a new member of staff and many other new things to get familiar with this Autumn. First of all, we welcome Sophie Muggleston as our Schools Direct student for the year. She will be working mostly in Key Stage 1.

Building works

No doubt, you will have seen the builders in and out during the summer break. The local authority had funded and organised some extensive work to repair a very damp wall in Class 3. When the walls were uncovered, the contractors found some structural defects so the works were delayed. The room is now safe, dry, functional and in use. The plastering and painting will be completed during the half term break at the end of October. Needless to say, this made the days before term started rather frantic, but everyone pulled together so that we were ready for the children on the first day of term.

First Day Back

What an exciting day that first day was as everyone, except the new children in the Reception Class and their staff, walked up to the end of Barton Lane to watch the Cycle Tour of Britain pass by.


School Uniform

You might have noticed that the children are wearing different uniform than previously. The Governors had been discussing a change in uniform so there was continuity across the two schools. The decision was hastened along when various suppliers ceased stocking our uniforms. Now the children across both Schools have been grouped into Houses and wear coloured polo shirts to denote which House they belong to. These are teamed with light grey jumpers, charcoal grey trousers and skirts, with gingham dresses in House colours an alternative option.

School logo

There is also a new school logo, as heads this article.

Class Names

The children will be learning about these trees over the course of the year.

School Values

Throughout the year, the children will also be exploring our newly agreed school values. Our values are:

These values will be the backbone to learning, achievement and mind-set, they will be entrenched throughout the school. This will be visible during collective worship, recognised through personal achievements and rewards, and be the common thread that binds Berrynarbor School and West Down School together. The aim of a clear Ethos and Vision is to create a shared goal which can then be used to identify strengths and can also be a building block to create well rounded children ready for the wide world.

Camping Out

Alder and Pine Classes each had a camp-out night with their counterparts from West Down during the first week of term. Alder had a Wild Night Out at Stowford starting with a day of activities including swimming and followed by a night under canvas. Pine had a night under canvas at Watermouth Cove followed by a day of water-based activities. Great fun was had by all despite the rain in the evening and overnight.

Exciting Auditions

Towards the end of August, the Teachers Rock Choir and the Teachers Rock Youth Choir auditioned for Britain's Got Talent. Our very own Mrs Barrow, Fiona, George, Isabel, Benjamin, Ruby and Roxanna are members of the Choirs. Debbie Kent the choir leader writes:

"Obviously, there are no guarantees with 'reality' TV shows such as these, but Thames TV personnel were so impressed they are going to do their very best to promote our mission and help support our application to the shortlisting process for the live shows. Their final words 'What you are doing is unique, we have never seen anything like this before, you are what this show is all about'."

The Year Ahead

We are all getting back into the swing of things and are looking forward to developing the new as well as building on what is already established. The children are enjoying their after-school Sports Clubs, Music Clubs and Sewing Club. Once again, we should just like to say thank you to you all as a community for the support given to the School.

Sue Carey - Head Teacher



After the Half Term break the end of the school year seems to have stampeded towards us, packed full of events and activities.


In June, Blueberry Class had a very hot couple of days at Beam House. They enjoyed a variety of outdoor and water activities including body boarding and trapeze. Elderberry Class ventured a little further afield and spent 4 days at a centre in Okehampton. They, too, had a variety of outdoor activities such as low and high ropes, archery, kayaking and rock climbing. Cranberry Class had a sleepover with their counterparts at West Down School.


This term has been full of music. Class 3 went to the Mix Festival where they experienced a variety of music styles. Throughout this school year, many of our children have been learning to play an instrument either with one of the tutors who visit school, or an external tutor. Instruments range through violin, cello, piano, saxophone, guitar and ukulele. Some children also have singing lessons with Mrs. Barrow, and 5 have been involved in the county-wide Teachers Rock Choir. There have been various opportunities for the children to perform in assemblies, at the school fete, and at school concerts. Some played ukulele and guitar with their tutor, Joe Steer, at Lee Village Fete.

Our concert choir had a very special evening performing at the Military Wives Concert in the village church.

Super Sam

After completing SATs, Elderberry Class had just 4 weeks to learn lines and get into character for their musical Super Sam. Their hard work paid off as they performed it brilliantly in the Landmark Theatre to an audience of parents, siblings and friends who all booed, laughed, cheered and clapped throughout the evening.

Ahoy There!

Reception and Key Stage 1 children have had Pirates as their topic this term. They have investigated floating and sinking using a variety of objects and materials. To broaden their understanding of things nautical they have looked at the structure of a fish and explored rock pool habitats on a Beach Safari in Combe Martin, when they also heard about some local coastal history. Maps have been used to locate treasure and the children have learnt about some famous pirates and life at sea. We hope you like the motley crew of pirate puppets pictured below, each endowed with unique personality by its maker.

Reception & Year 1

Year 2

Summer Fete

This was a great evening with plenty of activities to keep everyone amused and entertained. The lovely weather was a bonus, with the Manor Hall and its outside space such an ideal venue. Thank you to everyone who supported this event.

School Grounds

The improvements to the playground are well under way. The children are enjoying the new climbing wall and various other bits and pieces. The gardens have been productive and children have enjoyed sampling freshly podded peas.

Farewell, Adieu and Hello

It's that time of year again when we say farewell to our eldest children. There are 14 moving on to senior school in September. We shall miss them as they have contributed to our school community in so many ways, for example, serving on School Council, serving fruit at dinner times, looking out for the younger children and being good book buddies as they enjoy reading books with the youngest children. As they move on with our best wishes for the next stage of their lives, we welcome 12 little ones into the school. They have been visiting Class 1 for an afternoon a week through June and July so that they will be coming in to something familiar in September.


We have builders in over the holidays to rejuvenate parts of the building so there will be some comings and goings over the next few weeks, hopefully with minimal disruption to village life. Thank you once again for all the support you have given to us throughout the past school year and we hope you all have a relaxing and enjoyable summer.

Sue Carey - Head Teacher



The Summer Term started with a variety of activities on the calendar including sporting events, educational trips and making music, to name a few.

Class 3 trip to the Eden Project

We visited the scorching hot dome at the Eden Project. In the dome they had lots of beautiful plants. Some were soft and silky. Some were rough and spikey! When you first walk in you feel the heat difference. It is so hot. There are lots of fruit such as bananas, hard coconuts and pineapples. My favourite part of the day was looking very closely at the teeny tiny really juicy pineapples. They looked so juicy I could just have eaten them. As we walked up higher it got hotter. Near the top there is a wobbly bridge to go across and another bridge where you are sprayed with water. It was so nice! I would recommend a day at the Eden Project because of the amazing things there. It is so much fun!

Fiona and Emma

Key Stage 1 visit to Arlington Court

We went to Arlington Court and went pond dipping. It was great fun. We found a dragonfly's cocoon and lots of tadpoles. The Rangers with us for the day were Paul and Jess. We also learnt about habitats and life cycles. The cycle starts with the sunshine and the plants get their power to grow from the sun. The rabbit eats the plants and then the fox eats the rabbit.



There are many music activities ongoing. Some children have group or individual tuition for guitar, ukulele, piano and singing. Pupils of Joe Steer showcased their guitar and ukulele skills earlier this year.

Mrs. Barrow has two choirs who will hopefully be performing to the school later this term. One of the choirs, the Concert Choir, is busy rehearsing for the Military Wives' Concert in July. There are also six children involved with the Teachers' Rock Choir, an exciting venture. Here is an excerpt from the press release.

Teachers Rock Youth Choir record their first professional 'live in session' album alongside Teachers Rock and Rev Bazil Meade MBE. On Saturday 14th April, 125 young people [aged 8-13yrs] from across the South West joined together for their first ever recording session as the Teachers Rock Youth Choir.

The Teachers Rock Youth Choir is a new vocal development programme initiated by Teachers Rock founder Debbie Kent. It offers young people unique learning experiences enabling them to participate in high quality, transformational vocal programmes which broaden and deepen their musical understanding and help support the development of their musical creativity.

The Teachers Rock debut album featuring the Teachers Rock Youth Choir is due for release next month. To keep up to date with all the latest news subscribe to the Teachers Rock website: The Teachers Rock Youth Choir are also on twitter @TRY2cool4school and Instagram: try2cool4school

Playground Developments

We had a Pride in our School Day one Saturday in May when parents and friends worked hard to spruce up the school grounds and put in place some of the new equipment in the playground.


Both Key Stage 2 classes have residential trips planned, and Year 2 will be having a sleepover with their partner class at West Down School.

Ethos and Vision Day

This is a new venture for us, the children of Berrynarbor and West Down Schools joining together to take part in a variety of activities, including art and craft, outdoor team building, and other workshops. The aim of the day is that it will help us to identify and celebrate our shared values as a federation.

Sue Carey - Head Teacher

Events in the Bible - Elderberry Class [10/11]






Well, what an interesting Spring Term it has been with many different activities on the go, including swimming lessons at Ilfracombe pool for all except the Reception children, gymnastics in Barnstaple for Year 4 children, trips out to both Exeter and Combe Martin Wild Life Park, developments in the playground and, of course, three days closure due to snow! In amongst all that, the children and staff have been getting on with all the everyday things that make up school life.

Blueberry Class Exeter Trip

When we visited Exeter, we went to St Peter's cathedral. It looked old and crumbly. We were split into two groups and had a tour guide. He took us on an amazing tour. We saw a massive organ and some amazing chambers. Outside there were statues. One was of incredible St. Peter. The other statues were of angels and people from the Bible. Lots of the chambers had people buried in them so people could honour them. They had a cathedral cat that guarded the clock. On the way out we saw a massive Lego model of the cathedral. They have been building it for three years. We then drew pictures of famous St Peter's Cathedral. We then walked to the museum to find out about Egypt and the rare Egyptian tomb of Shepenmut. There were lots of rare Egyptian items and hieroglyphic writing on the walls. The Egyptian things were very special. After we had seen all the Egyptian things we went to the shop and bought a few things. When we had finished we were all tired but amazed.

Emma and Fiona

School Council

is a team of children from year 2 to year 6. We have meetings every Thursday to discuss what is best for our school. The reason we have school council is to make our school a better place. In our meetings we discuss loads of different things to improve our school. Some of the things we talk about are: fund raisers, how to save money, playground development and much more. In our meetings Mrs. Gill helps us discuss everything. We also have a suggestions box that anyone in the whole school can pop a note in about things they want to happen or things they are concerned about. We all feel proud that we are on the school council and that we are making a difference to our wonderful school.

Vincent and Dillon

Women's' World Day of Prayer We were going to use excerpts from this service (prepared by ladies in Suriname) in our assembly on 2nd March. Its theme of looking after our world is applicable to our school as we try to reduce, recycle and reuse our refuse. Unfortunately, we were closed on the day due to snow. However, we are hoping to use the material in future assemblies.

World Book Day

his event on 1st March was another that was snowed off. We held it the following week and had a great day celebrating and enjoying books. There were many different characters in school as pupils and staff dressed up as their favourite book character. The children had the opportunity for an extended time of story writing, a rare luxury in the everyday, crowded curriculum. There was also a Book Swap where children brought in a book they had enjoyed but no longer needed and swapped it for one they had not yet read.


Harry Potter


Aslan from The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

Playground Development

We are currently redeveloping part of our playground area to provide a variety of areas for play. We are very grateful to the Round Table who have given a generous donation to pay for the materials for a climbing wall. The P.T.F.A. have committed all monies raised this year to go towards the playground improvements, so please support their events as much as you can.

There are still many other items that we are looking for: clean guttering / pipes, wood, tyres, paint [suitable for outdoors], kitchen equipment to use in mud kitchens - measuring jugs, sieves, bowls, pots and pans, utensils etc., cable reels, palettes, toys such as vehicles, happyland, animals, people, bricks, plastic crates, etc.

If you are able to donate anything on the list it would be much appreciated. We are also looking for people to donate some time to help build, paint and improve the playgrounds. If you are able to lend a hand, or want to find out more, please talk to the staff in the school office.

Ethos and Vision

The West Berry Federation is convening an Ethos and Vision Committee to set and implement the vision for both schools and to celebrate and underpin Berrynarbor School's Christian distinctiveness.

We should like to welcome a member of the community to join this committee as the ethos and vision of the school reaches not just the pupils, staff and parents but also out into the wider community.

If you are interested or wish to hear more about this please contact




Although 2018 is now well under way, we'd like to send New Year greetings from us all at the village school. The final weeks of last term were full of Christmas activities and enjoyment, with performances, choir items, Christmas dinner, community events and lantern making, to mention a few.

Senior Dudes' Meal

elderberry Class traditionally puts on a meal for their grandparents and senior citizens in the community.We spent the day preparing the meal and people started arriving at 6.00 p.m.We started serving the food at 6.30 p.m. They loved the food and having us serve them. We also sang carols to them.We were given a box of Celebrations as a thank you, and money was donated which will go towards next year's Senior Dudes' Meal.

Alex A

Walking Nativity

On Wednesday 13th December we had our Walking Nativity. even though the weather was extremely miserable, we still had lots of fun! We stopped at many different places in the village and sang lots of different Christmas Carols. Our final stop was in the barn where we sang "Away in a Manger", "Silent Night" and "We wish you a merry Christmas". We would like to thank everyone in the community who came to it! Thank you!

Dillon and Sophie

It certainly was an enjoyable evening and we'd like to thank Dave Spelman for playing the guitar to accompany our carol singing. We'd also like to thank Chris and Barbara Gubb for the use of their barn for refreshments and our final sing accompanied on ukuleles and guitars played by some of the children. We hope the cattle were entertained!

Village Carol Service

Our School Choir sang at the village Christmas Carol Service. We sang "When a child is born" and "We're walking in the air" accompanied by Mrs. Gill's enthusiastic piano playing.The Berrynarbor Choir was there, too. Our singing teacher, Mrs. Barrow, runs the school choir and conducts all of our performances. She is great with music. Sometimes Stuart Neale also helps us with things and gets us in tune. We had three children, Benjamin, Ruby and Rosie singing "Once in Royal David's City" as they walked up the aisle. May, George and Isabel read out a Bible reading. The service ended with refreshments and we all had a great time.

Ruby B, Rosie T and Isabel

Christmas Fair

Thank you to all who supported this. It was a lovely social time and we hope you enjoyed it, too.

The year ended with a fond farewell to Mrs. Mcentee who has taught at the school for many years. We shall miss her humour and turn of phrase but wish her a very happy retirement. There was also a joyful hello to a little boy born to Mrs. Orr and her husband just a few days before Christmas, another grandson for Graham and Carol Lucas.

Now our attention is on the term ahead of us. There has been some shuffling around of teaching staff with Mrs. Poynter, our Deputy Head, and Mrs. Kentall teaching elderberries, our oldest children. Mr. Jones is teaching Cranberries in the mornings and running booster groups for some of our older children in the afternoons here at Berrynarbor and at West Down school.Mrs. Barrow is teaching Strawberries and Cranberries some afternoons each week and will be having some music fun with various groups across the week.

The children from Year 1 through to Year 6 will be having swimming lessons this half term. There are also music clubs, football clubs and a sewing club starting up as after-school activities. So, as you can see it's going to be busy!

Sue Carey - Headteacher





We've had a busy time at school this autumn with many different activities alongside the regular curriculum. Here are some of them.

Harvest Festival

On Thursday 5th October we had our Harvest Festival. The whole school really enjoyed singing their songs and doing group performances. Personally, I enjoyed singing "Conkers" the most, and we raised the roof of the church! It was one of the best Harvest Festivals ever!May

Big Bang Event

On 6th October Elderberries (Years 5 & 6) went to Torrington.First, we went to the big hall where there were numerous people with lots of inventions. Thomas almost won a Lego building competition. Then we went to another hall where a crazy scientist showed us magic tricks using science. Afterwards we went to a classroom and did tests such as blood pressure. We saw a cow's heart, ugh, and made slime out of glue, borax and food colouring. Alex A

Robot Coding

Some children from Year 6 went to West Buckland School to an event organised by teachers there. Bray Lino, an advertising company, were there and helped us to build and code robots. We then put the robots in a maze to see which robot could go fastest. Zac

PTFA Treasure Hunt

After school on 6th October we had a Treasure Hunt at Watermouth Castle. It was comprised of lots of questions placed around the castle grounds and marked by balloons. Participants had to write the answers down on one of two sheets of paper (one for adults and one for children). The children had to look for clues to answer the questions. The adults' questions often included trivia about the local area. Afterwards there were jacket potatoes and soup. (leek and potato made by Mr. Newell, and tomato and basil made by Tia, both equally scrumptious!) As an end to the lovely day, the children crowded on to the merry-go-round and begged for 20p's from the adults to make it go round! Altogether it was a fab time, and I hope it will be held again next year. Isabel

School Choir

Our school choir sang at the wedding of Tia and Michael. We sang our own version of "Hallelujah" with special words for a wedding and Mrs. Gill played the church organ. There were 12 people in the choir, and the church was full of people. We all felt very nervous when we were about to sing because everyone was listening to us.It went well, though, and we had a great time singing at the wedding. Ruby B and Rosie T

Art Week

The children enjoyed taking part in an Escher Style Art week. We had help from Ruth and Doug Burton, both established artists and parents to two of our pupils. Ruth has had work displayed at an Escher exhibition.

The children were able to experience tessellation whilst making their own pictures using Escher's intricate shapes and designs. Each class produced a large design that will be varnished and then displayed in the outdoor classroom as we are making this into a Maths learning area. Doug also worked with the children to make 'brush bots'. These robotic brushes created their own designs and were battery powered.

We should like to wish you all the best over Christmas and into the New Year. Many thanks to you all for the support given to the school throughout 2017.

Sue Carey - Head Teacher



The new school year is now well under way. Last September we welcomed 9 girls and 4 boys into the Reception Class. This year the tables have turned and we have welcomed in 3 girls and 9 boys. What a difference a year makes!

They are settling in to school routines and enjoying their topic of Once Upon a Time, along with the children in Year 1. Many of them have an older sibling further up the school and, at least one, a parent who attended the school when they were young.

The Junior aged children in Classes 3 and 4 had their usual night out camping in the first week of term. Blueberry Class camped at Watermouth Cove and were very glad of their food marquee when the rain set in. It made a cosy venue to sit and chat during the evening. Elderberry class went to Stowford for their Wild Night Out. It certainly lived up to its name with the wind and rain. After a late settling down for the night, the torrential rain and distant rumbles of thunder woke everyone at around 4.00 a.m. so there were not many hours of sleep for anyone! Thankfully, they had the weekend to recover and dry out.

Year 6, our oldest children, have a few interesting events planned this term from Creative and Problem Solving at West Buckland, to The Big Bang at Torrington School.

We also have a few PTFA events on the calendar, such as a Treasure Hunt at Watermouth Castle and a Movie Night that all the children will be able to enjoy and we're planning ahead for Christmas already. This year we hope to invite members of the community to join us for a Walking Nativity around the village.  Please look out for posters nearer the time.

Sue Carey - Headteacher



So, we have come to the end of another school year with the final few weeks a bustle of sports events, educational day trips, the Summer Fayre, residential trips, a theatre performance, Year 6 visits to their future secondary schools, our September intake making weekly afternoon visits to class 1 and then, on the last day of term, the Leavers' Assembly and Presentation of Awards with our Year 6 children making their farewell speeches. It was definitely a celebration tinged with sadness but full of hope and expectation for the future.

In amongst all this business the children have still been concentrating on their academic studies. Here is one of the poems Cranberry Class [class 2] have written:

Our School Garden

Fresh air hitting my face.
Sun burning hot.
White fluffy grey clouds
Whooshing through the air.
Stream flowing nearby
Creating a relaxing sound,
With flowers running down,
Making a whooshing sound.
Short grass,
Just been cut,
Creating a lovely smell
Slowly whooshing in my face.
Birds tweeting in the trees
Watching over me as I pass.
Singing lovely lullabies.
Seeking worms their quest.
Leaves fluttering through the air.
Leaves dropping behind us.
Lovely, colourful leaves.
Falling to the ground.
Shadows are on the ground
Following you around,
Copying everything you do,
Always reflecting you.


We'd like to say a big thank you to all who came to our Summer Fayre, especially those who donated prizes or helped out at the event. It was a lovely evening in all ways. The weather was perfect so we were able to utilise the outside space as well as inside the Manor Hall and there was plenty for everyone to do, from games to tombola, to a Prize Draw. Always popular, the photo booth had a great selection of whacky items to put on before striking a pose. There was plenty to sustain the inner man, too, with a barbecue, beer tent, tea, coffee and cakes.

In late June, some of Elderberry Class went on a residential trip to London and had a great time visiting a variety of interesting places as well as spending an evening at the theatre. Those who didn't go to London spent three days doing special activities locally. Midway through July Blueberry Class went to Beam House for two nights and had a great time doing a variety of outdoor activities. The younger children in Cranberry

Class [year 2] had a sleepover with their counterparts at West Down School. For some this was their first night away from family, so it helped that they were in a familiar place with staff they knew well.

Once SATs were over, Years 5 and 6 started rehearsing for their play Ali Baba and the Bongo Bandits. Earlier in the year there was uncertainty about the venue for the performance but, happily, they were able to use the Landmark Theatre, so had the full experience of performing on a proper stage with all the props and technical details that entails. What a fantastic evening - it was full of song, drama and laughter! Well done to them all and to Mr. Jones and Mrs. Davies who coached and guided them.

Blueberry Class spent a brilliant day at Combe Martin on a Sea Safari and would like to thank Combe Martin Museum who organised such an interesting day.

There is so much more we could share with you. The results of the younger children's Growing Grub project filled their classroom with the earthy, fresh smell of carrots, beetroots and other vegetables just harvested from the garden. Sports Day was a great success and we were blessed with ideal weather. Earlier in June, some of the older children learnt safe cycling skills with Bikeability.

We are all looking forward to our summer break and wish our Year 6 children well as they leave us to move on to their secondary education. They have been an important part of our school community and we shall miss them.

We hope you all have a lovely summer and, once again, thank you for all the support you give to the school.

Sue Carey - Headteacher



What wonderful weather we have had through April and May. The children have been making the most of it with many outdoor activities.

The Celebration of Learning for Strawberry and Cranberry Classes at the end of last term was an evening Star Gazing with their families. A great time was had by all and everyone was very grateful for the telescopes that someone had lent.They really enhanced the experience.

On the first day of the new term they went on a Spring Walk around the village. One of the children said it was the best day ever.

Growing Grub is their topic this half term, so part of the school garden will be an area where the children can grow their own produce.There have been Digging Days for each of the three Year Groups when parents and grandparents came into school to work alongside the children in the garden.They are concentrating on growing edibles at the moment, but will be looking ahead to refurbishing flowerbeds and banks. If any of you have young shrubs, perennials, etc., that might be suitable, then Mrs. Wellings would love to hear from you.

Our older children in Key Stage 2 have also been having a busy time with Football Tournaments, Speed Stacking and other sporty things. As a treat for all the hard work the children in Year 5 had done, they had a Wheelie Day early in May when they brought scooters, bikes, wheelies and skateboards into school. They had great fun in the afternoon zooming around the playground.

During May, Years 2 & 6 had their statutory assessments. We are proud of the hard work they have put in and know, that although for some it is an anxious time, they have all tried their best.

In the last issue of the Newsletter, we mentioned our Question of the Week. Here are some more examples of the mind teasers posed each week.

Wednesday 26th April marked 20 Years of Service at our school by Mrs. Sophie Bird, one of our Teaching Assistants.The depth of affection the children have for her was evident in the way even the very youngest children managed to keep secret the events planned for the day. At the Morning Assembly there was a presentation of cards and gifts, and at lunchtime we ate al-fresco together in the playground. This was followed by an afternoon of games and sports on the playing field. To top it all off the weather was glorious!

As we move into the second half of the Summer Term, the children are looking forward to residential trips, sports day, Elderberry Class performance and many other events. Year 6 children will be visiting their future Secondary Schools and we shall have our September Intake visiting us regularly each week.

We shall soon be counting and sending off the Sainsbury's Active Kids vouchers, redeeming them for sports equipment. If you have any lurking around, please drop them into us.

School Fete

The annual School Fete will be held at the Manor Hall on Tuesday, 4th July. Please look for posters nearer the time.

Governor Vacancy

One of our very valued Governors, Colin Humphrey, has decided to retire from the Board of Governors here at West Berry Federation. We thank Colin for all his time and dedication while serving. This leaves a vacancy for a Co-opted Governor. The Board operates as one body across both Berrynarbor and West Down Primary Schools. You don't need any specific qualifications [full training is provided]. but you must be aged 18 or over, with an interest in helping to monitor and raise standards even higher in our already Outstanding schools. We are very keen to recruit individuals with a range of skills on our Governing Board and therefore welcome applications from all walks of life. If you would like more information please e-mail our Clerk, Natalie Stanbury: or call Berrynarbor School

[01271] 883493 or West Down School [01271] 863461.

Sue Carey - Head Teacher



It seems unbelievable that we are more than half way through this current school year and planning ahead for events in the Summer Term. Meanwhile there has been plenty going on. For example, the past month or so has seen various activities where parents have spent time in the classroom with their children.

Magical Maths

This was a great time when parents enjoyed a morning of Maths with the children. Here are some of their comments:

"Good to see children having fun doing Maths." "Brilliant. Lovely to see all the different ways to learn." "Maths isn't something to be afraid of!"

World Book Day

In early March we celebrated World Book Day. Our theme this year was Myths and Legends. Parents joined the children for part of the morning and, together, they explored the range of book inspired group activities set up around the school. The children also held a Book Swap bringing in books they no longer needed and swapping them with each other.

Parent Teacher Meetings Parents and teachers have spent time talking over their children's progress and looking at the next steps.

Celebration of Learning We are hoping that the weather will be kind to us towards the end of March as Key Stage 1 have an evening of Stargazing with their parents planned for the celebration of learning. This will round off their Space Topic brilliantly.

Swimming Gala A group of children from Key Stage 2 represented Berrynarbor in the Ilfracombe Inter-school Swimming Gala. They swam well and showed great sportsmanship.

Question of the Week Over the past few months the children have been given a weekly question to ponder over. The subject matter has been varied and entertaining, hopefully setting brains thinking and provoking debate. What would your thoughts and answers be to the following?

Class Target

Each Class is set a weekly target to aim for. Here are a few:

Audits and Checks

In January, because we are a Church School, we had a SIAMS [Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools]. This was conducted by the local Diocese and we have come away from it with some useful ideas to help further develop our Christian ethos.

A few weeks later there was an administration audit which went very well and, again, left us with pointers to make our systems even better. Early March saw an audit of our Safeguarding Practices. This was also a useful experience as the safety and well-being of our children is of the utmost importance.

Politics and Pounds

As you can see our school is a safe, fun, inspiring and nurturing place for our 93 pupils. However, it isn't an easy site to manage and maintain so keeping it safe for our children eats into the budget. We do not receive any more in our budget than a similar sized modern built school with little expenditure on maintenance. It's true, as you might have heard through the media, all schools are struggling to balance their budgets this year. In Devon, however, schools are facing further cuts alongside rising costs despite having been underfunded for many years due to a historic schools funding formula. Our precious children deserve the best education and our society needs the next generations to be well-rounded, well-educated people, but this will be difficult to achieve without adequate funding. Nationally, our school system is at breaking point. If you visit you will see the scale of the problem. Please add your voice to the case for fair funding in education.

Easter Greetings

As this busy term draws to an end we are enjoying the lengthening daylight hours, the bright spring flowers that are blooming and are looking forward to the Easter break. We should like to thank you for all the support you give to the School and wish you all a Happy Easter.

Sue Carey - Headteacher



New Year greetings to you all from everyone at the Village School. The new term is well under way now, but here are some reflections on happenings before the Christmas break.

Year 6 Friendship Day - Year 6 children had a great time at Ilfracombe Academy on Friendship Day thinking about relationships and transitioning from Primary to Secondary School.

Sports Hall Activities - We trained in the Manor Hall for competitions with James O'Sullivan from Ilfracombe Academy. We tested our running, jumping and throwing abilities. We hope we can do it again next year.

Christingle Service - On Wednesday 7th December we did our Christingle with Reverend Bill. We enjoyed the service and got to eat the food afterwards! After Reverend Bill's explanation on why we do Christingle we made them ourselves. Then we lit the candles on them and sang Away in a Manger. It looked very pretty in the candle light. Altogether it was great and we hope we get the chance to do it again next year.


Following the service was the PTFA Christmas Fair in the Manor Hall. There was a variety of activities, stalls and, of course, refreshments. A favourite with the children, and their grown-ups, was the dress up photography set up on the stage. As you can see, the staff enjoyed this, too. Thank you to everyone who supported this event and helped raise just over £400.00 towards updating the fitness tail.


Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra - Our trip to see the Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra at Exeter University was a long ride, but when we got there it was fabulous watching and listening to them. We had to do some interactive things like body percussion and we got to listen to some well- known music.



Eily and her Grandmother

Elderberry Class Senior Dudes Christmas Meal - This was held in the Manor Hall on 30th November. We really enjoyed this event as we cooked, served and sang for the Seniors. We have received a lot of thank you letters to say that they really enjoyed it, too.

Amber & Lily

Strawberry and Cranberry Nativity - The performance by Strawberry and Cranberry Classes was one to remember! We'd like to say a big well done to all of the children for their super singing and clear speaking voices. Superb dancing too! Thank you to all the teachers, staff and parents who helped to make it such a great success!

Christmas Carol Concert - What better way to end the term and prepare for the holidays than a Christmas Carol Concert in Berrynarbor Church!

On Wednesday 14th December Berrynarbor School held an outstanding carol service for their parents. It was a great turn out led by Canon Michael. The children sang their hearts out until they could sing no more and made everyone proud. Thank you to everyone who came along. We hope you enjoyed it.

Finley & Amelia.

So, moving on into the New Year, the children are continuing with swimming lessons at Ilfracombe pool, and the after-school football club with Rosie Smith has resumed. We have World Book Day coming up on 1st February with the theme Myths and Legends. It hardly seems possible that a year has gone by since last year's Book Day when we had the Space Odyssey Planetarium set up in the Manor Hall.

The children in classes 1 and 2 have a Geography based topic this term centred around the location, landmarks, food and culture of China. Class 3 have the Romans as their topic and class 4 the Anglo Saxons.

Sue Carey - Head Teacher



What a lovely Autumn it has been, making all our outdoor learning activities so much more pleasurable. As well as the usual curriculum studies, there have been many other events and opportunities for the children to be involved in. I'll let the children tell you about some of them.

Harvest - Thank you to all the parents who attended. We had a wonderful time to appreciate Harvest and all the hard work the farmers put in. We hope the people who came liked our displays.


Big Bang Event - This was one of the best events I have ever been to. There were loads of exciting experiments; we got to make slime walk on water. We would definitely like to visit Great Torrington School for another event like this.


Journey to the Centre of the Brain - Years 5 and 6 went to a brilliant presentation called "Journey to the Centre of the Brain" - not a very catchy title! - which was performed by Make Believe Arts. This educational play, which took place in West Down Hall, told the children all the things your brain does and how they do it. There were songs to help you learn it and parts where people got to join in. What an excellent way to teach! It was performed by four people and, as you can probably tell, they all had to play several parts each, now, that's clever! Part of why we went was because our topic is Ourselves, meaning our body and what happens.


Military Wives Concert - It was a great night starting with the Military Wives Choir singing 3 songs and then Berrynarbor Village Choir sang a funny song about the opening of Ascot horse racing track. In the first half we sang a song that I had written the words to, called 'Somewhere in the World'. A lot of people thought it was quite emotional. In the interval we had some snack boxes and a welcome chat after being silent [mostly!] for when the Military Wives Choir and Berrynarbor Choir sang their songs. In the second half the Military Wives sang my favourite song of theirs 'Wherever You Are', and we sang our second song 'This Little Light of Mine', which was a cheerful contrast to our first song. Finally, to end such an amazing evening, all three choirs sang 'Joshua Fit de Battle of Jericho' as the grand finale. After that, the school choir were each given a medal saying 'I sang with the Military Wives Choir'.


PS: I would like to thank everyone involved for putting on such an amazing evening.


Bonfire Night - The children in Key Stage One would like to share some of their firework pictures and acrostic poems with you.

Fireworks sparkling in the air.
In the fireworks go.
Right up in the air the fireworks sparkle.
Excited people waiting for fireworks.
What a beautiful sight.
Over the hills, the hills the fireworks go.
Rockets singing in the breeze.
Crackle in the air.
Spreading lights everywhere.

Benjamin [6]

Fireworks whizzing and popping
I like firework time.
Rockets fly up in the air.
Everyone cheers and laughs.
Whoosh! Bang! Go the fireworks.
Off we go to watch the fireworks.
Rockets zooming and whizzing.
Skies full of colour.

Rosie [6]




There have also been ongoing football club, cookery club, choir, music lessons [violin, piano, guitar and ukulele] and since the Half Term break, weekly swimming lessons. Now we are busy preparing for a Spotacular Children in Need Day, the Senior Dudes Meal and all our Christmas events. Term finishes on 16th December this year so there is a lot to pack into just a few weeks.

The children have a Christingle Service in the church on Wednesday,

7th December which will be followed by the PTFA Christmas Fair, held in the Manor Hall. There will be a variety of stalls and activities and we would love to see you there. The PTFA are currently raising funds to update the fitness trail at school.

On the theme of fundraising, a huge thank you to all who supported West Down PTFA's Raise the Roof Appeal, a total of £4,298.30 was raised. Thanks to the generosity of Cornwall Flat Roofing, the roof was repaired with plenty of funds left over to have the internal damage repaired as well as the external lights that were damaged by the thieves. Also, many thanks to Foxhunters for providing the men with amazing breakfasts each morning free of charge, and to John and Fenella for their overnight accommodation.

We should like to wish you all a happy and blessed Christmas.

Sue Carey - Headteacher



The new school year is well under way and it has been a busy few weeks. Mrs. Wellings and her team have been enjoying getting to know the 13 little ones who have started in our Reception class this term.

Throughout the rest of the school the children have been settling in to their new classes and taking on different responsibilities. For example, it's great to see the older ones taking care of younger children at dinner times - confirming their meal choices, helping them make a good selection from the fruit bar and then cutting up and serving the fruit and sitting alongside those who need help.

The weather in the first week of term was very changeable so Classes 3 and 4 had to postpone their camping trips until the second week when the forecast was for exceptionally good weather. Class 4 had a Wild Night Out at Stowford Farm Meadows and Class 3 camped out at Watermouth Cove.

As some of the children were busy with their camps we delayed our celebration of Roald Dahl's 100th until Tuesday 20th September. The children were invited to dress up as a character from one of Roald Dahl's books. [See opposite] The dinner menu choices for the day were BFG ears with snozcumber gravy, No Bird Pie, Mr. Twits' Beard Soup, James and the Giant Peaches and Willy Wonka's Chocolate Milk. The children were also encouraged to join in a book swap by donating one they had enjoyed reading in exchange for a book someone else had donated.


The ever popular Football Club, run by Rosie Smith, started up again in the week after the camp outs, and Sarah Peach started a four-week Cooking Club for children in Class 4.

The School Harvest Festival was held at the end of September. The children enjoyed singing their favourite harvest songs.

On behalf of our partner school, West Down, we should like to thank all of you who helped support their Raising the Roof Appeal following the theft of lead from their school roof.

Sue Carey - Head Teacher



A bell has been erected on the top of the school consequently the children have been much more punctual this week.

The above is an extract from one of the old school logs that came to light during our recent alterations and refurbishment. It was entered on 22nd May 1874. We have been fascinated by the many and varied entries in the logs, all beautifully hand written, and thought you might find some of them interesting, too. The following entries were found in the 1874 to 1930 log book.

Royal Events:

Absence from School (quite a topical subject today):

With 1st July 2016 being 100th Anniversary of the Somme we looked to see whether there was an entry in the log:

Earlier this year scarlet fever was doing the rounds across the country and a few of our children went down with it. Nowadays, with antibiotic treatment, it is quickly contained and affected children are able to return to school after 24 hours of treatment. It was a very different matter in the early 1900s. Here are some gleanings from the log:

We probably imagine children to have been very orderly and well-disciplined whilst at school back in the day, but this entry suggests otherwise:

What a fascinating glimpse of our school and village history, but now to the present and current happenings.At the time of writing, Class 4 are busy rehearsing their musical Robin and the Sherwood Hoodies, a tale of tights, fights and footlights.

We held a Rainbow Fun Day for the Wallace and Gromit Grand Appeal and raised £220.05 for Bristol Children's' Hospital. Many thanks to all who contributed to this.

We wish Year 6 pupils all the best as they enter their new schools in the Autumn. They will be missed here for a multitude of reasons, not least their care for the younger children. We hope you enjoy their artwork completed earlier this term.

As we come to the end of another School Year we should like to thank you, the village community, for all your support and interest. With your help we have recently ordered new balls, hoops and other sports equipment through the Sainsbury's Active Kids vouchers scheme. Thank you so much. We hope you have a lovely summer.

Sue Carey - Head Teacher

Class 4 [Years 5 and 6} Art Work: We have used brushes and acrylic paint to recreate the lino printing style of Namibian artist John Muafangejo, and are looking for somewhere to display them either in school or out and about, if anywhere is interested?




This year seems to be flying by.We are already in the second half of the Summer Term at school. The SATs are behind us and we are enjoying a variety of sports and other outdoor activities. The school garden is flourishing with purple beans, peas, four different coloured beetroots, kholrabi, potatoes, rhubarb and various cane fruits, all growing well.

In the April Newsletter we mentioned that the school was fund raising for Sport Relief. We completed the sponsored mile run and held a Bake Off competition. There were over 30 entries including superb, simple sponges, a selection of decorated, themed cakes, and some delicious creations with the most amazing aroma and taste. The prize for the tastiest cake was won by Laura Eaton whose flavoured cake smelt delightful and tasted delicious. The Rolo themed cake entered by Jed and Dillon Haines was voted the best for presentation and design. Thanks to our judges, David and Eve Walker, who sampled and tasted each entry, and to all the children who paid to cast a vote for design and presentation.At the end of the day, slices of cake were available to buy. We'd like to thank everyone who supported the fund raiser in any way. Nearly £700.00 was raised for Sport Relief, an astounding amount.

Elderberry Class, our older children, are busy rehearsing their end of year Musical. It will be staged at the Landmark Theatre in July so will be a true theatrical experience for them. Before that, however, they will be off on their residential trip 'Rock and Rapid' for an adventure packed with activities. It will be a time to relax and enjoy each other's company after the hard work in the run up to SATs. Year 6 pupils will also be visiting their chosen Secondary Schools in preparation for the new school year. We wish them well for the future but will miss them come September as they have been very active within our school family.Some have run after school clubs for the children in KS1 including gardening, Lego, movie night, science, ICT and party games. Others have helped serve fruit from the fruit bar at lunch times as well as reminding children of their meal choices. They have been caring, helpful and supportive towards the younger children and we are very proud of them.

Blueberry Class, our Years 3 and 4, are also looking forward to their residential at Beam House where they can be sure of an action packed time. Meanwhile our younger children in Key Stage 1 will be welcomingSummer Club children into their classrooms as they visit us prior to starting school in September.

At the start of a new term each of the year groups from Year 2 through to Year 6 elects a girl and a boy to represent them on the School Council which meets fortnightly. Before the Easter holidays our School Council went to West Down School to meet with their School Council and the kitchen team to discuss School Meals for the Summer Term. Here is a report from two of them.

'We talked about how healthy the menu should be and discussed which hot and cold dinners would be suitable for the summer menu. We added a fruit bar where each day children can select portions of various fruits. We think this is a good idea as it helps with water intake in the hot weather. We tasted sausages and burgers from a new butcher. They were really good.'

As the saying goes, 'the proof of the pudding is in the eating' and the eating seems to be going very well at school lunch times as the children enjoy the freshly cooked meals prepared by Sarah Peach and her team.

Sue Carey - Head Teacher



The second half of the Spring Term has been a busy one. There have been a couple of inter-school sports events. Our swimming team did well at the swimming gala with each competitor reaching the finals in their event. They took part enthusiastically and we are very proud of them.

Elderberry class spent an afternoon at Ilfracombe Academy playing Tag Rugby with children from other primary schools in the area.

We are collecting Sainsbury's Active Kids Vouchers again this year. Over the years we have gained some useful sports equipment through this scheme. If you have any vouchers going spare, please either pop them in to us or to the shop. Thank you.

On the 3rd March we celebrated World Book Day. Our theme this year was Space, and the children were encouraged to make a costume to wear for the day. On the previous day we were all enthralled and fascinated by the wonders of space as we spent time in the Space Odyssey Dome that was set up in the Manor Hall. Thank you to the Pilates class for freeing up the hall for us We hope that those of you who experienced it found it amazing, too. This is what the children thought about it:

"I really liked the Space Odyssey. It was awesome! We got to see loads of constellations. They were amazing! We also got to see all the planets and loads of space men and women. I loved it!"

"I liked the Space Dome. It was 3D."

"One day at school we went over to the Manor Hall to an inflated dome where a man explained how the space station moves around the earth. He also told us what people think the stars look like. My favourite star shape was a unicorn. It was so magnificent. On World Book Day we went to do 3 activities based on a book while dressed up as a space themed costume. Most people dressed up as Star Wars characters. It was spectacular."

"I enjoyed the Space Dome because we got to see the International Space Station and inside it. Things kept spinning around."

"On World Book Day the theme was space. I was a galaxy."

"I loved the Space Odyssey. It was incredible. We saw rockets and rockets going into space. We saw Leo, Leo Senior and Orion. When I got home I told mum everything. It was amazing! The next day I enjoyed playing Flanimals and making them out of playdough. It was the best!"

It is great that there is to be a defibrillator in the village.

David Blackmore from St John Ambulance came in to school to demonstrate and explain how it works to Key Stage 1 and 2 children.

The topic for Key Stage 1 this term has been Transport and they spent a great day at Woody Bay and Lynton looking at and travelling on the railways.

The School Council, elected from each class, meet regularly to discuss issues dropped into their suggestions boxes, ranging from school meals to sticking taps.

At the time of writing, plans are under way to raise money for Sport Relief. There will be a sponsored Mile Run and a Bake Off. Years 3 to 6 will be making cakes at home. They will be judged on taste and presentation. We shall have our very own Paul Hollywood and

Mary Berry stand-ins to judge both categories, but children will be able to judge appearance and presentation for a fee of 20p. Results and photos might appear in the next issue of the Newsletter.

There are also other special things happening in the run up to Easter. Blueberry Class will be putting on their Easter play, the whole school will be going to the Landmark Theatre for a performance by Kagemasha Tiako Drums, and KS1 along with Pre-school will be walking to see the lambs at a local farm.

Meanwhile we look forward to our Easter break and the lighter evenings.

Sue Carey - Head Teacher



Happy New Year to you from all of us at the School.

The children from Classes 1 and 2, along with Mrs Wellings and staff, would like to say a big thank you to all who attended their Nativity. Funds raised from the sale of cast photos and refreshments have been used to purchase some role play furniture for Key Stage 1.

Blueberry Class were the first to take a trip out this year. They spent a day in Exeter visiting the Museum to further their studies of the Ancient Egyptians, and the Cathedral as part of their R.E. Curriculum, looking at places of worship.

By the time you read this, the Soup and Pud Evening will be over but the children have been busy colouring in pictures of Soup and a Pud to be displayed at the event.

We are looking forward to World Book Day on 3rd March. The theme this year is Space and we are organising various activities over a couple of days to foster a love of books. The Space Dome has been booked and will be open to the community during the evening. Keep a look out for posters with information about the when and where, and how to book tickets.

We are currently planning and developing a Community Project to create stronger links between the children and older village residents. More information will be available at a later date, but meanwhile if you are interested in being involved we should love to hear from you.

To enable us to purchase sports equipment, we shall again be collecting the Sainsbury's vouchers. Please help us by giving us your vouchers!

Sue Carey - Head Teacher




In October we had a football tournament with West Down School. It ws enjoyable and both our teams were successful. Our KS2 team, drawn from Blueberries and Elderberries, are pictures celebrating their 3-2 winning score.

Since returning from our half term break, life at the school has been busy. All, bar the Reception children, have been enjoying weekly swimming lessons at Ilfracombe Pool, such an important skill to have. They return to school with healthy appetites for the tasty meals Sarah and Tia have prepared for them.

Tuesday 10th November was full of activity. In the morning, under the guidance of chef Jamie, KS1 children made gnocchi and pizzas for our lunch. This linked in with the work they have been doing on Italy. The results were delicious and many children tired gnocchi for the first time. At the end of the school day, some children from Elderberry Class organised a fund raiser for Children in Need. There was a Bring and Buy Toy Sale, a Cake Sale and Sponge the Teacher. The latter had nothing to do with cakes, water and foam rubber sponges were involved, 3 for 30p! Respect to those who put themselves up as targets and well done to the children who organised the event.

There have been a few out of school activities including Tarka Tennis Tournament for Year 4, Friendship Day at the Academy for Year 6, and for Years 3 and 4, a Problem Solving Festival.

On the 11th November, six children represented the school at the Remembrance Day Event in Ilfracombe.

Dates for December

Sue Carey - Headteacher



Well, what a busy start to the new school year it has been. During the summer break steel supports and dividing walls were put in to form a new office, corridor and learning area on the ground floor. We are looking forward to the development of a mezzanine floor above, creating space for a staff room and an additional office space. Many thanks to Lee and his team who worked long hours through the Bank Holiday weekend to ensure the building was ready for the start of the term. Then, on the Wednesday, it was all hands on deck as Staff and Governors cleaned, moved furniture and unpacked boxes ready for school to start the following day. It has been exciting seeing this next stage in the improvement of our learning environment unfold and we look forward to its completion.

So, what else has been happening?

Twelve Reception children have been welcomed into Strawberry Class under the care of Mrs Wellings and her team. There have also been some additions to the other classes as a family of three have moved into the area. We hope they will all soon feel part of our school family.

The lovely weather during the second week of September fell at just the right time for our junior aged children's Wild Night Out. The children spent a day enjoying a variety of outdoor activities and then spent the night under canvas. Blueberry camped at Watermouth Valley and Elderberry was at Stowford.  It was a great way for staff and children to get to know each other at the beginning of the school year.

The children have been harvesting vegetables that they have grown in the school garden and one day enjoyed a delicious potato salad made from freshly dug potatoes.

After school sports clubs have resumed with ball sports and dancing being enjoyed by several children. All in all a happy start to the new school year.

Sue Carey - Head Teacher



When you read this we shall be into the second half of the Summer Term. Over the past weeks the children have been enjoying taking their learning outside.

The younger children have had an expedition to Watermouth Woods as part of their topic on mini-beasts.

On Thursday 30th April, the children in Years 3 and 4 from both West Down and Berrynarbor Schools visited Watermouth Valley campsite and Watermouth Harbour as part of their topic on Pirates and Coasts. The children walked from Berrynarbor School to Watermouth harbour to study the boats and tides:

The group of forty-five children and several adults then went to Watermouth Valley campsite to sketch maps and plot the equipment and facilities on the campsite.

After lunch the group then went on a brisk walk to Broad Sands beach. The children used local walking maps to navigate their way. They were also looking for a Geocache called Dragon's Nest hidden on the path. They followed co-ordinates from a GPS. It took the group down the 227 steps but to no avail as the treasure was very elusive.

This was a really informative, fun trip for all, including the adults! Thanks to Watermouth Valley Campsite for accommodating West Berry Federation again!

On 28th April a group of children represented the School at an inter-school swimming gala. They swam brilliantly and managed to get into the finals of the girls' backstroke and the girls' freestyle.

Elderberry pupils have been working hard for their SATs which they sat in May. They are now looking forward to their end of year performance as well as other events over the coming weeks.

Sports Day will be on Friday 3rd July at 1.00 p.m. - 3.00 p.m. in the Sports Field, with Monday 6th and Tuesday 7th in reserve should the weather be inclement on the 3rd. This year we shall be using a PA system for announcements and music.

The School Fete will also be on the 3rd starting at 3.00p.m. and will be in the Manor Hall. It will have a Pirate theme.

Elderberry and Blueberry classes will be going on their annual residential trips later to London and Beam House, Torrington respectively.

In July the whole school will be going to the Landmark Theatre to see a performance by the Essex Dance Company. We always enjoy watching the children from Essex dance.

Sue Carey - Headteacher

Maps of Watermouth Valley

Amber and Dulcie

Amelia and Summer



Soup and Pudding Evening - We should like to say a massive thank you to the organisers of this event in January and also to each one of you who supported it and helped to raise so much money for the Chemotherapy Unit and the School. This donation will greatly help the development of our outdoor learning space, such a useful resource for our younger children.

Assembly - Thanks to Graham Lucas who, since the departure of Rector Chris Steed, has taken on the Monday School Assemblies. The children really appreciate them. Class 3 write:

"Mr Lucas has done really fun stories and has had us interacting by getting us to be characters in the story. Reuben was Goliath and George was David."

Swimming - Years 1 - 6 have been enjoying their weekly swimming lessons at the newly refurbished pool in Ilfracombe.

Bloodhound event - Year 6 visited Ilfracombe Academy to take part in an event aimed at promoting and inspiring children to develop in Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths. It was run by scientists from the Bloodhound Super Sonic Car Development Team. This car has been designed to break the world land speed record and is now being built. The goal is to achieve speeds in excess of 1000mph! The children were shown a full size model of Bloodhound. They used telemetry equipment and studied the data produced. Then they built and raced their own rocket cars.

Over the course of the day they discovered how jet engines work, how rocket motors are fuelled by rubber, and then even experienced a sonic boom. Everyone had a fantastic day investigating, exploring and learning about the ways in which science, technology, engineering and maths impact our everyday lives. We have some budding engineers!

World Book Day - In the first week of March we celebrated World Book Day with a book based competition. The children were asked to design a sash based on a book they enjoyed, or on their favourite character. They could choose how many items, drawn or real, to put on to their sashes. We also had a bring and buy book sale. During the day a team of three children represented the school at an interschool Book Quiz. One of the team, Hazel, reports back:

"Three of us from Berrynarbor School went to a Book Quiz in Barnstaple Library. It was Berrynarbor's first time competing and we came fifth out of the fourteen schools taking part. We hope to compete again next year and come home with the trophy! We had great fun working closely together as we were tested on our knowledge of books."

Sue Carey - Headteacher



Happy New Year everyone! After such a busy half term in the build up to Christmas, the children enjoyed a fun filled two week break!

Staying Safe - Colette Hudson from Childline Services visited Elderberry Class. The visit was to provide children with an understanding of abuse, knowledge of how to protect themselves and an awareness of how and where to get help. The afternoons were very informative and we are hoping that Colette will return every other year to visit.

Fire Safety Talk - At the start of the term KS1 and KS2 were visited by Devon and Somerset Fire Service, who taught the children about fire safety. They learnt to plan an escape route, how to test smoke detectors, steps to take to avoid a fire and what to do if there is a fire. Remember to check your smoke alarm!

Football Tournament - Selected children from Elderberry class attended a football tournament at The Ilfracombe Academy. The children all played well and enjoyed themselves. Well done Team. Also, congratulations to Josh Richards who was Man of the Match!

Senior Dudes Meal - This was my first venture at putting on the Senior Dudes Meal. It was very well received by our guests and there have been many compliments given over the past few days. Thanks to Sarah Peach, Paul Newell and Louise Richards for all their time and hard work. Also, thanks to the adults who helped on the night. Congratulations to the children, they were very well behaved and served their guests perfectly. This was all topped off by the seal of approval from the creator of the Senior Dudes event herself, Carol Lucas!

A generous amount was raised for the MNDA, and the children gained many life skills.

Mr. Jones

Christingle - Christingle afternoon was enjoyed by all. Children made their own Christingle and learnt about its associated symbolism, they then walked to church to take part in a Christingle Service

Strawberry & Cranberry Class Nativity - The children did themselves proud with a fabulous performance of "A Little Bird Told Me". The Manor Hall was packed, and afterwards parents enjoyed tea, coffee and mince pies. An enormous well done to the children and a special thank you to all the Staff team who made it possible.

Village Carol Service - Thank you to our School Choir for performing so well at the Annual Carol Service. There was a lot of praise from people in the community, which made us very proud of you all. Well done to all of the children for singing so beautifully at the School Christmas Concert.

Think Road Safety

Thank you to all parents/carers who have supported our Think! Road Safety campaign. It has been a great success. Our children and their parents have been able to cross the road and walk to the car park safely. Traffic flow through the village has been much smoother. Might we politely remind parents not to park in the junction opposite the bus stop as this is not a safe option. We appreciate that the car park gets busy, but spaces soon free up.

Sue Carey - Headteacher




I cannot believe we are already on the countdown to Christmas, where has the year gone?

At this time of year the children enjoy 10 weeks' of swimming lessons but this year has been set back a few weeks due to the repairs and refurbishment at Ilfracombe pool. Swimming is an essential part of the PE Curriculum and particularly important in the area in which we live.

We have been very lucky to have had a visit from a GB Athlete - David Hill a Paralympic Swimmer. The children took part in a sponsored event and had the privilege of hearing about David's career.

Dates for your Diary:

We should like to wish everyone a
Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Sue Carey - Headteacher


On Sunday, 21st December, we shall again be singing carols in The Square, Come along, dressed warmly and with lanterns at 6.30 p.m. Your singing will be rewarded with free mulled wine and mince pies and there will be a collection for local charities.



The six weeks break has just flown by and we hope everyone had an enjoyable holiday. The weather has been great! We held 8 successful Summer Clubs during the holiday - 4 at Berrynarbor and 4 at West Down. These clubs gave the children the opportunity to meet their friends, have fun and do a little reading and writing to help keep their brains busy.

During the holidays we undertook major building work, moving offices and class 1. Lee Gooch worked amazingly hard and we now have a beautiful early years' classroom much more appropriate for the needs of our youngest children. Our offices have moved to the front of the school and we hope to add a mezzanine floor to provide a staff room and small group teaching space.

We welcome our new reception class and hope they enjoy their time at school. We officially welcome Mrs Lucy Jones who will be working 3 days a week and Ms Pip Owen who will be teaching 2 days a week for the time being. We have also been lucky to appoint Miss Jess Rollin who has joined our staff team in Strawberry class and Mrs Loanna Ball who is supporting Sarah in the kitchen. We are also pleased to welcome Mrs Julie Gooch back to our school.

At the end of the Summer Term we said goodbye to our Year 6 pupils. We wish them every success for the future. We have already heard that many are enjoying their new schools and have settled in well.

Elderberry class have just experienced a Wild Night Out at Stowford Meadows. Blueberry class enjoyed their Wild Night Out at Watermouth Valley campsite. This great experience gave the children opportunity to appreciate the natural environment during the magical twilight times of dawn and dusk.

The start of term has seen the start of our new curriculum with some exciting new learning projects planned. We have also finally managed to establish an afterschool club giving parents the opportunity to go back to work or training.

Our Harvest Festival this year will be held on Wednesday 1st October.

During the summer holiday we found some old school log books. These fascinating documents have given us a window on the work of our colleagues from the past. Looking back at the oldest log book I can see that the children had just one calendar month for their summer holiday back in 1883 and they returned to school on August 13th. They finished the school year in July with 122 on roll and an average attendance of 88 children per session! We expect the children to come to school every school day in 2014 and now have 87 children on roll - I'm not sure where we would put 122 pupils!

In September 1957 the head teacher recorded:

  • 10.09.57 - School reopened at 9am. No's on registers 49 - seven new entrants. During the holidays the three rooms have been tiled with accotiles and each room has had an alicon stove installed in place of the old tortoise stoves.

  • 11.09.57 - Mr Jordan called in school to see the work which had been done.

  • 13.09.57 - One of the tiles in the big room has cracked badly.

  • 19.09.57 - Piano tuned and cleaned today.

  • 20.09.57 - Dr Vernon today gave polio vaccine to 10 children.

  • 28.09.57 - The annual jumble sale was held today and £23 was made for the school fund.

  • 02.10.57 - Mr Whitworth [district architect] called today. We are proposed new toilets - contract for which has been given to Pearce (Ilfracombe)

Sue Carey - Headteacher



We are nearly at the end of another year - the time has flown! It has been an action packed term and we are all ready for the holiday. As I write, Blueberry Class (Year 3 and Year 4), together with Willow Class from West Down, are enjoying a residential trip at Emercombe. They are sleeping in yurts, using composting loos, building rafts and dens and learning about the natural environment.

While Blueberry Class have been away, the rest of the school have hosted our third annual Federation Day. The children and staff from West Down were welcomed to Berrynarbor. The children enjoyed renewing friendships with friends from the other school while taking part in a morning of problem solving and team building activities and an afternoon of sports activities. Both schools enjoyed a delicious picnic lunch in the sunshine, prepared and served by Mrs Peach and her colleague,

Mrs Hazlehurst from West Down. Other highlights of this term have been the Elderberry Class residential to Bristol, a whole school trip to see Essex Dance, a visit from a hive of bees (yes the bees really did come into school to visit us - along with their keeper Mr Barrett) and getting to know the new children who will be joining us in September.

A few weeks ago we enjoyed our first community week - the normal timetable was suspended but lots of useful learning went on. The aims of the week were to give the children a greater understanding and appreciation of the community of which they are a part, to get the children out into the community so that our neighbours could meet and feel proud of the wonderful young people who attend our village school, and to extend the opportunities for the children to contribute positively to the community. The week started with the children delivering questionnaires to the houses in the centre of the village. Many of these questionnaires were returned and the children used them to find out about the wealth of experience and expertise that people living in the village had. Berrynarbor is a beautiful part of the world to live in, the children noticed from the questionnaires that some people had lived in the village all their lives, others had been born here, travelled the world and then returned and others had moved here for a number of different reasons. Some residents of the village came into school to be interviewed by the children and some children went out to meet our neighbours in their homes. Other children visited Lee Lodge and some older children took a turn at helping in the shop. A group of children met Bishop Robert in the village and presented him with a book of prayers that they had written. The children learnt more about the history of the church, some climbed the bell tower and they explored the graveyard and collected information about the families that had lived and died in the village in the past. In this age of social media and 'online friends' we taught the children about social etiquette and courtesy - how to greet someone, how to make eye contact

and talk confidently to someone that you are meeting for the first time, how to behave politely in someone else's home, how to show respect to people and property. The children made posters, wrote biographies and newspaper articles and plotted 'village links' on a world map. The week ended with a celebration afternoon when we invited our community to come to school to visit us. The children baked cakes and scones, served tea and coffee, led guided tours of the school and showed their visitors what they had learnt. Watching the children enthusiastically welcome our neighbours to the school and proudly share their work was wonderful and I should like to thank all those who gave their time so generously to meet and speak to the children.

The children thoroughly enjoyed the week - the most talked about activity was meeting and talking to our neighbours about their lives and hearing about how life was in the past. Parents have told us that their children went home buzzing about what they had learnt and the teachers and children all agree that we should like to repeat the project next year as there is so much more we should like to do - if you have any suggestions or would like to be involved next time - please get in touch. If you would like to be part of our school and spend time with the children helping with reading, craft work or gardening or simply talking to the children over lunch please get in touch. Safeguarding checks will be made and an induction will be given to volunteers. The children like other adults to share their achievements and support them with their challenges and they benefit hugely from people with the time to take an interest in their lives. Life can be busy for us all but simple conversations and sharing the wisdom of the past can make a real impact on the lives of children today. We should love to work more closely with our community.

With a week to go before the end of term, we are still looking forward to our traditional Year 6 water fight on the playground tomorrow after school and the Years 5/6 show in the Manor Hall next week. On Saturday we will enjoy a surprise tea party in the hall to say Thank You to Mrs Lucas for her many years of service to the school. Mrs Lucas, the organiser of many Senior Dudes Meals, Forest School and our much loved and respected Years 5/6 teacher will be retiring at the end of this term. She ends her time at our school on a high with a fantastic set of SAT's results and 'the most responsible group of children' to be taken away on residential. Next week we shall also say thank you and goodbye to Mrs Balment and our Year 6 children Dylan, Anna, William, Lawrence, Alfie, Roker, Ellis, Indianna and Sam. We wish them all success and happiness in the next chapter of their lives.

Sue Carey - Headteacher



Well, what a busy time we are having - The children are really enjoying the first half of our summer term!

Strawberry and Cranberry class are learning about Growing Grub and have planted a variety of seeds.

Children in Strawberry, Cranberry and Blueberry have recently enjoyed a trip to Tesco to take part in their new Farm to Fork Trails. The children learnt about fruit and vegetables and their origin along with a visit to the bakery and a trip through the warehouse. The trip was thoroughly enjoyed by all!

Elderberry class have been busy working hard for their SATS which they sat in May. Now they are complete, the children can relax, just a little, as they will now be working on their end of year performance.

The summer term always sees lots of events taking place and several of our KS2 children have taken part in a Tag Rugby and Striking and Fielding festivals.

We shall be holding our Sports Day on Tuesday 10th June, 1.00 p.m. in the playing field. Should we have typical English summer weather that day, we shall move to the 17th June.

Elderberry and Blueberry class will be going on their annual residential trips; Goblin Combe in Bristol and Embercombe near Exeter.

During the last week of June we hope that the children will be out and about as we suspend the normal curriculum for Community Week. The children will be out helping and getting to know our neighbours. As part of this week we'll invite you to visit our school and see what the children have been doing - please keep an eye on the notice board outside the shop for more details.

The whole school will enjoy a trip to the Landmark Theatre in July to see The Essex Dance Group. The children love watching this performance, all performed by children too!

Our pupils will also be enjoying a Federation Day with West Down School. This is a great and fun opportunity for the pupils from both schools to mix and get to know one another.

The PTFA are working hard to organise their annual Summer Fete. Beaford Arts will be visiting us again this year and the Fete will be held on Saturday 12th July.

We hope everyone has a lovely summer and the weather is kind to us!

Sue Carey - Headteacher



After what seemed months of endless rain the children are finally able to enjoy the sun and play outside!

This term's topic for Strawberry and Cranberry Class is 'What a Lot of Rubbish'! The children have been really busy learning the three R's of waste management: REDUCE, REUSE, RECYCLE! They have visited Brynsworthy Recycling Centre where they found out what happens to the recycling waste that is collected - the children were fascinated by the amount of waste and what happens to it. They were shown some of the many items made from recycled materials including a fleece made from recycled plastic bottles!

Both classes also met the friendly and helpful crew who collect our recycling in the village and have entered a competition organised by Devon County Council to REDUCE waste in packed lunches. They have been gaining a real sense of responsibility and explained to the whole school in an assembly about using REUSABLE containers and wrote letters to parents.

All the children are motivated and consider themselves Superhero's on a quest to save the planet! Make sure you don't drop any litter in the village!

Elderberry Class enjoyed a trip to Exeter to visit Places of Worship. The children visited a Mosque, Synagogue and the Cathedral. It was a fascinating experience for them.

The Berrynarbor Restaurant has once again been open for this year's Parents' Meal. The children worked hard all day to prepare the food, which tasted delicious! The waiting staff looked very smart and were very polite. Well done class 4, and Mrs Lucas.

The topic for Blueberry Class this term was 'Urban versus Rural' and this saw them on a trip down to Exeter so they could see the difference between a city and a village. Blueberry Class will also be performing their Easter play, 'The Selfish Giant, on Friday 4th April in the Church at 2.00 p.m. Everyone is welcome.

We hope everyone has an enjoyable Easter break and look forward to the start of our summer term on Tuesday 22nd April.

Sue Carey - Headteacher


Happy New Year everyone!

After such a busy half term in the build up to Christmas, the children enjoyed a fun filled two week break! Hopefully not too many were affected by the dreadful bugs that have been doing the rounds.

Senior Dudes Meal - Well done Mrs Lucas, Elderberry Class really rose to the occasion again this year! They worked very hard all day preparing everything from vegetables down to making the stuffing and cranberry sauce. The adults thoroughly enjoyed themselves and the children finished off the evening by singing carols beautifully. A lovely evening was had by all.

Rosemoor Trip - Whilst Class 4 prepared for their Senior Dudes Meal the rest of the school enjoyed a trip to RHS Rosemoor. Despite the weather the children had a great day looking around the gardens. The younger children took part in an educational activity 'natural sculptures', whilst the older children did 'discover your tree'. We'd like to say a big thank you to the PTA for funding the transport for this trip.

Strawberry & Cranberry Class Nativity - The children in Strawberry and Cranberry Classes performed their Nativity play 'The Nativity' in the Manor Hall on Friday 13th. The whole school, joined by the preschool, saw the performance in the morning, followed by their big performance to their parents and families in the afternoon. It was a great success and all the children sang and performed beautifully - a credit to Mrs. Wellings' hard work!

Village Carol Service - Well done to the infants who performed their nativity play 'The Nativity'. The weather did not put us off and the show carried on in the church! This was followed by the village Carol Service, where the school Choir accompanied the Church Choir. It was a lovely evening with a wonderful Christmassy atmosphere.

This term Strawberry and Cranberry Classes' topic is Barnaby Bear goes to China. Blueberry Class are learning the difference between Rural and Urban areas and Elderberry Class are studying the science of bread.

Sue Carey - Headteacher



I cannot believe we are already on the count-down to Christmas! We have all just enjoyed a two week half term. The children are now refreshed and looking forward to the busy end of term ahead.

Following half term, the children have started their swimming sessions. This is an essential part of the PE Curriculum and very important in the area in which we live.

For Remembrance Sunday on the 10th November, the Church was decorated with Poems and Bunting that the children made for this special occasion and we hope you were able to take time to look at them.

Dates for the Diary are as follows:

We should like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Sue Carey - Headteacher



We hope everyone enjoyed the summer holidays; at least the weather has been kinder to us this year! They seem to have flown by and I can't believe we are starting the autumn term already.

We should like to welcome into Mrs Wellings' class; Grace, Aston, George, Lily-May, Fiona, Joshua, Ellen, Indie and Rowan. Also joining us this term are William,Thomas, Elisa and Andres, we hope they enjoy their time at our school.

We also said goodbye to our year 6 pupils; Disnie, Elyse, Shannon, Addie, Jack, Jak, Louis and Luc. We wish them all every success in their new schools.

We have started our new year with our annual camping trips. Elderberry class stayed at Stowford and enjoyed a Wild Night Out under the stars! The weather was great and the children enjoyed laying down and looking at the constellations at night.

Blueberry class stayed at West Down in the school field where they enjoyed forest type activities.

This is a great opportunity for the children to get to know their new class members and their new teacher!

Children in Years 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 will shortly be starting their swimming sessions. This is an important part of the curriculum, especially in the area we live.

Year 5 pupils are taking part in Forest Schools again this year, where they explore the forest, build dens, light fires using only natural resources and flints and learn about the trees and plants. They are taught to respect their environment and keep safe in it.

Our Harvest Festival will be held on Tuesday 8th October.

Sue Carey - Headteacher



As you read this we hope you are relaxing and enjoying nice summer weather!

The children have worked hard this term, and it was a long one too, 8 weeks! They have also had lots of fun with residentials and various summer activities.

Our Year 5/6 class recently returned from an action packed week on Dartmoor and our Year 3/4 children are soon to return from a 3 day residential at Beam House in Torrington. The Year 3/4 children have also been joined by their peers from West Down on camp and have been having a wonderful time. Year 1/2 pupils have been out on several trips including the farm and a visit to Verity and the Tunnels Beach. We have been very lucky with the weather and everyone has really enjoyed getting out and about.

The children due to start school in September have been attending school for Summer Club during the last few weeks and have settled in well. We look forward to welcoming them in September. All the children have worked extremely hard this year. It has been a pleasure to read through their school reports.

Our Year 5/6 children are practising hard for their show. Every year the children amaze us with their confidence. It is one of the last that this Year 6 do before they leave us for their new secondary schools. We should like to wish Jack, Jak, Luc, Elyse, Disnie, Shannon, Addie and Louis all the best for the future and we look forward to hearing how they get on.

The new school year will start on Thursday 5th September.

We hope all the children and parents have a lovely summer break and look forward to seeing you all in September.

Sue Carey - Headteacher

Below are two of the illustrated poems the children wrote for the 'Playing the Field' event. All the poems will be available to view at the Horticultural & Craft Show on Saturday, 24th August. The poems were sent to Beaford Arts and six were selected by Katee Woods for inclusion. Katee writes:

I should like to give a huge thank you to everyone that submitted poems for my art work. The high standard made it incredibly difficult for me to choose which poems to use and I would have used more if my hopscotch board was bigger and I could assign more sounds to it! I really appreciate how much hard work everyone put into their poems. Your contributions make my work possible and I'm really grateful for this. These are the poems that I've chosen to use.

I hope to see you all at Playing the Field and, again, a huge thank you to everyone who got involved!



Well, what a busy half term we are having!

We are pleased to announce that Elderberry Class are now back in their classroom, work almost completed! They are working hard towards their SATS exams that will take place the second week in May. The class will then enjoy a well-deserved fun week away when they all go on a residential to Plymouth in June.

Blueberry Class will be enjoying three days of activities at Beam House near Torrington for their residential in July.

Strawberry Class have just started their swimming lessons and will continue to be learning to swim like little fishes for the next six weeks. We would like to thank our parent helpers that come each week, it is much appreciated.

Work in our sensory garden is progressing well and hopefully this will be in full use later this term.

I'm sure you have all heard about Beaford Arts visiting us again this summer. It is set to be a big village event! Blueberry Class have designed leaflets that have been delivered throughout the village inviting members of the community to produce poems for the event. The PTA is working hard to help organise the event and the school Summer Fete will be held in the playing field on the 29th June alongside this event.

In the coming weeks we shall be holding a 'Pride in our School' day. If there are any members of the community that have a skill, any unwanted cans of paint, or time they might like to give, please contact the school, we should be extremely grateful. There will be refreshments throughout the day!

We'll be holding our Sports Day on Tuesday 11th June, 1.00 p.m. in the playing field. Should we have typical English summer weather that day, we move to the 12th or 13th June!

The whole school will enjoy a trip to the Landmark Theatre in July to see 'The Essex Dance'. The children love watching this performance, all performed by children too!

At the beginning of July the children will be enjoying a 'Federation Day' with West Down School. This is a great and fun opportunity for the children from both schools to mix and get to know one another.

We hope everyone has a lovely summer and the weather is kind to us, we all deserve it!

Sue Carey - Headteacher



Well, what a busy half term we are having!

You may be aware that work is due to start on the roof of the Parish Room. We have had to rehouse 18 children and two adults in a very short time! We are pleased to say that Mill Park have kindly offered the use of their function room for the time needed, we are very grateful. The children love their new surroundings, especially the play area!

The 'Berrynarbor Restaurant' has once again been open for this year's Parents Meal. The children worked hard all day to prepare the food; even the bread and pasta were homemade! The food tasted delicious, the waiting staff looked very smart and were very polite. Well done Class 4 and Mrs Lucas.

The whole school celebrated World Book Day by dressing as Pirates. Parents were invited into school to take part in Pirate activities; a fun morning was had by all.

A team of children entered the recent inter schools swimming gala. They all competed very well, what great swimmers we have.

This term Strawberry and Cranberry [Years Reception, 1 and 2] classes have been learning about 'people that help us' and have been on a trip to Ilfracombe Fire Station to learn about fire safety and have a look around a fire engine.

Here, with original spellings, etc., are their thank you letters.

I learned that any fire is dangeros. Thank you. from Thomas
I learned that if theres a Fire you haft go out side. Thank you. Love Amber xxx
I learned today the fan blows the smoke out the way. Thanc yoo.
From Sam
Dear Fire Men
I learned that you have to put a fire gard in front of a log fire.
Thank you Katelyn
I learnt today that in the night if there is a fire the smoke alarm will go
off and I will shout fire so everyone else knows. Thank you. Laura
I learnt that you used a fan to blow away the smoke. Thank you. Edie
I learned that the fire fighters have to wer a speshul. sut on them.
Thank you from Summer. xxx
I learned their boots had metal in the boots. Thank you from Zinnia
Dear firefighters,
thank you for letting Berynarbor School come to the fire stashone. I learned that one of the pieces of equipment is called a branch. The best bvit about going to the fire stashone was when I learned stop, drop, role. Thank you. Amelia
Dear Firmen
I learned not too touch machis. Thank you. Olivia.
I learned what the fan doos. Thank you. Zac
I learnt today when the smoke alarm hurts your ears it wakes you up.
Thank you from Arthur

I learned about the fan. It moovs the smowc. Thank you Xander
To Day I learnt abowt how the firemen use the fire hoses. Thank you.
From Vincent
I learnt not to play wif machis. I learnt to stop drop rol. Amber
I learned abot fire engins. Thank you. Danielle
I learned to not play with fire. Thank you. Sophie
I learnt today that some fires are bad and some fires good. May
I learned ti should not tuch ftry. Thank you. Alex
I learnt that a fan blows the smoke Jed
I learnt the ladr gos up. Fergus
I learnt the branch gos on the hos Dulcie
I learnt not to play wif machis. I learnt to stop drop and rol. Ruby
I lirnt that the branch dus clip on the hows. fyt you. Ben Beer
I lernt that matches are dangerous
I learnt when there is a fire on your cloths this is what you do. Stop, drop and role. I learnt what a branchy of a hoes is called. I learnt a fireman has a fan to blow away the smoke so they can see people. I learnt firemen do other things too other than takeing fires out.

Blueberry Class have been able to experience a trip to Combe Martin beach and a talk with Tania Mugglestone, who has just qualified in 'Coastal Schools'. This has been a great opportunity for the children given the area in which we live.

Blueberry Class will also be performing their Easter performance of 'Resurrection Rock' on Thursday 28th March in the Church at 2.00 p.m. All welcome.

We hope everyone has an enjoyable Easter break and look forward to the start of our summer term on Monday 15th April.

Sue Carey - Headteacher



Happy New Year Everyone!

After such a busy half term in the build up to Christmas, the children enjoyed a fun filled two week break! Hopefully not too many were affected by the dreadful bugs that have been doing the rounds

Senior Dudes Meal - WOW! We had record numbers for this year's meal - and the smallest class! As always, the children rose to the occasion and worked really hard preparing and serving the food. They finished the evening by singing carols, beautifully. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed their meal and the evening.

Strawberry & Cranberry Class Nativity - The children performed 'Shine Star Shine' to the school and pre-school and then to parents and families. The children sang and performed beautifully - a credit to Mrs Wellings' hard work!

Village Carol Service - Despite the weather the children performed their Nativity of 'Shine Star Shine' in the bus shelter to friends, family and members of the village. It looked and sounded lovely.

The children also took part in the village Carol service that followed. The porch was decorated with lanterns that the children had made, adding to the Christmassy atmosphere. The church was full to the brim! A very festive evening.

Educational Landscape - I am sure you have heard lots in the news about how education and schools are changing. We are really proud of what our children achieve and would love you to know more about what we do. Although this seemingly constant change can seem disconcerting at times, it also offers exciting new opportunities and we are determined to build on our success and embrace positive change so that we can continue to offer the best education to our children. I should be happy to come and present some information about our school to any interested groups - if you would be interested please contact the school.

This term Strawberry class will be learning about fossils and dinosaurs. If any community members have any interesting collections or expertise that they could share with the children we should love to hear from you.

Sue Carey - Headteacher

Are you, like me, intrigued by 'Strawberry & Cranberry'? The classes all now have names - all Berry fruits, I wonder why!




I cannot believe we are already on the countdown to Christmas! We have all just enjoyed a two week half term. The children are now refreshed and looking forward to the busy end of term ahead.

We should like to welcome two new children to our school: Austin who joins Mr Jones in class 3 and Alex in class 1 with Mrs Wellings. We hope they have a very enjoyable time with us.

In the next couple of weeks we shall be holding our Inspire Mornings. This is where the children have a family member or friend come into school to see them work for the morning. We have very good feedback from these mornings and the children really do enjoy it - even if the teachers are a little nervous!

This year we are involving the whole school in a big 'stir up' of an enormous Christmas pudding. These puddings will then be shared with the older members of our community ... should there be any left, we shall be enjoying them for our school Christmas Dinner!

As a school we raise lots of money for charity by holding various events and activities throughout the year, currently the children are: donating shoeboxes for 'Operation Christmas Child'. This is a very worthwhile cause and brings the joy of Christmas to many children.

On Friday 23rd November the whole school will have done a fun run around the village in aid of Children in Need dressed in their pyjamas! We should like to thank Edie Maytum in Class 2 for this great idea - please look out for them and give them a cheer!

As you can see the children really do have a busy, but exciting time ahead and below are more events that will be taking place.

We should like to wish everyone
A Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Sue Carey - Headteacher



We hope everyone enjoyed the summer holidays, despite the weather. They seem to have flown by and I can't believe we are starting the autumn term already.

We should like to welcome into Mrs Wellings class; Keira, Sophie, Ben, Dillon, Daniella, Joffre, Kensa, Lucy, May and Alex. Also joining us this term are Oliver, Emily and Melanie, we hope they enjoy their time at our school.

At the end of last term we said goodbye to our year 6 pupils; Isabel, Kelly, Caitlin, Harry, Kyle, Charlie, Mo, Miles, Kaitlin, Morgan, Lucy and Xanthe. We wish them all every success in their new schools.

Children in Years 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 will be starting their swimming sessions now. This is an important part of the curriculum, especially in the area we live.

Class 3 and 4 children will be taking part in Wild Night Out at Stowford Meadows. This is a great experience for them, where they learn to appreciate the natural environment during the magical twilight times of dawn and dusk. It really is a 'wild night out' as they are not allowed to use the facilities after teatime!

Year 5 pupils are taking part in Forest Schools again this year, where they learn forest crafts.

Our Harvest Festival will be held on Wednesday 3rd October, 2.15pm at Sloley Farm.

We are looking for members of our local community to help our Ethos Committee. Volunteers could join the committee, help with projects in school, or help by preparing and researching things at home. The Ethos Committee are developing our community links and Christian distinctiveness. If you would like to get involved please telephone the school on [01271] 883493 to find out more.

Sue Carey - Headteacher



As you read this, we should all be enjoying our summer holidays, with glorious weather, hopefully!

We have had a very busy six weeks in the run up to the holidays. The children have been involved in lots of activities and Class 3 and Class 4 have been on their residential. Included are some of their writings about their experiences.

Class 1 and 2 children have been learning about various forms of transport through the ages. They went on a day trip to Ilfracombe, on public transport, and looked around the Lifeboat and other boats in the harbour. An exhibition was held in the Manor Hall to show off their work and the children wanted to raise money for the Lifeboat.

Years 5 and 6 have also attended the annual Junior Life Skills. It is a very informative morning where the children learn about the effects of alcohol, beach safety and safety around the home, including fire and electricity, basic first aid and lots more.

Classes 3 and 4 took part in the Arlington Cross Country when we did extremely well and came back to school with two medals. Well done!

The weather managed to hold for our Sports Day and we had a glorious day with all the children putting in lots of effort and thoroughly enjoying taking part. It was not so good for the Summer Fete but in spite of persistent rain, it was a well-attended and enjoyable evening that raised in excess of £1,000.

Mrs. Wellings has been introducing our new risers to the school, visiting once a week and, of course, we are saying 'goodbye' to our Year 6 pupils who will be moving on to their secondary schools. We wish them every success.

We hope you enjoy reading the children's writing and have a good summer holiday.

Sue Carey - Headteacher

Note: The Autumn Term starts on Wednesday, 5th September



I can't believe we are well into the summer term already. The Children enjoyed taking part in the recent Mean Feet Dance event organised by Beaford Arts and despite the weather everyone had a fun afternoon.

KS1 and KS2 children have recently had a visit from the local Lifeguards. This is quite an important talk for the children due to the area in which we live. Class 4 pupils will have completed their SATS week in May.

They will be enjoying a day out to the Ocean Fest in June.

This term will see class 3 heading to Embercombe near Exeter for their residential. It is the ultimate 'outdoor classroom'. The children will have great fun learning new skills and old, stretch their imaginations and have lots of fun in the outdoors.

Class 4's residential is to Bristol this year, where they will be visiting the SS Great Britain, the Clifton Suspension Bridge, watching 'Phantom of the Opera', plus lots more. Mrs Lucas works very hard to ensure the children have a very fun-filled week.

The whole school will be taking part in an Olympic Torch event being held at Brimlands rugby field. This will be a great opportunity for the children to view the torch as it passes through and to take part in a fun day of sporting activities.

To celebrate the Queen's Jubilee, the children will be having a street party lunch at school.

Sports day this year will be held on the first fine day, either Tuesday 19th June or Thursday 21st June.

The PTA will be holding their annual Summer Fete on Friday 29th June - please see posters for times. This is usually a really big fundraiser for the school, so it would be lovely to see lots of people there. All welcome!

If there are any gardeners who have a glut of fruit or veg and would like to donate to our school kitchen, we should be very grateful. This enables us to try and keep our costs down!

Sue Carey - Headteacher



As Easter is early this year we have already nearly completed the Spring Term!

The children have been busy this term taking part in various sporting activities, including Sports Hall athletics at Ilfracombe College, and an inter-schools swimming gala at Ilfracombe pool. We have a group of children going to an Orienteering Festival at Ilfracombe College next week. There are also some friendly football matches being organised between some of the local schools and we shall be playing Ilfracombe Junior School on Monday 19th March.

Thursday 1st March was World Book Day. The children and staff were encouraged to dress up as their favourite fictional character, and parents were invited to school during the morning to take part in some reading related activities. This was very well attended and enjoyed by all.


On Big Yellow Friday, a fun day to raise funds for a charity supporting children with liver disease. We shall all be dressing in yellow costumes for the day to raise awareness and money for this worthwhile cause.

Our PTA have also been busy. Their recent Curry and Quiz night, held in the Manor Hall at the end of February was a huge success, and a good time was had by all. This is a great money raiser for our school, and we would like to thank everyone who took part.

Following on from the Senior Dudes Christmas meal, Class 4 children will be preparing, cooking and serving a wonderful meal, but this time it is for their parents and takes place on Friday 16th March.

Class 3 will be holding their Easter play in the Church on Thursday 29th March. All are welcome.

We shall again be collecting vouchers from Sainsburys and Tesco towards sports equipment for our school, and should be very grateful for any donations of vouchers.

This year saw our first team of Star Trekkers; Mrs Wellings, Mr Jones, Mrs Lucas, Mr Newell, Mrs Richards and Mrs Davies all took part and successfully completed the walk in 8.5 hours! Well done to you all!

We would all like to wish you a Happy Easter.

Sue Carey - Headteacher



We have had an exciting few months and as usual a busy run up to Christmas. Our Christmas Service, Nativity Service and of course the Senior Dudes Meal were enjoyed by all. We also received a visit from Ofsted Inspectors during the Autumn term.

The inspection was rigorous. We had two inspectors for part of the first day and one inspector for the second day. The inspectors looked at all areas of school life and spent a considerable amount of time in every classroom. They spoke to children and parents and spent time in the playground and lunch rooms. Until just before Christmas, the outcome of the inspection was a closely guarded secret. However, I am very pleased to tell you that the inspector, Mr Baxter, judged our school to be OUTSTANDING which places us in the top 6% of schools nationally. The full inspection report can be read online and includes comments such as:

"The pupils' impressive academic and personal progress is rooted in exemplary teaching and curricular activity, combined with continuing strengths in the care provided. Such strong provision, which also safeguards pupils as they make full use of the school's restricted site, helps them to feel very secure and take a high level of responsibility for their learning. That stands them in very good stead not only when working in school, but also prepares them especially well for their future lives."

We are very proud of this result and I think it reflects the commitment of our staff and children.

Our SIAS inspection took place this week. The SIAS inspection considers our effectiveness as a church school.

The children have warmly welcomed all of these visitors and shown them what a wonderfully caring bunch of children they are. We are hoping for a rest from 'visitors' for a while now as we look forward to some warmer days and getting outside more.

Sue Carey - HeadteachereadteachHe



We have had a busy Autumn Term. Our Wild Night Out proved to be a very soggy one; however, the children still managed to have a great time. The whole school are currently taking part in swimming on Monday mornings.

We have just completed our Inspire Mornings when parents or carers are able to spend the morning alongside their child. We have received positive feedback and are looking forward to holding more in the Summer Term.

Our Christingle Service will be held on Thursday, 1st December, at the Church. Family and friends are very welcome. The service starts at 2.15 p.m. Classes 1 and 2 will be performing their Nativity on Thursday, 8th December and again family and friends are welcome at the Church at 10.00 a.m.

Our Annual Senior Dudes meal will be taking place on Monday, 12th December. This is open to the grandparents of the children and the older members of the community. There will be a sheet in the Shop and Post Office for those wanting to attend to sign.

Finally, our Christmas Carol Service will be held on Friday, 16th December at 2.00 p.m. We hope that you will be able to join us for this celebration.

We should like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from all at Berrynarbor Primary School.

Su Carey - Headteacher



The six weeks have just flown by and we hope everyone had an enjoyable holiday.

Our caretaker had a busy August as we have had most of our very old carpets replaced. Most rooms have had a lick of paint and some new tables have replaced the broken ones that after being welded many times had come to the end of their life. Our classrooms now look brighter and lighter and the children are enjoying their spruced up learning environment.

We welcomed Ben, Dulcie, George, Fergus, Amber, Arthur, Jed, Ruby, Olivia, Xander and Caleb into our Reception Class and Xanthe into Year 6. We hope they enjoy their time at Berrynarbor School.

At the end of the Summer Term we said goodbye to our Year 6 pupils and wished them every success in their new schools. We have been hearing how well they have settled and a few have popped back already to let us know that they are doing well.

We also welcome to the school, Mrs Debbie Wellings who will be teaching Reception and Year 1, and Mrs Catherine Orr who now shares Years 5 and 6 with Mrs Lucas.

The children will be taking part in Wild Night Out at Stowford Meadows next week - weather permitting. This is a great experience for them, where they learn to appreciate the natural environment during the magical twilight times of dawn and dusk. Last year we got very, very wet so fingers crossed the weather will be kind to us.

Our Year 5 pupils are taking part in Forest Schools again this year, where they learn forest crafts. Their first week was muddy but very much enjoyed by all!

Our Harvest Festival this year will be held on Wednesday 5th October, at Moules Farm. We shall be collecting food gifts for the local poverty action group and will also take a money collection for an international charity.

Our federation with West Down Primary began on 1st September. Staff are already working together and the Governors are establishing our new Governing Body. We also have an Ethos Committee [at the suggestion of the Diocese] to ensure that our unique Christian Distinctiveness is maintained. Teresa Crockett is leading this committee and has already recruited members of the church and local community to help her. If you would like to be involved with this or would like to support our school in any other way, please contact us on [01271] 883493 to discuss your ideas further.

Sue Carey - Headteacher

Ron Toms would like to thank all the pupils who visited him to wish him a happy birthday, sang their wishes to him and gave him a beautiful card they had made.



How time goes so quickly! At the time of you reading this the children will have already broken up for their summer holidays. Our final 7 weeks of term have been very busy.

Some of Fagin's Boys from the recent school production of 'Oliver'

As you may already be aware, the Federation between Berrynarbor and West Down will be going ahead in September. So far this has been a lot of planning and paperwork, but in September we can get on with making it work for real.

The whole school took part in an enterprise afternoon where pupils were divided into groups and had to come up with a money making idea. The children had to think of everything from expenses, how much to charge their customers, risk assessments and advertising. It proved very successful and they learnt a lot. Thank you to everyone who turned up on the afternoon to support the children and to Miss Muffet's who facilitated the car wash enterprise.

Both Class 3 and Class 4's residential trips were very successful. Class 4 had beautiful weather all week and a good time was had by all. Class 3 didn't have such good weather but all the children still had a fabulous time.

Despite a day of heavy rain, the sun shone at the right time for our Annual School Fete. We had a successful evening and managed to raise approximately £1300 for our PTA. Thank you to everyone who helped in setting up on the day and running stalls in the evening.


We are saying 'goodbye' to our Year 6 pupils who will be moving on to their secondary schools. We wish them every success at their new schools.

We are also saying a very emotional 'goodbye' to Mrs Newell who is leaving us at the end of the summer term. She has been with the school for over 20 years and will be very sadly missed. We all wish her well in her retirement . . . enjoy!

We wish everyone a safe and enjoyable summer holiday.

Sue Carey - Headteacher

Reproduced by kind permission of Tempest Photography



Summer is here and things are getting busy!

Our Year 6 pupils took their SATs last week and are now focusing on getting ready for the move to secondary school. They really are a lovely bunch of children and we are very proud of the supportive group of young people in to which they have grown. It will be a tearful goodbye to them at the leavers' service on the 22nd July, but just to make sure that they go out with a bang they have requested a Year 6 versus staff rounders match at the end of term which some of us are looking forward to more than others!

Both Class 3 and Class 4 children will be going on a residential in the next month or so. Class 4 are off to Plymouth for 5 days and Class 3 will be staying at Beam House near Torrington for 3 days. The children are very excited and I am sure they will have a lovely time. Residential trips are hard work for staff but we look forward to see the children grow in confidence as they try new experiences, overcome fears and work together.

You might have seen in the newspaper that we are considering federating with West Down Primary School. We have held a series of information meetings for parents which have been well attended. The Governors of both schools make the final decision on 27th May. If the Federation goes ahead it will begin in September and we shall form one Governing Body to manage both schools. I consider federation with West Down a good move for Berrynarbor School; it would enable us to work more closely together sharing resources, expertise and costs and would put us in a stronger position for the future. We'll let you know the final decisions on the matter through the Newsletter in due course.

We are hoping to stimulate our parents this term by inviting them to attend an Inspire Day with their children. The parents will come to school with their child for the morning, be able to observe them learning and then work with their child on a task set by the teacher. The idea came from another school in Somerset where two of our pupils attended before moving to Devon. I was lucky enough to watch an Inspire Day in progress and saw how much both the parents and children got out of the morning and so thought we'd give it a go.

This year we shall be holding our School Fete earlier on Friday, 10th June, the Manor Hall at 6.30 p.m. An annual event and one not to be missed! Everyone is welcome.

Sue Carey - Headteacher

Class 1 have been learning about famous people and some of their pictures are displayed here.



Spring is here and we've been enjoying the sunshine. What a difference it makes to be outside in the warm sun. Let's hope it continues.

After a quieter term, we are gearing up for the summer.

We took delivery of our Mystery Seeds from the Horticultural Show team on Friday. The children will be working in teams to sow and bring on the seeds and try and identify them. We shall be drawing, measuring and charting the plants' progress and competing against each other to see who can identify the plants first. The teachers were so excited when we were planning the project that they have asked for a set of mystery seeds for the staffroom! I'll let you know how we get on!

We took part in Red Nose Day last Friday - the children dressed in red and some created wonderful outfits. Two weeks ago we took part in Big Yellow Friday to raise money for the Children's Liver Disease Foundation - once again the children dressed up, but this time in yellow. A cake sale in the playground ended each day and we raised nearly £200 for these good causes.

Our Britain since 1930 project was a great success. It was fantastic to have so many members of the local community to share their memories with the children. Class 3 blacked out their classroom [there was a good reason for shutting the world out - they weren't just being anti-social!] and Class 1 had an Anderson shelter in the corner of the classroom.

We are planning an Arts Week for the last week of term and hope to include puppet making, music and dance. Class 3 will perform their production 'The Son Flower' - a musical with an Easter theme, on Thursday, 7th April.

Children in Class 4 took part in a competition organised by Rotary Clubs UK. Lots of our children were very successful and certificates will be presented on Friday, 1st April. The theme was Community Spirit. Lots of the children wrote stories or reports. Tulsi chose to write a poem which I have included below.

The Community Spirit Poem
by Tulsi

The spirit of the village is alive and well,
From the top of the valley to the sound of the bell.
The old and the young we all help each other,
From the children in school to Father and Mother.
Everyone enjoys the crafts at the show,
It makes us happy when we are feeling low.
Our community shop has all the vegetables and fruits,

We have jumble sales and car boots.
In our carnival we have lots of amazing floats,
And in the raft race lots of sinking boats.
Our village won the Village in Bloom prize,
Because it's so beautiful it was no surprise.
Carnival, Fete, Church and School,
We work together because we love them all.

Su Carey - Head Teacher



Happy New Year to you all. January already! We are nearly half way through our school year - where has the time gone?

We have welcomed Willow, Summer, Charlotte, Adie, Sam, Max and Amber into Class 1, and Alfie, Adelade and Tulsi into Class 3 and 4. All our new children seem to have settled happily. As usual, our older children have made us very proud by taking the younger ones under their wings. Whether it be encouraging each other to eat their dinner or helping each other find things, our children are very good at looking after one another.

The lead up to Christmas is always busy and last term was no exception. The highlights were the whole school visit to the Panto in Barnstaple, visits to the Exmoor Zoo - very chilly but lots of fun - and, of course, the Senior Dudes Meal. Our Christmas service was wonderful and we were joined by lots of families and friends. The PTA were busy, too, with another very successful Curry and Quiz Night and the Christmas Bazaar, both raising funds for school.

The children had an extended holiday because of our inset days and so returned to school on the 10th January well rested. The term ahead looks a little quieter, at the moment, but we still have lots to look forward to including Aquasplash for Years 3 and 4, a visit from the Explorer Dome and Arts Week.

The whole school are working on a History topic this term. The children will be finding out about Britain since 1930. If anyone has any memories, pictures or artefacts that they would like to share with the children, please let us know. First hand experiences really help to bring history alive for the children. You don't necessarily need to come into school, though visits are welcome and can be arranged with the Head Teachers, letters, e-mails or even audio recordings would all be really helpful.

On Friday, 11th February, we shall be saying goodbye to our School Administrator, Barbara Jordan. Mrs. Jordan has worked at our school for over ten years and will be missed by us all. We shall be holding a special assembly to share those precious memories and to say thank you and farewell.

Su Carey - Head Teacher


Pictures by Johnnie Goring - Year 6



Hello from all of us at the school. Once again we've had a busy start to the school year.

We have welcomed Lawrence and Laura and their family to our school community and also Mr. Rees and Mrs. Wilkins as Teaching Assistants.

You may have heard our daily 'Wake and Shake' that happens in the playground at 8.55 a.m. every day [weather permitting, and we are a pretty hardy bunch!]. The whole school [children, staff and some brave parents] undertake an aerobic workout, lead by a group of children, to music. It really is a fun way to start the day and get our brains working.

We have also had a very successful Parents' Evening with 82% of families attending. This was a fantastic opportunity to share information about the year ahead with our parents. Sarah Peach, our Kitchen Manager, prepared some tempting samples from the current menu for parents to try. School dinners really are very tasty and nutritious these days and more than half our children now regularly have a school cooked meal at lunchtime. We hope to repeat Parents' Information Evenings in a similar format in future.

Two of our Year 6 boys, Connor and Oliver, have been selected at local trials to take part in a local Gifted and Talented PE programme. The boys have taken part in training with other gifted children from across the Learning Community and have been having a great time whilst pushing their skills to new heights!


1st Overall

Kyle Davies [Aged 10]
1st in Class 4

2nd Overall

Disnie Thornton [Aged 8]
1st in Class 3

Class 4 visited the Queen's Theatre to watch a performance of A Midsummer Night's Dream in October, while the younger children went to the cinema as part of National Film Week.

The PTA have already held a Pamper Evening at The Globe and another very successful and fully booked Curry and Quiz Night. Plans are being made for the upcoming Christmas Bazaar. The PTA has kindly offered to pay for all the children to visit the Exmoor Zoo in the week before Christmas as a special treat.

We have a day of 'taster' activities planned for 26th November, when the children will take part in dance, art and drumming workshops and watch a science demonstration. These activities have been funded and organised through the Extended School Co-ordinator with the aim to give children the chance to have a go in the hope that they might identify something they would like to get involved with outside school.

Sadly, I am receiving, almost weekly, notification of cuts in funding and services that will affect our school and our children. The future continues to be 'interesting'! We value greatly the support of our local community. We already have a number of community volunteers who support our work. We should love more grown-ups to hear children read, but there are lots of other opportunities in which to get involved. If you have a particular skill that you would like to share or if you would just simply like to become part of the team and support in lessons, please give us a call. The number is [01271] 883493. The safety of our children is important to us and all volunteers would need to have a CRB and identity check.

3rd Overall

Jed Haines [Aged 5]
1st in Class 1

4th Overall

Lydia Carless [Aged 6]
1st in Year 2

All the children recently took part in a competition to design a Christmas Stamp. We were very impressed with their work and have included the winning designs for you to admire.

On behalf of the staff and children may I wish you all a Happy Christmas.

Sue Carey - Headteacher

Dates for your Diary:



We welcome Mr. Trefor Jones, Teacher for Years 3 and 4. We are pleased to welcome new pupils in Reception Class and Years 1, 2, 3 and 4, and hope they will enjoy their education at our school:

It's been a pretty 'full-on' start to the Autumn Term and all the children and staff returned to school full of energy and anticipation! We have lots of things planned for the months ahead.

Sue Carey- Headteacher



We said goodbye to Miss Vickery on the last day of term. She has been the temporary KS2 teacher during Mrs. Carey's absence, and we should like to thank her for her contributions to and support of our school.

Mr. Trefor Jones has been appointed Years 3 and 4 teacher from September and we welcome him to our school.

The School Fete took place on the 16th July and despite the weather turning to heavy rain half way through the evening, our PTA raised a magnificent £1,300! Thank you to everyone who came along to give their support.

Our End of Year Service took place in the church on the last day of term. This is a special time when we say farewell to our Year 6 leavers and wish them well in the next stage of their education. A memorable occasion for everyone.

Many of our children are learning to play a musical instrument. We now have three teachers - Mrs. Barrow, Miss Collingham and Mrs. Jones - offering music lessons which can take place in school either during or after the school day. So far our teachers are able to provide lessons for piano, keyboard, oboe, saxophone, singing, music theory, recorder, clarinet, violin, cello, viola and flute.

Stowford Farm Meadows have once again kindly offered us the use of one of their fields for our Wild Night Out. We are starting the new academic year off with this exciting opportunity.

We consider swimming to be an important skill for all children in our school. Unfortunately the school is unable to pay the full cost of the lessons and so we have to ask for parental contributions. Our lessons go beyond the National Curriculum requirement and our children swim more often than many other schools. In an attempt to minimise the cost further, we have booked swimming lessons for all children in the Autumn Term. A coach has been booked to shuttle children between school and the pool, giving us a total saving of more than 25% on transport compared to last year.

Looking well ahead, once again the whole school will be going to see Aladdin at the Queen's Theatre in Barnstaple in December.

Enjoy the pictures children in Class 1 drew of the hanging baskets they saw whilst walking around the village.

Mary-Jane Newell, Acting Head-Teacher




Our Summer Term has got off to a great start. This is always a really busy term with lots of trips away and events taking place at school.

SAT's week commencing 10th May - Despite national speculation about the boycotting of the SAT's. our school participated in all the tests, including Science.

Classes 1 and 3 have started their 10 swimming sessions at Ilfracombe Swimming Pool and Year 2 and 3 are having tri-golf lessons here at school and will finish off with a tournament at Ilfracombe Golf club with other local schools. Mark Davies is the coach and he is spending many hours with all the schools, encouraging an interest in golf.

On Thursday, 13th May, Class 3 spent a day at The Exmoor Zoological Park with their teacher Miss Vickery. They had a talk from the Zoo Keeper about the teeth and eating habits of animals, followed by a grand tour, picnic lunch and ice-cream.

On Wednesday, 19th May, we were thrilled that the Tesco Great School Run 2010 agreed to come to our school for the afternoon. They invited the local media to come along and their Roadshow Team organised:

From 24th to 28th May, Mrs. Lucas and Class 4 will be off on their well-deserved residential trip to the Goblin Combe Environmental Centre near Bristol. Their week of camping will include visits to the Ice Rink, Cheddar Gorge, Clifton Suspension Bridge, @Bristol and other exciting activities.

Whilst they are away on the 27th May, Classes 1 and 2 will be spending a day at the Wildlife and Dinosaur Park in Combe Martin. This will include a picnic lunch and an ice-cream.

Dates for your Diary:

  • Half Term will be from the 31st May to 4th June.
  • Friday, 11th June, 6.00 p.m. Watermouth Castle Treasure Hunt and BBQ. This is a PTA annual fundraising event. The treasure hunt will take place around the castle followed by a BBQ on the front green. There is an optional 'knights and princesses' fancy dress. Cost - £5.00 per group of 4. Last year's event was a great success and raised lots of money. Further details will be available on the notice board at the Community Shop.
  • Friday, 18th June, 10.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m. Years 5 and 6 attending Oceanfest at Croyde
  • Tuesday, 22nd June, 1.00 p.m. Sports Day - Playing Field [Tuesday 29th June reserve date if the weather isn't good] The PTA will provide tea and cakes and cold drinks
  • Monday 19th - Thursday 22nd July, a.m. only - Year 6 Bikeability Training

Mobile Phones - If you have any old mobile phones which you no longer require, please bring them in to school as we can obtain commission from a recycling company.

Tesco and Sainsbury's Vouchers - Please have a rummage. There is still time to hand in the current scheme's vouchers, either to the Shop or just pop them in to school please.

School Fete - our Fete will take place on Friday, 16th July, from 6.30 p.m. at the Manor Hall. An annual event not to be missed! EVERYONE welcome.

Pupils have been drawing flowers seen in the village. This one is by Billy - Year 5. Others are shown throughout the Newsletter.


Billy - Year 5

Thank you for your continued support.

Mary - Jane Newell - Acting Headteacher



We are pleased to welcome Lydia [Class 1], Harry [Class 3] and Finley Carless [Class 4] who have moved from Buckinghamshire with their mum, dad, grandma and grandpa to Berrynarbor. We hope they will be very happy at our School.

Congratulations to Sally and Mark Jefferys and Millie [Class 1] on the birth of George - 8lbs 5oz on 18th March. Everyone is doing well!

The Reverend Keith Wyer has been a wonderful supporter for all our pupils, parents, staff and governors for so many years, and it is with much sadness we learn that he is leaving us. We shall be making sure he is really busy between now and his departure time!

We've had a few events over recent weeks and our sincere thanks go to the helpers and supporters who make these events successful.

We have received an 'All Clear' from our recent asbestos inspection.

Once again we are collecting the current promotion vouchers from Tesco and Sainsbury's. Being such a small school it takes a while to accumulate a large number. Please ask your friends and families to save them for us. Thank you for your support.

Thank you for the kind donation of £100 from two village members. The money has been used to buy screening trellis with planters and plants. Thank you also to the Community Shop for donating the Walt Disney Dinosaur books.

Our school took part in the lovely Mother's Day Service in the church and the children read their poems about 'My Mum'. Here are some for you to see:

My Mum
by Billy, Age 10

Mum you are great
You're more than a mate
Because you are my mum
And you are so much fun.
You care for me
Even before I was 3
You've helped me learn
And you ask none in return
Even when I'm bad
You never get mad
And I'd just like to say
I love you more each day.

by Kitty-May, age 7

  • M - My Mum is so special to me
  • O - She is the only Mum that is best for me
  • T - She takes me on bicycle rides
  • H - I love my Mum in my heart
  • E - Sometimes she gets grumpy but I know every single day she loves me and that's what counts
  • R - When the rain comes down she makes sure I am warm.

My Mum
by Josh, age 5

My Mum loves me
My Mum kisses me
My Mum hugs me
My Mum cooks dinner
My Mum is lovely
My Mum helps me with my homework
I love you

My Mum
by Louis, age 5

My Mum does the lunch
My Mum does the feeding of my Little brother Ben
My Mum does the washing up
My Mum does the making of the beds
My Mum does the washing
I love my Mum.

Our Class 4 pupils will be cooking a 3-course meal for their parents on Friday, 26th March. They have chosen their menu and parents have made their choices. The children will spend the day preparing and cooking the food under the supervision of Mrs. Lucas and they will serve it and wait on tables in the evening.

We shall be having our usual Easter Egg Hunt before we break up and then our hectic schedule of summer activities starts on Monday, 19th April.

Thanks again for all the support we receive from the village.

Mary-Jane Newell - Acting Headteacher






Self Portraits by Millie, Henri and Hazel - Reception

Happy New Year from us all at the village school. We managed to stay open for most of the snowy start to term, despite the playground looking more like a skating rink!

Millie, Hazel and Henri have joined our Reception Class and we hope they will be very happy at Berrynarbor School. Their self-portraits accompany our news. We have now settled in to another term of exciting learning.

Just before Christmas, the children joined in with the Christmas Service at the Church. They really enjoyed the singing and we hope we can take part in a few more services in the future.

There are a couple of fund raising events we should like to bring to your attention:


We have had a lovely addition to the school in the form of an impressive new fence to border the path down to the playground. We also have a few new additions in the form of 4 new children hoping to move to the area and we look forward to welcoming them when they arrive.

This term, as a school, we are trying to encourage the children to think about their Healthy Lunch Boxes, also Class 3 are doing a topic about World War II. If anyone has any stories, tales or memorabilia that they would consider sharing with the children, we should love to hear from you.

As ever, if there is anyone in the village who feels they have a moment or two to spare and would like to share any skill with the children, please feel free to get in touch with us, we'd love to hear from you.

Mary-Jane Newell - Acting Headteacher



They have arrived! Our two expectant teachers have had their babies. Mrs. Carey had a baby boy on the 28th October, Gilbert William, weighing 9lbs 12oz! Unfortunately, Mrs. Barrow lost one of her twins at the birth, but has a lovely little girl, Ruby Susan, born on the 24th October and weighing 6lbs 1oz. We look forward to them coming in to school as soon as they can.

The rest of us carry on with many of our school Christmas traditions, including the Christingle and Christmas Fair on Tuesday, 8th December. The Senior Dudes Meal is on Monday, 14th December and the Christmas Service on Thursday, 17th December. The time and details of these events will follow - please look out for these in the Village Post Office.

We hope to put in a visit to the pantomime in Barnstaple. It is always a packed half term for us with lots to do and so little time in which to do it all.

We made a brave decision to put our 'occasional' days together at the end of the October half-term so parents could take children away out of term time and take advantage of cheaper holidays without taking them out of school. This we hope has worked better for everyone and we are very grateful to those parents that did use this time. With an overwhelming level of support for this idea, we may well be doing it again.

The lovely pictures accompanying our news are the winners of our school Design a Christmas Card competition.

We wish you all a Happy Christmas and thank you for all your continued support.

Mary-Jane Newell - Acting Headteacher



We have had a lovely start to the year. The children have come back settled and ready to learn despite such miserable weather over the summer holidays. The whole school feels happy and our new teachers , Miss Lewis and Miss Slade, are very much part of the team already.

We have welcomed Keely-Rose, Jake, Louis, Jed, Ryan, Lola and Harry into Class 1 and Max into Class 3. All our new children have settled well and we are particularly proud of our oldest children who really seem to have taken on board the responsibility of being the 'big children' that the younger ones look up to. They have been helpful and kind as well as working really hard.

Year 5 started their Forest School last Monday and had a great time up in the woods. They came back to school suitably muddy and excited about all that they would be learning over the course.

This week has been a busy week as all our children have taken part in a Wild Night Out [7-11 year olds] or Wild Day Out [4-7 year olds] up at Stowford Farm Meadows. Mr and Mrs Noall kindly arranged for us to use a beautiful meadow near the woods and away from the main camp site. Their team of staff have been wonderful - helping to move kit bags and tents up and down the hill and even dragging huge logs out of the woods to make a sitting circle around the camp fire. I popped up to visit Class 3 -I couldn't stay away from the fun! - and was greeted with the heart-warming sight of a cosy looking camp with children charging around delighted to be in such a lovely setting with the freedom to run and play with their friends in the fresh air. The children have also been learning about the natural environment, experienced 'real darkness', and found out about the bugs that come out at night and how they are different to the daytime creatures that we are used to. They have visited the Petorama to handle and feed the animals and the older children also went swimming. Of course the children have had to learn to look after their belongings and survive for a night without home comforts and mum and dad to look after them - a challenge for some children for whom it was the first time away from home over night! It has been such a magnificent opportunity to start the year and we are very grateful to Mr and Mrs Noall for providing such a great venue and for popping up and down to check if we had everything that we needed. I am also hugely grateful to all the staff who worked so hard to get everything ready and gave up a good night's rest to take part in the experience with the children - particularly Mrs Lucas for doing most of the organising, Miss Lewis for being brave enough to camp for the first time ever and with 23 children in her charge, Mr and Mrs Balment for rolling up their sleeves and mucking in, and Mr Newell and Mrs Gooch for drawing the short straw and emptying the composting loos!

Next week we have our annual sponsored Woolacombe Beach Walk , which most of the children appear to think is a beach run! Then the week after we shall be celebrating our Harvest Festival. We have already started planning the Christmas festivities which will include a meal prepared and served by the children to the 'senior dudes' - but it is far too early to be talking about Christmas so I shall say no more for now.

Mrs Barrow will be starting her maternity leave at the end of the week and we all wish her well. I shall be starting my maternity leave at the beginning of October and will leave the school in Mrs Newell's very capable hands whilst I am away. I feel confident that this is going to be another good year for Berrynarbor Primary and I shall certainly miss everyone whilst I am away learning to be a mum.

Susan Carey - Headteacher



We are nearly at the end of another year - the time has flown by but when I look back at everything that we have done since September, it is not surprising that our feet don't seem to have touched the ground!

We have been lucky enough to enjoy three whole-school trips this term. In June we all went to RHS Rosemoor for a day of exploring the grounds and taking part in workshops on a range of science topics. Last week we all went to watch the Essex dance group perform at The Lantern. As usual, the dancers were inspirational to watch. Then on Friday, we all went to The Landmark to watch local young people perform another style of dance based around a poetry theme. All the trips were enjoyed by everyone and it has been fun to be able to do such lovely activities together as a school.

The whole school have also visited the beautiful Tinnerdy Farm. Tinnerdy's owner - Capt. Nick L'Deau - has encouraged a wonderful array of different habitats and ecosystems in the valley and a postbox trail for the children to find their way around. All the children have spent half a day at the farm in small groups and Nick has guided them through the history of the property and was on hand to answer the many questions about the flora and fauna. The children had a great time and we very much hope we might be able to visit Tinnerdy again at a different time of year to see how the habitat changes with the seasons [and as Alfie pointed out - "everything will look different so we can have the fun of finding the postboxes all over again - especially the one with chocolate hidden in it."]!

Our oldest children have had a particularly busy half term since their tests. They have been on a residential trip to Dartmoor, enjoyed a day at Ocean Fest, had an end of Year 6 treat on Exmoor [sponsored by the Round Table, to whom we are very grateful] and this week are undertaking Bikeability training. You will probably have seen them out on the local roads learning to cycle safely following the Highway Code.

Not to be left out, the younger children have taken part in a Tri-golf Festival held at Ilfracombe Golf Club with other local schools. Class 1 have visited the police station and have just finished their swimming lessons - nearly all of the children were swimming without arm bands which is quite impressive for 4-6 year olds!

We should all like to say a huge thank you to the parents who helped to transport children to various trips over the year helping us to keep the cost down for everyone. We are also very grateful to the PTA who have helped to fund many of the trips. Thank you from us all to the many people who have welcomed us to their property or place of work and done so much more to bring learning to life for our children.

I am sure you will all be as proud as I am to hear that without exception the children of Berrynarbor Primary have conducted themselves impeccably whilst out and about this year. I have had many messages and e-mails over the year complimenting our children on their polite manners and good attitude.

Our Sports took place on a beautiful afternoon at the end of June. All children took part and many family and friends came down to the field to support us. The PTA sold cream teas and a wonderful afternoon was had by all.

As many of you know, both Christina Barrow and I will begin our Maternity leaves in the Autumn term. We have been lucky enough to appoint Tania Slade and Amy Lewis to teach while we are away. Both Tania and Amy will start at the beginning of term so there will be some overlap between us but by starting the term with their new teachers, I am sure the children will have the continuity they need to make a great start to the year.

We shall end our year with our Summer Fair on Tuesday evening and then our Leavers' Service on Friday afternoon when we will say a fond farewell to Paige, Aimee, Lucy, Shannon, Tom, Verity, Matthew, Ellie, Isobel, James and Joe. We all wish them every success at their secondary schools. We will also say 'Goodbye and Thank You' to Julia Fairchild who has served as a PTA member and Chair of our PTA for several years, helping to raise thousands of pounds to support school activities for all our children.

Over the summer holidays we shall be making some improvements to our school grounds and buildings. Our caretaker, Mr Colton, will be rebuilding the steps to Class1, the windows in Class 1 will be replaced, the kitchen floor will be renewed and a new servery fitted and we are hoping to have the external windows repainted. We have also been advised that a number of trees in our playground need to be pollarded. It is with regret that we will see some beautiful trees reduced in size and we'll certainly miss the shade they provide. However, following a comprehensive tree survey conducted on behalf the local authority recently, we have been told that there is no other way of ensuring the safety of the children and neighbouring properties in any future inclement weather.

Sue Carey - Headteacher

In spite of dubious weather, the Summer Fair was another successful evening, raising over £1,750. Congratulations to all concerned.

We thank all the staff at the school for the exceptional support, encouragement and care they take of their pupils, and wish Christina and Sue healthy and happy maternity leaves - we'll look forward to hearing about the safe arrivals of their little ones.




As I am writing this, I am sure that lots of the children from our school are busy preparing for the week ahead.

The Year 6 children will start a week of national tests on the 11th May [SATs]. They will sit nine tests in total over the week and have been working very hard in preparation. At the beginning of the year when the children return to school after the summer break, the tests and the children's transition to secondary school seems so far away. Mrs Lucas always has a huge list of 'learning to get through' - the task seems so big it appears impossible! However, once again Mrs Lucas has worked her magic and with the children's perseverance they are ready to show the world how great they are and with a little prod in the right direction, they'll be ready to move on to 'big school' in just a couple of months!

The children and Mrs Lucas have planned to escape to the woods after their last test on Friday and I know that lunch cooked over the fire and the chance to relax and play some games will be a great incentive to keep them going during their tiring week.

Years 3 and 4 are off to Simonsbath House on the 11th May for a three day residential. The children will try a mixture of outdoor adventurous activities and geography field studies. For some it will be the first time away from home. On Friday the children were VERY excited - some had already been packed and ready to go for days! I'm sure we'll have a great time and our absence will hopefully give the older children some space to settle to their tests.

Not to be left out, Class 1 start their swimming lessons on 11th May, Class 2 join us at Simonsbath for the day on Tuesday and then all of KS1 will be off to explore Tinnerdy on Wednesday!

So as I said, I'm sure that as I write children will be packing [or repacking again!], finding swim gear, wellies and sunscreen, revising or just relaxing and thinking through just what the week ahead has in store for them.

Dates of events coming up: EVERYONE WELCOME!

Watch the School notice board outside the Community Shop for more information and updates.


James Uzzell [11]


Isobel Moore [10]


Daisy Wyatt [10]


Ellie Gray [10]


Lucy Fairchild [10]


Bradley Watkins [5]

Sue Carey - Headteacher



Spring is here and the children are certainly enjoying the sunshine. It is amazing how a bit of fine weather can change the atmosphere in the playground! It is great to be able to get the children out and about again - long may it continue.

It has been an interesting winter and I think we shall all remember the snow! It was quite magical to take the children out into the garden as the first few flakes fell - for many of them it was the first snowfall they had experienced and to describe the atmosphere amongst them as electric would be an understatement! Children were vying to catch the most flakes and marvelling at their beauty [that first sprinkling really did have some rather fine examples of perfect snow, didn't it?]. It really is one of the great joys of teaching to be able to share such a wonderful experience with the children.

After all the excitement and disruption of the snow, we are now gearing up for what looks to be another busy summer. Year 6 are off to London next week-end - the trip planned for February had to be cancelled as we were concerned that the adverse weather conditions could mean that we wouldn't be able to get the children home. I have to say, the children weren't too bothered by this prospect and were very disappointed when I had to cancel. However, once again Mrs. Lucas came to the rescue and after walking into school on one of the 'closed due to snow' days to collect the paperwork, she spent the day on the 'phone and persuaded all the companies involved to rebook the trip at no extra cost! So the children will be off on Sunday to the bright lights of London.

Class 4 and Class 3 are preparing for residential visits to Plymouth and Simonsbath, not to mention a whole host of sporting fixtures and experiences. Years 2, 3 and 4 will be taking part in a singing celebration with children from other schools in the local area. Singing is a bit of a theme in Class 3 at the moment, with the children rehearsing to take the lead in the Easter Service - at 9.00 a.m. on Friday, 3rd April, to which you would all be warmly welcome - and where they will tell the story of the Selfish Giant.

In addition to the usual summer festivities, we shall also be receiving a visit from the Bishop and, with the Rev. Wyer's help, are hoping to do a mini 'Journey Through Time' presentation.

Watch the notice board for more news.

Sue Carey - Headteacher

Enjoy the delightful pictures of spring dafffodils that Josh, Mo, Johnny and Kyle have drawn. Josh's picture has been chosen to illustrate the article Rural Reflections.

Kyle Age 7

Mo Age 8

Johnny Age 9



Happy New Year from us all at Berrynarbor VC Primary School! Christmas seems so long ago now.

It all started for us on 5th December with our very first Festive Bingo in The Globe. It was a fun filled evening and we hope the first of many Bingo evenings to come. The school took on a theme of The Twelve Days of Christmas and all the children helped adorn the classrooms with leaping lords, piping pipers, flocks of birds and golden rings. A few days later we enjoyed our tradition Christingle Service which was followed by the Christmas Bazaar, raising over £300 for PTA funds. Class 1 wowed us all with their slightly alternative nativity [complete with elephants], Mary was suitably serene and the play helped us all to remember the true meaning of Christmas. Classrooms 3 and 4 were transformed once again to accommodate record numbers of 'senior dudes' at the Christmas meal hosted by the very talented cooks, waiters and waitresses of Class 4, expertly lead by Mrs. Lucas. Class 3 enjoyed a Friday Night Sleepover - a reward for their good work and responsible attitudes. We had a great time playing traditional Christmas party games that I remember from my childhood and the children slept remarkably well [even if I didn't!].

The term was finished off with a day of thinking about others and our Christmas Carol Service when the children performed 'Bells Ring Out'. After only a week of rehearsals [though some with expert tuition thanks to Stuart], the children sang and read beautifully.

Karina joined our school just before Christmas and this term we have welcomed Reuben, Poppy, Josh and Ptolemy into Class 1, and Isabel, Oli and Dan into Class 3 [see pictures].

Our big news this term is that we have managed to secure tickets for our oldest children to see a ballet at the Royal Opera House and if that weren't enough, the children will be visiting the Houses of Parliament and a number of other cultural and historical attractions too. Mrs. Lucas, Mrs. McEntee and ten children will be travelling to London for three days in just a few weeks time. We are thrilled for the children to have such an exciting opportunity.

The children at Berrynarbor Primary are really very lucky - many of the additional opportunities, additional support and experiences are available because of the many parents and friends who volunteer their time and energy. We should like to thank those who have continued to support the work of the school so generously over the past year.

Sue Carey - Headteacher











The year is flying by and we are already planning hard for the many Christmas events that are coming up! We sent our shoe boxes of goodies to the Samaritan's Purse earlier this week and it is good to think that the boxes will be taking our best wishes to children across the world in time for the festive season.

Looking back over the school year so far, there have already been many highlights - a very muddy Wild Night Out for the oldest children and a Space Odyssey for the whole school, to name a couple. This week the children have been learning about road safety with the help of our Chair of Governors and local PCSO Katie Simpson. You might have seen the children around the village sporting our new high visibility bibs, purchased to improve the safety of the children when out and about - you'll certainly be able to see us coming now, even if we do resemble a class full of satsumas! Next week the national focus on anti-bullying will see our Year 6 children going to the college for a morning of art and drama with children from primary schools across the Local Learning Community.

Our philanthropy continues this year with fund raising for Breast Cancer care, Children in Need and the Royal British Legion's Poppy Appeal, already totalling over £200. The older children's efforts to organise a bring and buy sale in aid of the Poppy Appeal followed work to find out about the British Legion and the sacrifice made by so many during the world wars and subsequent conflicts. Five of the older pupils represented the school at the Service of Remembrance held at the War Memorial in Ilfracombe, whilst the rest of the school observed the two minutes of silence in their classrooms.

Our work to improve the school environment continues with the addition of PC's in Classes 2, 3 and 4. The children and staff are enjoying the flexibility that this new resource offers and we hope to extend their use by offering after-school access to computers and the internet by the spring.

We continue to build on the excellent academic standards achieved last year. Our focus on improving writing has led us to adopt the Big Writing Programme. The children are making good progress, writing for sustained periods independently of their teacher. I have included for publication a piece of writing by Dylan of which we are all particularly proud. He wrote a description of Bonfire Night and his mastery of the English language at just five years old should be applauded and celebrated by us all. Dylan is one of the many children making excellent progress - watch the notice board outside the shop for more examples of work to be admired.

On the 8th November we organised a day out/shopping trip to IKEA and Cribbs Causeway in Bristol. It was an excellent day and 42 people came on the trip - already we have had enquiries for a similar event for next year! £195 was raised for school funds - a big thank you to everyone for your support.

Listed here are some of the events we shall be holding in the run up to Christmas. We hope you are able to join us for some of them.

Sue Carey - Headteacher



We've been back to school for a week and the children are in to the familiar routines. Our Caretaker has worked wonders over the holiday and has painted two classrooms and two toilets, and we have had a good sort out! We started the term with the school looking shipshape and the children are trying hard to keep it looking that way!

This year we are concentrating on improving our ICT facilities, continuing to develop the teaching of writing and helping the children to become more responsible for themselves, their learning and their actions. Our new mantra is 'Is this my best?' We'd love to hear any examples of children 'being their best' to be good citizens outside school.

Later this term we'll have a whole school theme week entitled 'Around the World'. Each class will be finding out about a country and then presenting what they have learnt to the rest of the school. The countries that we have chosen are China, Mexico and Nepal. If anyone can help us with photos, artefacts, stories or a knowledge of the language of these countries and is able to support us with this theme, we'd love to hear from you.

By the time you read this, we will have celebrated European Day of Languages when we hope to give the children the opportunity to hear, see and experiment with using lots of differing languages.

Our plans for Christmas include a Christmas Giving Day when the children will be encouraged to give something back to the community. We are hoping to sing to you, deliver cards and pack food boxes for a local charity to distribute to disadvantaged people over Christmas. We shall conclude the day with our Christmas Service in the Church. We hope these activities will help us all to reflect on the true spirit of the season. If you have any ideas for this special day, please get in touch.

A final plea would be for any handy person who might be able to restore a poorly Singer hand sewing machine back to working order! I acquired the machine from the tip in the hope of being able to teach the children to use it, but do not have the skill to get it running again.

After a few hitches, we are trying to use the notice board outside the village shop to let you all know of up and coming events, and to share our successes with you. We welcome the involvement of the wider Berrynarbor community with the life of the school and hope that you will join us at some of the events listed:

Sue Carey - Headteacher



Kayleigh Hinsley - Class 3: 3rd

Johnny Goring - Class 2: Joint 2nd

Oliver Ivan - Class 2: Joint 2nd

Megan Webb - Class 2: 3rd

Molly Marangone - Class 1: 1st and The Men's Institute Cup

Louis Orr - Class 1: Joint 2nd

Ella Gibson - Class 1: Joint 2nd

Sam Walls - Class 1: 3rd



Hello All

I am writing this at the end of a very, very busy term.

The children finished school last Friday and are hopefully now enjoying the wonderful sunshine that is streaming in through the office window as I write this. During the term we have had no less than three inspections! Ofsted, SIAS [church school inspection] and a full audit. All these inspections happen at short notice, but they don't usually happen all at the same time! The Ofsted inspection report is available on the Ofsted website and the SIAS one is available on the National Society website.

There is so much news to fill you in with, so I shall try not to ramble!

We launched into the Summer Term with a 'Body Week'. The children learnt about how to keep their bodies fit and well, what a balanced diet looks like, and with much giggling, about what that balanced diet should look like when it comes out at the 'other end'!

Year 6 were working hard in preparation for their SATs exams when we received a call from Ofsted saying that they would be visiting us the following week. After a slight panic about how we could accommodate our inspectors - with all available space already being used for exams - and working out how I could be released from my teaching commitment to enable me to be interviewed by the inspectors - without the use of supply teachers - and with all our staff already at full stretch supporting the children with the SATs, we were able to show them just how good our school is. The inspectors were 'housed' in the church vestry, and we are very grateful to the church members for opening up and allowing us to use the church.

Two days later, two auditors arrived to go through all our systems, policies and paperwork - another arduous few days. And then came the SIAS inspector, looking at our 'Christian Distinctiveness'!

Of course school life doesn't stop because of these gruelling inspections and we all worked hard to make sure that children's learning wasn't affected by the additional pressure we were under. Having had a chance to evaluate the end of term assessments, I am pleased to report that children across the school are doing brilliantly, with most pupils meeting challenging academic targets and many exceeding them. Our Year 6 SATs results arrived back in school a little later than expected, but we are delighted with the results - all of our children achieved the levels of attainment expected nationally and many exceeded them. Two of our Year 6 pupils astounded us with writing which received full marks - a result never heard of before but very well deserved. Alongside this academic progress and success, we have continued with our programme of extra-curricular and enrichment activities.

Year 1 and Reception children have been enjoying a 10-week course of swimming lessons. Year 6 pupils travelled to the Fremington Army Camp to take part in a packed afternoon of safety training, delivered by emergency and health care services. Class 4 took part in a giant Ukulele orchestra at Ilfracombe College which gave them the opportunity to show off their new skills. Following a visit from my old school in Bristol, Class 4 went to Glenfrome for a couple of days, exploring their very different local environment.

The next week Class 4 were off to the Exmoor Centre for a week of outdoor fun. At the end of June, Years 4 and 5 took part in a cricket festival at Lynton whilst Year 6 had volleyball coaching with Combe Martin School.

Our Sports Day was blessed with perfect weather and we had a lovely afternoon of races which was well supported by families and friends. The PTA was great as usual - organising equipment and shelter from the sun and then selling cream teas to the spectators.

Class 3 spent a night under canvas at Daisy's Farm and enjoyed exploring the farm and woods during the day and night! Year 6 took part in a sports festival in Ilfracombe and then joined Years 1 to 5 at The Landmark Theatre for the fabulous performance by the Essex Dancers.

The following day, Class 4 performed their show 'Joseph and His Technicolor Dreamcoat'. Year 6 were then off for another day out - this time to the Eden Project with a stop at Pizza Hut on the way home - a treat for all their hard work.

The last week of term saw KS1 visiting the Tunnels Beaches, play space and the Ilfracombe Museum and then, of course, we had our Summer Fete.

Once again the PTA performed the minor miracle which is needed to organise such a wonderful event which raised a huge £2,068 with the fantastic support of the Berrynarbor community.

On the last Wednesday of term, the children enjoyed a performance and hands-on workshops by a group of Ugandan musicians. Then, at the very end of term we said our tearful goodbyes to Joe, Charlotte, Skye, Kayleigh, Sally, Daisy, Tia, Henry, Gareth, Jack and Lewis, who we send on to secondary education with good wishes and fond memories. The outgoing Year 6 had the traditional BBQ and water fight where they soaked each other and any adults crazy enough to go anywhere near the playground. Even Mr. Newell's carefully researched purchase of a super-size water-gun, automated water pistol and water bomb launcher was no match for the energy and enthusiasm of children allowed to 'get their own back'!

As you can imagine, we are all exhausted and definitely need some summer sun to recharge our batteries. The staff enjoyed an afternoon relaxing together and are [hopefully] now beginning to unwind and start thinking about how we can make 2008-9 even better than this year. We are already planning more development to further improve our English curriculum, an e-safety week, some more camping trips for the autumn term and an international theme week - any ideas, resources or photos about China, Mexico or Nepal would be gratefully received.

The events I have summarised are just a brief snippet of some of the things we've been up to during the last couple of months. All this happens because of the dedication of the wonderful staff team and the support from parents, grandparents and members of the community who give up their time to make our little school such a special place to be. Thank you to everyone who has supported us over the last year.

Susan Carey - Headteacher



Disnie Thornton [6]

Our SATs tests took place during the week commencing 12th May. This is a stressful time for our pupils and for a special treat they went to the Go Kart Centre in Barnstaple at the end of their tests. During SATs week we also received a visit from the Ofsted Inspectors.

Elyse Richards [6]

On the 10th June we shall be having a whole-school photograph taken. It's many years since the last one and we are hoping for a nice, sunny day!

Ron Toms kindly came in to meet Classes 2 and 3 because we had been learning all about village life, past and present. We took photographs and recorded his visit. We had a lovely afternoon and the children were really interested and listened intently.

We have this year's leavers reunion with last year's leavers on the 11th June. They have party food and lots of fun, and chat and share experiences about their life at secondary school since they left Berrynarbor.

Our older children will be going on their annual residential trip to the Exmoor Centre for a week on the 16th June, and they are all looking forward to a week away from school! Lots of exciting activities planned - part of the time they will be sleeping indoors and the remainder of the time they will be camping.

After-school clubs are well supported. This term we have Football [Scott Balment and Joe Ivan] until June, and then Athletics takes over; Recorder [Maria Howell]. Guitar [Mack Gray] and Gardening [Julia Fairchild].

Plans are well underway for the School Fete on Tuesday, 15th July. If anyone would like to run a stall at the fete, please contact the school office on [01217] 883493. Thank you.

The pencil drawings of Spring Flowers are the work of pupils in Reception and Year 1.

Susan Carey - Headteacher



We have all been enjoying the snippets of sunshine over the past few days and are looking forward to the summer. The children [and adults] have been working hard and the warmth did wonders in giving us all a lift. We have had a new window fitted in Class 3 and the sunlight is streaming in.

Both Classes 3 and 4 have been learning about finances over the past term and have run two separate fund raising days. Class 4 raised money for the Dogs' Trust. A lady came in with one of the dogs and spoke to all the classes about responsible pet ownership and how the money that the children raised would be used. Class 3 raised money for The Children's Liver Disease Foundation and organised a day of yellow themed activities.

You may have seen us in the Journal.

Class 1 has enjoyed a jump rope festival at Ilfracombe College. The children joined with other pupils from local schools to practise skipping and jumping skills. They had a lovely morning and came back bouncing with energy. Class 4 have travelled to Combe Martin Primary School for a netball tournament. Mrs. Lucas was very proud of the sportsmanship shown by our oldest children.

We celebrated Easter with our Easter Service on the Thursday. The youngest children presented work about springtime and new life; the oldest children retold the Easter story using drama and Class 3 considered the commercial side of Easter.

We are eagerly awaiting the arrival of some visitors from Bristol! Children from Mrs. Carey's old school are coming to Berrynarbor. The children will be working on some science with Class 4 at the beach. A return visit to Bristol is planned for the summer term.

CAN YOU HELP? We are keen to improve our lunchtime activities. At the moment the children eat their dinner and then play in the playground. If we had another adult on duty at lunchtime, we could extend opportunities for play and recreation to other parts of the school. We have advertised repeatedly for Lunchtime Assistants to no avail. Do you know anyone who could work in our School over lunchtime? Training is available and we really are a nice bunch of people to be with!


Berrynarbor VC Primary School


We are pleased to welcome Anna, Zoe, Indiana, Freya and Bradley to our Reception intake for January. We should also like to welcome James to our Year 5 group. We hope they will all be happy and fulfilled during their education at our school.

Katy, our temporary Kitchen Manager, has finished her temporary position with us and we thank her for our lovely school dinners - Sarah has returned from maternity leave and we look forward to more lovely school dinners! George has now relinquished his post as temporary Caretaker and we are grateful for all his hard work, we will miss him. We say 'Hello' to William, our new Caretaker, and hope he will be happy with us.

Senior Dudes Christmas Meal - once again, this was a great success. 35 senior dudes came along for the Christmas evening. The children prepared and served the wonderful turkey dinner, with all the trimmings, and sang carols to our guests. Some memorable photos of the event are here for you to see.

Spring Term 2008 - The children all returned from their Christmas break full of excitement and enthusiasm. Unfortunately, we have been hit by the much-publicised flu virus which seems to have dragged on a bit and our numbers have been somewhat depleted. We are looking forward to some improved weather to get us all back on track again. We have received many enquiries from parents and residents within the village to come and help at school on a voluntary basis. All our volunteers are CRB cleared to enable them to be involved in working with children.

Years 2, 3 and 4 are embarking on their 10 sessions of swimming instruction this term and Reception and Year 1 will have their tuition during the Summer Term. Swimming is part of the curriculum and it is vital our children know how to swim living in a seaside locality.

The Fire Service will be coming in to give a safety talk to our Years 2 and 5/6. We've had lots of wet weather playtimes and the children are hoping for snow ... not something I'm sure you are wishing for!

Love from us all at Berrynarbor School.

Sue Carey - Headteacher



We are pleased to welcome Bill and Disnie to our School. They have moved from Nuneaton and we wish them and their families lots of happiness in North Devon.

We also have two new Governors. The Governing Body works hard to support the school and we are delighted to welcome Mrs. Linda Balment as Community Governor and Mrs. Sian Barten as Parent Governor.

Operation Christmas Child - We have received a lovely selection of filled and wrapped shoe boxes to bring hope and a smile to some of the world's poorest children. These have now been delivered to a centre in Barnstaple shortly. This is now an annual undertaking for our school and the children put a lot of effort and thought into preparing their special gift boxes, even putting in their favourite toy for someone else to enjoy just as much as they have.

Children In Need - On Children in Need day, pupils and staff all went to school in their pyjamas! To raise money, they made a trail of 1p and 2p pieces and cooked Pudsey Bear biscuits. Photos were taken throughout the day and a sum of £78.21p was raised.

Christingle - We shall be holding our Christingle in the Church at 9.15 a.m. on Monday, 10th December. This is a magical time and everyone is welcome to come and join us. The service will last approximately 30 minutes.

'Senior Dudes' Christmas Evening Dinner - Children from our Years 5 and 6 will be cooking this special dinner on Thursday, 13th December, for the Senior Citizens of Berrynarbor. It starts at 5.00 p.m. and will be finished by approximately 6.30 - 7.00 p.m. This is always a very popular evening and if you would like to come along, please call in at the Community Shop and put your name on the list so that the children can send you an invitation. Numbers are restricted, so please get your name on the list as soon as possible.

School End of Term Christmas Service - Our end of term service will take place in the Church on Monday, 17th December at 2.30 p.m. We should very much like to welcome you all to join us for this occasion.

We break up for Christmas on Wednesday, 19th December and return to school on Thursday, 3rd January 2008.

Hockey - Mrs. Lucas is very keen to teach hockey to our oldest children. Unfortunately, we do not have enough suitable hockey sticks. If anyone has any unwanted hockey sticks that they feel able to lend or donate, we should love to hear from you.

Susan Carey - Headteacher



It's great to be back at the beginning of a new academic year. We are working to a new timetable this term and have lots of exciting and inspiring projects and activities planned. The children have settled back into school well and Year 2 is enjoying their new classroom.

Nine of our Year 6 pupils have moved on to secondary education. We are pleased to welcome six new pupils in to our Reception Class, three more are due to start after Christmas. We have one place available in our Reception group, one in Year 5 and one in Year 1. Could you please convey this information to anyone you may know who is looking for a place for their child.

Driving and parking in Berrynarbor Village - a number of concerns are still being expressed at the speeds people drive through the village. The safety of everyone is important - to avoid congestion, we are urging our parents and visitors to use the free car park and not the roadway by the church.

A very big thank you for the wonderful support at our School Fayre in July. £1,880 was raised towards school funds.

We shall be holding our Harvest Festival on the 26th September at Moules Farm, Castle Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Richards have very kindly given permission for us to hold it in their field, but if the weather is not good, we shall use their barn. We shall be supporting the Drop-In Centre for the Homeless in Barnstaple and donations of tinned items [ring-pull if possible, beans, soups, vegetables, desserts, etc.] would be most welcome. We should also like to receive fresh produce which will be auctioned at the end of the service, proceeds from this to go to Water Aid.

I was delighted to be invited to present the prizes at the Horticultural Show at the beginning of September. Such wonderful support and an exceedingly high standard of entries. Our children enjoyed preparing their entries and we were excited at how well we did in the prize and trophy stakes! These events take a lot of planning and organising and Berrynarbor is very lucky to have such a wonderful team dedicated to making the Show such a success.

Mrs. Lucas will be holding the Evening Dinner in December for the Berrynarbor Senior Citizens. Please keep a look out for details which will be available in the Community Shop.

Another big thank you, for all the Tesco Computers for Schools vouchers which were dropped in to the Community Shop for us. We have collected 10,890 this year, which is a great achievement for a small school like ours and have carried these forward to next year's scheme - we now have a total of 17,911 including last year's vouchers.

Susan Carey - Headteacher

Berrynarbor VC Primary School [01271] 883493.



Phew! It seems like only yesterday that I was writing for the village news and a whole half term has nearly whizzed by already. Once again it has been a busy time for the children and staff here at Berrynarbor VC Primary School.

We are all very proud to announce that our Year 6 children all did brilliantly in their recent national tests. All of them achieved the nationally expected level of attainment [level 4] in Mathematics, English and Science and many achieved level 5's. These super results reflect the hard work and commitment of all of the pupils and their families. I know the children would like me to thank Mrs. Lucas in particular for her help and support - she really is one in a million!

But of course we don't just teach children English, Maths and Science at Berrynarbor VC. I think some classes have been learning away from the classroom more than they have been in it this term [and have got wet on more days than they have stayed dry!]. Year 6 have been to the area Life Skills event where they learnt about keeping themselves and others safe. They were taught by experts from the police, health service, fire service, St John Ambulance and coast guard who packed a huge amount of information into just two hours. A few weeks later Years 5 and 6 were off again, this time to Oceanfest where they spent an active day on the beach. The children were really impressed with the air show and must have enjoyed the sand because they bought most of the beach back with them to spread around school!

Class 3's classroom was transformed into a one-night-only Berrynarbor Bistro and the children in Years 5 and 6 served their parents a delicious three course meal which they had all helped to prepare and cook. The children waited at the tables dressed smarty in black and white with bow ties for the boys. We all had a brilliant night and we were once again very proud of the children.

Last week Year 6 undertook cycle training. Mrs Draper, one of our parents, supported by another parent and Chair of Governors, Katie Simpson, taught the children who all passed.

Classes 1 and 2 have both enjoyed a day at Watermouth Castle, courtesy of the Haines family, as a treat for all of their hard work and good behaviour. The children walked to the castle in double quick time to arrive for a picnic lunch before exploring the sights, sounds, rides and many delights of the castle and its gardens. It was a very happy, if tired, group of ice- cream smeared children [and grown-ups] that met the parents at the end of the day.

33 children from KS2 came to school one weekend to raise money for Child Line. They took part in the Giant Sleep Over and brought their sleeping bags to school to spend the night sleeping [eventually ?!] on the classroom floor. They had such fun that night that when Mrs Hodder came into cook us breakfast early on Sunday morning, she couldn't get in as we were all still fast asleep! Thankfully, she enjoyed the peace and tranquillity of the village and came back later to cook us a tasty breakfast.

A team of children from Class 2 entered the West Down 5-a-side football tournament at the end of June. They had trained hard and did very well on the day. They played against some much bigger children but showed great resilience and a fabulous sporting attitude. The team was coached by one of our dads - Mr Scott Balment - who continues to voluntarily coach the children in a variety of sporting disciplines.

Our Sports Day finally happened following two cancellations due to inclement weather. All the children took part in at least one of the 36 events. Our PTA worked as diligently as ever to erect shelters for the classes and provide refreshments for the supporters and Mrs Balment and Mrs Barton organised medals and certificates for the children. The morning was enjoyed by all and it was great to see so many people supporting the children in their sporting efforts.

The whole school visited the Landmark Theatre to watch the Essex Dancers. A vibrant and energetic 45 minutes later we were all inspired by what can be achieved when children work together. A few days later our Class 3 children were performing themselves in a musical show - The Sound of Music.

The children have worked with an artist to create a second outdoor sculpture. They worked collaboratively to produce a multicoloured turtle which now looks very much at home hanging on the wall outside Class 2 - please come and have a look.

Perfect weather made our School Fayre another great success. Lots of friends and families turned out to peruse the many stalls, take their chance on the games and raffles and help our hard working PTA to raise an impressive £1879.56 [gross]. Our PTA has kindly agreed to use the funds to help us upgrade our ICT facilities. A very big thank you from us all to the dedicated team of organisers for their hard work, to the many businesses and individuals who contributed prizes and items for sale and to everyone who came along and spent their money!

We are hoping to continue to offer a rich variety of learning experiences to our children and are moving to topic based learning in the afternoons next year. This learning can be greatly enriched by the children seeing real things and meeting a variety of people. If you have suggestions of how we can develop the curriculum or if you have skills or memories that you would like to share with the children we should love to hear from you. In particular we are on the hunt for wooded areas near to school that we could use to extend our Forest Schools programme to the younger children.

As the end of the term draws near we wish farewell and good luck to our Year 6's as they move on to secondary education. We are confident that they will do well and look forward to hearing about their exciting new grown-up lives when they come back to visit us. Ella, Henry, George, Anna, Shayna, Alex, Gemma, Robbie and Sarah - you will be missed by us all and we wish you every success in your futures.

And a final note to say thank you to all the parents and members of the community who have done so much to support the children and staff this year. I have been here for nearly a whole term now and really feel that Berrynarbor VC Primary is a very special place to be.

Sue Carey - Headteacher



Hello, my name is Susan Carey and I am the new Head Teacher at Berrynarbor VC Primary School. I arrived after Easter and already feel very at home in our wonderful village school. I have been made to feel very welcome by the children and their parents and am being well supported by the committed team of staff and governors.

Children, parents, staff and school governors joined together to bid farewell to Mrs. Crutchfield at the end of the Spring Term - the children sang and presented her with gifts and flowers. We all wish her well in her new position as Head Teacher at Caen Primary School in Braunton.

We have had a very busy start to the Summer Term. We made the best of the good weather and have started a range of after-school clubs. The children thoroughly enjoy these opportunities to pursue their interests in a range of hobbies including recorders, football, choir, netball and guitar. Clubs are run by members of staff or parents who give up their time for the benefit of the children. Lee Barrow [coach and scout for Plymouth Argyll] will be running after-school training for six weeks later in the term and children are already enthusiastically signing up.

Parent Mrs. Fairchild has been visiting us weekly to work with groups of children from Classes 1 and 2 in the garden. They have been tidying planters and sowing seeds. The children look forward eagerly to 'their turn' at gardening and we thank Mrs. Fairchild for her continued support. Class 1 are learning about how things grow this term and the children have created some pictures for you to enjoy.

A Bean Growing in a Jar

Miles Rees, Year 1 [6]

Jak Daglish, Reception [5]

Caitlin Burgess, Year 1 [6]

Ellie Saxby, Year 1 [5]

Class 3 have been working with Mr. McMannus to learn to play tag rugby and Class 2 have been swimming each week. I have been impressed by the children's confidence and ability in the water - such an important skill in this coastal region. Class 3 will start swimming again after the half term break.

The oldest children have been preparing for their end of key stage tests [SATs] which they sat this week. As I write the children are returning from the beach - a treat for all their hard work. We are very proud of the responsible attitude that the children have shown towards these tests. They have studied hard and I am sure will obtain results to be proud of.

We have been experimenting with our ten new keyboards which were purchased for us by our hard working PTA. The Combe Martin Carnival Committee have kindly donated £150 to the school which we shall use to purchase some head phones so that the children are able to use the keyboards more regularly - the acoustics in our beautiful old build are good but unfortunately the sound insulation between classrooms wasn't designed for our very creative children!

Years 5 and 6 will be travelling to Bristol on Monday to start their week-long residential visit. Mrs. Lucas has an action packed programme planned for them: orienteering, a visit to @Bristol, a boat trip around Bristol's waterways, guided tour of the Clifton Suspension Bridge, visits to Cabot Tower and the Red Lodge and a trip to Bristol Zoo. All these experiences will help to bring the curriculum alive.

The PTA are already planning our Summer Fete which will be held during the evening of 17th July. I have heard that it is an event not to be missed and I am looking forward to meeting members of the Berrynarbor community. We are also planning an afternoon of sports to be held on the Parish field on Thursday, 28th June [or Friday, 6th July if the weather doesn't hold]. The PTA are organising refreshments and we are hoping that our young athletes will be well supported by family and friends of the school. The money raised by the PTA will help to fund the upgrading of our ICT facilities.

As a school we are at the beginning stages of planning strategic developments for the next three years. We feel very strongly that our role is to prepare the children for their future so that they are able to take their place in the community as responsible citizens. To that end we shall be considering how we deliver the curriculum to our children and would welcome the support and involvement of the village community. If you have any suggestions, skills or expertise or if you would like to know more about what we are doing, we'd love to hear from you.

Susan Carey - Head Teacher



We have had a busy Spring Term and survived the seasonal colds and bugs as well as inclement weather. Firstly, the staff and children at the school would like to extend a very big thank you to our wonderful Friends of Berrynarbor School who continue to offer exceptional support to the school. Through fundraising events we have been provided with 10 keyboards to enhance music lessons [with headphones, I hasten to add!]. We have also received the gift of a whole-class set of waterproofs for all of our adventures in the Sterridge Valley.

We have received an award for providing children with an active and health focussed curriculum - The P.E.D.P.A.S.S. Award. This award also provided new playtime equipment worth £150 to encourage active playtimes. So, well done to all our staff for offering such a rich and varied programme of learning indoors and out.

In January and February, Class 2 wrote and created a class play based on a West African traditional story - The Leopard's Drum. The story tells how the tortoise may have earned his tough, hard shell. We visited Exmoor Zoological Park to find out more about some of the animals we were focussing on. We also supported the Park in their campaign to raise funds for Lemurs in Madagascar.

Reuben Noall, Year 2

Oliver Ivan, Year 2

Caolan Darch, Age 8

Callum Rudd, Age 7

Macy Ivan, Year 2

Lastly, I should like to say a fond farewell to you all. I am due to become the new Head Teacher at Caen Primary School in Braunton after Easter. I have enjoyed my four years as Head of Berrynarbor School. This school has a wonderful atmosphere of friendliness and calm which is very special. Especial thanks to Reverend Wyer and the Church community who have given the school encouragement and support in all its endeavours.

Mrs. Susan Carey has been appointed as the new Head Teacher and I wish her, the school and the community the very best for the future.

Mrs. Karen Crutchfield - Head Teacher

Karen, may we in turn thank you for the wonderful care you have taken of our school over the last four years - you will be missed. However, we wish you well in your new post at Braunton and look forward to welcoming Susan Carey at the start of the Summer Term.



The end of the Autumn Term was as exciting and eventful as usual at Berrynarbor School!

Whole Group Collage

Class 1 had a special visit to St. John's Garden Centre in Barnstaple to sketch plants and to consider the jobs that people do in the world of work. We surprised them with a special visit to see Father Christmas whilst they were there, which was fun for everyone.

Our Christmas Fayre was well attended and thank you to everyone in the village who supported us by coming along and donating items for sale.

Our annual Christingle workshop and service in the church was again a very special event, especially when we light the candles and turn out the lights - there is a wonderful hush and all you can see are little faces lit by candlelight in quiet reflection. Once again, our Christmas Service was also a great hit with the children's musical input, art work, singing, drama and prayers.

Great thanks to the Friends of Berrynarbor who again put on a Christmas Tea on the last day of term in the Manor Hall, and a special visitor came to visit as well. We played some party games and the children had a great time.

Continuing our whole-school focus on developing musical skills, we invited two groups to work with the children and staff during last term. Junk Band came along to develop a performance for parents using old discarded oil containers and beaters made from tennis balls, as well as pots and pans and large sections of water mains pipes! We also invited a music tutor from a group called Drum Crazy who specialise in teaching children songs and drumming skills from Africa. This work really impacted on the work we do in school and we hope to develop these themes further in classes. Two teachers have also had some tuition in playing the ukulele. We have received funding from the Devon Music Service to buy 30 of them for whole class teaching. What a rich and varied musical programme.

Mrs. Karen Crutchfield - Head Teacher

The Friends of Berrynarbor School held a Dance in the Barn at Sloley Farm just before Christmas with music provided by The Parcel of Rogues. A successful, but chilly, evening, enjoyed by all, which raised some £250 to be given to The Children's Liver Foundation and the School's Music Fund. A big thank you to everyone who attended.

Class 3 spent last term working in small groups with a specialist Art Teacher, kindly seconded by Ilfracombe College. Here is some of the fabric and batique work which the children created with Mrs. Wyer.

Artist: Anna Bowden

Artist: Robbie Reynolds

Artist: Bethan Gamble



Miles Rees, Year 1

Berrynarbor School Forest Schools : An exciting term for Year 5 who have just completed an eight week course based in the woods in the Sterridge Valley, by courtesy of John and Fenella Boxall. We had funded training from South West Forests and this gave us the opportunity to trial a new initiative. The course which the children followed was structured and planned carefully to enable them to learn new skills gradually, safely and successfully. These skills included: woodcraft using specialist tools, woodland awareness, species identification and a whole variety of games and activities to encourage team work. At the end of the course the children invited their parents to come and join in and to have a cook-out. The feedback from children, staff and parents was very positive. We have three members of staff now qualified as Level l Forest School Assistants, after a three day training course at Bicton College. Our next steps will include training a member of staff to become a Level 3 Forest School Instructor and to work as a staff team to plan further opportunities out in the woods.

The Christmas Church Service: Monday 11th December at 2.15p.m. The collection will be for the R.N.L.I. Everyone welcome.

Road Safety in Berrynarbor Village: The Parish Council have commissioned a group of 72 local artists (the children at our school!) to design signs asking visitors to slow down when driving along the narrow lanes. The Parish Council will judge the winning entries and these will be made into proper signs. The competition hasn't closed yet but here are a few of the children's ideas.

Have a restful and enjoyable Christmas and best wishes from everyone at the school.

Mrs. Karen Crutchfield - Head Teacher

CaitlinBurgess, Year 1

Connor Balment, Year 2

Ella Gibson, Reception



Our new academic year has got off to an excellent start with eager and happy learners ready for another exciting term.

We have improved storage inside the school over the summer to give children more space in their classrooms. Our playground is now complete and this also offers more space for children to work and play.

George Howarth - Year 2

Robbie Reynolds - Year 6

Kelsey Culley - Year 3

We have our usual Christian celebrations this term, including Harvest Festival and Christmas events to look forward to. Mr. Fletcher and his team have already entertained us and supported our worship programme with their engaging puppet shows in the church. We look forward to further visits from this local group.

Another exciting local connection is a new initiative we are trialling called 'Forest Schools' with South West Forests. This is a cross-curricular programme of outdoor learning based in local woodlands. John and Fenella Boxall are kindly allowing us to use their woodlands in the Sterridge Valley for this venture and Fenella is also volunteering an afternoon a week to come and join in with these activities with the children. Year 5 pupils are following an eight-week programme of learning in the woods this term.

We hope to send all our staff and volunteers on training courses if this trial programme proves worthwhile and beneficial to learning. We'll let you know how this goes and our great thanks to Fenella and John. Each year we ask the children what they think of their school. Here are some of their thoughts.

Mrs. Karen Crutchfield - Head Teacher

Ella Fairchild - Year 6

Charlotte Cornish - Year 5



Summer Term 2006

We have achieved two major awards this term after a lot of work and effort from everyone at the school.

Our school grounds have really improved in the last year. Great thanks go to the Friends of Berrynarbor for raising money for a greenhouse and plants. Mrs. Fairchild, a parent at the school, teaches children about planting and she has made our gardens a really wonderful learning resource. Mr. Howell, a grandparent at the school, visits regularly to tidy up the borders and keep the gardens looking wonderful. The Berry in Bloom team continue to support our work in school with seeds, new plants and help. What fantastic support! We recently worked with a local artist, Karen Hawkins, to create new outdoor sculptures too. We have also built a new fitness trail, shelter area and ball /climbing wall.

Just before we broke up, Friends of the School held the annual Summer Fete. A lovely hot and sunny evening, the event was a great success raising, before expenses, the grand total of £2,264. A big thank you to everyone involved - the organisers and the parents and villagers for your support.

Mrs. Karen Crutchfield - Head Teacher

Here are some photographs of our new outdoor learning spaces.

Our Fruit and Vegetable Garden

Our Outdoor Classroom

Our new Pond



The Summer Term is proving to be another busy term for the school. SATs are over, reports out and now the children and teachers can relax a little with summer activities including trips, Ilfracombe Victorian Week celebrations, sports days, etc.

We are in the process of having an outside classroom built which we hope to have finished by Half Term. We are also making good use of our greenhouse area - children growing fruit and vegetables that will hopefully be edible before the end of term.

Thank you again for the continued support of the Berrynarbor community - collecting Sainsbury and Tesco vouchers - giving book tokens for our library - coming in to school to hear readers - sharing expertise to enhance the curriculum. All help is welcome and gratefully received.

Thank you one and all.

Mary-Jane Newell - Acting Headteacher


Class 3 having been writing a type of poetry called 'Kennings'. Can you guess what the poems are about?


Grass eater
fast runner
hard breather
nose flairer
angry kicker
greedy muncher
silky tail
flowing mane
soft toucher
smooth fur
foot stamper

Olivia Needham [11]


Round ear listener.
Pint nose sniffler.

Tickly feet scurryer
Round pipe hider.

Water bottle licker.
Sawdust nicker.

In hutch sleep time.
Out in day time.

Dandelion eater
Couldn't be sweeter.

Charlotte Cornish [9]


Sometimes annoying
mostly enjoying
often crashes
game player
information bringer
sometimes singer

Kyle Chivers [11]


great glider
mouse muncher
golden feathers
super swooper
great hunter

Danny Ellis-Fuller [10]


Slow mover,
Race winner,
House carrier,
Lettuce eater,
Shy creature
Lonely preacher
Winter sleeper
Garden stroller

William Cornish [10]

You guessed! 1. Horse 2. Guinea Pig 3. Computer 4. Eagle 5. Tortoise



This term Class 1 have been thinking about safety and how to look after themselves. They have carried out surveys around the school site, looking for possible dangers and places to be extra careful. They have found out about Road Safety, with a Road Safety visitor from Devon County Council, using our wheeled toys and playground road set.

They have a fire engine in the role-play area and last week had an exciting visit to Chivenor Air Base and Ilfracombe Lifeboat Station.

Here is some of their work:

Karen Crutchfield - Head Teacher



On behalf of everyone at the School, may we wish you all a Happy New Year.

The end of last term was very busy as usual. In November all the children took part in a competition, to design a money box, in partnership with our neighbours at the Community Shop. Reuben in Class 1, Lewis in Class 2 and William in Class 3 were the overall winners, and they received Art and Craft prizes kindly donated by the Shop.

The Shoe Box Appeal

On 28th November we held our annual workshop and service for Christingle in the Church. Reverend Wyer and other friends in the village joined children, staff and parents to make our own Christingles, followed by a candle-lit moment of contemplation and prayer.

Shepherds and Kings at the Nativity Play

We invited the Working Space Theatre Company to the Manor Hall on the 30th November to provide an enjoyable production of A Christmas Carol. The children and parents really enjoyed this event, which was well matched to the age of the children.

It was lovely to have the space to hold our Christmas Fayre in the school building this year on the 5th December. Thank you to The Friends of Berrynarbor School for again organising this.

On 7th December I took all 15 of the Year 6 pupils to Bratton Fleming to help plant trees in a new Community Woodland - a Woodland Trust initiative involving lots of local schools. We planted 50 hazel trees in one morning! The children worked extremely hard and listened to the leaders carefully. I was very proud of our oldest pupils for their sensible attitude.

Our Christmas Service was written and prepared by the children. This gave us an excellent opportunity to consider the meaning of the Christmas story. Class 1 acted out the Nativity scene, Class 2 had to imagine how the shepherds might have felt and Class 3 told the story of the Three Kings. They sang really well, too, with musical accompaniment from our guitar, saxophone and clarinet players.

We finished our term with a wonderful Christmas Dinner, our Class 1 Play and a special visitor bearing gifts on the last day. Mrs. Lucas and Year 5 and Year 6 pupils provided a spectacular Christmas Dinner Party for our Senior Citizen friends in the village.

Pensioners' Party! Waiters and diners at the Christmas Dinner

Thank you to Mr. and Mrs. Bolton, holidaymakers who have stayed for many years in the village, for their donation towards our new Library. Any further donations for books would be very welcome!

Karen Crutchfield - Head Teacher



We have had a very busy term of learning together.

The children have had various sporting adventures including an Orienteering day in Ilfracombe for our oldest pupils, an eight week Football coaching course for 6 to 11 year olds with a Plymouth Argyle Coach, Netball coaching from Fenella Boxall who has kindly volunteered to share her skills, Dance for Class 1 and clubs run at lunchtime by our older pupils.

Talking of clubs, we really do have a thriving range of opportunities on offer here! Parent volunteers, Staff, Friends from the village and older children all give their time to share their expertise with commitment. We have: Guitar, Saxophone, Pottery, Sewing, Christmas Crafts, Art, a Year 6 Magazine Group, Football, Netball, Lunchtime Sports, Eco-Club, School Council, Story Time, Library Club and Cookery. We are very lucky and thank all those who are happy to give up their time to help, including our older pupils. Every class swims for a term each year, as well as our other weekly Physical Education lessons.

As a school we aim to develop Citizenship and encourage the children to use their initiative to this end. The School Council and Class 3 organise regular fund raising events for the regular charity that we support, Amigos Orphanage in Uganda. This term we are also supporting Child Line and our children are organising a 'line of pennies' this week to raise much needed funds. Our Senior Citizens Dinner, on Thursday 15th December, encourages children to give their time to offer a special evening for our friends in the village. We also have an Eco-Club; the members are particularly interested in raising awareness about the environment. We support our village shop and worked with our friends in the shop this term to plan a Christmas Money Box competition.

Our new Library : We have a lovely new Library at the school and would like to ask our friends in the village if you would be able to offer us a Christmas book token to help us resource it? We will inscribe your name in the books we purchase as a lasting reminder. Thank you.

We have enjoyed various educational trips this term, including a Class 3 visit, in costume, to a Victorian School in Appledore.

Seasons Greetings from everyone at the School!

Karen Crutchfield - Headteacher



We'd first like to thank our neighbours and visitors to the shop for their patience during the building work at the school. Our new build is now complete and we are enjoying the extra space that has been created.

We have a new entrance, two offices, a staff room, a library, caretaker's room, a kiln room, storage cupboards and improved ICT facilities. We hope to announce an official opening date shortly.

This year we hope to improve our outdoor spaces further to maximise their use for learning. If any local residents would like to offer a donation to help us buy books for our new library, we should be most grateful.

Our Harvest Festival was held in the church on Thursday, 22nd September when produce was sold afterwards in aid of Amigos Orphanage in Uganda.

Please keep an eye open at the village shop for details of our Senior Citizens Christmas Dinner this year.

Karen Crutchfield - Headteacher



As I mentioned in the last Newsletter, we are still nearing completion of our new school building. What we lack now are the finishing touches - we await the arrival of our library shelves and curtains, etc.

This term seems to have been a busy one - we enjoyed our trips to Bicclescombe Park and Rosemoor - both days were sunny. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said for our Sports Day which was rained off at first, but we managed to squeeze one in two days before the end of term. We have also had two dance opportunities - Essex Dance and Lindy Hoppers, the Small School Sports, Teddy Bears' Picnic with the Pre-School and a visit to Killarney Springs for the year 6's.

We had a very moving Leavers' Service in the church, then a lively waterfight and barbeque - traditional activities for our Year 6 pupils. We wish them all the best in the next stage of their education.

We must also mention our very successful School Fete run by the Friends of Berrynarbor School. It was a glorious evening with many stalls, live music, Barbeque, etc. Many thanks must go to parents and friends who helped raise about £2,000 for the school.

Now we all look forward to our summer break, the return of our Head, Karen Crutchfield, and hopefully to a fully finished/furnished new extension.

Mary-Jane Newell [Acting Headteacher]

Class 3 put on a production of 'Oliver' for their parents and friends on the last Monday of term. It was well supported and thoroughly enjoyed by all. We really need to say a big thank you to Mrs. Lucas for all her hard work and everyone else who helped. Thank you.

Sue Sussex - Governor





This term we have seen the near completion of the new school building. It has given us two new offices, a library, an entrance area and a staff room. We have also had several areas of the school updated, e.g. the heating system. It has been an upheaval but a very necessary one. I must thank all the people of the village who were patient with us when things were being delivered to the school, also to those people who suffered when the security lights went on and didn't go off! When the school is finally completed, we shall put a notice in the Post Office to invite everyone to see it for themselves.

As mentioned earlier, we have a new library in school and so we should like to make a plea for new books. If anyone would like to buy a book for the library we should be very grateful. As we have to be sure that any book fits in with our needs, please come in to school and donate a sum of money and choose from a range of books, or ring us on 883493 and we can arrange it for you. Any donations would be very welcome as we get the money for the build but not enough for all the extras!

This term we are going on two whole-school trips - one to Rosemoor Gardens, to fit in with this term's Science , and the other to Bicclescombe Park for a Victorian day out.

The children's pictures this time result from a visit to Berrynarbor Church by Class 2. The Rector gave them a tour and told them all about the building as part of their Religious Education curriculum. The resulting pictures are very impressive.

Karen Crutchfield, our Headteacher, is on maternity leave and has just given birth to a 9lb 12oz girl! We all send her our good wishes.

Don't forget our School Fete on Tuesday, 12th July.

Mary-Jane Newell - Acting Headteacher

May we, too, take this opportunity to congratulate Karen and her husband on the birth of their daughter. Our congratulations as well to Mary-Jane who has taken over as Acting Headteacher.

An Evening with the Parcel of Rogues organised by the Friends of the School on Friday, 20th May, was a great success. It was very well supported, particularly by parents and pupils, who had a great time. The energy and enthusiasm of the band was catching, with everyone, especially the children, joining in. £370 was raised which will go towards an interactive white board.

Gardening Club - With Chelsea in mind, 16 youngsters at our Primary School, under the guidance of Sarah Darch and Julia Fairchild, are setting up a new Gardening Club.

Wanted! - They are looking for donations to help them and plants, pots, compost, gardening tools, etc., would be very much appreciated. Rubble, too, would be welcome! In order to make a base for a small greenhouse, rubble is required to fill in a rather large pond.

If you can help in any way, please ring Sarah [882026] or Julia [882783] or take items to the school between 9.00 a.m. and 4.00 p.m.

Skye [Age 8]

Isobel [Age 7]

Charlotte [Age 8]



This term we have had something of a Literary Feast! Class 3 visited The Queen's Theatre to see 'The Tempest'. We enjoyed a special Creative Writing day at Exeter Cathedral. A story teller visited in March to add interest in our current History topics on Ancient Civilisations. We also had two wonderful shows from visiting theatre groups on the Gunpowder Plot and Pip's War. Added to this we enjoyed World Book Day on 3rd March, when we shared our favourite books and dressed as book characters for a parade. Class 2 are also providing an adaptation of two well-known stories for their Class Show for parents at the end of term.

Our Easter events include an Easter Service on Monday, 21st in the church. We will be finishing the term with an Easter egg hunt provided by the Friends of Berrynarbor and our annual egg throwing competition [hard boiled!].

Our new build is almost complete! We shall invite local residents to come and have a look one day after school next term. We'll put a poster up in the Community Shop about this.

One of our new rooms will be a new library. We hope to ask friends and villagers to sponsor specific age-related books for us from a 'wish list'. Unfortunately, we have to find very specific books for this age group and any donations of old reference books will probably be unsuitable.

Please let us know if you are interested in becoming a School Governor. We have a vacancy [details follow] and are interested in finding volunteers who live in the village.

Class 2 have written some wonderful poems on the theme of Love.

Karen Crutchfield - Headteacher

Jack - Year 3

Kayleigh - Year 3



Class 1 created a very impressive Nativity Play for their parents in December, singing solo, dancing and speaking clearly. Thank you to Mrs. Newell and Mrs. Fry. Our Christmas Bazaar was well attended and thank you to all who came along. The Friends of Berrynarbor School worked hard on our behalf last term, so many thanks to them as always.

This term we have an exciting programme ahead of us. Next week we shall be spending a day at Exeter Cathedral with other Devon schools. We have two drama groups booked to come to school to stimulate ideas for writing. Class 1 are swimming every week and are really enjoying this opportunity. The Building Project is running very smoothly and we find the company carrying out the work very helpful and considerate of our needs. We have worked closely with our builders to develop safety awareness, considering the dangers on building sites. The children have drawn posters and the contractors have given prizes to us for this.

Charlotte, Year 3

Kyle, Year 5

We apologise to local residents for the Fire Brigade callouts over the Christmas holiday. The contractors have taken full responsibility for this. As a school we have a contract with Barum Security who are automatically called out when the alarm goes off. Can I please ask that the School Administrator, Mrs. Jordan, is not called during school holidays by residents of the village as she is only employed at the school during term time. If anyone needs a school contact number, please contact the school, we'll listen to your needs and ask the Caretaker to ring you.

Karen Crutchfield - Headteacher



We had a very busy start to the Autumn Term, and Year 5 and Year 6 pupils had a very enjoyable Educational Residential Trip to Bude in September.

Class 3 Recount their Bude Residential Activity Week

  • Getting ready for the disco. I was so excited! My thumb was banged but I didn't care. I wanted to dance [even though it was throbbing like made]. I put all my make-up on and we left for the disco. I had asked Zippy [Graham] to dance and play with me and he went round saying 'I've got a date for the disco' and pointing at me.


  • The first activity on Wednesday morning was the Blind Trail. We had to put old clothes on and clothes we didn't mind getting dirty. We went to the Archery field and put our goggles on, they were wrapped up in black tape so we couldn't see anything. Everyone had to hold on to the rope in single file and had to crawl under bushes and slide in mud. Because I was in front I didn't know what was coming but the people behind me knew because the person in front had already done it. After crawling through freezing cold dirty water and rolling in mud, we could take our goggles off. I found myself covered in mud from head to toe. That was the most exciting thing I had ever done!


  • On Friday, our caravan got up at about half past seven. We all changed into our clothes and had breakfast. Fifteen minutes later we walked up the hill towards the Archery field. Amber, our group leader, taught us how to put the arrow on the bow. The bow wasn't heavy or hard. We had a competition to see who got the most points. On the last arrow of my first round I scored 4. Harry got 2 gold and a red, his score was 12. I came fourth and Harry came second. The final event, we had to see what we could eat with. Blue was for a spoon, red was for a fork and gold was for a knife. Harry and I only got a spoon, he didn't eat that night because he was sick, but I did.


  • I was shivering when we were going to do the blind trail. Alexis told us to put some muddy gooey goggles on. When we got there he told us to like down in the cold squishy smelly mud. I felt like an army man. On the walk he used water pistols and poured freezing cold water over me. I stopped breathing for a second. We went over some lumpy wood and down a hill. Alexis told us to lie down in the water, which came up to our knees.


We have had a whole range of events in which to take part. An Orienteering Day in Woolacombe, our own Sponsored Walk on the beach, a trip to Lynton as part of a topic on Rivers and a lovely Harvest Festival. We borrowed a whole range of musical instruments for a week to gauge interest in our pupils, lots of new after-school clubs, a disco run by the Friends of Berrynarbor School, Class 3 Dinner for their Parents, and much more!

Our Christmas Festivities: We are looking forward to welcoming local residents and friends to our Christmas Bazaar on Friday, 26th November. We should like to invite you all to our Christmas Carol Service in St. Peter's Church on Thursday, 16th December, at 2.30 p.m. Last Christmas we were able to offer a Christmas Dinner for Senior Citizens. We shall continue this tradition but it will be a biennial event, so we hope to welcome all our friends again next year.

We have a whole range of events for our pupils including a Christingle Morning with a Service, Christmas Dinner, Class 1 Christmas Play and lots of good cheer [and hard work!].

The date keeps changing for the start of the work on our new build. This has nothing to do with the school and we pray for a start before Christmas! Please take care when driving past the school during the school day.

Karen Crutchfield - Head Teacher

Bude Action and Adventure Week

I have been asked to give an account of this brilliant week, where in just five days so much was learnt and both children and adults had so much fun.

We were taught and participated in orienteering, kite making, fencing and parachute games. Here are my accounts of some of the more memorable activities.

The Mud Trail - This involved all the children, Mrs. Lucas and Mr. Newell returning completely covered in mud after having to crawl on their stomachs under fences and bushes, etc. Having arrived after they had all started, I was very disappointed at not being able to take part - not really!

Canoeing - It was a very cold day and we all had extra warm clothes on, including a life jacket. We were divided into five canoes and I was with four boys and an instructor. We had a great time racing along the Bude canal to the lock gates and back. As we were winning, the boys were told they could stand up while we continued rowing. This was a mistake! The boat tipped over and the six of us ended up in the water. I grabbed Sean and floating on my back holding on to him, while the others were pulled back on board. I was towed to the side and told to climb out. I have never laughed so much in my life! The children thought it was great fun as they tried to rescue my hat and gloves, whilst taking great delight in telling me I still had my glasses on!

Surfing - Having had enough of getting wet for one day, I decided to be a spectator for this one and sat it out. The children thoroughly enjoyed the experience, but found it very cold.

I had a great time with the kids, but no one told me I should be doing this when I was asked to become a school governor!

Sue Sussex.



Well, here we go, another new school year!

During the summer break our playground was re-surfaced and enlarged, thanks to the BBC donation of £700, Friends of Berrynarbor fundraising and a Government grant. We raised £10,000 in total to complete the work. The playground is fabulous! We have about double the space and can now spread out at playtimes and have proper PE lessons. Our sports clubs will also benefit. Alongside this good news, we have also been awarded the Activemark award from Sport England for aiming to be a fit and healthy school. The assessors thought we were doing very well with quite difficult facilities for sport.

This week [20th September], Class 3 has left us for a week for an Off Site Educational Residential Trip to Bude for a multi-activity adventure experience and we have a Harvest Festival in the church on 29th September. This term we are hoping to start some music lessons. Is anyone in the village a qualified music teacher who could offer paid musical instrument lessons? We would require full police checks for anyone who could help and space in the school to work one-to-one or with small groups. Please give us a ring if you can help.

The major part of the building work is set to begin during the half-term break, Thursday, 21st October. We are really looking forward to having a staff room, ICT suite, storage space, front entrance, library and two offices, and hope the village can support the minor disruptions that may occur.


Karen Crutchfield - Headteacher

The Athens Olympics 2004

George - Year 2

Swimming - Daisy - Year 1



What a busy term for all of us! The older children have a class show of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat at the end of term. All the children have had swimming tuition at llfracombe Pool this term.

The children raised £517 toward our new playground from an Activity Evening in May. The work to resurface and enlarge the tarmac area will proceed this summer.

Celebration time! Keep an eye on the local press for details of our excellent SAT's results this year. We shall also be in the press in September for achieving our 'Active Mark' award from the Sports Council. In May, we entered a national poetry competition. 67,000 children entered. 19 of our children will have their work published in a poetry anthology! We also had five runners up.

Wish us luck with our new building plans. We hope major work will begin in the autumn and that the local community and our neighbours are not inconvenienced in any way. Please let me know if you have any difficulties.

Poetry Samples:


The sea is rough,
The sea is smooth,
The sea is big,
The sea is wide.
The sea is blue,
The sea is green,
The sea is big,
The sea is wide.
I stand in the sea,
It's as cold as ice.
I ran back out,
I ran back in,
I dare to swim,
I promise I will.
The sea is big,
The sea is wide.
The fishes swim,
They're scared of you,
If you try to catch them,
They scutter away.
The sea is big,
The sea is wide.
The sea is loud,
The sea is clear.
There's more sea than land,
Land around you,
Sea around you,
Sea round you.
The sea is big,
The sea is wide.

Gracie [age 10]


Weed, weed, you are a pest,
With you there I have no rest.
I want to dig you out,
So I can plant my seed.
I look after my plant
Day after Day,
So get out of the way.
If you don't get out of my way,
I will kill you with a deadly spray.

Ross [age 9]

P.S. Are there any music teachers living locally who could offer after school classes to our pupils? Please get in touch if you are interested. I am sure that parents would pay for tuition if it were available. The school could rent a room for this purpose.

Karen Crutchfield - Headteacher



To celebrate the School's recent Ofsted success, we thought you might like to read some extracts from the report [the full report is available on the OFSTED website.]

"This is a good school, still improving but already achieving high standards and developing real strengths in provision. It provides good value for money and is making much better use of its resources than it did in the past.

The school has made a very good improvement in the quality of education it provides thanks to the efforts of the new management team and staff. Serious weaknesses identified during the last inspection have been successfully dealt with.

Overall achievement is good. Children in their foundation year are achieving very weii and almost ail will reach the goals children are expected to reach well before the end of reception. Overall standards in Year 2 are average with pupils making good progress in Years 1 and 2. Pupils in Years 3 and 6 are achieving well in literacy, mathematics and science, and standards in Year 6 are well above average. The much better use of resources is seeing very good gains being made in ICT with above average attainment among younger pupils, but older pupils are still catching up. Progress in other subjects is good, notably in music where standards are high throughout the school. Boys and girls have developed very good attitudes, values and behaviour with the youngest children responding very well in their class. Relationships are very good throughout the school and pupils are always ready to use their initiative and take any responsibility offered.

Berrynarbor School provides a good quality of education. Teaching overall is good with strengths in the Foundation stage and music.

The school is very well led and managed with the Headteacher providing outstanding leadership. The school is very well managed. The governance of the school is good.

Parents are very pleased with the school, notably the recent improvements to the learning environment and the renewed sense of purpose. Pupils are very happy with the 'safe and friendly' school, particularly enjoying their relationships with their schoolmates and all adults, but they would like to have more space to work and play in.

The most important things the school should do to improve are:

  • To seek to develop the accommodation so as to minimise the impact it has on inhibiting teaching and learning.
  • Build up provision in information and communication technology so that older pupils can make the gains necessary to catch up with pupils in other schools."

Note for your diaries: The Friends of Berrynarbor School Fete will be held on Tuesday, 13th July, 6.30 p.m. in the Manor Hall grounds.

Class 3 recently visited the Science Museum in Bristol and here are extracts of pupils' views:

In Explore my favourite part was the simulator. The simulator was a big Space Rocket, when the doors opened everyone piled in to get the front seat, like a stampede of animals racing to get to the nearest water supply. I managed to get to the front, sitting next to my best friend Becky. The man who operated the simulator came and told us safety rules, then set it off. There was a big screen in front of us and we were on a rollercoaster in space, which kept going off track. Everybody was screaming their heads off, with laughter and fear at the same time. Soon the ride was over and everyone came off happy.

Also my other favourite was the human size hamster wheel. There was a handle at the front of the wheel inside that you held on to to stop you falling over, then I ran it as fast as I could seeing how many buckets of water I could tip in to the pool. Because there's a rope which goes to a line of buckets full of water, which goes round when you run on the hamster wheel. As it goes up it tips the buckets of water over in to a big pool below. I went on it again with Becky, to try and beat Bradley's score of four buckets, but got just as much.


As we had lunch we looked at the cathedral. We then had ten minutes to do what we wanted, so I went on the bit where you had to pull the string. Me and Scott W got to the top.

Scott D

Mrs. K. Crutchfield - Headteacher



We have had a very busy term with lots of exciting events and new opportunities!

January During January we had a visiting actor, Clive Pig, who brought Tudor times to life for us through drama and use of artefacts. Year 6 worked with Lillian Sum, a community artist, creating clay tiles for a new garden in llfracombe.

February We are currently raising funds for an orphanage in Uganda. We had an interesting talk from a representative from the charity. We are raising money for cooking facilities. Children are using their initiative to think of ways to raise funds.

At the end of February we had our OFSTED Inspection. The outcome will be published shortly. At this stage we can say that we are very pleased with the judgements made. Look out for an article in the Journal close to Easter time.

March The Friends of Berrynarbor and Parents provided us with an African Drumming Day with Drum Crazy on 1st March. The children really enjoyed the day and performed their work to parents.

Class 1 had a trip to the Mullacott Veterinary Hospital as part of their topic on caring for animals. Thank you to the staff there for an excellent visit. Years 3 and 4 have just returned from a residential trip to the Beaford Arts Centre. Emily and Ella have written a report.

Mrs. Karen Crutchfield - Headteacher


Beaford Arts Centre Residential Trip
Monday 8th - Wednesday 10th March 2004

Day 1 First we had to get to school at 8 o'clock - we left at ten past eight and arrived at Beaford at half past nine. Afterwards we got our luggage and went into the house. We sat in the music room and put our luggage in the corner and sat down. The lady told us the rules of the house and then we had Drum Crazy with John. Then we had a break and played on other instruments.

We went to the common room, then we went for a walk to the church and did some sketching of some old doors then we went back to the house, got our aprons and went to the art studio and started making masks, but we didn't finish them. Then we went back to the house and had roast dinner.

After dinner we went back to the house and did some more of our masks. Then, after an hour we went back to the house and got into our pyjamas and went downstairs and had a drink and a story and went to bed.

Day 2 First, we woke up early and got dressed and met in the common room and went to the park after breakfast. Then we went to brush our teeth. Afterwards we went to the art studio and Year 3 made their model doors out of cardboard and Year 4 made pots with Miss Campbell and had a break and then we went to finish. After we had lunch.

By Ella [Year 3] and Emily [Year 4]



Happy New Year to all of our friends and neighbours in the village from everyone at the school.

We have had a busy and highly successful few months. In November, our Tudor topic really came to life with a Class 2 and 3 trip to Montecute House, a Sixth Form Tutor morning and a Tudor day in Class 2.

Our Governors Annual Meeting for Parents was a huge success. 26 parents attended and children demonstrated crafts, science and IT activities. The choir also sang for us.

In December, our Christmas Bazaar was smoothly organized by our Friends of Berrynarbor School Committee - a wonderful team who work voluntarily for the good of the school. Thank you for your support. £431 was raised, each class sang and we all had a great time. On the 8th December, the whole school made a Christingle each and with Reverend Wyer's support, we managed to create a golden moment with lighted candles and silent reflection.

Our Carol Service in the church was very jolly, full of lovely voices, young and old. Class 1 created a confident and entertaining version of the Nativity for children and parents.

Lastly, we have had many kind letters of thanks from our senior citizens who enjoyed a spectacular Christmas Dinner serviced by our oldest pupils. Thank you to staff and pupils and the good turn out.

This is what the children said:

Mrs. Karen Crutchfield - Headteacher

Berrynarbor Dinner for Older Residents

Year 6 at my school did a roast dinner for the older residents in Berrynarbor. We chopped vegetables, made cakes, drinks and laid the tables. Our teacher Mrs. Lucas organized it all and made it possible so we would like to thank her again. It looked exquisite.

A friend and I waited at the gate to greet and direct our guests. They said it looked like a proper restaurant because we were all dressed up in black and white and we had decorated the tables and the room. The diners then enjoyed a three course meal with silver service, we didn't drop much food! We provided entertainment by singing songs.

Thank you all for your kind donations and for coming, we hope you enjoyed your Christmas cake. We hope to see you all again next year.




What a busy and successful term! We came back to a newly carpeted and refurbished school in September, which was a lovely surprise for everyone. We now have a school library in the main building and an outdoor play area for Class 1. The playground area has also been improved to provide a larger grass area.

Local Events

  • At the end of September the children provided a wonderful Harvest Festival for parents in the church.
  • Class 3 spent an interesting morning looking at The Globe Inn as part of our Tudor project. Thanks to all involved.
  • The Friends of Berrynarbor organized an Autumn Party for the whole school which was very successful and we thank all of our dedicated parents for their support.

School News

  • We-now have 13 clubs run by staff and parents at the School. There are lots of new opportunities available to the children and there has been an excellent response.

Christmas Events

  • Saturday, 6th December - Christmas Bazaar [all welcome] 10.00 a.m., the Manor Hall
  • Friday, 12th December- Year 6 Meal for Berrynarbor Senior Citizens, 5.00 p.m. Please see Post Office for details
  • Friday, 19th December- End of Term
  • Tuesday, 6th January 2004 - Start of Spring Term

The Tudor Project

Tudor Queen [watercolour]

by Charlotte, Aged 7

Tudors, Rich and Poor: King Henry VIII
[drawn with pastels]

by Ellie, Aged 8

We have a host of seasonal celebrations on offer for our children and parents, including Christingle, Advent and Carol Services. We shall be having our traditional school Christmas Lunch, disco and Class 1 Nativity. Seasons Greetings.

Mrs. Karen Crutchfield - Headteacher

Christmas Cards
[proceeds in aid of school projects]

Village Christmas Cards [designed by Debbie Cook] will be on sale at the Bazaar on Saturday, 6th December, at the Manor Hall, and at other venues and events from that date. Please buy some cards and help the school at the same time.



What a busy summer!

The School has had a thorough clean and tidy over the summer break. We have also secured government funding to refurbish the main building and to develop our school grounds. Our thanks go to the Manor Hall Management Committee who donated paint for our kind volunteers to redecorate the Parish Room.

Thank you to all of our friends in the village who have helped us to develop the garden area at the top of the site, particularly Ann Davies and her team of volunteers. Our new mosaic and arbour are particularly striking.

We have an exciting academic year ahead of us. We hope you can join us for some of our Christmas events - dates to follow in the next issue.

Mrs. Karen Crutchfield -- Headteacher

The following still life compositions are the work of pupils in Years 5 and 6.



I should firstly like to thank everyone I have met in the school, village and local area for the warm welcome I have received. I feel very privileged to be your new Headteacher.

Well ... the children, staff and parents at Berrynarbor are an impressive team! There is a wonderful atmosphere at the school created by children working hard, playing co-operatively and caring for one another. The staff are extremely committed to their work and provide excellent opportunities for all.

This term we have a host of educational, sporting and fundraising events to enjoy. We have already taken part in a Swimming Gala in the llfracombe pool. The Berrynarbor representatives were excellent ambassadors for us, encouraging each other and behaving beautifully.

We look forward to our Summer Fete on Tuesday, 15th July. This year it has an 'outdoor' theme. We shall be dressing up our wheelbarrows and designing gardens on a plate, all in aid of much needed playground developments. The PTA is also an impressive group, raising incredible sums for us each year. We hope you can join us for the fete - don't forget your wheelbarrow!

We have some very talented artists in Years 5 and 6. Here are a few still-life compositions.

Mrs. Karen Crutchfield - Headteacher

Harvey - Year 5

Letty - Year 6

Reve - Year 6

Daniel - Year 6



The Spring Term is a busy time for Primary Schools and it's no different for us here at Berrynarbor School. Years 2 and 6 are preparing for the statutory SATs Tests in May. Year 6 pupils are having a Booster Class after school on Thursdays to give them as much help as possible.

On 6th March we joined in the national celebrations for World Book Day. Children and staff came to school dressed as characters from their favourite books, and all work during the day was based on books. The children each received a £1 token towards the cost of a new book. Activities like this help to raise the profile of reading with children and to keep their interest alive.

Football and Netball Clubs have started again after school now the weather has improved. I am sure the children and parents appreciate all the extra work put in by staff outside normal school hours. The clubs are certainly popular and well attended.

Comic Relief was well supported by the school. Children paid 50p to take part in a non-uniform day, and parents and friends produced a wonderful selection of cakes and biscuits to sell. The theme of bad hair was enthusiastically adopted by the children and staff! A total of £92.75 was raised by the school during the course of the day, and a good time was had by all.

Red Nose Day

Wear big red noses and messy hair
You may look scary so be aware
Comic Relief is here today
So make some money to give away.

Do something funny
To raise extra money
If you are rich and posh
You'd better give some dosh.

Listen to this next bit of verse
Cos we're telling you dig in your purse
Every little helps so give, give, give,
If you want others to live, live, live.

Lydia Maloney and Charlie Hodgekiss [10]

The Governing Body has been successful in its efforts to find a new, Permanent Headteacher. When the Summer Term begins on Monday, 28th April, Mrs. Karen Crutchfield will be here to look after the school and continue the good work currently being carried out by staff and governors.

I should like to take this opportunity to thank the whole school community for the help and friendship they have given me during my six months at Berrynarbor. I will take away many happy memories and will remember the school with great affection.

With best wishes,

Linda Simmonds - Interim Hcadteacher, November 2002-ApriI 2003

The children in class 4 have been raising money for an orphanage in Uganda. Last term we raised money to provide them with beds to keep them off the dirty floor. The children cooked a meal and made sweets.

Charlotte Ross


Although it is almost impossible to see the children in this photograph, their message is dear!


I'm a little hail stone
Going weeeeeee as I fall

I'm a little animal
And I'll soon be very tall.

I'm a little child
Playing in the sea.

I'm a Little seed
And I'm going to be a tree.

I'm a little sun
Shining in the sky.

I'm a little child
Saying why? why?

Alfie Browne [6]

I'm a cold raindrop
coming down

I'm a seed
coming up from
the ground

I'm a Easter egg
nice and sweet.

I'm a small Easter bunny
And I'm a little treat.

Joe Barnes [6]

Illustrated by: Paul Swailes

I'm a little hedgehog waking from my sleep.
I'm a lamb from a sheep.
I'm a chicken laying some eggs
I'm a child feeling flowers around my legs.

Henry Dallyn [7]

I'm a pretty daisy
Coming up from the ground.

I'm a little rabbit
Hopping all around.

I'm a little butterfly
Coming out of my cocoon.

I'm a little bumble bee
Coming from the moon.

Ella Fairchild [7]

I'm a daisy pretty
and white.
I'm a lamb
from the light
I'm a kite flying
in the Sky
I'm a ball thrown
up high.

Joe Barnes [6]



The school community would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a happy, healthy and peaceful New Year.

Last term ended on a very successful note, with the excellent pantomime performances, beautifully presented Carol Service and a special Christmas Dinner for senior citizens. This was planned, prepared and presented by the children of Class 4 and Mrs. Lucas.

We also had a letter from OFSTED confirming that the latest visiting Inspector was pleased with the progress the school is making towards achieving its school improvement targets. Staff and children were proud of the press coverage given to the outstanding results achieved in Key Stage 2 SAT's, 2002 - the result of good work by staff and pupils during the last academic year.

The Spring Term is very much a time for working hard at the basics in school, as Years 2 and 6 prepare for this year's SAT's Tests. The children will have a little light relief on Thursday, 30th January, when a visiting theatre company will be performing a pantomime for them in the Manor Hall. We shall be joined for this event by pupils from Parracombe and Kentisbury Schools.

The Governing Body has a busy schedule of meetings lined up and continues its seach for a new permanent Headteacher. Governors work in a voluntary capacity and the school is grateful for the time and energy they offer so unstintingly.

Advance warning - the PTA will be holding its Summer Fete on Tuesday, 15th July.

Do contact the school if you would like further information on any of these issues.

Linda Simmonds - Interim Headteacher

A Very Special Invitation

It arrived - a week before the day - a hand-written, decorated invitation from the children of our Primary School, to a Christmas Dinner at the school at 1.00 p.m. on 19th December.

We, thirty elderly village residents with a few specially invited guests, were there 'on the dot', being welcomed into the warm and beautifully decorated school by a team of smartly dressed children, in their white shirts with smiling faces, who took our coats and offered us 'nibbles' and a seat until, in a few minutes we were ushered into the Dining Room - to our tables. Once settled, we were welcomed by the Headmistress, who stressed that the whole event had been taken over by the children themselves - preparation, cooking and serving, writing the invitations and decorating the room.


Artwork by: Reve Williams

While gentle Christmas music played in the background, teams of children came in and out, serving each course immaculately with 'silver service'; helping each one of us with courteous and cheerful attention and watchful of our every need. We were given a starter of melon balls in syrup, a full Christmas turkey dinner with all the accompaniments, the most delicious Christmas pudding we have ever tasted or a tasty trifle. There was cider to drink and afterwards tea or coffee with hand-made chocolate coated mints. What a feast! One could not fault the care and attention to detail and lovely happy attitude of our village school children, who gave us such a lovely Christmas experience - even entertaining us afterwards with songs, poems and carols, and then giving us a gift of home-made sweets to take home.

It seemed that every child in the school had a part to play. Thanks to all you lovely children and your staff, It makes our hearts swell with pride to think we have such a lovely spirit in our local school.

Grateful thanks from a pair of appreciative 'Oldies'!

We made a Christmas meal
In the Christmas pud we put peel
A Christmas meal to Remember
That was in cold December We prepared and cleared
We sang and they cheered.

Rebecca Farrell


Artwork by: Charlotte Ross

The Berrynarbor Class 4 children set up a lovely Christmas meal for the pensioners.

The children made, cooked and served a starter, main course and a pudding. After the food, the whole school entertained them with Christmas songs. We all say it was a day to remember.

Becky Walls

School Dinner

What memories those two words evoke! Very different from the delicious Christmas meal which some two dozen of us senior citizens sat down to at Berrynarbor School on the 19th December.

Everything was perfect - we were greeted at the school gate by smiling, polite pupils who took our coats and led us into school where we met our fellow diners.

Then we were shown into a classroom which had been transformed into an attractively decorated dining room. We were served with a delicious roast turkey Christmas dinner. The children had helped to prepare and cook the food and waited upon us. I understand the proficient silver service had been perfected by practising with raw carrots! There were plenty of second helpings, apple juice and crackers. Then a choice of super Christmas pudding [my choice] or trifle. This was followed by coffee or tea.

After the meal, the whole school entertained us to Christmas songs which were beautifully performed. Finally, time to go home but, in the tradition of all good parties, we had a gift to take with us. Everyone received a beautiful hand-made decorated box which contained delicious hand-made sweets.

What a very enjoyable experience! Our thanks to everyone involved and our good wishes for happiness and success in 2003.

Jill and Iain McCrae

Christmas Dinner

Christmas dinner, "please sit here.
"Hello, how are you? Sit down dear."
Rich and pleasant with the laughter,
l'd like to chat with them after.
Silver service, fork and spoon,
Then we said "please come back soon."
Men and women, happiness galore.
A carol or two, "who would like more?"
Sweets, presents and final Good Byes.

Ryan Beal

T'was the day of the school Christmas meal
The classroom and kitchens all fluttering
The candles were lit,
We got in a fit,
Then all that there was some muttering.
T'was the day of the school Christmas meal
The time was one o'clock at school,
We're waiting for them to come,
Yes, yes here come some,
Aaaah! They're all waiting out in the hall!
T'was the end of the school Christmas meal.

Daisy Ivan



Hello Everyone,

I am glad to have this opportunity to introduce myself to you all.

The whole school community was sad to say goodbye to Simon Bell when he left in October. I have come to look after the school while the Governors work hard to find the right permanent Headteacher. I have been made very welcome by children, staff and parents - many thanks to you all.

The school is busy as always. Years 5 and 6 are involved in a project about Shakespeare and enjoyed a visit to the theatre in Barnstaple. Thanks to the generous efforts of the PTA, Key Stage 2 children have been treated to a cinema trip to see the new Harry Potter film and Key Stage 1 to a Pantomime visit.

On December 12th and 13th, the school will be performing its annual pantomime in the Manor Hall in the evening. Not to be missed ... December 16th will see a Carol Concert at 2.00 p.m. in the Church followed by the Christmas Fair in the Manor Hall. Christmas Dinner in school will be on the 18th December and term ends on Friday, 20th December.

The hard-working staff continue to deliver the full National Curriculum requirements throughout, and even manage to run extra curricular activities in their own time. The children can choose from a variety of clubs, including recorder, drama, football, netball and choir. A homework club has recently been started after school on Fridays, so children can complete their tasks with a teacher on hand to help.

The Governors, who work in a voluntary capacity, meet regularly and manage to handle a heavy workload with enthusiasm and diligence. The School really appreciates the support given by the Governing Body and welcomes visitors and helpers. If you would like to come and see us, do let us know.

The School Community would like to wish everyone a Happy Christmas and a healthy, peaceful New Year.

Linda Simmonds - Headteacher

Observational drawings of St. Peter's Church by pupils from Class 1: A picture by Charlotte Cornish [Aged 6] illustrates the Church Article and this picture is by Shannon Lethaby .

Artwork by: Shannon Lethaby [Aged 5]



Greetings from the Primary School. A new year, new classes and lots of new and exciting events to look forward to this term!

We hope you enjoyed the displays of children's work at the Manor Hall during the summer. Some of their work is featured here and on the covers.

We are making the most of this glorious weather and getting out and about to enjoy the countryside with sports and games and taking time to do our bit for the local environment by cleaning up the beach at Broadsands. The beach has reverted to a terrible state over the holidays.

The children are practising for the Harvest Festival and are planning a special fundraising dinner for parents in October, to raise money for the African Orphanage appeal we are supporting,

Arrangements for Christmas have begun with plans for our pantomime. Casting and rehearsals are to take place soon. We will keep you posted.

Best wishes,

Simon Bell - Headteacher

The Mayflower Dish
Kayleigh Hinsley Aged 4 [Class 1]

The Manor Hall Cup
Danny Ellis Fuller Aged 7 [Class 4]

The PTA Cup
Ryan Beal Aged 10 [Class 3]



Greetings from the School. This term has seen many guests visiting and the children out and about enjoying a large variety of events. These include a week-end of outdoor pursuits at the Pinkery Centre, a residential week in Bristol, and visits to llfracombe Aquarium and Lifeboat Station. Visitors have included African music/dance and Estover Junk Band.

The weather has spoiled every attempt at Sports Day, but we hope to fit in something before the end of term.

The results of the National tests for Year 6 were extremely good and we are very proud to be sending on such a talented bunch to secondary education. We wish them all well for the new term.

Simon Bell - Headteacher

Work From Year 2

Down Behind the Dustbin
Down behind the dushbin
I met a dog called Molly
Leave me alone she said
I'm just getting a trolley.
Ross Matthews
Down behind the dustbin
I met a dog called Claire.
"Don't bother me right now
I'm fighting off a bear.";
Florence Barnes
Tongue Twisters
Saskia skeleton slurps
some squash for her
supper with her sausage and spaghetti
Saskia Smith
One Waggy Worm
One waggy wagley worm.
Two tigers tasting toxic tongues.
Four funny fires.
Five fluffy funny feathers.
Jemma Ivan
Once me and my brother had a-fight about my playstation Two
It was my Playstation but my brother
Wouldn't let me have a go
I asked as politely as I could but he shouted "shut up!"
So now I was feeling annoyed. I waited until he left the room and then I snuck in.
But soon later he came back and jumped on me
but my mum came in and let me have a go.
Harvey Hudson - Year 4
Sometimes I fight my brother He kicks me
I say stop it!
Mum comes in
And puts my brother in the bin
Our brand new clean bin!
Sean Richardson - Year 3



This term the children are getting out and about in the locality and making the most of the fine weather. We visited Broad Sands beach to do a beach clean up, and we are studying the impact of human activity on the environment with the help of the Devon Wildlife Trust. More beach visits are planned, including Combe Martin, where we shall be studying the rock pools and their inhabitants!

The children are working with artists from Appledore Arts Festival to produce some display pieces for the Quay in Appledore. The stimulus for the work is the sea, sea shanties and poems inspired by the wind and the waves!

Pupils are working hard this term on their national tests and when these are out of the way, we can get on with enjoying the rest of the summer - sports day, a residential visit to Bristol, visiting artists and friends from overseas.

We hope you all enjoy this issue's artwork by Class 3.

Simon Bell - Headteacher 

Fox - Cassie Lumb [Year 6]

Hedgehog - Mischa Smith [Year 6]

Ant - Julian Smith [Year 5]

Rabbit - Gregg Clarke [Year 5]



We are enjoying the beautiful weather [in between the gales and showers] and signs of Spring are appearing in the School grounds, with buds and flowers everywhere!

Art, Music and Drama have been featuring high in the curriculum of late and we hope you will be able to see or have seen the children's work at one of the following events during the next few weeks:

The proceeds from the recent pantomime were donated to the Children's Hospice South West. The £300 will go towards a 'soft play room' which is being constructed to form part of their new facilities. We shall be enjoying World Book Day on the 14th March - I wonder if you saw any miniature storybook characters around the village on that day, as Fancy Dress was part of the activities.

More from us next issue, in the meantime we hope you enjoy the art work of children in our Reception Class.

Simon Bell - Headteacher

Spring Haikus

[Haiku - a 17-syllable Japanese verse form, usually divided into three lines of 5, 7 and 5.]

Haiku for Spring

The world starts to warm
Animals blink eyes then yawn
Winter's night Spring's dawn

James Farrell [Year 6]

Haiku for Spring

Daffodil yelllow,
Snowdrops are starting to bloom
Lambs skip happily

Julian Smith [Year 6]

Postcard from Holiday

Charlotte Cornish

Tia Darch

'In Our Hats'

Joe Barnes

Gareth Howell

Liberty Sweet-Escott



Greetings from our Primary School and a Happy New Year to you all! It was a great pleasure to see so many at the School Pantomime and the Christmas Bazaar last term. Thank you for your kind comments, we are really pleased you enjoyed these events.

The school is bustling its way through another busy term, and with Easter coming early this year, we have a lot to fit in! We are making sure our usual provision for the Arts, Music and Drama is catered for and I hope you will be able to visit our 'Smarties Art' competition in February. This will be in the Manor Hall and posters will go up shortly, advertisting the event. All the children received their own set of watercolours this term - we hope to do our bit in creating the next generation of budding artists!

This issue features some observational drawings from our museum exhibits, for you to enjoy.

Simon Bell - Headteacher

Stephanie Rice - Year 5

Japanese Figure
Amy Newell - Year 5

Ashante Figure
Robert Draper - Year 5

African Figure
Charlotte Ross - Year 5

Spencer Brown - Year 5

Victorian Boy Doll
Amy Smith - Year 5



I should like to make our contribution to this issue an invitation to the School's Christmas events. We want to have a change this year and would like to make a community event with a difference.

We are holding a Book Week during the first part of December. Books will be available to purchase from the school from 3.30 p.m. on 6th and 7th, 10th and 11th December. The books will be for children and the 'young at heart', but you may find an ideal Christmas gift amongst the wide selection. Your purchases earn commission for the School, so we hope you will come along and support us.

My other invitation to you is for an afternoon of Christmas Festivities on Monday, 17th December. There will be a Service of Christmas Celebration in the Church at 2.00 p.m., followed by a Christmas Bazaar in the Manor Hall. Tom Bartlett has kindly agreed to set up an exhibition of old photos and postcards from his extensive collection. We look forward to seeing you there to enjoy a drink and a mince pie and a browse round the stalls and exhibition.

Our artistic contribution this issue reflects the children's hard work in English! We hope you enjoy our alternative posters for 'Twelfth Night' and our 'concrete poems' based on the tale of The Pied Piper of Hamelin.

Simon Bell - Headteacher

The Pied Piper of Hamelin

What happened when the Piper first appeared?

Perhaps James has the answer!

"Come in", said the Mayor fearfully. The door creaked ominously and opened. A tall spindly person came in clad in red and yellow. In other situations his suit may have been laughable, but something made everyone completely serious, the Mayor tried to speak but only a strangled gurgle came forth. A deadly silence filled the room. The man spoke in a thin, malicious tone. "I am The Piper", he said grinning at the Council like a shark at its dinner ....

James Farrell, Year 6

Class 3 Group Work
Letty Lucas, Year 5
Georgia D'Anger, Year 5

Mischa Smith, Year 6
Charlotte Ross, Year 5



A new term and a new school year is always an exciting time, and this one is no exception!

The children are enjoying their new classrooms and settling into new routines. We have an excellent new Reception group and have heard from our old Year Six pupils who are thoroughly enjoying their new school. Life goes on!

Our exciting plans for this term include art, music and drama, with visitors to the school including Shakespearean actors and a puppet theatre. We plan to produce a Christmas performance and hope to see you at the show! More details will follow . . . in the meantime, we have submitted some artwork on a subject dear to us . . . chocolate. Enjoy!

Simon Bell, Headteacher

Designs for a new chocolate bar based on an Aztec recipe! Colour versions will be on show in school.

Alice Moore - Year 6

Amy Newell - Year 5

Charlotte Ross - Year 5

Robert Draper - Year 5



Greetings once again from the Primary School. As I write this piece it is raining outside - good for the gardens but not so good for our Fete this evening! I'm sure that with your support we shall have just as successful an event as in years past.

This is a very happy time of year and we have really enjoyed the fine weather and different activities we have been able to carry out in and around the village. It is also tinged with sadness as we say farewell to our Year 6 and celebrate their contribution to the life of the school.

The staff and governors have worked hard this year, trying to bring as many positive experiences as possible to the children, and we should like to thank you for playing your part and helping us to be part of the community.

We hope you enjoy 'Friends', the work of Year 2 pupils.

A happy and restful summer to you all!

Simon Bell - Headteacher

Best Friends

Would a Best Friend
Hurt you deliberately
Go off with another Friend
Borrow some money and not pay you back
Mine did
Would a best Friend say
Take a showing toy out of your tray
Not sit next to you in class
Not be partners with you any more
Mine did
Would a Best Friend
Tern up and say hurt me back
Go off with you again and
pay you back
Mine did
Would a best Friend say
Sorry I bulled you in the playground
Sorry I went off with another Friend
I thought you didn't like me
And would a Best Friend simply say
Never mind that's OK
I did

Becky [Walls]

Me and my mate Arran, we:
play on our Bikes,
play on the PlayStation,
Tell each other secrets,
and play on our skateboard.

When we bike ride
we do jumps off muddy mounds

Me and my mate Steven, we:
we play on our scooters,
play on our skate boards,
play the PlayStation,
and play soccer.

On our scooters we see who does the best tricks.

Me and my mate Kamran, we:
Skate Board
Bike ride
play soccer
and scooter.

When we skate board
we see who can do the highest jump.

Me and my mate Kieron, we:
play on the PlayStation,
play on our skate boards,
and play foot ball.

When we play on the PlayStation
we always play on TEKEN2
and we always play on 2 player
on Team Battle Mode.

Sam K. [Kinsella]

Me and my mate William, we:

play war games
we play on the PlayStation
Run from William's sister
Then I have to go back home
After I watch T.V.

Me and my mate William, we:

Spy on my dogs
Make ant farms
We wrestle
Then William has to go back home
And has his tea

Harvey [Hudson]

Best friends are there for you
Best friends help you in Art
Best friends give you presents
Best friends help you.
Best friends give surprises
Best friends take care for you
Best friends don't tell lies
Best friends give you sweets

Emma [Elstone]

Two Friends

Me and Stephanie are friends
We share our secrets
And we play with each other at fetes
We have style
We have glamour
We share each others clothes
We go out on our bikes and sometimes I give her a roes
But all I can say is we will never break up!
But when we talk Mr. Wood says tut! tut!

Georgia [D'Anger]

Would a best friend say
Sorry I was spying on you
Sorry I ganged up on you
Sorry I said I don't like you
Mine did
And would a best friend say, simply
Never mind that's O.K
I did

William [Matthews]



Hello from all at the School! We have really been enjoying the summery weather - it makes the term feel much more fun! We are in the middle of the annual round of testing for the children in Years 2 and 6 - all the hard work put in by the children and the staff will be assessed and marked and reflects the efforts of all concerned! We are then looking forward to a term packed with visits and events.

The foot and mouth crisis has put paid to a lot of our planned events, but we still hope to be able to hold our sports day, host the Small Schools Sports Festival, visit the beach as part of our Geography and Science studies, and take part in local arts events and activities. We were delighted to be involved with Berrynarbor-in-Bloom and had great fun creating 'Little Weed' - many thanks to Ms Campbell for her efforts!

Our Year 6 children, a super hardworking bunch, are leaving us in July and will begin their big adventure at Ilfracombe or Braunton in September. We shall miss you!

Our contribution from the children this issue are pupils in Class 1 who have been working with their teddies.

More from us next issue . . . until then, let's hope the sun keeps shining!

Simon Bell - Headteacher

"We have made pictures of the teddies which belong to members of Class 1. We used pastels and watercolour paint and learnt how to mix the right colours and make the teddies look soft and fluffy."




The school is bustling with activity this term, as the children are involved with a number of projects in and around the village.

The National Trust Dance Project, celebrating the coastline of the region, was one of these and a group of our older children were asked to take part in the performance at the Queen's Theatre. Our next project will be at The Landmark Theatre in Ilfracombe in April. The children in Class 2 and Class 3 are working with actors from the Multistory Theatre Group on a performance that will include Lynton, Parracombe and Kentisbury Primary Schools.

In school, the children have worked with a storyteller, a shadow-puppet maker and an actor who ran a day on the Tudors as part of our history studies.

We are enjoying the outdoors much more - football, basketball and skipping all tying in popularity!

We are pleased to present in this newsletter, a variety of poetry and pictures from our younger pupils. We hope you enjoy them!

Simon Bell - Headteacher

What is Blue

Blue is the sky,
Nice and bright.
Blue are the Smurfs,
Nice and little.
Blue is the sea,
Nice and shiny.

Zack Manley

My Daddy?

My daddy is nice
My daddy is kind
My daddy is clever
My daddy is good
My daddy likes me
My daddy is friendly.

Luke Needham


Mum is helpful
Mum is nice
Mum is kind
Mum has glasses
Mum wears shoes.

Charles D' Anger

Florence Nightingale


Zack Manley

What is Green?
Green is the colour of grass.
Green as some tractors made by John Deere.
Green is the colour of a frog.
Leafs are rustling in a tree.

Scott Dunham

Florence Nightingale


William Cornish



Greetings and a Happy New Year!

With a very busy Autumn Term behind us, we are gathering ourselves for an exciting programme of activities for the children during the next few months.

We have several new faces on the staff at the school: two new teachers, two new administrators, two new classroom assistants and a new caretaker! We are very pleased to have them as part of the team and look forward to their contribution to the life of the school.

Apart from swimming, the children are to be treated to the delights of visiting artists and storytellers and will be working with a theatre group towards a performance with three other local schools.

Lots to do and lots to look forward to! More from us next issue - in the meantime we hope you enjoy our artwork.

Simon Bell - Headteacher

Observational Drawings by Pupils in Years 4, 5 and 6 are shown below illustrating the article on facts about Devon.



We are already preparing for Christmas and the summer holidays seem to have only just ended! In spite of the spate of bad weather, we have been very active with the children going out and about.

We had an excellent day at Arlington Court for the Arts Adventure Week and a week-end away with the children in Class Two at the Wembworthy Centre in Eggesford Forest. Both occasions were full of sunshine and showers but a good time was had by all.

The Christmas production is getting underway, as are our arrangements for our Christmas Coffee Morning on 4th December. Details of these events will follow shortly.

We were very pleased to be invited to the planting of the Mazzard tree in Claude's Garden. We hope to announce our own planting project which the school will start, and I hope our friends in the WI will join us in this exciting venture!

A full and exciting year behind us and the promise of even more in 2001.

Best wishes for the festive season from all at the school.

Simon Bell - Headteacher

Christmas drawings from pupils in Class 2 appear elsewhere in this issue.



We are back in full swing again after a relaxing summer break. A lot seems to have happened whilst we were away. The building work to install the new drainage system has all but been completed, and the children have a new all-weather surface on the playground. We hope that you enjoyed the children's work displayed at the Horticultural Show. The hanging baskets presented for the Berrynarbor in Bloom competition really enhanced the look of our building. Thank you to those who maintained them!

A new school year always brings with it a lot of exciting events and this one is no exception! We already have plans for a Christmas Show, a Book Fair, and a visit from a theatre company who will be performing 'The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe' for the children.

More from us in the next issue, in the meantime we hope you stay mobile and enjoy the latest artistic efforts of the children.

Best wishes,

Simon Bell - Headteacher

Vole - Eloise Maloney - Year 5

Jackdaw - Tim Bird - Year 5

Magpie - Jessica Hodgkiss - Year 6

Rat - Alice Fry - Year 5



Time has really flown by. It's hard to believe that it has been a year since I first wrote a contribution for the village newsletter! Our Year 6 are enjoying their last term as primary school children. They have already visited their new schools - some are going to Braunton, others to Ilfracombe - and seen the exciting challenges that await them in September. We had a fantastic week away on an Outdoor Adventure holiday at Beam House near Bideford. Perfect weather and an exciting programme of activities will provide us with happy memories for a long time to come.

School has been its usual busy self, with our studies this term focussing on local history. What a fascinating place we live in! We have explored Barnstaple and Berrynarbor and conducted research with the help of the Local Records Office and Study Library. We also spent a fascinating afternoon as guests of the Spinners Group and enjoyed seeing their work. Our school grounds have provided study materials for our work on living things and the environment. Class I enjoyed a good day at the Exmoor Zoological Gardens and had the chance to get closer than usual to the creatures that live there.

As I write this, Sports Day, Leavers' Service and the PTA Fete are all up and coming and then we are looking forward to our summer holiday and some exciting community projects next term.

Best wishes for a pleasant summer!

Simon Bell, Headteacher

A Water Land
They glue themselves to the rushes,
They're slimey and they slither,
Their shells are spiralled and sometimes pale,
I think you have guest it,
It's a snail.
It's long and slimey, but they are quite cool
They live in dirty waters,
In a pond they will be,
Lots of people think it is quite cute,
I think you have guessed it,
It's a newt.
It's got a shell but it's not a snail,
It lives in ponds along the surface,
It's as fast as a fly, you will never catch it,
Maybe later
I think you have guessed it,
It's a pond skater.

Evie Hay - Year 5

Observational Drawing: Stoat
by Hetti D'Anger - Year 5

Silent Place
I love the pond,
The deep shadowy pond.
With all the small creatures,
It's a silent place.
I love the pond,
The different colours.
Deep, dark, green,
And rusty brown.
It's a silent place.
I love the pond,
Creatures that slither,
And spider webs caught in the rushes.
The sunlight sparkles across the ripples.
It's a silent place
I love the pond,
The shadowy colours,
And the whispering sedge grasses.
The way the water slowly ripples,
And the pond skaters glide across,
It's a silent place.

Rebecca Lumb - Year 6

Water Secrets
Pond Skaters skating along the pond's surface,
Newts lurking in the shadows, like a tiger hiding in the grass to catch its prey.
 Spider webs in between the rushes, the webs sparkle as the sun shimmers.
Everything is still .... but then ....
A snail stuck to a bull rush, the breeze gently sways it side to side.
The rushes are as green as the day they grew.
It smells as if it's been there for hundreds of years.
Everything is quiet .... but then ....
A drop of water has fallen off a rush and into the water, which scared a tadpole away.
The sun has evaporated some of the pond's water, so it has uncovered the thick, brown, muddy, squelching mixture that was once hidden underneath.
Everything is calm.

Hailey Purdue - Year 6



The Summer Term is shaping up very nicely weather-wise! Long may it continue. Our timetable, as usual, is filling up with a whole list of interesting and exciting events. After the Year 6 children have taken their national tests, along with the children in Year 2, we have a number of days out planned, visiting artists and historians and naturalists, as well as the beginnings of an exciting project involving the school and the WI working together. In amongst these activities we have a residential week away for Class 3, Sports Day, a Book Fair and the PTA Fete! Quite a busy time ahead, and a time for our oldest pupils to enjoy their last few weeks as primary school children before they embark on their next great adventure in September.

Until next time, best wishes,

Simon Bell Headteacher

Observational Drawings - sketches from animal exhibits for our Local Environment Project, Summer 2000



Greetings from all of us at the Primary School. We are pleased to see the first signs of spring around the school with daffodils and other green shoots poking through the ground. The lighter mornings and evenings have been a real bonus as well and we are looking forward to getting back down on the village field to start our football club again after a short lay-off.

We are in the final throes of preparation for OFSTED inspection and the staff have been working very hard to make the place look its best for the inspection week. We are still enjoying being a four-class school, even if this is only until the end of the summer, and the place seems really busy and full of life!

The children have been involved in a variety of projects - brick laying at the North Devon College, our Concert at The Landmark Theatre in Ilfracombe, as part of the Millennium Celebrations, and the on-going project with the Devon Artists in School Scheme. The Year 5 children are making a musical piece based on the sounds they can capture and record from their surroundings, in school and around the village. The scheme also uses computer technology and musical instruments. We are all looking forward to hearing the finished piece and it will be performed live at The Landmark in early April.

April already! How the year is flying by! We hope you like the artwork supplied by the children in this issue - 'observational drawing' -and we look forward to informing you of the exciting projects for the school in the next Newsletter. Until then, beware of roving bands of musicians armed with computers!

Simon Bell - Headteacher

A Feather - Shane Clarke

Fish Dish - Hetti Danger

Fish Dish - Evie Hay



A Happy New Millennium from all at Berrynarbor Primary School! After a hectic end of term, and even more hectic holiday, we are back for an exciting term! The children are involved in several projects this term - they are performing in The Landmark Theatre at Ilfracombe on February 8th and 9th as part of the local schools' Millennium Concert. Some tickets may be available from the school and I am sure the evenings will be very special.

We have an artist in residence working with a group of children for another performance at The Landmark in April. This musical piece will be using sounds drawn from the environment, music created on the computer and improvisational pieces created by the children themselves.

Artwork by: Poppy Bell [Aged 10]

The school site has undergone some major building work to counter any potential flooding that may occur before new drainage is put in place. We are trying to make the best of our new situation.

A big thank you to all those who supported our Christmas events - we look forward to seeing more of you in the new year.

Simon Bell - Headteacher



It is a sobering thought that Christmas and the Millennium is fast approaching and there is a lot to fit in before the end of the year! We are busy preparing the contents of the Millennium Time Capsule in readiness for the ceremony at the end of this month - we have completed a list of items using the ideas of the children and tried to fit in as much as possible!

Some of you may have seen the inflation of the Ordnance Survey hot air balloon on the village field on the 16th November. The children were treated to this demonstration and a talk from the pilot about the importance of Ordnance Survey maps in navigation, as well as slides of some of the 127 balloons he had piloted.

The arrival of the new security gate at school has caused some interest in the village. The school places a high priority on the safety of the children in our care and as such we felt it necessary to take steps to improve our existing security arrangements. The new gate is an effective and efficient barrier and whilst it is not the most attractive feature in the village, rest assured that we are already well on the way with plans for making its appearance more in keeping. The rumour that we had plans to add something similar outside the Parish Room is quite untrue! I am sure that our improvements will meet with approval. Watch this space!

This is an excellent opportunity to extend an invitation to all readers for our Christmas events. We have the Christmas Coffee Morning on 6th December, and our Christmas Performance will be on 15th December in the afternoon. Posters to publicise these events will be going up shortly. You are most welcome to come and share the occasions with us and we look forward to seeing you at one or both events.

Until next time, best wishes.

Simon Bell - Headteacher



Greetings from all at Berrynarbor Primary School.

After a long and much needed rest, the children and staff have launched into a new and exciting Autumn Term! We were delighted to be asked to contribute to the village Horticultural Show and the children were very pleased with their prizes for the Art Competition. We hope to be as well represented next year.

We are involved in several projects for the Millennium through Music and the Arts, and hope to display the efforts of the children throughout the term. We were very pleased to be asked to fill a Time Capsule to be buried in the foundations of the village fountain! We are busily debating what the contents of the capsule will be and what best represents the school for the interest and enlightenment of future generations.

Other highlights for this term include the School Book Fair, a Residential Visit to the Beaford Centre and the Harvest Festival . .. and then it will be Christmas!

Until next time, best wishes

Simon Bell - Headteacher



With the Summer Term drawing to an end, it is a pleasure to look back on all that we have achieved during a very hectic year!

The results of the SAT's have been extremely good, and we bid farewell to our Year 6 pupils as they leave Berrynarbor behind and move on to the next stage of their education. The staff and pupils will remember their contributions to the life of the school long after they are gone, and we wish them every success.

We also remember a fascinating visit to Bristol, the memorable highlights of which are recorded in art and photographs in the school library. Sports Day was a whole day this year -- skills in the morning, traditional races in the afternoon and a warm, sunny day was a real bonus! Thank you to all those who came to support us.

The PTA Fete was a resounding success and raised over £2,000 for school funds. It was my first experience of the event and I was amazed by the superb organisation and enthusiasm of all those taking part. On behalf of the school, a big thank you for all your hard work.

Next term will see us gearing up for the Millennium and starting on a series of projects in preparation for that celebration.

The school looks lovely with its complement of flowers and hanging baskets and we are proud to be playing our part in the Village in Bloom Competition. Good luck to all of us!

Best wishes for a relaxing summer.

Simon Bell



Hello! My name is Simon Bell and I am the new Headteacher at Berrynarbor VC Primary School. Although I am new to the village, I have lived in Devon since 1985 and presently live in Barnstaple with my wife, Frances - herself a full-time teacher - and my son, Sebastian, who is 6. I started my teaching career at Woolacombe Primary School before promotion to Deputy Head at St. Helen's, Abbotsham, and then on to be Deputy at Southmead County Primary School in Braunton. And so on to Berrynarbor, where I am looking forward to an exciting and challenging future with the school.

The Summer Term has been most enjoyable so far, and with the other staff I am looking forward to all those events, new and traditional, that make this time of year such a special one in the life of a village primary school.

Some of those things to look forward to include ... after-school clubs - athletics and tag rugby, cricket and rounders - Sports Day, a Residential Visit to Bristol for the Juniors, visiting artists and Millennium projects and taking part in the PTA's annual fund-raising Fete in July. Quite a busy few months as I am sure you'll agree.

On behalf of the school, I should like to say how much we value being part of such an active community and that we want to play our part in supporting the village. We welcome your contributions to the life of the school as visitors and friends and hope to see you at some of our events. Best wishes for the summer.

Simon Bell



Last term Years 2 and 3 went on a few days' trip to Beaford for an Art based session. It was very successful and all the children had a good time.

This term a few children from Years 2 and 6 joined other children from the Ilfracombe Area at The Lantern for Maths Activities mornings. The children found it very rewarding mixing with other children and trying out new ideas. The P.T.A. ran a disco after bonfire night for all the children in the school. There was lots of dancing, eating, face painting and fancy dressing! Thank you to all the parents who helped.

Christmas is coming ... and everyone is welcome to our Coffee Morning on Monday, 8th December, 9.30 to 11.00 a.m. There will be the Book Fair, gifts, raffle, cake stall, coffee and mince pies. Some of the older children are running a bring-and-buy stall for the Blue Peter Appeal in aid of cystic fibrosis.

Our Christmas performance is fast approaching and again anyone is welcome to the dress rehearsal on Wednesday afternoon, 10th December.

We hope you have a great Christmas and thank you again for all your support over the year.


Amy, Year 1 [age 5]
Sentence written for a book she is making about her teddy

Poem - Katrina - Year 5



This summer term sees a lot of activity as usual. We have the Summer Fete on Tuesday, 15th July, at 6.30 p.m. in the Manor Hall. We have our own school Sports Day on 17th July and the Area Small Schools Sports on 18th June, this year to be held at Kentisbury Primary School. Let's hope the weather holds out! !

There have been two opportunities for a few children to take part in dance performances. Some went with Mrs. Fabian to dance in a North Devon Schools production at Pilton School. It was a dance they choreographed themselves called 'Crazy Golf'. Another group went to the North Devon College and danced with students who had to perform with children from the community as part of their coursework. Both dances were performed very well and the children really enjoyed the experiences.

Mr. Constant and his class are going to the North Devon Leisure Centre to take part in a day's activities. It ties up with their project for this term entitled 'healthy living'. There is also a residential trip planned for 30th June to 4th July when many children are spending 5 days in Shropshire. I'm sure a good time will be had by all! Look out for the next issue to find out how they all got on ...

is taking place on
15TH JULY at 6.30 p.m.
in the Manor Hall and Play Area

Hog Roast, Money Raffle, Cider, Children Dancing,
Bouncy Castle, Stalls, Games, Tombola, Refreshments, Jugglers, Face-painting



The School has had a very successful term. Firstly, many people attended the launch of our partnership with the Pre-School to provide facilities for the Under 5's in the village. Hard work by the School and the Pre-School staff led to a children's Teddy Bear Picnic in the Manor Hall to celebrate the tremendous amount of planning and work which has been completed so far. We are in a strong position to go forward and build on the excellent links which already exist to provide high quality for very young children in Berrynarbor.

We were all delighted to receive the news that the School had done so very well in the national results of 11 year olds in English, Mathematics and Science. For us to have been listed as 1st in Devon and equal 8th in the country is certainly a tribute to the hard work of all the staff and children, and the wonderful support we get from parents and the village as a whole. These 'League Tables' represent just part of the School's work, albeit a very important part, and it is also important to recognise all the other qualities of the School, as highlighted in our recent Ofsted Report. Under the Government's current rules, our School will not be appearing in the league tables again for 2 or 3 years, as we shall not have enough 11 year olds to qualify for inclusion [a minimum of 10 is required].

The School also held a successful and well-attended Open Evening when parents and visitors had the chance to look at displays of work linked to this term's project on homes and buildings. Particular focus was made on Science and Technology and showed the types of work covered in each class.

Several of the older children took part in the Primary Schools Swimming Gala at Ilfracombe and enjoyed taking part in competition with other local primary schools.

Thank you to everyone for the continued support of the School - it is much appreciated.

Illustration by: Paul Swailes



The quality of teaching at Berrynarbor V.C. Primary School has recently been highlighted by an independent team from the Office for Standards in Education as a major strength of the school. 'The majority of the teaching is good with a significant percentage very good, and is the main factor contributing to the standards of attainment', the inspectors said.

The Chair of Governors, Rev. Keith Wyer writes: The Headteacher, staff, pupils and parents are to be congratulated on the findings of the Ofsted Inspectors. This successful school [their words] has come about because of the vision and hard work of everyone associated with the school. How can we improve? The only two areas for action had already been identified by the Governors and been addressed as part of the school's continuing process of evaluation and progress. The Headteacher, Governors and Staff are constantly striving to improve the quality of education for our children. The school has been given a few years to implement the action plan for the key issues.



The summer term has been full of activities outside the 'normal' curriculum. Our children have been on visits to Croyde and Combe Martin beaches as part of their project work; there have been numerous sporting events, including a 'Tag' Rugby competition in Barnstaple, and tennis coaching at Ilfracombe College. There was also the Small School Sports at West Down School, at which we won lots of certificates!

Thanks to the generosity of the staff, there were after-school athletics clubs in which the children tried lots of different events, and were awarded certificates at the appropriate level for their performances. Well done, all of you! By the time you read this, we hope the weather has been kind enough to allow our own school sports to have taken place. Good luck, of course, to all those who are starting at their new schools in September - another milestone in their growing up!

We hope you all have a good summer, see you in September.




The Summer Term in any school is a busy time. Our school is no exception! As some of you may have seen in the paper, we took in National Schools Ground Day on the 3rd May. This was a day set aside for schools all over the country to make every effort to use their grounds for curriculum activities. We made the most of ours and a had a picture in the paper to prove it!

9th May saw some children visiting Rosemoor Gardens, Great Torrington. They worked with the Education Officer looking at the special needs of plants and why they are suited to their environment.

On 15th and 16th May, some children from Class 3 took part in two performances of dance with students from the North Devon College. A great experience for those chosen as we were the only primary school whose pupils were given this honour!

Mr. Constants' choir group will be singing again for the residents of the Susan Day Home. Last year this was so successful they have been asked back again.

On top of all these and other events, our children will be enjoying their sports competitions. Let us all hope the weather is kind for them and, of course, for the school fete.



The Spring Term is generally a quiet term - getting over Christmas and getting ready for the summer! In March we had a Parents' Evening, concentrating on Mathematics throughout the school, showing the wide range of work and helping to explain the different activities undertaken at the school. There was a P.T.A. Easter Disco and the Area Schools Swimming Gala for the children. The Exmoor Bird Gardens put on a free Animal Roadshow as a goodwill gesture. During the Easter break we shall be preparing for the coming term's sporting activities and hope for fine weather.

We wish you all a Happy Easter.



In September, some 8-11 year olds went on a trip to Bristol. Their visits included the Zoo and the Clifton Suspension Bridge. The children stayed at the Y.H.A. right by the river in Bristol a great setting for a great trip.

The younger children, 6-7 year olds, went to the Beaford Centre for a few days. Their activities included mask making, pottery, painting and woodland walks. It was a memorable experience for the children, some of whom hadn't been away from their parents before.

And now for Christmas:

  • Tuesday, 5th December 10.00 to 11.30 a.m. Christmas Coffee Morning at the School. Cakes, Raffle, Book Fair, etc. Anyone is welcome
  • Thursday, 14th December 1.45 p.m. There is a dress rehearsal for the Christmas performance entitled "Circus". This will be in the Manor Hall and is open to anyone, including pre-school children
  • Wednesday, 20th December 2.30 p.m. Carol Service in the Church. Again, anyone is welcome

Thank you to all the villagers who support the school

We wish you all a Happy Christmas.



Back in July we had another very successful fete. Despite the weather threatening to spoil things, it all proved to be well worth the effort. This was the most successful yet, in terms of money raised, and due to the hard work of the P.T.A. and the great support of the parents, other locals and holidaymakers, money can now be spent for the benefit of the children.

Also in July Berrynarbor hosted the small schools sports. Again the weather threatened to spoil things with everyone having to run for the trees on a couple of occasions! The children all took part with great enthusiasm and were rewarded with many certificates.

The Summer Term also saw the school playing host to a group of elderly people from Weare Gifford. They were shown around the new environmental area, treated to entertainment from the children and given refreshments to round off a busy visit on a very hot day.

The Summer Term was very busy then, and the Autumn Term seems to be turning out equally so. There are due to be residential visits to Bristol and Beaford. Never mind, it will soon be Christmas!!



The children have recently played football and netball against Parracombe Primary School; footballers won by a tremendous 9 goals to 1, while the netball match was eventually won by Parracombe after an excellent game.

The school hosted a visit by two classes from Yeo Valley Primary School in Barnstaple, who came to study the village. Our children helped to show the visitors around and the Yeo Valley children very much enjoyed their visit to Berrynarbor.

Our choir group have visited the Susan Day Residential Home in Ilfracombe to entertain the residents with a selection of well-known songs, which brought back memories for the residents, who really appreciated the children's singing.

A small group of pupils from Years 5 and 6 are joining Combe Martin pupils on a visit to France, where a full programme of visits during the week includes the Bayeux Tapestry and Mont St. Michel.

Advance Notice - The School will be holding an Art Exhibition in the Manor Hall where you will be able to view some of the children's work from this year. This will be on Wednesday morning, 24th May, and all villagers and friends will be very welcome. More details and posters nearer the time.



The school has had a busy start to its year.The younger children have visited The Milky Way, near Clovelly, whilst the Juniors spent a day visiting the Plymouth Dome, the Elizabethan House Museum and enjoying a boat trip around Plymouth Sound. A Harvest Assembly was held in the Church and proceeds sent to this year's charity, the R. S.P.C.A. The older children have been playing football and netball with Georgeham and Parracombe Primary Schools.

Many of you will have seen reports of the development of our new environmental area. Tremendous support from the P. T. A. enabled the area to be cleared over the summer holiday and a pond, fence, pathway and dry-stone wall built. Shrubs were also planted by the County's Ground staff and the children have been busy building habitats of logs and stones and weeding and planting bulbs and a variety of plants in and around the pond. Several villagers have kindly donated plants - thank you to all who have done so. We have also received support for the area from SWEB, British Gas, Shell UK, Ilfracombe and District Round Table, Silverdale Nurseries and St. John's Garden Centre. We are certain this project will develop over the coming years to become a rich resource for the children's work and a real 'outdoor classroom'.

We should be pleased to see you at our Christmas events this year. On Tuesday, 6th December, 10.00 to 11.30 a.m. in school, we shall be holding our Coffee Morning - do call in for coffee and mince pies. On Monday, 12th December at 10.30 a.m. there will be a rehearsal of this year's Nativity performance, in the Manor Hall, to which villagers and parents with pre-school children are invited.



The children have been involved in a variety of activities in recent weeks. Several from Years 3-6 represented the school at the Ilfracombe Area School Swimming Gala, and were very successful, with more children than ever qualifying for finals in their heats. Other sporting activities have included football and netball matches against Georgeham Primary School.

We have welcomed two theatre groups - the Imago Theatre from the North Devon College presented a thought-provoking play called 'Bullyache' for our older children, while the Jigsaw Theatre performed the entertaining 'Priscilla The Pirate' for the younger ones.

All the children participated in National Spring Clean Week and each class went on a 'litter pick' in different areas of the Village. The week was a great success and helped to make the children more aware of their environment.

Following the performance of The Spectrum and The Musical Box Fairy by our group of dancers at the Queen's Theatre in February, we are thrilled that the group have been invited to perform at the Devon County Show in Exeter as part of Devon Youth Music's presentation.

Berrynarbor is the only primary school from North Devon performing at the Show. It promises to be an exciting day for the children involved and a real reward for the group who worked so hard choreographing their own dance.

Advance Notice We look forward to seeing you at the P.T.A. Summer Fete on Tuesday, 19th July.

David Chaplin



During another busy term, we were pleased to welcome some members of the community into school to share memories of the evacuation and wartime with the children. The school has been involved in a number of activities over the last few weeks. A group of Year 5 and 6 children were selected to take part in the North Devon Schools Prom at the Queen's Theatre, Barnstaple, giving a performance of a dance choreographed by themselves. The Juniors have been involved in football and netball matches against Georgeham Primary School, both at home and away. Some of the Infants have visited The Lantern Centre in Ilfracombe for an enjoyable Science Workshop as part of the Ilfracombe Area Schools' Science Fair. We look forward to welcoming the illustrator, Paul Dowling, into school to work with some of the children as part of the North Devon Book Festival.

The P. T. A. have recently provided a marvellous cookery area for the children to user complete with sink, fridge and cooker. We ' re looking forward to using it over the next few weeks. Our new pottery kiln, also provided by the P. T. A. is working well and we have had several successful firings. You will be pleased to know that the bulbs we planted last year in the bank in the playground are doing well and we again have a splendid display of daffodils to enjoy.

David Chaplin



Thank you to everyone who supported the Coffee Morning before Christmas - we raised a tremendous £338.18 for school funds. Many parents and members of the community also commented on the Christmas decorations, particularly the stained-glass windows.

Our Christmas Victorian Music Hall performance was enjoyed by many villagers and every child in the school was involved.

The children enjoyed a visit by Theatre Alibi from the Northcott Theatre in Exeter and the term finished with a Christmas party in the Manor Hall. An end of term Assembly was also held in the church with the Rector.

Many of you will know that Mrs. Vera Cowperthwaite, a previous headteacher at the school, passed away at the end of last year. Donations amounting to over £170 were received in her memory and this will be used to provide two additional wooden bench seats for the playground.

This term, the children are studying a history topic which includes the period of the Second World War. We have already travelled by train to Exeter to visit the Rougemont House Museum. If anyone has memories of what Berrynarbor was like in wartime and you would be willing to share these with a group of children, then we should be very happy to hear from you.

The parent-Teacher Association continues to give wonderful support to the school. A very successful skittles evening was held at Ye Olde Globe in December and another is planned for 25th February. The pottery kiln, provided by the P. T. A. , has been installed and has already been used successfully.

David Chaplin


Victorian Christmas Concert

Parents, grandparents, family and friends alike found themselves drawn into festive celebrations with a music hall flavour at the school Christmas Concert this year.

Acts ranged from a daredevil escapologist, who 'wasn't to be opened until Christmas', through Groucho Marx, a strong man upstaged by his little helper, to the sand dancers in their grandads' shirts and a mummified ventriloquist dummy. All were linked together by songs, recitations, tumbling, dancing, musical interludes and a very versatile M.C. With all this, the evening was a guaranteed success.

Staff, adult helpers and children alike deserve congratulations for their efforts in producing such a professional display, especially at this most tiring time of the year. The audience certainly left having been entertained by excellent performances by all.

Very Proud Parents



Once again we had a very successful Harvest Festival, the proceeds of which we have sent to this year's charity, the National Children's Home. We also held a sponsored event organised by the NCH in which children from the school took part. The total amount forwarded to the Home from both these events was £207.92.

Diary Dates

  • 7th December - 10.00 a.m. Christmas Coffee Morning at the School. Please join us for coffee and mince pies. Christmas stalls and book fair.
  • 15th December - 1.45 p.m. Dress rehearsal of Christmas performance in the Manor Hall. Members of the community are very welcome to come and watch the children.




We left school at 8.00 a.m. and got on the bus for a 2 and a half hour ride. We got there at 11.15 and went to see a video about Morwellham Quay and what they had there. Then we went underground for about 5 to 10 minutest it was cold and dark and miners had to go underground for 12 hours. And they showed us how the miners worked. After we went to try on costumes and have our photos taken. The costumes were very hot. Next we had lunch and then we went to the Duke's drive to have a carriage ride. Then we went to the coopers workshop and he showed us how to make casks. After that we went to the Assayer's house and he showed us around the kitchen and the bedrooms And there was a sign saying where the flood level was in Morwellham Quay.

Lucy Roberts - Age 9 years



The school welcomed Theatre Alibi from Exeter, who visited us in February to perform "The Goose". The children enjoyed the performance in the Manor Hall and the performers in the theatre group were impressed by the behaviour and response from the children.

Some children were busy last Autumn planting bulbs in the school grounds. We now have lots of daffodils growing in tubs and on the bank in the playground.

All the children recently entered a decorated egg competition organised by the National Farmers Union. The competition was judged by Joy Morrow and prize winners were Simon Hubery, Laura Desmond, Daryl Cox, James Martin, Peter Hiscox and Holly Peacock. These winning entries will now go forward to the next round of the competition at the Devon County Show.

A reminder that the school closes for Easter on Wednesday, 7th April and re-opens on Tuesday, 27th April for the Summer Term.



We are all pleased that the building improvements are now complete, giving us new toilet and cloakroom areas, storage space and an enlarged office. The Governors have also financed improved access to the playground. By the time you read this, the new building will have been officially opened by Cllr. Ffoulkes.

School activities so far this term have included a visit by the Junior children to Wembworthy Centre, near Eggesford, for a day of fieldwork and mapwork activities. A group of children from the school are also taking part in football training sessions on Monday evenings at Ilfracombe College. These sessions have been organised along with West Down, Kentisbury and Parracombe schools.

We hope to see many of you at our Christmas activities. We are holding a Coffee Morning on Tuesday, 8th December, at 10.00 a.m. in the school, when we hope to raise some money towards some more musical instruments. Everyone welcome. Everyone will again be welcome to the morning performance of The Nativity, at 10.00 a.m. at the Manor Hall on Thursday, 10th December.

David Chaplin



Sleeping lazily
Surrounded by meadows full of daisies.
Flowers swaying in the breeze
Pansies smile at me
As if they are happy.
Scented roses
Standing in back gardens
Leaping Lords and Ladies
Bounding in the hedgerows
Colour spreading over cottages
And dripping from hanging baskets.
Gently and scently
The petals are showing off
And flowers bounce in window boxes.
Bright colourful flowers
Play around the bus stop.
Plants bowing to their human audience
Who wander through the cosy streets
Then drive home with peaceful memories.

Illustrated by: Paul Swailes

The older children at the Primary School have been writing Britain in Bloom and Best Kept Village Poems. Ideas were first discussed in groups of 3 or so, then each child went off to use the ideas in their own way. This poem, using ideas from several children in discussing how a poem can develop, was written by:

  • Mark
  • Ashley
  • Gregory
  • Charlotte
  • Jeffrey
  • Robert
  • Peter
  • Felix
  • Sarah
  • Robert

In the school window we shall be displaying the children's own poems. We hope you can spare time to stop and read a few to see the children's thoughts about their beautiful village.

Pam Cruse



After almost nine very happy years as Headteacher of our village school, I shall be leaving at the end of this term to take up a new post as Headteacher of South Molton Infants School. I should like to express my thanks to the people of Berrynarbor for their friendship and support during that time. I've appreciated the offers of help in the work of the school and the cheery waves and chats in the street which have made me feel a welcome part of the community. My thanks to you all.

The building work - to give us indoor toilet facilities - will begin shortly. The work is to be done on a very restricted site and we hope that the village will suffer as little inconvenience as possible. There will be a time in the autumn when you'll be invited to view the improvements.

The School Fete will be on the evening of 21st July at the Manor Hall.

My successor in the Autumn Term will be David Chaplin and I should like to take this opportunity to wish him well in his new post. I am sure you will make him as welcome as you 've made me.

Pam Cruse



The best news the school has to share is that after 145 years of outdoor lavatories [flush ones and the earlier other type!] , we hope, by September 1992, to have new warm, light, comfortable, hygienic indoor ones! !

In September we shall open the school so that anyone can come in and see our new toilet and cloakroom block. The Governors have petitioned long and hard for this improvement and we are more than delighted that their requests have at last been acted upon.

As mentioned in the last issue, the children are looking at the life and work in Berrynarbor in Wartime and beyond. Any help would still be appreciated, if you have any photographs or memories you can share, please contact the school [883493].To this end, a Coffee Morning will be held at the School on Tuesday, 11th February, from 10.00 to 11.45 a.m. The pupils ask, "We should like anyone to come and talk to two or three of us so that we can ask questions and take notes to use in class. We don't want to know about soldiers and fighting but about how people in the towns and villages of England managed during the War. There are no books that can tell us the things we want to know.

We will keep all the information in our History File which we will pass on to children in future. "

The children would like to know more about Britain 1930 to 1990 and would like to talk to anyone who lived anywhere in Britain between 1939 and 1945.

The War

The war is here,
There's lots of fear,
Bombs coming down like rain,
Everyone's running,
Their feelings are pain.
My granma was there,
She knows the fear,
She couldn't bear,
The siren screams she could hear.

Jeff Bowden [9 years]

Now the war is here,
Everyone's in fear,
Through day till night,
The men will fight,
My dad might write.
Now the war is here,
Everyone's in fear,
Mum's worrying about my dad,
It drives her mad,
Because there is a war,
Outside my mothers door
Evacuees in trains,
To a different place
Away from home.
Now the war is here,
Everyone's in fear,
My mothers crying,
Men are dying,
While we're hiding in a shelter.

Ashley Lane & Steven Booth [age 10]



The pupils and staff at the Primary School would welcome anyone from the village as well as parents and friends, to their Christmas Songs and Carols in the Manor Hall at 1.45 p.m. on Monday, 16th December; and at their Church Carol Service at St. Peter's on Wednesday, 18th December in the morning.

For their Spring Term project, the pupils are looking at the life and work in Berrynarbor in Wartime [1938) and beyond. If you can help them with information, either for a chat with the children or photographs, etc., please contact me at the school [883493). Any help would be much appreciated.

Pam Cruse



Congratulations to the Primary School Team who came a very close Second in the Area Police Quiz, losing by only 1 point in the Final. The team's prize was a day out with the Police.

A Parents' Newsletter is circulated in the first week of each month during term time. If anyone from the Village would like to use this newsletter as a means of publicising an event or information, please give the details to the school during the last week of each month.

The P.T.A. A.G.M. will be held on Tuesday, 8th October.



The annual school fetes have been a great success over recent years and have provided us with a great deal of much-needed equipment. We are always very appreciative of help given by local people in providing manpower and donations and for allowing us the use of essential facilities.

The Proceeds from last year's fete have been used to buy books, large classroom equipment, which is otherwise too expensive for our small budget, and large wooden play structures for the playground. This year's project is to re-fit and re-stock the school library.

Many thanks to everyone for their support of the village school.



Our Memories morning went very well and we were delighted to be visited by Mrs. Joan Morton, who as Miss Wainwright came to the school in 1932 as a pupil teacher. She had lots to tell us from a teacher's point of view. We were also very pleased to see Mrs. Leyton and Mrs. Hammett, ex-pupils of the school, and Mr. Graham Andrews, who also shared his boyhood memories. Photos from Mrs. Price helped to recall many happy occasions and memories of the past. Our next Memories Morning will be during the Summer Term when it is hoped that Mrs. Cowperthwaite, ex-Headteacher, will be able to join us. Perhaps some of her pupils will also be able to join us. Watch the school windows for details and the date.

The rumour that our school is to close is TOTALLY UNFOUNDED. The Area Education Office, Governors and I confirm this.

The Blue Peter Bring and Buy Sale was a roaring success. From the unwanted bits and pieces brought by the children, and contributions from locals [both known and unknown!] together with the teas provided by the P.T.A., a grand sum of £118 was raised. This, with the £70 raised at the Carol Concert and the £30 given from the Youth Club's Christmas Concert has been sent to the Romania Appeal . Thank you, everyone, for your support.

Pam Cruse



An explanation of the following poems: On the morning of 16th January - when the U.N. deadline had passed - and the Gulf and other events were on the children's minds, I gave the older children [10 and 11 year olds] the opportunity to put in writing what was on their minds. These poems were some of the results.

Pam Cruse - Headteacher

Gulf War

I read in the newspaper yesterday that they
Thought there might be a war
I hope that Sadam gets out of Kuwait
And then there won't be any more.
Some children are frightened some children are scared
Because thear fathers are at war
Some think they will die
Some think they won't
They can't wait till he walks through the door.
I am glad my dad is not at war
There's no danger he will die
If my dad was in the Gulf
I know I'd start to cry.

Paul Newell

They sit in there cots
Day after day
Crying and sleeping
It'll never go away.
Why didn't we help them
Why leave it to now?
We want to help them
But how?
Annekar helped
She helps everyone
She's done great things
And everbody rings with help.

Blue Peter raised money
To buy them equipment
They sent it over in lorries
So that we don't feel so sorry.
We're going to raise some money
We are going to have a sale
All the money we'll send to Blue Peter
To add to there money mountain.
Melanie Lane

Lots of children in an orphanage
With nothing at all to do
People dying people crying
There might even be war too
I cried once one sad day
When one of our chickens had to go away
We had to take him to the vet
but he'll be comfortable I bet
but these things have to happen
At least we can have a good cry
We've got friends around us
When something has to die
Oh dear the worrys in the world
You wish you can put them all right.
But some problems are so big you can't do anything,
And think about it all night.

Nicolle Denzey

Blue Peter Bring and Buy Sale

MONDAY, 11TH FEBRUARY in aid of the Romanian Orphan Appeal
Children and adults are invited to 'bring and buy' at the Manor Hall from 2.30 p.m.


Memories of the Past

Our 'Memories' morning when we invited people to tell us about the village and school from 1930 to 1960 unfortunately clashed with a W.I. outing. However, some people were able to come or send things for, the children to see. It was a really valuable morning, the children heard first-hand about what it was like at the school in the 1930's and '40's. We are very grateful to the ladies who came along. The children are anxious to extend this experience. There might be something YOU could tell us, so please consider joining us at our next Memories' Morning on Wednesday, 13th March, between 10.00 a.m. and 12.00 noon. 'Phone the school if you would like more details.

Perhaps these extracts from the School Log Book might jog your memory.

  • 28.01.36 - School closed today on account of His Majesty's Funeral.
  • 18.09.36 - School closed on account of Barnstaple Fair.
  • 06.04.37 - This school is now a Junior School. The Senior Children having been transferred to the new Senior School at Combe Martin.
  • 20.02.41 - Evacuees arrived from Bristol yesterday - 26 children with teacher.
  • 22.04.41 - 104 children on register.
  • 05.05.43 - During the Wings for Victory Week, the school group collected £2060.11s.
  • 17.09.43 - School closed for 3 weeks for the Harvest.
  • 24.04.44 - The school collected £1300 during 'Salute the Soldier' week.
  • 11.05.45. - School re-opened this morning after being closed two days for 'Victory'.
We only have snippets of information such as this. Can you tell us more about these events? Can you remember the school being closed on 11th May, 1937, for the Coronation?



Who are this group of men [and two intrepid ladies!]? Why are they posing for their photograph on the church steps? When? And where are they going or where have they been?

Can anyone throw any light on this photograph, sent to us by Mrs. Hockridge [late of Upper Rows Farm and now living in Barnstaple]? If so, please let us know.

There is a clue - on the shield [being held by?] are two bells and one of the 3 words is "Bellringers"!

See responses in Edition 11.



The Primary School is holding its Christmas Concert on Wednesday, 12th December, at 1.45 p.m. and anyone from the village is welcome to attend to see their Nativity Play and two short Pantomimes. The Friday evening performance is for ticket holders ONLY, and tickets are now sold out.

If anyone would be willing to pop into the school for a coffee and chat to 1 or 2 children about their memories of the school before 1960 [or bring photographs], they would be most warmly welcome. If you can help with this project in any way, please contact Pam Cruse at the school - 883493.



The School is hoping to make up a local record of life in Berrynarbor, so that future generations can learn from the experiences and knowledge of people in the village now. If you have memories of Berrynarbor and its environs which you would be prepared to share with the children, please write a note to the school giving us your name and address so that one of the children can invite you to come to the school to talk with him or her in order that they can write your memories for our 'Berrynarbor in the Past' book.

We envisage the book having four sections - Pre-War Berrynarbor, Wartime Berrynarbor, Recent Past [since the War] and Berrynarbor School.

We hope that you can summon up some of your memories - sad, amusing, interesting; and everyday events from all walks of life - to help the children learn about our area in this century. The book will be preserved in the most permanent way possible for use a long time into the future.

Please pass on this plea for help to any of your friends and relatives who live outside the village and if they cannot visit, a letter would be most appreciated.

We hope to see lots of people in the autumn for a cup of coffee and a chat and you might even meet some old friends who share your memories! Please contribute if you possibly can.

Pam Cruse



The Primary School will be taking part in Victorian Week. On Tuesday, 13th June, between 11.00 a.m. and 2.00 p.m. [approx], they will be outside the Pavilion Theatre, in period costume when they will be singing and dancing and playing Victorian games.

Sports Day will be on Thursday, 5th July. Families and friends are invited to join the picnic lunch.

The children are presently planting giant hollyhock seeds. These will be available in the autumn for planting out next summer. Please take along your own pots and collect plants. The school asks that if possible, the hollyhocks are planted somewhere where they can be seen by passers by.

"Our project this term is about change. This term we are going to go round the village and look for changes and record them. We are going to measure some plants and we are going to bring some creatures into the classroom and we are going to look at the plants we sowed outside the school. We have already changed a weedy patch into a garden and we have got some stick insects and we are going to watch the stick insects."

Jancy Davies [6]

"0ur project this term is about change. This term we are going to look for changes and we are going to look for creatures and bring them in and we are going to look at the village and see how the village changes . And we are working on a weedy patch into a garden."

Lucy Roberts [6]

by Emily Gove [11]

The birds rose higher and higher. The only sounds were the beating of wings and the gun shots below. The nesting ground of the swans was in bits. The young nestlings' cries were harsh but their parents were gone. The swan flew on.

The place where he was born was shattered. The careless men had come and now it had happened ... the nests were in bits. The nestlings were dead. If only they had been three weeks older they would be alive.

The swan was tiring. His big wings beat steadily and slowly. His mate was behind him. He would have to land.

Slowly calling his mate he landed on a small island. His mate was ill. She tucked her head under her wing and slept.

Her condition improved quickly. Within three days the swan was completely recovered.

The swans rose gracefully. The morning sun shone on the two birds' wings.

Suddenly a flash of white fell from the sky. The noise of the gun made the two birds jump. The shock of seeing a bird plummetting to the sea below made the swan's mate think of the nestlings she left to die.

She went down over a big oil slick. Her mate dived down after her, calling urgently. He pecked at her side and a single feather fell into the murky water below. It floated on the waves, now covered with oil.



Lloyd Gove

Katie Neale

Michael Jackson

Daniel Franklin

Jeff Bowden

Marcus Holley



Pupils from the School will be taking part in the Mothering Sunday Service on Sunday; 25th March.

In order to shorten many of the primary school pupil's journey to and from school, the bus has been re-routed. This entails it passing through the village via the Post Office, Turn Round and Cross Park between 8.40 and 8.50 a.m. and again in the opposite direction between 3.40 and 3.50 p.m. Villagers are asked to be sympathetic to the fact that cars parked down Silver Street [outside the Post Office and Butchers] at those times can cause congestion and prevent the coach driving through or delay it whilst cars are moved.



At the end of the Summer Term, 'good-byes' were said to two members of staff. John Karslake, after a year's temporary post, has left to take up an appointment in a larger primary school. Rosemary Baxter has taken early retirement after teaching in the village for nearly 17 years. We wish them both well in their new ventures.

A special thank you to Rosemary from the many parents and pupils who have benefited from her thoughtful support and encouragement over the years.

We extend a warm welcome to Mr. Robert Simpson and Mrs. Babs Johnson who will be taking over from Rosemary and John in September.