Manor Hall Trust

Updates from the Manor Hall...

Artwork: Peter Rothwell


August is usually a quiet month in the hall due to summer holidays, however we still kept busy with the Pub Night, Pam and Co's Coffee Afternoon and Karen's Quiz Night.

With the future of The Globe still up in the air we had another Pub Night on 9th September and raised a glass to Queen Elizabeth. We should like to thank all those who came and supported the nights, and special thanks to Shaun and Sam, Ray and Tom for being in charge of the BBQ's. We shall of course keep an eye on what happens with The Globe and organise more pub nights if the situation remains the same.

The Trustees voted in at the June AGM are:

  • Chair: Sharon Gleeson
  • Treasurer: Alan Hamilton
  • Bookings: Yvonne Francis
  • Social: Pam Robinson
  • Julia Fairchild and Martin Johns

We are all volunteers committed to maintaining the village hall.

Please see the list below of events we, the Manor Hall Trustees, are planning between now and Christmas:

  • 19th October & 23rd November: Coffee Afternoons, 2.00-4.00 p.m.
  • 1st October: Music & Supper Night [tickets available at the Shop]
  • 28th October: Craft afternoon
  • 1st November: David Edgcombe 'Character of our Coast'
  • 11th November: Beaford Arts 'Moscow Drugs Club'
  • 19th November: Christmas Fayre
  • 18th December: Bring & Share Lunch

In addition to the Trustee-led activities, we are always thankful when others host their own events and donate their profits to the Hall. The Quiz evenings organised by Karen, Phil and Lyn fall into this category and are now providing a regular financial support for which we are very grateful. Other people have also organised their own one-off events and are kindly donating their profits to the Hall, for which we are very grateful.

Please keep supporting all the activities that you can and don't forget if you want to hire the Hall, please contact Yvonne at or 07961692411.

Finally, but importantly, the Manor Hall Trustees would like to express their sincere thanks to Judie for her generous support over the years.

Sharon Gleeson


Artwork: Peter Rothwell

Chairman's Report

Finally, after two difficult years with us all having to deal with a dreadful pandemic, the hall welcomed groups and activities back in. The first of these events being our Summer Fete. It was still unable to be totally back to normal but none-the-less it was another successful fundraiser for the hall.

In September the hall looked resplendent in fairy lights and flowers as it hosted a beautiful wedding for a village couple who had patiently waited almost two years after their intended date.

In October we held another successful Fashion Show in conjunction with the Ilfracombe clothes shop Clathers. Lots of happy ladies enjoying a glass of Prosecco with friends while watching the local models strut their stuff!

In the half term the Pre-school had a face lift with some new flooring, repainting and some general updating.

Having had a few years without a Christmas Fayre, it was decided that we should run our own, so on Sunday 5th December the hall had several craft and gift stalls, refreshments and even a visit from Father Christmas. It was an enjoyable and well attended event particularly as covid restrictions and concerns were still present, and so it is hoped to repeat it again this year. December also saw the return of a Wreath Making session in the hall with many a splendid wreath and table decoration created with the skillful help of Sue Neale.

It was a quiet start to the year with a handful of bookings outside the user groups. In April, Pam very kindly offered to start a monthly Coffee and Cakes Afternoon. It has proved very popular and a fantastic fundraiser so it is hoped to continue throughout the summer months.

With the sad closure of our village pub, Karen came up with the good idea to have the Sunday Night Pub Quiz in the hall instead. This has also been very popular enabling people to get together for some light-hearted fun whilst raising funds for the hall.

The Queen's Platinum Jubilee saw the hall as the main venue for the celebrations. The organising committee did an excellent job at devising a weekend that enabled all ages of our community to come together to celebrate this unique occasion.

The extortionate rise in utility bills will unfortunately be a testing time for community buildings such as our hall but I have no doubt that with the continued hard work and dedication by the hall's Trustees, along with the fantastic support of the village, it will continue to provide a safe and pleasant place for all the residents to enjoy.

Julia Fairchild - Chairman

The Manor Hall had its AGM on Wednesday 15th June with a new Committee voted in. Julia stood down after five years as Chairman. Huge thanks were given to her for all her hard work during her 'reign'. It is acknowledged that she will be a hard act to follow, but I aim to do my best!

Whilst the pub has been closed, the hall has hosted the fortnightly Sunday Quiz which has been enjoyed by many, including some visitors to the village who commented on our great community spirit. A special thank you to Karen, Phil and Lynn for leading on this. As you will see below, we also hope to host a fortnightly Pub Night to give us all a chance to socialise on a Friday evening.

Pam and Jan's Coffee Afternoons are continuing to be a great success. Every month there has been a wonderful selection of home-made cakes thanks to the support of so many people in the village. You are quite a talented lot! If you have yet to contribute and would like to make a cake, please do let Pam know, and if you haven't been along yet, you really don't know what you're missing! The village celebrations for the Queen's Platinum Jubilee were enjoyed by all. How lovely it was to end a fabulous weekend with the Bring & Share and a sing-song in the hall.

The rising energy costs are hitting us all hard and this includes the hall. We, the Trustees, will be working hard organising fund raising events, and with the continued support of the village we hope our lovely hall will be enjoyed for many more years to come. With that in mind, please see below dates for your diary:

Hope to see you all there.

If you would like to run a fund-raising event or have ideas to share, please let us know.

Sharon Gleeson - Chairman [07823881455]>
Bookings -


Artwork: Paul Swailes


The Hall has lots of exciting bookings this summer and autumn with the Jubilee Celebrations, weddings, afternoon teas and a dinner and dance all to look forward to.

Thank you to everyone who joined Pam and Jan at the first of their afternoon tea sessions. It was a beautiful sunny day and the hall had a wonderful happy atmosphere, raising £266 which is brilliant! Thank you everyone who helped and donated cakes.

With the [let's hope temporary] closure of the pub, Karen [as if she isn't busy enough!] came up with an excellent suggestion of bringing the Sunday Night Pub Quiz to the hall and donating the money raised to the hall. It was a great success with over 40 people attending - thank you Karen(s) for running the show and Paul as stand-in quiz master ably assisted by Ted. A very respectable £186 was raised and we hope to continue these Sunday quiz evenings on a fortnightly basis until further notice.

Our next meeting is our AGM to be held in the hall on Wednesday, 15th June at 7.00 p.m. - everyone is welcome and we should be delighted to see some new faces!

We very much hope that the Queen's Platinum Jubilee weekend is a warm and sunny one, but whatever the weather our wonderful village hall will be here to warmly welcome everyone to celebrate this momentous occasion. See you there!

Julia Fairchild - Chairman [882783]
Alan Hamilton - Treasurer [07905445072]
Bookings -


Artwork: Paul Swailes


Thankfully this winter has proved to be mostly kind to the Hall with only a few really frosty days and the storms that we have had luckily did not do too much damage.

But, the entire roof both on the Manor House wing, including the Pre-school extension and the main hall roof, are starting to show their age. For many years, if the wind is in a certain direction combined with heavy rain, there has been a puddle in the hall which is now starting to develop into more of a lake when this happens.

The other large and looming fact is that the heating costs are soaring and with such a large space to heat it is difficult to believe that we shall be able to afford to keep the Hall warm for small groups next winter. The Trustees will continue to do everything in their power to keep the Hall going and our fundraising events are more than ever before essential to help pay for running costs. With this in mind, please try and support our events where you can.

Our next fundraiser is on Saturday 30th April and is an 80's [with a touch of the 70's] Disco with a professional DJ and a cheese and pate supper included in the ticket. The last time we held this event it proved very popular, fancy dress is optional but it definitely adds to the fun! Reasonably priced alcohol will be on sale. Tickets are available from Sharon on 07823881455 or from the village Shop.

We should like to thank Emma and her family for generously donating money to the Hall from her late mother's funeral collection.

With the Queen's Platinum Jubilee being celebrated this year, we have decided not to have a fete in the summer but to have an Autumn Ball on Saturday 1st October with posh frocks [tiaras optional!] We hope to make this a special event with a live band booked, a hot supper and the Hall decorated fit for a Queen! More details will follow in the next Newsletter but please put the date in your diary. We should really love to make this an evening to remember as the Queen's Jjubilee year comes to a close.

We wish you all a very Happy Easter.

Julia Fairchild - Chairman [882783]
Alan Hamilton
- Treasurer [07905445072]


Artwork: Paul Swailes


In December we hosted another wreath making afternoon. It was well attended and we had a fun afternoon with many lovely wreaths and festive table decorations created. A big thank you to Sue Neale who generously gave up her time to give us her expert guidance on making them.

On Sunday 5th December we hosted a Christmas Craft Fayre. Despite continued restrictions, many people came and enjoyed the festive offerings. Thanks again to all our kind helpers on the day. Our thanks also go to Father Christmas who turned up and showed a remarkable resemblance to Tony Kitchin!

Winter is generally a quiet time in the hall and sadly as covid continues to affect us, some events which we should normally enjoy around now have had to be cancelled or postponed.

Once again, we appreciate and send our grateful thanks to the Newsletter for a donation from the Christmas Messages and Wendy for the donation from the Christmas Eve carol singing.

2022 is another year of continued maintenance and improvements. If you would like to know more about what goes on in our village hall and would be interested in helping in anyway, we should very much welcome any enquiries.

Julia Fairchild - Chairman [882783]
Alan Hamilton
- Treasurer [07905445072]


Artwork: Paul Swailes


Autumn has continued to go well in the Hall with several successful fundraisers for the hall and other groups, along with private functions.

The Fashion Night, hosted by Clathers, was another fun evening with a reduced, but nonetheless jolly, crowd of ladies encouraging the 'supermodels' on! A very respectable £700 was raised which will go towards the cost of a new water heater and water boiler for making large numbers of teas and coffees.

Congratulations to Helen and Josh who celebrated their Wedding in the Hall in September. It was the first big wedding in the hall since covid and the hall looked absolutely gorgeous - the couple and their family and friends transformed it with flowers and twinkly lights to create a beautiful village wedding. We look forward to welcoming our 2022 weddings.

We have received a generous donation from Barbera Eales in Alan's memory and we shall be putting the money towards our kitchen revamp, so a big thank you to Barbara.

Many thanks also go to Ben Ede who gave a generous donation when booking his family's recent celebration in the hall in memory of Peter and Jean Pell.

Our latest Beaford Arts collaboration had a well-attended hall toe tapping to the excellent Moscow Drug Club with a jazzy take on some old classics. Thanks go to Fenella for organising the show which made a very healthy profit of £180 for the hall. The Bristol band seemed to enjoy themselves so hopefully they will come back to Berrynarbor!

We have a new system for booking the Hall. This should be done in the first place by sending an e-mail giving full details of the required booking to:

December is a busy time, along with private bookings we have our Christmas Fayre on Sunday 5th December, Berry in Bloom Festive Quiz on Friday 10th December and Wreath Making on Saturday 11th December.

We wish you all a very happy and safe Christmas and New Year.


Julia Fairchild - Chairman [882783]
Alan Hamilton
- Treasurer [07905445072]
Bookings -


Artwork: Peter Rothwell


Finally, we welcome back our regular user groups this Autumn with no restrictions or boring risk assessments.The only safety concession to the 'C' word is slightly smaller numbers for the larger gatherings.

Over the summer, the Pre-school had its turn with updating - freshly painted walls, new flooring and some general updating in the toilets were completed.

We are delighted to report that our Summer Fete was able to go ahead this year and we were blessed with a lovely day. We send our very grateful thanks to all our helpers who made this day so successful with a very respectable total of £1750 raised. It was a fun-filled family afternoon with locals and holidaymakers alike enjoying a drink and a burger, the skittles, coconut shy and other games were popular and as usual Wendy and Co's cake stall was a big draw with all their homemade cakes selling out fast.



Our next fundraiser is our Fashion Show on Thursday, 21st October at 7.00 p.m. in the hall. Once again, the popular Ilfracombe ladies fashion shop, Clathers, will be presenting their autumn collection.Tickets are £5, to include nibbles and a glass of prosecco, and are available from Sharon on 07823881455, numbers

will be limited, so get your tickets soon to avoid disappointment.

On Friday, 5th November, the hall will be hosting The Moscow Drug Club in association with Beaford Arts [don't panic, we are not turning to drugs to supplement our income!]. This is a very successful 5-piece band of professional musicians and performers combing jazz, cabaret and storytelling. This will be a BYO drinks [nibbles provided] evening- look out for the posters for more details and booking information.

On Saturday 5th December we will be holding a Christmas Fayre, table are available to hire and for full details please contact Caroline on 07525040060.

Then on Saturday, 11th December we shall be having a Christmas Wreath and Table Decoration workshop kindly demonstrated by Sue Neale. Refreshments and most equipment necessary, will be included to make a gorgeous wreath for your front door and or a festive table decoration to adorn your Christmas Day table. Please contact me, Julia, on 01271 882783 to book a place.

So, along with a Quiz Night on the 16tth October run by the Berry in Bloom team, there is a busy time ahead in our lovely village hall - we look forward to welcoming you all.

Julia Fairchild - Chairman [882783]
Alan Hamilton - Treasurer [07905445072]


Artwork: Peter Rothwell


Things have remained largely the same this past couple of months in the hall, with only a small number of user groups, but with the lifting of restrictions it is very much hoped that things can safely start returning back to normal and by the autumn all of our regular groups will be happily back with us.

Over the summer holidays it is the Pre-school's turn to have a much needed 'make over' with among other things some painting, new flooring and better and more energy efficient lighting installed.

We should like to thank Berry in Bloom for once again providing some lovely baskets and tubs, also along with the Pre-school children and staff, they have developed a lovely spot next to the shed - it looks so much better than the nettles!

When the birds have finished their nesting, we plan to give the Birdswell Lane hedge a thorough trim and tidy up in time for our Fete on Sunday 22nd August. Tables are available to hire - please contact Sharon [07823881455] if you would like to rent one. Once again, a plea: helpers would be very much appreciated, either to man a stall or with contributions to our raffles.

Have a happy and safe 'unlocking' summertime.

Julia Fairchild - Chairman [882783]
Alan Hamilton
- Treasurer [07905445072]


Artwork: Peter Rothwell


Hurrah - we are finally fully open again!

Whilst we've been closed, Gary our caretaker has done a sterling job making sure all is well and keeping the weeds, dust and cobwebs at bay! A big thank you to Lloyd for donating his time and tiles for the window sills - take a look when you are next in the hall - they look lovely. Thank you also to Alan and Rob for going over the paint work and giving the kitchen a fresh coat of paint.

There is a list of groups/clubs that meet in the Hall with days/time and who to contact in this Newsletter edition [thank you Ed], so please take a look to see if you might fancy joining one, and we are always open to further suggestions!

Please can we put in an early request for anyone happy to make a cake for our Fete on 22nd August. Also, items for the bottle, bric-a-brac and raffle stalls would be most welcome. Please contact us if you can help in this or any other way.

Our AGM will be held on Wednesday 21st July 2021 at 7.00 pm in the Hall and all are welcome.

Fingers crossed for a lovely warm sunny summer with no further restrictions in sight!

Julia Fairchild - Chairman [882783]
Alan Hamilton - Treasurer [07905445072


Artwork: Peter Rothwell


Disappointingly Hall news continues to be sparse as once again it comes during lockdown and so we continue to be shut. Light is, of course, hopefully at the end of the tunnel and so we very much hope to be welcoming groups and bookings back into the hall over the next few months.

In the mean time we'll be spring cleaning inside and out, and giving the kitchen a fresh coat of paint.

We hope to make our Summer Fete in August an extra special village event, so as we start to organise it, we should love to receive ideas on how we can do this and make the day enjoyable for all ages in our community. Please contact us if you have thoughts on this and or if you would like to offer help on the day - any help would be very much appreciated

Best wishes to you all from the Hall Committee

Julia Fairchild - Chairman [882783]
Alan Hamilton - Treasurer [07905445072]


Artwork: Peter Rothwell


It goes without saying but for obvious reasons the Main Hall and Snooker Club are now closed again [Pre-school continues to be open] as at the time of writing we are now in our third lockdown. Very difficult and disappointing times, but of course necessary to keep our community safe.

Thank you very much to Wendy and Colin and their team of Carol Singing in the square organisers, who gave half the donations to the Hall; also Judie and the Newsletter who kindly gave a proportion of the Christmas Message contributions to the Hall. Both these donations are very much appreciated.

Our only hall event since the Covid chaos began was a welcome respite. Beauty and the Beast, produced in conjunction with Beaford Arts, was enjoyed by young and old in a very covid secure hall - in other words a bit chilly, as amongst other covid precautions, the doors and windows had to be open! The show had a nice local twist as the story was adapted to incorporate our local area including Berrynarbor and Exmoor. A big thank you to John and Fenella for organising the event, and thank you, too, for donations given on the day from the audience.

With a positive attitude for 2021, we have set a date of Saturday 21st August for our village fete, followed by live music in the evening for what is greatly hoped to be an evening of dancing and celebrating that there is no longer a need for stringent restrictions - fingers crossed! This event will take a lot of organising and with that in mind if you think you would like to join our Hall Team of Trustees, we should very much welcome new faces, and if you are new to the village it is a great way to get to know people.

Many thanks for your continued support.

Julia Fairchild - Chairman [882783]
Alan Hamilton - Treasurer [07905445072]


Artwork: Peter Rothwell



Firstly, apologies that this year's AGM is for obviously reasons overdue.

Our year from April 2019-20 was another successful fundraising year for the Hall with several well attended events. We reintroduced the summer fete in August which was blessed with a lovely sunny day. It was a successful day with locals and holidaymakers alike enjoying a traditional village fete. In November we had a new event in the form of a Ladies Night. The Ilfracombe clothes shop Clathers showcased their stock to a packed hall of ladies who enjoyed nibbles and a glass of Prosecco whilst watching local models showing off Clathers' winter collection. It was a highly enjoyable and fun evening raising over £2000. We had hoped to repeat the format with their spring collection but this obviously sadly had to be postponed. In December we had another first with a Christmas Wreath making day. Our annual Christmas Coffee Morning went ahead as usual and the first [and it turned out to be the last] 2020 fundraiser was a Pancake Morning enjoyed by young and old.

Once again, we thank the many generous donations from various groups within the village, the donations from these events are most appreciated.

The entrance to the Pre-school and Snooker Club had a much-needed makeover, kindly done by our fantastic painting volunteers. A large new shed was constructed outside which enables us to store among other things our plastic chairs and gazebos. The wooden barge boards on the gable end and the front of the main hall have been renewed. We have been awarded a grant from the Parish Council to help towards the replacement of the rotten bay windows in the main hall, this current project is delayed with planning issues.

It is with regret that we failed to seek listed building consent for the large rear hall window replaced a year ago and this has been notified to the planning office and an enforcement officer subsequently visited the hall. This has resulted in a request for its removal along with the other windows at the rear of the Pre-school that were installed many years previously without consent. Naturally this is disappointing news but we shall endeavour to put right our mistake.

At this present time the hall is once again closed due to Covid-19 and so this report was presented via Zoom. I very much hope that 2021 brings better times for us all. If you would like to see a full copy of the minutes of the 2020 AGM, including the financial report, please contact either myself or Alan.

Despite that at the time of writing we are under another lockdown, we very much hope that we'll be able to hold a planned Christmas Story in the hall in conjunction with Beaford Arts on Tuesday 22nd December. Posters with details of this will be up around the village as soon as we know the situation. Obviously, it will be under Covid secure restrictions and so tickets will be limited.

We wish you all a Merry Christmas and a much happier and safer 2021.

Julia Fairchild - Chairman [882783]
Alan Hamilton - Treasurer [07905445072]


Artwork: Paul Swailes


Berrynarbor Manor Hall Trust CIO 11619090

The Hall is now open again, but obviously with some quite strict covid precautions.

Users will need to fill in and sign a risk assessment, along with a special covid hire agreement, all necessary to comply with the Government guidelines to be 'Covid Secure'.

The rule of 6 does not apply to Educational activities; the Government are keen to keep community buildings open and allow activities for social interaction to continue where there is a demand, providing all guidelines are adhered to. Understandably, there are certain groups where it would be impossible to comply and/or are not comfortable returning at his stage. Parties and other large gatherings are presently not permitted.

Naturally the hall's income is dramatically reduced with lots of planned activities and events sadly cancelled over the summer and into the winter, but thankfully with the Pre-school, Parish Room and Snooker Club rent, along with the Government grant, we have sufficient funds to keep the hall maintained until things improve.

Our already overdue AGM was due to be held in October. We will keep you informed as to when we can safely reschedule.

If in the meantime you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us.

The Manor Hall Trustees
Chairman: Julia Fairchild [882783]
Treasurer: Alan Hamilton [07905445072]


Artwork: Paul Swailes


We recently sent out to our main user groups a survey as to when they would be comfortable to return along with the details of the necessary risk assessments they would need to complete and comply to. Most of the groups would like to start back in the autumn at the earliest if the government guidelines say it continues to be safe to do so and the guidelines are manageable. With understandably no current bookings, the main hall will remain closed until September.

The Pre-school continues to operate under strict guidelines until the end of the summer term.

The Snooker Club is able to start back under very strict guidelines and only after the Pre-school has finished. So good news for those who enjoy a game of snooker - play safe chaps!

Thank you very much to Berry in Bloom for continuing to care for the tubs at the hall, they look lovely, it is a great shame more people are not able to admire them this year.

We sincerely hope to bring you some better news in the next edition of this Newsletter. Until then keep safe and well and enjoy the summer.

The Hall Trustees


Artwork: Paul Swailes


It goes without saying that of course the hall has been closed since lockdown and sadly will continue to be so for the foreseeable future.

The good news is that we have managed to secure a grant to help ensure that we can keep paying our bills such as insurance and utility standing orders.

Prior to corona virus, we had already received a grant from our Parish Council to fund the replacement of the front facia boards and guttering. Now with the slight adjustment to lockdown, the scaffolding will be going up and the works able to start. The grant will also fund the replacement of the playground-end windows, which will hopefully go ahead in early July, subject to continued government guidelines.

We very much hope that you are all keeping well and that we can welcome you back into our dear hall as soon as it is safely possible.

Julia - Chairman & Bookings - and the Trustees


Artwork: Paul Swailes


We were very much looking forward to a productive 2020 on the fundraising front, but unfortunately

the Coronavirus may curtail some of our planned events.

We have been rigorously following the guide lines that we have been given to keep people safe but of course if you have any concerns or questions please do not hesitate to contact myself or anyone on the committee for further details.

On a more cheerful note, our first fundraiser of the year was a lovely day of pancake eating and flipping. Thank you to all who came along and thank you to the spinners who kindly allowed us to gate crash their session! The Pre-school children came over and enjoyed trying to toss a pancake in the air - needless to say, that particular pancake did not get eaten!

The hallway leading into the Pre-school and the snooker room has had a well overdue makeover. A very big thank you to our Treasurer, Alan, for leading the charge and to Ray, Phil, Nigel, Tim and Gary for kindly giving up their time to help - it looks great!

Our new shed is now finished and in use which has enabled us to keep the hall nice and clear. Our next project is to renew all the front barge boards and guttering so expect to see scaffolding going up soon, please take care around it and apologies for any inconvenience it may cause.

Back by popular demand is our Ladies Fashion Night, the date is Tuesday 28th April at 7.00 p.m. Tickets are available from the Shop and Clathers Clothes Shop on the Harbour in Ilfracombe. Ticket price is £5.00 to include a glass of 'sparkly'. We had a great night last year so please come along and join the fun!

Julia - Chairman and Bookings - and the Trustees


Artwork: Paul Swailes


November and December were a very busy couple of months for the hall with lots of bookings including coffee mornings, children's parties, family parties, school and pre-school Christmas activities and of course a general election!

The hall hosted a fundraiser Wreath Making afternoon on the 30th November with 17 jolly ladies producing some very lovely wreaths to adorn their front doors. A big thank you to Denny who kindly gave up her time to collect all the greenery and expertly demonstrate how to make the perfect wreath, and who also generously donated the beautiful wreath that splendidly resided on the hall front door over the Christmas period. Thank you too to John and Fenella who kindly supplied all the foliage for the afternoon.

Thank you to all who attended our Christmas coffee morning on the 14th December - thankfully the weather was much better than last year, so it was lovely to welcome a nice number of people to our fabulously festive looking hall.

2020 is going to be another exciting year for our hall. Already our first project of a new shed is nearly completed which will enable us to regain space in the Bassett Room so the blue chairs can go back in. New guttering and fascia boards along with the replacement of the large kitchen end windows are planned for late winter/early spring.

To help pay for this, we have a busy year of fundraising planned which includes - among other things - another Summer Fete and an Autumn Dinner Dance along with a Beaford Arts production of Romeo and Juliet [2020 version] and our own Christmas Fayre, but our first will be a Pancake Afternoon in the Manor Hall on Shrove Tuesday,

25th February. Look out for more details on posters in early February. So, along with all the other bookings in the hall we have a lot to look forward to.

We wish you all a very happy 2020 and thank you for your continued support.

Julia [Chairman & Bookings] and the Trustees


Artwork: Peter Rothwell

Well, our first venture into women's fashion was a great success with ticket sales being over subscribed for the Ladies Night which was held on the 6th of November. Over 90 jolly ladies [helped by a glass or two of Prosecco!] squeezed into the hall to enjoy a very entertaining show of clothes, jewellery and handbags, along with treatments from Beauty at the Beach from Combe Martin and skin care from Tropical. The whole evening raised just under £650 for the hall so thank you to all who attended.

A big thank you must also go to Bernadette and her team from Clathers of Ilfracombe who worked so hard and gave us a very generous £250 donation along with some lovely raffle prizes. Well done to all our brilliant models, some of whom were familiar village faces and who really got into the spirit of things. There is no doubt they will be receiving phone calls from Dolce and Gabbana before too long!

Lastly, we must once again thank all our hard-working Hall Trustees and including their partners, for all their help and especially our chef de cuisine, Caroline, for her delicious canapes. We very much hope to be putting on a Spring/Summer Ladies Night, so look out for the date in the New Year and buy your tickets early!

Sadly, we are bidding a fond farewell to Alison our Bookings Clerk who has been part of the Hall management for many years. Alison has been such a hardworking, dedicated and well-liked member of the team, going down to the hall all hours of the day and night, rain or shine to let people in or to sort out any problems. She will be sorely missed. We send her and Trevor our grateful thanks and best wishes.

Lastly on Saturday 14th December we have our Christmas Coffee Morning between 10.00 a.m. and 12 noon. Please join us for a coffee or mulled wine and mince pie.

A very Happy Christmas and New Year to you all

Julia [Chairman & Bookings]


Artwork: Peter Rothwell

CIO 1169090

Once again, we have had a busy time in the hall.During the summer we decorated the Bassett Room and the toilets, thanks again to all the kind volunteers who gave up their free time to help.New rear windows have been installed at the back of the hall, bringing some welcome natural light and a pretty view of the Pre-school garden.Thank you for all the pleasant comments we have received.

Our Summer Fete held on the August Bank Holiday was a lovely sunny afternoon with a very popular bar, the Pimm's went especially well! We welcomed Paddington and Rhubarb, the miniature donkeys, who naturally proved popular with all the visitors old and young. This had been the first fete to raise funds for the hall in a few years and we should like to say a huge thank you to all those who helped to set it up, baked, ran a stall or who generously donated towards prizes or helped in any other way.It was a great afternoon and we were delighted with the total raised of just under £1200.We very much hope to return the fete back to an annual event.

There are two fundraisers planned for November. The first is a Ladies Night. The format will be a fashion show with a collection of clothes, shoes and handbags available to purchase on the night, along with stalls offering skin care products. The date is yet to be confirmed but posters will be up shortly and the entry fee will include a glass of wine or Prosecco and nibbles.

On Saturday 23rd November, Beaford Arts will be presenting a show called 'Little Earthquakes', a comedy based on the '80's film, Ghostbusters.The posters should be out now and the tickets are available from the Post Office.

Looking further ahead, we'll be having our usual Christmas Coffee Morning on Saturday 14th December, fingers crossed the weather will be kinder to us this year!

By the time this Newsletter goes to print we shall have hopefully started a Table Tennis club in the hall.

Please contact either myself or Alison for details, all ages and abilities welcome for a bit of ping pong fun!

Julia [Chair] 882783
Alison [Bookings] 882782

Fun at the Fete!





Artwork: Paul Swailes


Thank you to those who attended our AGM in June, there were some helpful contributions. The minutes of this meeting can be found on the Village Website.

Our last fund-raising event was the 80's Disco in May, when we enjoyed a fun evening with many excellent fancy-dress outfits! It was also nice to see some new faces.

At the end of July, the Bassett Room will have had a makeover and we hope to have a new outdoor shed for storage by early September.

Our next big fund-raiser is our Fete on Sunday, 25th August from 3.00 p.m. This will be a traditional style fete with lots of fun things for all ages, including stalls, BBQ, plant stall, cream teas, games and much more! Please make a note of the date and come and support us if you can.

Enjoy the rest of the summer.

Julia [Chair] 882783.
Allison [Bookings] 882782, Alan [Treasurer] 07905445072


Artwork: Paul Swailes


After a long 5 weeks the Hall is now back up and running. The builders did a great job of keeping to their schedule despite finding more and more joists and paneling that needed replacing. The decorating was a true community effort and once again proved what lovely people we have in our village who are willing to give up so much of their spare time to help make it such a great place to live. Special thanks must go to Martin, Lloyd, Alan E, Alan H, Rob, Ray, Alison and Tee who spent many an hour wielding a paint brush. The result is fantastic and all the lovely comments we have received are very much appreciated. On Bank Holiday Sunday we had an enjoyable afternoon tea saying thank you to our user groups for their patience during the closure. The hall looked really pretty and a big thank you must go to Caroline, who has just moved into the village, who made nearly all the cakes - quite an initiation!

Our next target to paint is the Bassett Room and if you would like to get involved and help us with this then please let any of the trustees know. Recently, we have kindly been donated two table tennis tables and so we should like to start a table tennis club. If you think you would be interested in joining this, please get in touch.

This summer we plan to have a fete [date to be announced shortly] with games and stalls as a fundraiser. If you would like to have a table at this event please contact us for details.

We shall be holding our AGM on Wednesday, 26th June, 7.00 p.m. in the Manor Hall. Everyone is welcome - come and support your Manor Hall and the Trustees.


Julia [Chair] 882783
Alison [Bookings] 882782, Alan [Treasurer] 07905445072


Artwork: Peter Rothwell


All being well, by the time you are reading this Newsletter the refurbishment to the hall floor will be well underway and fingers crossed the contractors have not found anything that will extend the works.

Thank you to John and Fenella for allowing us to use their barn for chair storage whilst the work is being carried out.

Our final fundraiser in the hall before the closure was a great success and the Acorns entertained us excellently, and we are extremely grateful to them for doing this for free.

Once again, a huge thank you must go to Wendy [and Colin, of course] and all her team who did another fantastic job of making and serving a delicious supper - thank you all very much. The evening raised a terrific £909.

Further fundraisers are being planned for the spring and summer. We have decided not to go ahead with a Mr. & Mrs. Night as it was thought this might incur some unpleasant divorce proceedings, which in turn could mean a sudden surge in For Sale signs around the village!

Any ideas for fundraisers and or activities that you think might be good to do in the hall would be gratefully received.

Happy Easter!


Chairman: Julia Fairchild [882783] Bookings: Alison Sharples [882782]


Artwork: Paul Swailes


CIO 11619090

Well done to those who braved the hideously wet and windy weather on our Christmas Coffee Morning and enjoyed a drink and a mince pie, We still managed to raise over £100 towards our funds, so a big thank you to all who came along. Joseph apologises for not making it but he was tucked up in his warm dry stable after a busy night walking the village the evening before with the school!

Thank you to the Berry in Bloom group for generously donating £154 from their Carols in the Square evening, another lovely village community occasion.

Our next big fundraiser is our Race Night on Saturday 23rd February. There will be a hot supper [included in the ticket] and a bar. Tickets are available from the Village Shop. Please join us for this fun evening.

Regular users of the Hall will be aware of the now serious problem we have with the floor. Unfortunately, we have no choice but to close the Hall from Monday 11th March for a period of 4 weeks to enable the repairs and to decorate afterwards. A big thank you to Nick and Barry at The Globe who have kindly said where possible user groups can use their back room free of charge. The Pre-school room and Men's Institute will not be affected.


  • Chairman: Julia Fairchild [882783]
  • Secretary:
  • Bookings: Alison Sharples [882782]
  • Treasurer: Alan Hamilton
  • Health & Safety: Mandy Sykes & Martin Johns


Artwork: Paul Swailes


First of all, we must apologise to all our user groups who have unfortunately been experiencing teething problems with our new heating system. At the time of writing we have had frustrating meter installation delays resulting in us not being able to use all the heaters. This should now be resolved and we shall have set the daily time and temperature needs appropriate for the group using the hall. There will also be instructions by the thermostat.

You may also notice that there is now heating in the Bassett Room and toilets which hopefully will help with damp and cold issue that this area has suffered with for many years. Please note that chairs must not be stored directly in front of the wall heater in this room as it will get hot, we are awaiting a cage to go over it.

A big thank you to Martin who has spent many an hour at the hall dealing with all of this.

New security lights have now been installed outside the porch and on the corner of the Penn Curzon room making it safer for evening time users.

Our Auction of Promises Evening on Saturday the 10th November was a great success and an excellent £1500 was raised. We should like to say a very big thank you to all the individuals and businesses who gave so generously and, of course, to all the magnanimous bidders and winners. Thank you, too, to Tony who did a great job as our Auctioneer and Phil who kindly provided us with music.

On Saturday the 15th December, between 10.00 a.m. 12.00 mid-day, we'll be holding another Christmas Coffee Morning at the Hall and once again we'll be welcoming Joseph, the donkey, for a pat. Please come along and enjoy a hot drink [or something stronger!] with a slice of cake or mince pie.

We wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Julia Fairchild - Chairman

  • Chairman: Julia Fairchild [882783
  • Secretary: Helen Knox
  • Bookings: Alison Sharples [882782]
  • Treasurer: Alan Hamilton
  • Health & Safety: Mandy Sykes
  • Martin Johns, Ben Heath


Artwork: Peter Rothwell


Our Annual General Meeting was held on the 4th September and attended by 15 members of the public.

Officers: We said goodbye with a big thank you to Denny Reynolds, Phil Compton, Louise Baddick, Jim Constantine and Len Narborough.

Remaining as Trustees are Karen, Alison, Alan, Martin, Ben and myself, and we welcome Helen Knox, our new Secretary, and Mandy Sykes, our Health and Safety Officer. We have a busy time ahead of us - it is both positive and exciting!

This month we also said goodbye and thank you to Abby, our cleaner for the past ten years and welcome Gary Sykes, our new Cleaner and Caretaker.

Work to improve the Hall and facilities is on-going and it is hoped to start work on new heating shortly.

Our next fundraising social event is on Saturday, 10th November, when we are holding a small Auction of Promises evening coupled with a light supper [bring your own drinks!] - posters giving full details will be out in early October. If you are able to make a Promise, please do get in touch with one of the Trustees.

If you have any suggestions for events, either as a fund raiser or a nice social evening, please do not hesitate to contact any of the Trustees and we'll be happy to try and organise it.

Julia - Chairman

  • Chairman: Julia Fairchild [882783]
  • Secretary: Helen Knox
  • Bookings: Alison Sharples [882782]
  • Treasurer: Alan Hamilton
  • Health & Safety: Mandy Sykes
  • Martin Johns, Ben Heath


Artwork: Peter Rothwell


We are happy to report that the main hall roof has had some remedial repairs to stop the leak we have been experiencing for some time. We are now in the process of acquiring advice and quotes for a new heating system for which we very much hope to be able to give you a schedule of works in the next edition of the Newsletter- fingers crossed!

We are delighted that our recent push for new Trustee members has resulted in a successful recruitment of 3 new members. This will hopefully take pressure off our current team and bring fresh ideas and skills.

A huge thank you to Judith Adam and her helpers on the second successful Military Wives Choir Evening, from which we received a very welcome share of the profits of £830 - an amazing achievement!

At our July meeting we welcomed David Rowe, a successful bid writer and fund finder, who is generously giving us his time and knowledge free to help us access funding. Again, we hope to be able to report some positive news on funding this autumn.

Please can we politely remind car owners that the clearly inadequate parking facilities at the Hall needs to be used with consideration, and it is strictly for the use of people that are in the Hall buildings and is not to be used as a car park while visiting other places in the village.

Finally, we will be holding a fundraiser in the Hall, Auction of Promises on Saturday 10th November. Previously, this has been a very successful way of fundraising and if you have something you can give in the way of a Promise or Gift to be auctioned, please contact a trustee - thank you.

  • Chairman: Julia Fairchild [882783]
  • Secretary: Natalie Stanbury [882252]
  • Bookings: Alison Sharples [882782]
  • Treasurer: Karen Coppin
  • Louise Baddick, Jim Constantine, Phil Crompton, Alan Hamilton, Martin Johns, Len Narborough, Denny Reynolds


Artwork: Peter Rothwell


Thank you very much to everyone who joined us for our 'Strictly come Dancing' evening. It was a fun evening and everybody had a good time attempting to find their inner strictly whilst helping to raise valuable funds for the hall. We were able to use our new PA system for the evening, and a big thank you to Martin for once again giving up his time installing it for us.

Wendy and her excellent cake baking Berry in Bloomers have very generously offered to help raise money for the hall by helping run a Devon cream tea afternoon combined with a Slide Show on the history of our village by Tom Bartlett. So, if you like delicious cakes and would be interested to know more about your village's history, this will be a lovely afternoon. The date is Saturday 2nd June and details of this event appear later in this Newsletter.

This year we are holding a good old-fashioned village fete, the Berry Revels, on Saturday 21st July. Lots of fun and games for all the family. Our plans hope to include donkey rides, face painting, stalls, raffle, crafts, refreshments, including cakes, BBQ and bar, music and lots more. If you or your user group can help in anyway, please get in touch with one of our Trustees.

If you have been to the hall recently you will see that we have scaffolding up in order to sort our roof and chimney leak. Please take care around it and we apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Our previously mentioned Community Fundraising Scheme to raise money for the hall and save money on your bills is now up and running. For more information have a look at, call 0337773212 and give our appeal number K82188, or just have a chat with Alan Hamilton on 07905445072 to see how you and the Manor Hall can benefit.

And finally, yet more fundraising and fun are in the planning stage as we hope to hold a Barn Dance in the hall in August or early September, so, please look out for the posters!

  • Chairman: Julia Fairchild [882783]
  • Secretary: Natalie Stanbury [882252]
  • Bookings: Alison Sharples [882782]
  • Treasurer: Karen Coppin
  • Louise Baddick, Jim Constantine, Phil Crompton, Alan Hamilton, Martin Johns, Len Narborough, Denny Reynolds


Artwork: Paul Swailes


Despite enduring a rather long and harsh winter, our dear old hall is still standing with so far, no new leaks or burst pipes. We have tried hard to keep it as warm as we can with our inadequate heating system, so unfortunately, we do expect some high bills to come in.

A big thank you to Be and Richard Gingell for their generous donation from the excellent Soup and Pud night, the money will go towards our new PA and sound system. The TAP funding application through the Parish Council was successful, so a big thank you to them for their continued support. These two windfalls will enable us to replace the sound system without using our own precious funds.

Date for the diary:

Saturday 27th April, our 'Strictly Come Dancing Night'
Tickets at £8.50 will be available from the Shop.
If you are a fan of Strictly, then this should be fun!
We have two professional dance teachers to take us through the steps of the style of your choice.
It is not a competition, just some fun, so wear your dancing shoes!
The ticket price will include a free prosecco and light supper
but BYO drinks.
Everyone is welcome, even if you have no dancing shoes,
just come along and watch the fun!

We still have two vacancies for Trustees. If you feel you could help the village and the Manor Hall in this way, or would like more information, please contact one of the Trustees above.

Finally, we wish Don, Edith and Karen all the very best and thank them sincerely for all the support they have given the Hall over the years.


Artwork: Paul Swailes


Charitable incorporated Organisation 1169090

Firstly, may we thank our editor Judie and the Newsletter for kindly giving a generous donation to the Hall to go towards lights for next Christmas. It will be great to be able to make the outside of the Hall look as lovely as the centre of the village.On that subject, thank you to all who came and enjoyed a coffee or mulled wine in the hall in December, it was nice to see lots of familiar faces.A big thank you to Jane and Martin for bringing their sweet donkey Joseph, he was a big hit and so very well behaved!

Plans for 2018 so far - the annoying leak in the main hall is being mended in February. The PA/sound system is being replaced with one that works! The little cooker in the kitchen is being replaced and a range style one is being installed. We are looking into improving the outside security/safety lighting and marking up the car parking area.Sadly, we cannot tell you that a new floor and heating system are going in yet but we hope to have news of our lottery bid in the next issue.

Fundraising is going to be a big priority this year, so look out for posters: a 70/80's Disco is in the pipeline along with a Bingo Night and a 'Strictly Come Dancing' themed evening.We shall also be having a Summer Fete this year in July so we shall be busy!With that in mind, we do have 2 places available on our Committee and would welcome any interest to join our jolly team - and it is really not too arduous and can be fun! Please contact any one of our Trustees below if you think you would like to find out more.

And finally . . .

We are delighted to announce that we shall be launching a new Community Fundraising (CFR) initiative in conjunction with The Utility Warehouse Discount Club which can save you money on your household bills!

Utility Warehouse (UW) is managed by Telecom plus plc, a major FTSe 250 UK plc supplying over 600,000 homes and small businesses across the UK with great value and outstanding service across a wide range of essential home services: home phone, mobile, broadband, gas and electricity.

You can help fundraise and participate in this scheme by calling a dedicated CFR team via Freephone who will explain all the benefits without a hard sell, or you can sign up yourself through a new Manor Hall UW website.Then for as long as you remain a customer, the Utility Warehouse will contribute up to 5% of your monthly bill to the Manor Hall funds.

This is a unique scheme that allows community groups or organisations to raise money at the same time as saving money for its supporters. Watch this space for more details!



Artwork: Peter Rothwell


We hope our regular users are enjoying the new lighting and have worked out how to use them - it is easy when you know how!

At present we are unable to use our one remaining gas heater, this somewhat antiquated heat source is due to be serviced this month so we hope to get it up and working again soon. In the mean-time though, please let us know if your user group needs the heating put on for a time before you start your session as well as during. Of course, we are desperate to change our heating to a more efficient and user-friendly system but until we can secure a large amount of funding it will not sadly be happening this winter so we must accept big heating bills to keep our loyal users warm.

On funding news - we are still ploughing our way through this complicated process but are hopeful that various applications will be in place by the beginning of the new year.

We have lots of ideas for fundraising and general socials in the pipeline, our first, to get you feeling festive will be a


10.30 a.m. - 12.30 p.m.
Lots of lovely Cakes, Mince Pies and Mulled Wine
Christmas Hamper Raffle
and if the weather is kind,
Joseph the Donkey, a cute village resident,
will be joining us for a pat!

Please join us for this friendly village get together.

May we all wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

  The Manor Hall Trustees


Artwork: Paul Swailes


Welcome back to all our term-time-only users. We are very pleased to have had the new lights installed and hope you all agree they make the hall a brighter and nicer place to be. Further works will allow the lights to be fully dimmable and this will take place shortly.Repairs to the main hall roof will be carried out over the coming weeks - apologies for any inconvenience caused.

Many of you may already know that Len Narborough has stepped down from the position of Chair. Len has put in a tremendous amount of time and effort on behalf of the Manor Hall and has been instrumental in making some much needed changes to the way things are done and for the future of the hall itself, spear-heading the need for funds and securing funding from Awards 4 All, Fullabrook CIC, Berrynarbor Parish Council and North Devon District Council. He has also acted as the first point of call for any day-to-day problems and has even turned his hand to a bit of drain clearing on behalf of the hall, so a huge thank you to Len for all his hard work. Thanks must also go to Andy Bird who stepped down from the Trustees in August. Andy has spent copious amounts of time

overhauling health and safety at the hall and contributing to funding applications.

We are very pleased to have co-opted some new Trustees, so a very warm welcome to Alan Hamilton and Phil Crompton, who both live in the Sterridge Valley, and to Martin Johns from Hagginton Hill. We are delighted to have some more new faces and look forward to their support to help to continue to improve our lovely hall.

And, finally, we are looking to organise some new events over the coming months, hoping to arrange a few dates for events that are general socials as well as raising a few more pennies for the hall and our other great village groups. It would be lovely to hear from you if there are events you would like to see at the hall that have not previously been arranged, but think would be popular.

Many thanks for your continued support.

The Manor Hall Trustees

Current Trustees:


Artwork: Paul Swailes


The Annual General Meeting took place on the 5th July. This was a meeting in two parts. First the AGM for the Manor Hall Trust, Charitable Incorporated Organisation [CIO] No. 1169090 which was registered in September 2016, and regarding which consent from the Charity Commission for the switch over to the new charity was received on the 20th June this year.

This was followed by the AGM for the Berrynarbor Manor Hall Trust, Registered Charity No. 300763 (the existing charity), at which the Accounts for 2016-17 were circulated and approved. The Chairman spoke to his Annual Report for 2016-17. Items covered were the general use of the Hall and the new booking conditions, security, fund raising, the structure and repair of the Manor House wing roof, as well as the conversion to a CIO. With regard to the Committee, Julia Fairchild had been welcomed to the Committee in February 2017.

Appointment of Trustees [Committee Members]

The Committee were re-elected with the exception of Eileen Hobson, representing the North Devon Spinners, who stood down. The Chairman thanked Eileen for her work on the Committee and welcomed Louise Baddick, who will represent the Spinners in future.


Artwork: Peter Rothwell


This is busy time for the Manor Hall on a number of fronts. Following the structural work to the Manor House wing roof, the lock change to the main hall and the new curtains in the hall, a few other things are underway.The Hall has had a one-off extensive clean which will hopefully allow us to stay on top of cleaning from now on, and we should like to thank Tony Kitchin for steam cleaning the stage curtains.

New cutlery has been bought to replace that which used to be in the kitchen. We now have 90 sets [i.e. knife/fork/dessert spoon/teaspoon] which should suffice for most events. However, only a small supply is being kept in the kitchen. Most of the new cutlery is stored elsewhere so anyone booking the Hall and needing large amounts of cutlery will need to make this clear when booking.

Grant Funding

We are reviewing our approach to the improvement of the Hall given the recent news that the Big Lottery has closed one of the two Reaching Communities funding programmes towards which we were working. This has happened without any warning. Although the Big Lottery are working on a replacement programme, at the present time no details of this have been made available. The other Reaching Communities Programme is still running, but has a smaller capital grant ceiling of £100,000.Therefore, we are still working on the latter, but the smaller level of funding involved means we should look at the improvement of the Hall as a phased programme. The main immediate priorities for this are the same as before, which is to deal with the floor problem and the inadequate heating and insulation as a first phase.

In the meantime, to show some progress and positive change, we are undertaking several other small but important changes. Hence, the new curtains, planned new lights and roof repairs noted below.

Internal Lighting

As this Newsletter is going to print, we are organising the replacement of the eight fluorescent lighting tubes which have acted as the main lights for a long time. These are long overdue for renewal, and are being replaced with eight. large, pendant lights, all dimmable. For the time being these new lights and the existing sixteen spotlights [which are already dimmable], should allow a variety of bright or low lighting situations to suit a wide range of occasions. We shall then review what else may be needed when we see how all this works.

Security at the Hall

The recent main Hall lock change went smoothly but given the rather odd incidents over the last year, it is felt that further security improvements are needed, at least as a precaution. So, at the time this Newsletter is going to print, we shall be placing an order to install some CCTV coverage outside. We are also finalising details for some additional movement activated lights at the front, which will be helpful for evening events as well.

Roof Repairs

As stated above, we can't see funds being available in the short term for a full re-roof of the main hall, so we have been getting quotes for roof repairs that will stop the occasional leaks we suffer from at present, plus stopping the water penetration to the chimney above the old fireplace.

Most of the leaks come from the ridge tiles, so we plan to replace all the ridge tiles, repair the chimney and generally overhaul the roof to replace/refix damaged or loose slates. It would be good to have this done over the summer or early autumn so that it's done before winter. Those who use the hall in winter will know that it isn't just heating that is a major problem, but the complete absence of any insulation, and if at some point we are to insulate the ceiling, then we need to have stopped any further water penetration.

Manor Hall AGM, Wednesday 5th July

The Manor Hall AGM is set for 5th July at 7.30 p.m. This is slightly later in the summer than normal but we have needed to make sure the accounts for 2016/17 will be available. The main other purpose of the AGM is to elect Committee Members. This may only be to serve for a short period as the vesting deed to convert us from the existing charity to the new CIO [Charitable Incorporated Organisation] is now signed and the transition is underway. The AGM evening will, therefore, include a short section which will technically be an AGM of the new charity.This is similarly needed to elect Committee Members to the new charity, which will carry on thereafter.

The new CIO, still a charity and holding the Hall and Parish Room on the original Trusts, has a similar committee structure to the one set up in 1947. This means that five major hall users and/or village institutions will have the right to appoint someone directly onto the management committee, much as now. The five bodies are the Parish Council, the Parochial Church Council, the School, the Men's Institute and Berrynarbor Pre-school. There is also provision for up to five people to be elected at the AGM, plus up to three co-opted places.

On this point, we should like to thank Eileen Hobson for her service on the Committee as she will be standing down at the AGM.

Manor Hall Management Committee


Artwork: Paul Swailes

We are pleased to advise that the lock to the hall main entrance door has now been changed and the number of keys supplied with it are strictly limited. However, all regular users have been provided with a new key for their convenience and have signed an agreement covering their use of this new key. Anyone with one of the old keys should throw it away.

The structural work to the manor house wing roof was completed at the end of February and we are pleased that we can now concentrate on the main hall. As a small first step we have replaced the four pairs of curtains to the windows in the hall, as we hope users have noticed!

Lastly many thanks to those users who have helped with our Evaluation Survey during March - this will be really helpful as we apply for more grant assistance.

Manor Hall Management Committee


Artwork: Paul Swailes

Important Notice - Incidents at the Hall


We have been unwilling to speak out openly about a number of incidents that have occurred at the Hall since early last summer, as it has been hard to believe that someone in the local area has been prepared to act maliciously against the Hall, and indeed act criminally. However, we now feel compelled to publish what has been going on even if it barely seems credible. Last summer we had an unexplained flood to the corridor at the rear of Pre-school, found first thing in the morning. Then we had an incident where someone had deliberately blocked all four toilets in the Pre-school part of the building by stuffing bundles of white paper hand towels round the U-bend of each toilet. Again, this was discovered first thing in the morning and it took a while to clear all the blockages. It is very hard to think who would do such a thing or why.

Wads of paper used to block toilets in Pre-school

Later last year there was a further incident involving a piece of equipment going missing and one night in January someone has gone into the boiler cupboard at the rear of the building and vandalised the electric supply plug to the boiler, meaning it wouldn't work the next morning.

Earlier, in December, we also found that most of the cutlery in the main hall kitchen had disappeared but we have been unable to link its disappearance to a precise event or time. It is hard to believe that anyone would want to steal second hand cutlery and we have tried to think of alternative explanations. However, we can't rule out theft, or that someone seems to have some sort of vendetta against the Hall.

We have reported the most recent incident to the Police.

We therefore ask that if anyone knows anything about any of this, or has seen anyone going in or out of the Hall at odd times of the night or very early in the morning, to please contact any of the Manor Hall committee members.

Not surprisingly, we are now working out what to do with building security, and will have to improve key security. This may not be straightforward and may affect the way occasional users access the building.

Work underway at the Hall

You may have seen scaffolding up at the manor house wing of the Hall. This is the long-awaited roof repair work as specified by our structural engineer some time ago. We have mentioned in the past that the ceiling above the Men's Institute has been deemed unsafe to walk around on, so this needs to be remedied for maintenance purposes. There are also a number of long term issues to do with structural movement and the much earlier removal of a few original rafters which also need to be remedied. Most of the work is taking place inside the roof space. Outside, the corner pieces of the wall plates (the timbers on top of the walls on which the rafters rest) are also being replaced with oak, as the original timbers are rotten at the ends. As this roof is medieval and of rather rare construction in Devon, it isn't surprising that it needs some attention. As part of the planning and listed building consents obtained, we have had to agree an archaeological 'written scheme of investigation' for the roof which has required us to commission a historic buildings expert to survey and produce scale drawings of the roof structure.

In a sense, we have been reluctant to carry out this repair work, as the roof defects don't immediately affect use of the Hall whereas, of course, the main hall has more obvious and perhaps more urgent needs. However, someone at some time will have to tackle the roof problems, so we have decided to have the work done and then switch our attention back to the main hall. The problem is that, as we have said before, in terms of money and priorities, we have a village hall with a modest income but also have to maintain a 600-year old annex, and it is a difficult balancing act. However, we do also feel a duty to maintain the whole of this historic building.

Conversion to a new Charitable Incorporated Organisation

Unfortunately, our conversion into a new charity is taking longer than we thought, although at least we are now ready for the registration of title to the Hall and Parish Room which is a legal requirement of this process. We will explain all this fully when the switchover actually occurs.

New Charges for 2017

We are increasing our charges from April - the changes most relevant to the village are the regular user session rate, currently £12 and going up

to £13, and the occasional village user rate for not-for-profit events, which is going up from £30 to £35. Please note that our charges are a lot lower than other village halls in the area, and that the hall's running costs (even before any repairs or maintenance) are around £6,000 per year.

We are also replacing our missing cutlery, and have finally thrown out the old gazebos which had seen better days. To replace the old ones, we now have one small gazebo and one new 4.5m x 3m pop-up gazebo, with at least one more to follow.

Manor Hall Management Committee


Artwork: Paul Swailes

Work to the Hall and New Charity Structure

There has been some progress regarding the current two items of work facing the Committee, but it may be a while before they are fully resolved. We now have tenders back for the planned work to the manor house wing roof, but these are more expensive than we had estimated and at the time of writing we await the tender report before we can move forward. So, unfortunately, we cannot yet advise the Men's Institute when the work will be on site. Although the work will take place inside the roof space above, the ceiling below will need to be supported for safety reasons.

We can, however, advise that our new Charitable Incorporated Organisation is close to going live - our solicitors are now drafting the vesting deed required to move goods and chattels, money and the title to the Hall and Parish Room over to the new charity, so this long process is nearly at an end.

Fund Raising - Our thanks for the events held in October and November

Our thanks go to those who organised and helped out with two big events this autumn. Firstly we should like to thank Judie Weedon and the Craft and Art Group who put on an impressive display of work in the Hall during the last week of October. This raised £450 for the Hall and is much appreciated.

Many villagers will have attended the Military Wives Choir event held in the church on 4th November, which was also a fund-raising event for both the Manor Hall and the Church. More on this is being said elsewhere in this newsletter, but we wish to thank Judith Adam for her initiative in getting this event off the ground and pulling together the volunteers who are so important in making village events work. We should also like to thank Stuart Neale for organising the church and the choirs. It seems to have been a most enjoyable and moving evening, and a memorable shared experience for all those who were there. The event raised just over £2,400 after expenses, which has been shared equally between the Hall and the Church.

Both events have therefore made major contributions to our funds.

Manor Hall Management Committee


Artwork: Paul Swailes



In August we advised that a new returnable breakages deposit was being expanded to cover the issue of rubbish being left behind, as often seems to happen after a large event. We have had incidents with food waste, bottles, drinks cans and large quantities of cardboard being left behind and we have no facilities for this kind of waste disposal. In future, for larger events, mostly but not exclusively parties and weddings, the breakages deposit will be £50, payable in advance. For children's parties it will be £15.

These deposits will not be refunded if the hall is left in a mess and/or rubbish is left behind.

Remember these changes will not affect regular users with their week by week events, although the new terms will apply if a regular user wishes to hold a one-off event.


Like last year, we shall not be holding a Christmas card exchange service this December given a decline in the use of it in recent years. We are sorry if this causes any inconvenience. Some people may wish to place season's greetings in the village newsletter instead.


We look forward to the special event being held in the church on Friday, 4th November - it may be that this is sold out by the time this newsletter goes to print, but if not then please remember that it is a joint fund raiser for the Church and the Manor Hall. Tickets on sale at the Shop. Many thanks to Judith Adam and Stuart Neale for their work in organising this event.


As stated in the August Newsletter, the work to implement our structural engineer's recommendations to repair and stabilise the old [medieval] roof above the Men's Institute is now out to tender. At present we can't say exactly when this work will start on site but it should take place this coming winter. In order to comply with the planning permission obtained, we have had to agree a very detailed archaeological Written Scheme of Investigation for this work with North Devon Council. We can say, however, that the proposed work will accord with SPAB principles [Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings], that is to be non-destructive.


In the June Newsletter, we summarised the proposal to convert the Manor Hall Trust into a new type of charity knwn as a Charitable Incorporated Organisation or CIO. This topic has been the subject of public discussion back in June, and we are pleased to say our new CIO is now registered as a charity with the Charity Commission, Charity No.1169090. As advised previously, in the new CIO constitution we have also replicated the existing practices for appointing Hall Committee Members - that is electing some committee members at the AGM, with others being nominated by key user groups, in the same way as first established in the original 1947 conveyance of the Hall. The nominating organisations are the same, that is the Parish Council, the Primary School, Berrynarbor Pre-School, the Men's Institute and the Parochial Church Council. However, to start with, the CIO will operate with the existing Trustees, i.e. the current committee members.

As the new CIO will effectively merge with the current charity, it will keep the same name, the Manor Hall Trust. We now need to complete the necessary legal documentation with the Parish Council.

Manor Hall Management Committee


Artwork: Peter Rothwell


2016 AGM

The Manor Hall AGM took place on 29th June this year, and the existing Trustees [committee members] have been re-appointed.

Berry Revels

We are sorry to advise that Berry Revels will not be held this year. The committee members have other substantial demands on their time at present and it is not possible to find the time to plan and run the Revels. Unfortunately, we have to prioritise the work to implement our constitutional proposals [see below], our grant applications and other work.

New booking conditions

In the June newsletter we advised that a new returnable breakages deposit will be levied for larger one off bookings. We have however become increasingly frustrated at a number of recent hall users who have left behind large quantities of rubbish. The hall does not have facilities to handle such rubbish and so we are further broadening the rules regarding such deposits to cover a wider range of issues than just 'breakages'.

The conditions of booking for one off events are therefore being amended so that if any booking conditions are not adhered to then the deposit will not be returned. This will apply, for example, if rubbish is left behind.

These changes will not affect regular users with their week by week events, although the new terms will apply if a regular user wishes to hold a one-off event.

Work to the Hall this summer

As stated in the April newsletter, we are still progressing the work to the Manor House wing - more details will be given when available. The work will mostly involve implementing our structural engineer's recommendations to repair and stabilise the old (medieval) roof. Given the importance of this work and our discussions about trustee liability, we want to proceed very formally and have engaged PWH Surveyors of Barnstaple to produce contract documents and manage the tender process. Tenders for the work will be invited by early August.


We are continuing with a number of grant applications for the repair and renovation of the hall, and are delighted to advise of one early success - that Fullabrook CIC has awarded us £10,000. This is not only a sizeable sum in itself, but as the Fullabrook CIC is run by local people it also shows substantial local support, which in turn helps with other funding applications. This is great news!

Major constitutional proposals for the Manor Hall Trust

In the June newsletter, we summarized the proposal to convert the Manor hall Trust into a new type of charity known as a Charitable Incorporated Organisation or CIO. This was the subject of a public meeting called by the Parish Council and held on 7th June. That meeting was extremely well attended and we thank everyone who came - the meeting was overwhelmingly supportive of our proposals, including the transfer of title from the Parish Council to the proposed new CIO. On the 14th June the Parish Council then agreed the transfer of title, subject to the two buildings (the hall and the Parish Room) being held on their original trusts. This means the buildings would remain as charitable assets, held in trust for the inhabitants of the village, which is what we have always said would be the case. Nonetheless, so that this point is completely explicit, rather than implicit in the way that charity law works, an appropriate clause has been inserted in our draft CIO constitution, which is ready for submission to the Charity Commission at the time of writing.

In the draft CIO constitution we have also replicated the existing practices for appointing hall committee members - that is electing some committee members at the AGM, with others being nominated by key user groups (as established in the original 1947 conveyance of the hall). We thank the Parish Council for their considerable support on this issue.

Manor Hall Management Committee


Dance at the Manor Hall c1953

Back: Bruce Woolaway, Gladys Toms, Gerald Bray, Ruby Draper, Jim Brooks, Hazel Russell
Front: Norman Richards, Alistair Chalmers, Christopher Huxtable


Artwork: Peter Rothwell


New Committee members

As advised previously, all enquiries about hall availability and charges should now be addressed to Alison Sharples, and as we are moving towards using e-mail for most hall contacts, the best way to contact Alison will be via, or if necessary tel. 882782.We are also pleased to advise that our new Treasurer is Karen Coppin, who has now taken over from Nora Rowlands. Karen will give her contact details on invoices etc., but regular users have been advised separately how to get in touch when necessary.

New booking conditions

Following someone not paying the balance of their booking charge for a wedding reception last year, we have reviewed our approach to all one-off events at the hall. In future all one-off events will involve full payment to be made in advance, except where the booking is a long time in the future. In the latter case a substantial deposit will be required to secure the booking. We are also now asking for a refundable breakages deposit to be made in all cases of adult parties and wedding receptions. These changes will not affect regular users.

2016 AGM

Please note that the Manor Hall AGM will be held on Wednesday

29th June this year, at 7.30 p.m.To make best use of the evening we hope to combine the AGM with other updates on our work.

Work to the Hall this summer

As stated in the April newsletter, we are still on track to carry out work to the Manor House wing this summer - more details will be given when available. The work will mostly be to the old [medieval] roof.

Major constitutional proposals for the Manor Hall Trust

Again in the April newsletter, we mentioned a proposal to convert the Manor Hall Trust into a new type of charity known as a Charitable Incorporated Organisation or CIO. These were introduced by the Charities Act 2006 to help small charities deal with large projects. At the moment the Manor Hall Trust is an unincorporated body in law, which means it can't enter into contracts as an organisation. Current committee members, the trustees, would have to do so in their own name, and have no limited liability as a result. In other words, at present there are considerable personal risks involved which we feel is an unfair and unacceptable situation, given the scale of repair and improvement work required at the hall.

A CIO is able to enter into contracts and gives its trustees limited liability, and they have been introduced precisely to deal with this kind of problem. Not surprisingly over 6,500 CIOs have been set up around the country over the last three years given the advantages they offer.

There is a process to follow in moving from the current arrangements to a new structure, but the two buildings involved, the Hall and the Parish Room, would legally remain held on the same trusts as at present, i.e. held on trust for the benefit of the Parish. There would be no difference in how the buildings are used or managed, and the same committee members [trustees] would be in place.

PUBLIC MEETING 7th June, 2016

However, one particular change involved in the creation of a new organisation would be a transfer of title to the two buildings from the Parish Council to the proposed CIO. This request has been put formally to the Parish Council who have taken appropriate legal advice and would now like to give anyone interested an opportunity to hear more or ask questions at a Public Meeting to be held at the hall on Tuesday, 7th June at 7.30pm.People should attend at 7.00 p.m. if they would like to read some relevant background papers first.

A general understanding of the issues involved would be helpful and more information and correspondence can be read on the village website - see, Manor Hall news section, or look at the Parish Council's website, You will also find documents at the shop and in the hall itself.

Manor Hall Management Committee


Artwork: Paul Swailes


New Contact for Booking the Hall

As you may know, Alan Rowlands has stood down as our long-serving Bookings Officer and all enquiries about hall availability and charges should now be addressed to Alison Sharples. We are moving towards using e-mail for most hall contacts, so the best way to contact Alison will be via, or if necessary telephone [01271] 882782.

Please note that regular users must remember to e-mail Alison if they want to cancel the occasional session, otherwise their invoicing will be incorrect.

Any enquiries about invoicing should still be addressed to Nora Rowlands until mid-May, when we'll give further information.

We thank both Alan and Nora for over 10 years of service to the Hall and this village. If you would like to join in with a send-off and thanks for all the voluntary work they have done, please join us for a drink in The Globe on Wednesday, 13th April at 7.30 p.m.

Heating in the Main Hall

The rewiring to the four electric heaters has been done and should resolve the problems experienced earlier. We hope the two new radiators also help - these are run off the gas boiler in Pre-School, and will come on at the same times set for Pre-School, i.e. most of the day Monday to Friday.

Donations and Funds

We should like to give sincere thanks for recent donations and grants. County Councillor Andrea Davies has given further support to us with an award of £500 from her Locality Budget to help with the costs of our renovation planning. Richard and Be Gingell have also given a very generous £400 from the recent Soup and Pud evening, and John and Fenella Boxall raised £345 from the recent 'Salt in the Sugar Jar' Beaford Arts event at Sloley Farm. Thanks to everyone for all their efforts.

In terms of our reserves, we should say that these have steadily increased over the last few years, in readiness for carrying out major work to the hall. However, this isn't straightforward.

Work to the Hall this summer

As may be well known by now, the planned major renovation of the main hall depends on getting Big Lottery funding. However, 'heritage' work isn't eligible for such funding and because of this and in order to spend the £4,572 awarded to us by North Devon Council [which is time-limited], we plan to carry out work this summer to repair the Medieval manor house roof and the Tudor facade.   When we know the details we will let the Pre-School and Men's Institute know how this might affect them whilst the work is underway. All the planned work will accord with SPAB principles [Society for the Preservation of Ancient Buildings].

We shall be applying for other grant help for this, but this type of funding isn't easy to get so we may have to fund the balance of the work ourselves at a cost of perhaps some £15,000. This then is a real dilemma - the needs of the main hall are more obvious, but in effect we are a village hall charity with a modest income that also has to maintain a 600-year-old annex, and all the planned work needs to be done. There are some structural issues with the old roof, with one corner in particular being of concern.  

However, there is good news in that we have now obtained listed buildings consent for all the planned works, the only condition being about archaeological recording. This is a big step forward!

The Manor Hall Trust

For day to day purposes it is of little consequence, but the Manor Hall is managed by a charity [the Manor Hall Trust] which is an unincorporated body in law, that is it can't enter into contracts as an organisation. This will become more of an issue when major works need to be undertaken to the hall, so we are exploring the possibility of converting into a new body known as a Charitable Incorporated Organisation, or CIO. These are fairly new, having only been introduced via the Charities Act 2011. If this does happen nothing will change on the surface, but it would make managing the Hall's renovation a lot easier.

Manor Hall Management Committee


Artwork: Peter Rothwell


Christmas 'Thank You' at the Hall

It was good to have lots of Hall supporters and volunteers at the hall just before Christmas - our feedback is that it was a good hour or so and people felt it was a very worthwhile thing to do. The mulled wine may have helped!

Hall Renovation

The planning and listed building applications for the proposed renovation of the hall were submitted to North Devon Council in December - full details can be found on the Council's website. It goes without saying that this is an important moment - a successful planning application would be immensely helpful when applying for grant funding, and obviously we can't improve the hall as planned without it. We should have a decision in March.

Meanwhile we have also now received detailed costings for the proposed works from quantity surveyors PWH in Barnstaple, and we have worked through a detailed breakdown of these costs in order to put together the right mix of work that achieves everything discussed to date and is within the kind of guidelines set by funders.

Heating in the Hall

We know it has been hard to use the hall this winter and we thank users for bearing with us. The one remaining gas heater does work most of the time, although we know there have been occasional problems with it. The wiring and sockets to some of the [temporary] electric heaters are to be replaced so that these work properly - it has just taken a while to get contractors to respond. We hope that in early February we shall also have two radiators installed in the hall, heated from the boiler in the

Pre-School. All of these are of course temporary measures pending the installation of a comprehensive new system, including insulation if we can raise the funds to do so.

Manor Hall Management Committee - New Treasurer Needed!

As stated in the December Newsletter, Alan and Nora Rowlands will soon be standing down from the Management Committee, after many years of service.

We therefore seek a new Treasurer, and obviously this is an important post. The amount of work involved is not that great, but the hall can't function without one. So we ask everyone to consider helping out, especially users of the hall. If we cannot get a new Treasurer by April the consequences will be very serious.

No previous experience is necessary. We should stress that the volume of transactions is quite small - the number of expenses paid out in a typical month are very few and we don't hold any cash. Invoicing to users is generally done every two months for regular users, and once a term in the case of the School. In future all invoices will be issued by e-mail, and record keeping is very simple - just income and expenditure details. Annual accounts for the last two years have been done by Stevens & Willey of Barnstaple.

If anyone is interested in these roles or joining the committee generally, please contact Len Narborough [Chairman] on 883747 or e-mail

Remember these are interesting times for the Manor Hall!

Manor Hall Management Committee


Artwork: Peter Rothwell


Christmas Card Exchange at the Hall - As we advised in the October edition of this newsletter, we shall not be running the card exchange this Christmas. However, we shall be holding a short get together to say thanks to all the people who have supported the Hall over the last year or two, whether helping out at Berry Revels and other fundraising, joining our renovation working parties, delivering our newsletters or who have served on the Management Committee.

Hall Renovation - By early December we hope (finally!) to have submitted applications for planning and listed building consents. We are going with a slightly amended floor layout following advice from our surveyors which we think is the best option, but this retains all the features last circulated. We shall be issuing a copy of this plan to all homes in the village over the next month or so. The long process of applying for grant funding then begins in earnest.

Manor Hall Management Committee - Alan and Nora Rowlands have advised that at the end of the financial year they wish to stand down from the Management Committee after over 10 years of service. We wish to thank them for this lengthy service to one of the major village institutions

As many people will know, Alan has dealt with hall bookings and Nora has been Treasurer, so we now seek a number of new committee members to bring us up to strength, including both a new Treasurer and a new Bookings Officer. We should stress that the volume of transactions is quite small - the number of expenses paid out in a typical month are very few and that we don't hold any cash. Invoicing to users is generally done monthly for regular users, and once a term in the case of the school. Record keeping is just simple income and expenditure details. Annual accounts for the last two years have been done by Stevens & Willey of Barnstaple, and the annual return to the Charity Commission is done by the Chairman. If anyone is interested in these roles or joining the committee generally, please contact Len Narborough on 883 747 or email: Remember these are interesting times for the Manor Hall!

Village Website - Some people are still unaware that we have a village website! Please look it up at www.berrynarborvillage (just search for berrynarborvillage) - if you go to Hall booking on the home page this gives details of our charges and there is a diary showing what's on and when the hall is available.

Manor Hall Management Committee


Artwork: Peter Rothwell


There are quite a few things to report regarding the hall, ranging from August to Christmas!

Berry Revels - We were lucky with the weather in early August, so thanks to all the helpers and volunteers who helped us raise £1370 net of all expenses, and thanks also to all those who came along. It's good that people get together at events like this, and of course it all helps our fundraising.

Christmas Card Exchange - We have decided NOT to run the Christmas card exchange this year, so some people may wish to place Christmas messages in the newsletter instead, or make other arrangements. We do intend, however, to have a short get-together to say thanks to all the people who have helped out with Hall affairs over the last year, whether by delivering newsletters, helping with the Revels, joining our working parties, and so on. We'll give details of this in early December and the December Newsletter.

Health and Safety at the Hall - The Management Committee has reviewed the health and safety arrangements at the hall and has agreed a new policy, together with carrying out a wide range of repairs and other actions. Part of our new procedure involves an updated booking form which sets out the responsibilities of those who hire the hall, together with a new hall user handbook. Both of these documents will be sent to anyone hiring the hall from now on, usually by email. Regular users of the hall have also been sent copies by email during September, and their continued use of the hall means that they are also deemed to have accepted the updated conditions of hire.

Hall Renovation - What Next?< - We are often asked what is happening next! Our plans for the hall continue to move forward. The newsletter delivered to all households in the village in August contained a near-final floorplan for the main hall and invited comments and queries at the drop-in session held on 1st September. This followed the in-principle agreement of the Parish Council in August to facilitate our planned extension to the east elevation of the hall into the play area. At most this will mean moving the existing fence line some two meters or so, and moving the swings slightly further into the play area.

Whatever the outcome of our grant applications, we shall have to install a new heating system for the main hall. Therefore we are also commissioning an energy assessment of the hall to determine the energy output needed to heat the hall as it is now and as it might be after renovation, and to give options for new heating installations.

All this means that we shall be able to finalise detailed drawings and apply for planning and listed buildings consents this autumn. In parallel with this we shall obtain full QS costings for the works. As and when the consents are secured we shall finally be able to submit our Big Lottery application, with a fully designed and costed project and all statutory consents in place.

In addition there is work to be done to develop separate work specifications and costs for the Manor House wing, as the Big Lottery does not fund heritage projects. We shall, therefore, be applying for separate funding for the work needed to the medieval roof and the Tudor facade of the old wing.

This is a very short summary of what is a quite complex project!

Grants and Donations - At its August meeting, the Parish Council also agreed to make a grant to the Manor Hall of £4500, matching funds made available by the North Devon Council. The Men's Institute has also made a donation to our funds of £500, which is very generous indeed. We thank both organisations for their support - it is very important to be able to demonstrate community support for our plans when seeking grant funding, so these contributions are really helpful.

Manor Hall Management Committee


Artwork: Peter Rothwell

AGM and public meeting held on 3rd June

Thanks go to the large number of people who came along to the AGM and public meeting in June. After the AGM formalities, those present went through a design exercise to see how and where improved facilities for the hall might be created - not an easy exercise as when one thing is changed or moved it affects everything else! Hopefully the summing up of suggestions and answers to questions will have helped to clarify the design issues. We think we are close to a final floorplan which will give improved toilets, a much larger kitchen, the same main hall area as now and hopefully an additional facility such as a separate meeting room. This has been sent to all user groups initially, for their comments.

Village Questionnaire

Further thanks are due to the many people who took the trouble to complete our questionnaire in April, and to our team of people who did all the delivery and collection of forms. About 68% of people responded, which is good for a survey of this kind. This survey is an important component of our lottery application planned for later this year, as we need to establish the needs and preferences of the village across a whole spectrum of issues such as health, neighbourliness, adult education and so on.

History of the Hall

We have just received the report on the history and archaeology of the hall, commissioned from Richard Parker, archaeology consultant from Exeter. This will act as a heritage statement in planning law, to help with our eventual planning and listed building applications. This makes very interesting reading - a copy has gone to the village history society for their information.



This year's Revels take place on 4th August.
Please come along and support the Hall -
Bar, BBQ, Auction, Fun and Games, and Stalls in the Hall.

Manor Hall Management Committee


Artwork: Peter Rothwell

and Annual General Meeting
Wednesday 3rd June - 7.30pm

This year we are adding to the Manor Hall Annual General Meeting with an Open Forum to which ALL residents of Berrynarbor Parish are welcome to attend to have their say.

The Open Forum is important, as we shall discuss the first design suggestions for upgrading the hall to meet the various functions it currently hosts and those it will need to host in the future. YOUR comments will help us to formulate our application for Big Lottery funding.

We look forward to welcoming you and to hearing your comments and Refreshments will be available.


During the evening we will draw the winning Questionnaire Prize Draw tickets

REMEMBER to bring your ticket along


Thank you to all who took the time to complete the Community Consultation Questionnaire. More than 224 questionnaires were delivered to occupied homes throughout the Parish, with 179 (65%) completed forms returned, providing information from approximately 400 people. This represents a good and slightly above average result for such an exercise, with many respondents also volunteering their help to the Hall project. A summary of the results will be given in the next village newsletter.

A big THANK YOU to all our volunteer helpers who not only delivered the questionnaires, but also took time to revisit each house, sometimes more than once, to collect them.

THE NEXT STEP - Representative group meetings

To add to the information gained from the community consultation questionnaires and the discussion at the Open Forum during the AGM, we shall shortly be organising a series of group discussions where we shall ask participants to consider how best the hall can meet their particular needs.

To ensure a true cross-section of the village community is represented, we plan to get together people from the following categories of residents: retired people, working age adults, older school children and teenagers, and parents with junior school/pre-school age children and toddlers.

Once we have gathered feedback from the questionnaires, the Open Forum, the group meetings and other activities, we'll be in a position to put together our final submission to the Big Lottery for funding. We anticipate this will be later this autumn.

New Hall Charges - Effective from May 2015

Hall charges have been virtually unchanged since 2011, so given inflation and a steady increase in running costs, we have regrettably found it necessary to increase most charges by a small amount from

May 2015. These increases will help our general funds to meet the on-going regular costs - lighting, heating, insurance, general maintenance and cleaning. All professional fees and costs related to the future renovations are, in the main, covered by fundraising, donations and external funding received.

The new charges per session are as follows:


Rate (£)

Regular village users (non-commercial)


Regular user (not for profit), Penn Curzon Room


Regular fee charging commercial user - main hall


Occasional user, not for profit - main hall


Occasional commercial user - main hall


Children's parties or similar


Weddings - village connection


Weddings - no village connection


* the sessional charge for the school will remain at £11 until April 2016

Sessions are: Morning - to 1.00 p.m. Afternoon - 1.00 to 5.00 p.m. Evening - 5.00 p.m. onwards


A TOTAL OF £986 has been donated to our funds from the recent Under Western Skies Art Exhibition by local painter Paul Swailes, organised by Judie, along with the Charity Car and Tractor Wash undertaken by Geoff Adam.

We congratulate and thank them both for their efforts.


Manor Hall Management Committee


Artwork: Paul Swailes


Behind the scenes!

While from the outside perhaps nothing much seems to be moving in terms of the restoration of the Manor Hall, a lot is taking place behind the scenes regarding the preparation of our submission for funding from the Lottery and other sources.


Local surveyors Abercorn have now prepared scale drawings of the entire existing building, which are required for planning and listed buildings consents (extract on left). The next step for Abercorn is to prepare a full schedule of the essential repair work in order that costings can be obtained.

In addition, the drawings also enable us to consider the various options available to enhance the building's facilities to meet users' requirements; these will form the basis of future group consultations prior to a final plan being drawn up.

Work Groups

As there are several specific internal components of the building that need to be considered, we have set up a number of 'Work Groups', each tasked with looking at particular issues and how best these can be addressed. The areas under consideration are: Kitchen Facilities; Heating and Insulation; Lighting and Electrics and Internal Layout. Discussions are underway, with much more to do, but the findings of these groups will be part of the wider Open Forum consultation process that will take place within the next few months.

As we've said before, if you are interested in joining any of these discussions, please contact us on our new email address:

'Blooming' Useful Feedback!

The opportunity was taken during the recent Berry in Bloom Quiz Night in the Manor Hall to circulate a questionnaire to gather feedback from those attending in order to understand how the current facilities are viewed and to identify where improvements can be made. More than 66 questionnaires were returned.

Well over half the respondents consider the present facilities provided overall to range from poor to adequate, with a similar number considering improvements need to be made. The main areas of dissatisfaction are the heating (90%), lighting - natural and artificial (85%/79%), toilets (82%), the kitchen and its facilities (82%/75%). Access and parking were also of concern.

Although not a scientific survey, the feedback is extremely useful as we go forward into the final stage of preparing the formal questionnaire ahead of the Open Forum and other public meetings.

Thank You to all those who participated.


Manor Hall Management Committee


Artwork: Peter Rothwell

A number of Thank You's this month!

Christmas Card Exchange

Thanks go to all who used the Christmas card exchange for the traditional distribution of their seasonal greetings around the village, which saw some 300 cards posted into the box at the shop. With the day of the card-exchange, Saturday 20th, being so close to Christmas, attendance was less than usual - even with the incentive of coffee, cakes and mince pies - with only a handful of people turning up. Thanks to the Newsletter for the very welcome donation of £200 from the messages in the December issue. With eleven months to go before next Christmas, maybe we can add some further incentives?

Centenary Village Tapestry

It is an impressive addition to the main hall, taking many hours of work to complete and using various techniques, including embroidery, hand-painted and photographic prints and other artistic media. Depicting various aspects of life around Berrynarbor, it has been sited on the wall adjacent to the kitchen opening, replacing the old large noticeboard.

A really big Thank You to all the ladies who gave their time to create such a wonderful snapshot of life in and around our Parish.

Restoration - Next Stage

Having received the £10,000 funding from the Big Lottery, we have now appointed our surveyors from Barnstaple, who will begin to schedule all the works required, including the structural engineer's specifications for the Manor House roof, as well as do scale drawings for planning and listed buildings consents.

We are very aware that the Manor Hall is an essential and well-used asset for the Parish and its residents; while the Trustees are tasked with being the custodians of the building to maintain it for the future generations, we welcome input from all within the Parish.

To that end, we plan to hold an 'Open Forum' shortly at which time four specific concepts will be discussed, the outcome of which will help us determine the architectural plans required for the major funding that will be needed for any restoration and refurbishment. Details of the Forum will be distributed house-to-house in the next few weeks.


The ongoing heating problem in the main hall continues, with two out of the four old gas heaters inoperative and unable to be repaired. In the short-term, electric heaters have been provided to supplement the two remaining and - at present - working gas heaters; the controls on the electric heaters have been set and therefore we ask all users of the hall to only switch them on/off at the socket at the beginning and end of each session.

Clearly such heaters are not the most economical form of heating such a large area and we are looking at how best to resolve the whole heating issue throughout the Manor Hall so as to gain better comfort levels with reasonable running costs.

Get Involved

Every month there are various regular groups using the Manor Hall, from the above-mentioned craft group, to pilates, badminton, as well as the art group and wine circle, not to mention the school, pre-school and toddlers. If you're not already a member of one of them - why not join, or is there a group you would like to start?

The Manor Hall Committee


Artwork: Peter Rothwell

Autumn fundraising and the amazing generosity of this village

A huge thank you to the village for supporting us this autumn. The Rotary Mega Draw raised £1170 - a great result with all funds raised kept for the Manor Hall. We are also pleased to say there were ten prize winners within the village!

How good it was to see the back room at The Globe full for the Auction of Promises. Hard to believe but this one evening raised over £2300, again all proceeds going to the Manor Hall. Many thanks to Judith Adam for the huge effort put into organising all the offers up for auction and to Debbie Thomas. our irrepressible auctioneer. Special thanks also to those donating their time or other items for auction. For this event we tried not to ask local businesses for free offers yet again as there has been much local support in recent years. So this time the net was cast as far afield as Exeter. Nonetheless thanks must go to Middle Lee Farm, Langleigh House, Watermouth Castle, Mark Adams, The Globe, Loverings, South West Shooting School and many others - well, you know who you are.

More BIG news for the Manor Hall!

We are delighted to announce that our first application to the Big Lottery Fund has been successful!

We have just been awarded £10,000, the maximum within the Awards for All category, which supports community groups. This is a big thumbs up for our plans. The money is to help pay for the necessary surveyor and community consultation work required for the next stage, which is to develop a fully designed and costed scheme, with all statutory approvals, ready to submit to funders.

In the meantime we are sorry to report that a second heater is out of action in the Hall - we don't know yet if it can be repaired. We are trying to see if we can manage with supplementary electric heaters as we don't want to commit to expensive repairs prior to eventual refurbishment which could mean wasting money. It feels like we face a race against time - whether we can get to the renovation of the Hall before the disrepair catches up with us! We are also currently looking at the cleaning of the Hall and proposals on this will be in the next newsletter.

History of the Hall

Most of the works to the Hall will require Listed Buildings Consent and getting consent will involve us having a Heritage Statement for the Hall, describing the Hall's key historical and architectural features. We have, therefore, commissioned Richard Parker, an architectural archaeologist, to produce such a statement and review the history of the Hall. We await his findings with considerable interest.

Centenary Artwork

To mark 100 years of the Hall we asked some of our user groups if they might like to produce an artwork that could be framed and hung in the Hall. As a result members of several local art and craft groups came together under the guidance and help of local quilt artist, teacher and speaker, Penny Armitage. They have produced a remarkable panel made up of a number of individual pieces depicting the village. Many thanks to Penny and all involved for this work. As this newsletter is published, the work is ready for framing.

Christmas Card Exchange - Saturday 20th December!

Our traditional Christmas card exchange event will be run again this year. Simply put cards addressed to others around the village in the box provided in the shop [plus a small donation] - save on stamps! These will be set out in the Hall for collection or delivery 10.00 am - 12.00 noon on Saturday, 20th December. Free tea, coffee and cakes on that morning!

Len Narborough and the Manor Hall Committee


Artwork: Paul Swailes

Fundraising for the Manor Hall

In our pursuit of grants for the Hall, something that is very important is the degree of local support, partly evidenced by local fundraising. So it's a very big thank you to those who came to this year's Berry Revels in August - we raised over £1800 despite the downpour halfway through. The best result in years. Thanks are also due to Ann Davies, who co-ordinated the planning and whose powers of organisation are a thing to behold!

At the time of writing we are pursuing the purchase of Rotary Mega Draw tickets around the village, and looking forward to the Auction of Promises at The Globe on Saturday, 25th October. Some will remember something similar done for the Jubilee, and what an evening it was. All funds raised at the auction will also go towards the much-needed work to the Manor Hall.

Works to the Hall

If anyone is unclear about just what work the Hall needs, have a look at the August newsletter, or you can email me at We are also looking for volunteers to join any of four design sub-groups - these will involve a few meetings and contributing to particular topics which are:

1. A new and larger kitchen 2. Options for the stage 3. Heating and insulation options and 4. How to deal with the storage problems at the Hall. Someone out there will have some brilliant ideas so let's hear them please! If interested then again please email as above or phone [01271] 883747.

I can now say we have our structural engineer's recommendations for the old roof, above the Men's Institute, and thankfully there is nothing too complicated in the works required.

Finally a welcome to Andy Bird who has joined the management committee in interesting times!

Len Narborough and the Manor Hall Committee


Artwork: Peter Rothwell


Berrynarbor Parish has a long record of turning up trumps supporting both celebrations, as above, and catastrophes.

It is our star asset - the old Manor House and Manor Hall that is in trouble at present. The mediaeval roof trusses and supports to the Manor House roof are under severe attack from dry rot. They need to be treated and replaced in places with some urgency.

The Manor Hall floor supports are suffering from wet rot and need urgent work.

The Management Committee are busy preparing a case for funds from the National Lottery, The Hereditary Fund and the Halsinger Down Fund, but these will depend on how much we can raise ourselves.

The Committee would be very pleased to receive input and ideas for fundraising events and we are hoping the Annual Revels on the 5th August will be well supported and any kind of help would be much appreciated.

Lorna Bowden


Artwork: Peter Rothwell


The Manor Hall - the state we're in

The Manor Hall AGM took place on 2nd July and the opportunity was taken to have a good question and answer session on the disrepair issues at the hall and the potential solutions. Some of you may have seen the leaflet at the shop which summarises the problems and suggestions for a renovated main hall. These are also given below.

Before this let's make a point about funding. It is intended to pursue several grants, some of them very large, notably from the Big Lottery. This isn't an easy process and will take time, well over a year in fact. For anyone concerned that calls for money will be made to the community at large, as attempted back in the 1990's, it's very simple. Most of the work will be grant funded. Therefore three things can happen: 1. We get nothing [unlikely] 2. We get a modest amount, in which case we carry out the most urgent works, or 3. We get what we need or close to it.

This is not to say that fundraising, like the current sale of the Rotary Club raffle tickets, or Berry Revels on 5th August, are not important - it all raises money and as importantly shows the support of the community.

Disrepair and Building Defects at the Manor Hall


The roof to the manor hall wing (Tudor or possibly medieval) - damage by woodworm clearly visible

A lot of disrepair is visible, but we have also used accredited historic buildings surveyors, Smith Gore of Exeter, to survey the whole building, plus Orbis structural engineers from Barnstaple to design remedies to the defects in the old roof.

So what needs to be done? The main works defects are:

The old roof (manor house wing) This old oak roof has several defects - little lateral restraint at ceiling level, which has caused the wall to push out, no original purlins and hence some racking (rafters leaning sideways), and little support to the roof in one corner where the wall has fallen away. Some of the joints have pulled apart and some timbers are extensively degraded by woodworm. Externally, the exposed wall plates at the corners are rotted and sections need to be replaced.

Floor and stage area to main hall The hall floor is poorly ventilated underneath, and under the stage it is very damp, resulting in extensive wet rot and some dry rot, with air bricks partly blocked due to the raised ground outside. In one corner you can put your hand through the floorboards.

General repairs across the two wings There is an extensive list: pointing required to cracked walls, rotten external woodwork, broken gutters, rotten window frames (e.g. the two large windows behind the stage) and some new sills required to windows. The old stone facade to the manor house wing needs pointing and work to stop raining-in. The roof to both wings have a limited life and if finances permit full reroofing of the whole hall should be carried out.

The stage in the main hall As well as the problems underneath, the stage is in poor shape. Neither the spotlights nor the audio system work, the curtains are in poor condition and there is a large amount of loose electrical wiring. The stage has to be removed to facilitate the repairs and treatment underneath.

What else do we think needs to be done?

It seems wrong to carry out a wide range of repairs and leave the main hall just as it is. User groups have commented on poor lighting, inadequate heating, insufficient storage and a tired and drab appearance generally. Therefore, we have set out various suggestions for the renovation of the main hall and the Basset Room. These include:

Some of these proposals are set out on the suggested floor plan of the main hall on the next page.

Your views are welcome. Please let us know what you think! You can email comments to, leave comments on the sheets in the Manor Hall (box by kitchen) or use the comments box at the shop.

Len Narborough and the Management Committee

Potential layout of main hall

To facilitate remodelling of toilets and expansion of kitchen. The serving/bar area is indicative - it shows what could be provided. The stage is shown as removed, but with an example of a moveable system, shown here along the side wall as an example.

The areas shown in different colours representt new facilities. Each toilet area is outlined in a different colour. This is all new work and replaces facilities that are totally unsuitable for a hall serving up to 200 people


Berrynarbor Manor Hall Trust Renewal and Refurbishment Project Outline of Interior works to Hall

March 2014


Artwork: Paul Swailes


User Consultation in March - Thanks to all hall user groups who responded to the questionnaires circulated in March. These focussed on the general condition of the hall and the adequacy of facilities - overall these were seen as less than good, with a general need for updating. Works seen as necessary include a larger kitchen, improved storage, improved natural and artificial lighting, refurbishment of toilets, redecoration, improved heating and replacement or at least complete overhaul of the stage area. Externally, many respondents raised concerns about car parking. Copies of a summary analysis of the survey are being sent to all groups.

Meanwhile we are continuing to develop a work plan for a series of grant bids; costings for surveyor support, an archaeological review of the building to establish its heritage significance, plus planning further consultation and discussion on other potential needs in the area that could be met at the hall.

**And same message as last time, please note that actually carrying out the majority of the work is still some considerable time away. Do not hesitate to contact in the normal way should you want to book the hall for an event.

Local Fund Raising and Berry Revels - Many thanks to our local councillors for their prompt support of our plans. County Councillor Andrea Davis has granted the hall £2,500 from her locality budget, and thanks also to Councillor Yvette Gubb for supporting an award of £4,572 from commuted sums held by North Devon Council, and the Parish Council for a £1,000 grant in March and its statement of support.

Also watch out for the sale of raffle tickets, part of the North Devon Rotary raffle, with cash prizes of £100 to £300, plus 100 smaller prizes. ALL proceeds from our tickets sales go towards the hall refurbishment, so please support us when you see tickets on sale in the shop and elsewhere.

Berry Revels this year will be on 5th August, so please make a note in your diary. Again we should like wide support in our centenary year for the refurbishment of the hall

To all Poster-Producing People!

There is a new sign and notice board for the Manor Hall - these have been placed at the car park entrance. So for all those arranging events at the hall there is an additional opportunity for your posters. Notice board key holders are Len Narborough and Geoff Adam.

Len Narborough and the Manor Hall Committee`



Annual General Meeting

The Manor Hall AGM will be held at the hall on

Wednesday, 2nd July, at 7.30pm.

It would be good to see people there. We will combine the AGM with an update on the plans for the hall and all views are welcome!



Artwork: Peter Rothwell

Consultation on the Manor Hall

February's newsletter noted the wide range of repair items we need to address at the hall, and although at the time of writing we await the structural engineer's report on the old roof [the manor house wing], we don't think it will demand more than we already assume will be needed.

So meanwhile we have begun to draft the remaining list of repairs that will need to go into a formal contract for the works. However, this raises another issue which is that although essential repairs to the building must come first, it feels quite wrong to carry out fundraising, ask the village for support, do a lot of work but leave the main hall just as it is.

A number of comments have been made in recent years about heating, comfort, lighting, etc., and that the kitchen can service little more than the making of teas and coffees. I should add that the toilets are of a poor standard and that neither the lighting nor audio system on the stage work anymore. Given the windows behind the stage will need to be replaced and the stage, for example, is going to have to come out to allow the floor replacement, wet rot and ventilation works to take place underneath, this raises questions such as do we need the stage at all? Need it be in the same position? Should we have some sort of stage box system instead? And so on. There seems to be an opportunity to consider what could be done at reasonable cost to address a number of issues.

The Management Committee therefore agreed to consult with all groups that use the hall, including the Men's Institute and Pre-School, to ask for their views and ideas. While this exercise is underway, we will have plenty of other things to get on with, such as researching funding, working on possibilities for the main hall, liaising with the Listed Buildings Officer and appointing contract managers for the eventual works contract.

But please note that actually carrying out the work is still some considerable time away, so it's business as usual for many months to come. Do not hesitate to contact in the normal way should you want to book the hall for an event. Thanks,

Len Narborough and the Manor Hall Committee



Artwork: Peter Rothwell


Important news about the Manor Hall

Our new governance document has finally been accepted by the Charity Commission, which is great news as we now look a bit more fit for purpose, which will be important for external fund raising. And we shall be seeking substantial funds given the way a host of problems are coming to light . . .

Following on from the recent survey, the condition of the manor house roof now requires further remedial specification from structural engineers due to the movement of the rafters over time, and damage by woodworm. We have therefore been selecting appropriate consultants and timber treatment specialists, and organising a new loft access point into the old roof from the Men's Institute main room.

If this wasn't enough we have also discovered extensive wet rot under the stage in the main hall, due to extreme wetness in this area and poor ventilation under the floor. All of this is on top of the other works needed to the original masonry to the old manor house, the replacement heater to the main hall, and a number of other maintenance items. It really does feel that chickens have come home to roost and we are paying for many years of minimal maintenance.

We are not yet at the stage of putting a total cost together for all the work but the support of the village as a whole will soon be needed to help overcome perhaps the biggest set of challenges since the main hall was built a hundred years ago. This is not the centenary celebratory news that we wanted to share for 2014, but then again it will be a time for some centenary fund raising to protect and preserve this unique building.

Look out for further news over the next few months. Your support will be much appreciated.

Len Narborough
The Manor Hall Committee


Artwork: Peter Rothwell


One thing you can rely on is that the Beaford Arts presentations are different, thought provoking and poorly attended in Berrynarbor. Well, this representation of Tales from the times of King Arthur was no exception, so again most villagers missed out on an interesting and entertaining evening.

The event started with a school workshop run in the Manor Hall. Michael Harvey told the story, while Lyne Denman sang the songs with harp and accordion accompaniment from Stacey Blythe. The end result was enchanted children and a picture story frieze. Some children were enthralled enough to come along in the evening for a second helping.

The format of the staged show started with poetic singing in Welsh of 'I am the beginning', Then began the Tale of Culhwch seeking out his defined Lady Olwen in the lands surrounding the Bristol Channel. This is one of 11 Welsh Tales from the 12th Century. We were invited into a fantastic, primitive world where men and beasts were equal, with shape changing and magic everywhere. Not so different then from Dr. Who and Star Wars, but presented verbally and musically, on stage, to an enthralled audience. The presentation by the cast was brilliant - their diction was clear and exciting, the background music extensively amplified the storyline and the Welsh singing with a distinctly jazz feeling set the time and place into Wales, Somerset, Devon and Cornwall. What could have been better?

Berrynarbor was very lucky to have this Beaford event here and to have been so well entertained so surprisingly in this 21st Century. The cast were all world-famous in their fields and the production support matched them.

Many traditional tales have a moral, and the one from this Beaford event has to be: Always attend Beaford Arts events in the Manor Hall. They are always entertaining or thought provoking and frequently both. The risk is that they pass this way only once, and you'll never know how much you're missing out, because it's gone.

Congratulations to the PTA and the Manor Hall for organising this entertaining event.



Artwork: Paul Swailes

It's that time again and we shall host our traditional Christmas Card Exchange event again this year.

For those unfamiliar with this service, there is a posting box in the village shop into which you can place cards addressed to others in the village - for a 10p donation per card please, saves on stamps!. These cards will then be set out in street order at the Manor Hall for collection at a COFFEE & MINCE PIE MORNING on SATURDAY, 21ST DECEMBER, 10.00 a.m. to 12.00 noon. Any cards not collected [or taken for delivery by helpful volunteers!] will be delivered by Committee Members. So please support the Manor Hall and enjoy a bit of old fashioned village activity in the process.

After a period of no change in the charges for hiring the Hall, new charges are now in place. In most cases, particularly for village events, the charge remains the same, the rest have only increased slightly by in some cases just 50p. The charge for private parties for children has gone down and wedding receptions stay the same. A separate charge has been brought in for Christenings at £24.50. To see all the new charges please look at the list displayed in the Hall.

In the hall itself, users will have noted that one of the heaters is no longer working and is, in fact, beyond repair. Organising a replacement is in hand but unfortunately it is very expensive. On the topic of building condition, we can advise that the full survey of the Hall finally took place in October, carried out by Smiths Gore at Exeter. It was an interesting day, and it's clear that we face some structural issues in the old roof [Manor House wing] and a backlog of other maintenance items. The Listed Buildings Officer from North Devon Council also joined us for what became a long conversation in the old roof space! A full report back will be made in the next newsletter. Thanks to Kevin Brooks for arranging access, ladders, extra torches and some local knowledge.

In the meantime we can tell you that we are planning new signage for the Hall, Pre-school and Playground at the entrance to the driveway and a tidy up of the hedges and shrubs along the boundary with Birdswell Lane. I know people refer to this as being a 'garden' in the past - perhaps we can get back to that with some volunteer help in the spring!

Best Wishes for the Festive Season to All.

Len Narborough and the Manor Hall Committee


Artwork: Paul Swailes

Manor Hall Matters

It seems ages ago now, but we can report a good outcome from the Berry Revels held on 6th August. Unlike last year, the weather was good but nonetheless thanks to everyone who came along. Particular thanks also go to those who helped out on the night - I won't name you all but you know who you are! It's good to be in a community where people join in and help out. The total takings were £1732, which is better than in most recent years bar the extremely successful 2011.

On the topic of the Trust's income, the Management Committee reviewed hall charges at its September meeting. All charges have been frozen for the last two years so there's an argument for some sort of inflationary increase. However, it was agreed to implement mostly minor changes, largely just to tidy up and standardise charges within clear bands. The charge for not-for-profit village activities remains unchanged at £11 per session, and for children's parties the charge is actually reduced to £25. Village users continue to get discounted prices. A full list of all hall charges will be on the new village website soon - have a look at the work underway by Alex Parke at

Note there are always maintenance issues to pay for - It's good to report that the latest roof repairs and new lead gutter between the two hall wings are now complete, and we have a new rear fire door, but work to the roof of the manor house wing remains a challenge.

This autumn sees a return of the 10 week watercolour programme with Ian Hudson, held on Thursday mornings. If anyone is interested in joining - it doesn't matter if you have missed a week or two - contact Pip on 883600 or Linda (883322). Make a note of the Bhangra Night on 16th November and come and party Punjabi style

Len and the Manor Hall Committee


Artwork: Peter Rothwell


Above you can see our new official name, now registered with the Charity Commission. It's good to stress that the Manor Hall is an independent body and registered charity, run by volunteers from the village. Longstanding residents and those who have been committee members may disagree, but from looking through the files it doesn't look as if the Manor Hall as a charity ever had a name as such, so perhaps this is long overdue!

At the rather well attended AGM on 8th May we reported on 2012/13 as a successful year with the Hall in use on all weekdays and acting as a good venue for occasional weekend events. As a result our finances are reasonably healthy, despite not increasing Hall charges or the rent charged to the School for the Parish Room last autumn. We also thank the Parish Council for their continued financial support and indeed those brave souls who withstood the awful weather for the Berry Revels event of last August. This year's Revels - with hopefully better weather - will be on Tuesday, 6th August,

At the AGM, five of the outgoing committee were re-elected, that is Geoff Adam, Nora and Alan Rowlands, Karen Ozelton and myself, and we are joined by Natalie Stanbury from Pre-School, Lorna Bowden from the Parish Council, Eileen Hobson from the Spinners and co-optees Denny Reynolds and Charlotte Fryer. We still seek nominations from the other organisations with rights to nominate, i.e. the Men's Institute and the Parochial Church Council, to rekindle the earlier practice of user and other groups being part of the management of the Hall. It can only be beneficial for the different groups in the village to have good contact with each other.

To a degree, however, our positive financial position is a result of holding back on some maintenance items and there will be some catch-up expenditure happening later in 2013. We have recently met on site with the Listed Buildings Officer from North Devon Council and hope to develop a positive relationship with the local authority over some of the works likely to be needed soon, such as to the roof timbers in the old Manor House wing. When up in that roof space, you do wonder how much of that structure actually goes back to the late 1400's ...

Len Narborough and the Manor Hall Committee


Artwork: Paul Swailes


It has been something of a time for taking stock at the Manor Hall. We are progressing a number of sizeable repairs to the roof, gutters and replacement of one of the fire doors, which are expenses we shall just have to meet. We are also considering bringing in an accredited historic building surveying consultancy to give us a detailed view of the Hall's condition, particularly the old Manor House wing.

Meanwhile some time has been spent reviewing the position of Committee Members as charity trustees and updating the Hall's constitution which remains unchanged from 1947 when the building was purchased by the Parish Council for the 'benefit of the inhabitants of the Parish'. We wonder how many people in the village actually realise that the Manor Hall is indeed a registered charity. We have also wondered if the charity has ever actually been formally given a name, and therefore propose The Manor Hall Trust and hope to adopt both the new name and new constitution in April, using powers in the Charities Act 2011.

We shall continue, or rather revive, the practice of asking the main users of the Hall to nominate a member of their group to the Committee, and will be in touch with the user groups to try to get some nominations before our AGM in May.

The AGM is set for Wednesday 8th May at 7.30 p.m., and this year we'll provide a bit of hospitality for those who attend. Remember the Hall belongs to the village and the Committee will be largely nominated to and elected at the AGM. Afterwards, I'm sure some of us will retire to the Globe for a bit more taking stock!

Hope to see some of you that evening.

Len Narborough and the Manor Hall Committee


Artwork: Peter Rothwell


Many thanks to all who helped out at the card distribution and coffee morning on 15th December, especially Lorna and Stuart, and thanks to Judie and the Newsletter who again shared with us your donations for your Christmas messages in the December newsletter. These fundraising events are really important to our village life and your support is much appreciated.

There have been a number of further changes to the Manor Hall Committee in addition to the news last November that Colin Trinder was standing down as a result of his and Annie's relocation. We should now report that the Committee is also saying farewell to Bill Scholes who has stood down after some four years of sterling service. However, new members who have joined the Committee are Denny Reynolds, Charlotte Fryer, Karen Ozelton and myself, and we shall be looking at ways of further widening membership to better reflect both users of the Hall and the village more generally.

We shall also dedicate one of the noticeboards in the Hall for Manor Hall information, including a calendar of Hall bookings - so people can see when the Hall is available - a list of all current Committee Members and details of who to contact if items are found in need of repair.

One new activity taking place in the Hall for ten weeks from 17th January is a painting class run by local artist Ian Hudson. The classes on watercolours are on Thursday mornings [10.00-12.30]. For further details and prices contact Linda Camplin on 883322.

Len Narborough and the Manor Hall Committee


Artwork: Paul Swailes


Floored - Regular users of the Manor Hall will know that it was necessary to close the Main Hall for several days during November in order for the floor to be refurbished, all of which is now complete, with the floor looking almost as good as new! Prior to the work the opportunity was taken to replace the mains water pipe that runs under the floor, which had a history of leaks. In the interest of safety for all users, not least for the badminton players for whom new court markings have also been applied, the floor has been sealed with a special non-slip coating to preserve the surface.

With apologies for any disruption caused while the work was being carried out, our thanks go to all our regular users, not only for their understanding but who accepted the need, where necessary, to relocate their activities into the Penn Curzon Room.

Christmas Card Distribution - With Christmas just around the corner, the Annual Village Christmas Card Distribution will again be available, with the Collection Box in the shop until Friday December 14th. Although no exact 'postal' fee is levied, please be generous with your donations as in previous years, which go towards the upkeep of the Hall. The card distribution Coffee Morning will take place in the Hall on the morning of Saturday 15th December, 10.30 a.m. - a date for your diary and a time to come along to meet friends over a coffee and a mince pie, take your chance with the raffle and, of course, collect your cards. PLEASE put your cards in the box well in advance of the 14th, so that the majority of sorting can be done ahead of the Coffee Morning.

Bingo - Fast becoming a regular event in the Hall, another Bingo Evening is planned for Friday 7th December as a fund raiser for the School and Pre- School - another date for your diary! So come along and have a go and if you really enjoy it, perhaps you too would like to arrange a similar event in the New Year as a fundraiser for your own dedicated Group. While you are thinking about it - perhaps there is some new activity you would like to start in the village, for which the Manor Hall could be the ideal location!

Farewell - [Having sold their house and presently uncertain of where the next home will be, in November we said farewell to Colin Trinder, who stood down as Committee Chairman after a second term, having previously held the post for a number of years during his 10 year total as a committee member. In that time Colin has handled and seen through some difficult issues, devoting many hours of his time to drive forward and oversee a number of improvements, not least essential maintenance, the renewal of the kitchen area and now the 'new' floor. Our thanks to Colin for all he has done over the years, we wish him and Annie a quieter but long and happy future life, wherever that may be.

The Manor Hall Committee


Artwork: Peter Rothwell


The record result for the Berry Revels in 2011 was a tough act to follow, but the outcome this year was very pleasing indeed, with takings in excess of £1500 and a net result of over £1200.

Thanks go to all who came and supported us on the night, to the individuals and local businesses who were so generous in their donations to support our raffles, etc. and to the 42 volunteers who combined to staff our stalls and activities across 2 hours or more on a very showery August evening - well done and many, many thanks!

The next Manor Hall fundraiser will be the customary Christmas Coffee Morning and Christmas Card Exchange. So Saturday, 15th December is a date to go in the diary NOW!

I'm told that plans are afoot to stage a Christmas Market in late November, Beaford Arts events are scheduled this Autumn, also 2 Bingo sessions . . . so plenty planned for the coming months!

Project work at the Hall in recent times has seen new vinyl flooring fitted in the Penn Curzon Room. The mains water pipe under the floor in the Main Hall has a history of leaks so we're taking the opportunity to replace it with new, modern piping ahead of a major project to re-surface the Hall floor - more news on that and its timing will follow.

Finally comes the invitation to anyone in the parish wishing to contribute to the on-going planning and running of Manor Hall business to step forward and join the Management Team, to bring fresh ideas and purpose. Please discuss with me or, indeed, any of the Committee whose names are listed on the notice boards inside the Hall.

Colin Trinder - Chairman


Artwork: Peter Rothwell


Hall Charges

Our policy over the last several years has been to review charges every 12 months and introduce small upward changes effective each September.  This year's review is complete and, given the current economic climate, the proposal is to defer any changes at the present time. We'll keep matters under review and reserve the right to introduce a revision down the line but, in any event, would plan for increases in September 2013.

We hope you'll all welcome this decision and continue to support the Hall and its activities.

Berry Revels    

This year's Fete will be on Tuesday 21st August and posters will be sited nearer the time giving details of time, etc.

The record success of the 2011 Fete helped swell our funds and has been a contributing factor to our decision on Hall charges. So, can we match that result, or better it, in 2012?  We could if all our Hall User Groups were to rally and each create and run a Fund Raiser Stall for the Hall, or volunteer to help run one of the established activities. This year, we'll have just 4 of our Committee around on 21st August so we really will be calling as many helpers as we can possibly get! 42 extra pairs of hands were needed last year!  If you are available to help, please let me or any of the Committee know - contact numbers are listed in the Hall.

Bingo !           

Natalie Stanbury has organised 2 trial sessions of Bingo in the Hall which have brought encouraging results as Fund Raisers for Pre- School and the Toddlers' Group. Follow-on sessions are being considered at the request of regular Bingo fans around the area. The opportunity arises therefore for any of our Hall Users to take a future session under their wing as a fundraiser for their own dedicated group. Interested? Want to have a go? Then please contact Natalie on 882252 to explore further.

New Projects 

The latest project on the drawing board is exploring the prospect of re-furbishing and re-coating the floor in the Main Hall with new markings for the badminton court. We'll keep you advised as thinking and plans progress and will try to keep disruption or any closures to a minimum.

See you at the Revels on the 21st August!


Colin Trinder - Chairman


Artwork: Paul Swailes


The Annual General Meeting for the Hall was held at the beginning of May and my Report for the Financial Year 2011-12 reads as follows:

2012 is a significant year for Manor Hall in that it is 65 years since the acquisition of the Manor House, Hall and Parish Room from the Bassett Estate in February 1947.

We have gained the benefit of two new members on the Committee, welcoming Lorna Bowden representing the Parish Council and Natalie Stanbury the Pre-School and Toddler Group.

We said goodbye to Craig Hodgen, Anna Scholes and Marion Carter and thanked them for their help and support. We also acknowledged the significant support we have had over the years from Tom Tucker who passed away early in the year.

Cleaning has continued with Abbie Orr as our one paid staff member and continue to operate without a paid Caretaker [since 2009] but keep open the option to recruit if the volunteer help were to cease.

The new kitchen was completed with the final activities of decorating the walls and ceiling, as well as some carpentry work. Decorating was also carried out in the rear lobby and toilet areas attaching next to the Penn Curzon Room in anticipation of an Ofsted Inspection.

A number of our strip lights in various locations needed attention, and replacement proved the answer. Some of the PIR switches in various toilets were troublesome and were also replaced. The "Black Box" control unit to one of the overhead heaters failed frustratingly soon after earlier replacement, and we were grateful to the manufacturers for supplying a further unit at no charge!

Garden areas received a major cut back thanks to Chris Townsend and Michael Bowden helped us with Hedge trimming.

We sourced new crockery to complement the refurbished kitchen, and non-slip mats for the kitchen and front door areas and have also secured a new beaded curtain as a deterrent at the front door when our feathered friends return from their migration.

We have dropped the notion of upgrading the speakers and sound system for the stage area having noted that all visiting performers and musicians and discos are invariably self-sufficient with equipment.

We have introduced a new Log Book for Hall Users to record any Health and Safety issues and also to offer up any comments about the Hall premises and its usage. We had one single accident report in the year [Badminton], thankfully with no serious injury.

I'm pleased to report that all fire extinguishers have had their annual service, as have the fire alarm and emergency light circuits. Full testing of all electrical circuits is a requirement every 5 years, and our system is scheduled for re-testing in May 2012.

The Berry Revels in August 2011 saw a record result of over £2,000 and a profit over £1,500. The Christmas Coffee Morning was also well supported and monies from these 2 dedicated Fundraisers plus some shared results from the Beaford events, totalled 15% of our annual income and this has again helped us offset our running costs and keep Hire Charges extremely competitive.

Overall, we're in good financial shape with income exceeding expenditure, and we continue to have a good reserve, funded primarily through a legacy left to us a few years ago. It's salient to point to an annual running cost for the hall of over £12,000 which approximates to £40 per day including days when we're without bookings! We continued our established policy of small annual increments in Rental Rates in September, keeping our charges very keen and competitive with local alternatives.

We continue to enjoy the benefit of a Grant from the Parish Council for which we are very grateful and going forward, we're exploring the prospect of a grant from Fullabrook CIC as a potential source of income for our Roof Restoration ideas, and Sports Aid grant to lead to a rejuvenation of our sports hall flooring!

These have continued at a similar level to previous years with good, regular usage across weekdays, but still untapped capacity on Thursdays and weekends. Trials of bookings for Tai Chi and Bridge didn't convert into regular slots due to inadequate support.

Our Booking Forms and systems comply with Hallmark 2 standards, but users have to be reminded to return Confirmation Slips to keep the system working, and avoid chance of double bookings. We're hoping that a recent trial of Bingo might convert into a regular event under a series of sponsors.

2011-12 has been a satisfactory year for the Hall and the present Committee in managing the resources of not only the main hall but also Manor House & Parish Room.

I'd like to thank the present Committee for their work of the last year and continued efforts in support of the Hall and its on-going aim of providing a central resource and meeting place in the Village.

Colin Trinder - Chairman 2011-2012

The Hall will come into its own for the Jubilee Celebrations - enjoy them! And don't forget the Berry Revels to be held in August.



Artwork: Peter Rothwell


It's that time of year again for Financial Matters for 2011/2012 to be tidied up ready for Audit Sign-Off and ready for presentation at the upcoming AGM to be held on Wednesday, 2nd May at 7.30 p.m.

Recently, the Hall affairs have been run by a Team of 8 Committee Members, probably the lowest membership on Committee for a number of years, and we should dearly love to see another 3 or 4 people coming forward to join the Team, to bring fresh ideas and new added support. To find out more about what's involved, please don't hesitate to contact anyone on the Committee - you can find their names and contact numbers on the Notice Board inside the Hall . . . then make it known that you're ready 'n willing to help and available for election at the AGM.

But whether you are seeking to join the Committee, or simply reflecting your appreciation of the benefits of the Manor Hall as one of its users or supporters, we'd love to see you at AGM, please put the 2nd May date in your diary now!  

With the Diamond Jubilee in early June now fast approaching, you should be aware that the Hall Calendar has been blocked out for that weekend in order to give the Village the resource of an all-weather venue option for a party or whatever other function or activity is chosen by you as Berrynarbor's Celebration. Hopefully, between the time of writing this and the publication of the Newsletter, there may already be some embryonic plans in place for an event of some sort.

 If there's to be a Jubilee Celebration of 60 years, then there's also a case for Berrynarbor Villagers to smile a bit and remember that 2012 marks 65 years of the Village having the Manor Hall as a central resource and meeting point following its purchase from the Bassett's Watermouth Estate back in 1947. 

 Another Manor Hall date-for-the-diary is Tuesday 21st August The Berry Revels 2012!



Artwork: Peter Rothwell


Task No.1 is to say thank you to everyone who combined to help make our Annual Christmas Distribution Morning such a big success. Thanks have to go in particular to Stuart on keyboard, the helpers in the kitchen, and to the Newsletter which shared with us your donations for your seasonal messages in the December edition. The outcome was a tidy sum approaching £300 going into our recently created Roof Restoration Fund which should help us buy a fair number of slates as and when the time comes!

Task No. 2 is to thank you also for your patience when using the Hall recently because the heaters have been playing up a bit, especially the one by the door which was substantially rebuilt early last year. So, you can appreciate the frustration of the Committee to be faced with the prospect of securing yet another black box/printed circuit at a significant cost. However, there is good news and that is, with the help of our engineers, Hiscock & Son, Ilfracombe, the manufacturers of the heaters have agreed that the effective life of the last unit was disappointingly short, so they're sending a replacement free of charge! By the time you're all reading this, things should be remedied.

  No, 3 is a request that all Hall users remember the importance of the dehumidifier . . . it's an exceptionally damp atmosphere at present and the running of this piece of kit is essential to reduce condensation on the walls which otherwise stain and bring forward the need for re-decoration. It's perfectly OK to turn it off when in session, because the machine does make a humming noise, but please, please, turn it back on again before as you leave! 

Finally, Task No. 4 is to alert you to the date of Saturday, 18th February when some of our friends from the well-established Monday afternoon Craft Group are combining to organise a Jumble Sale with the proceeds going to Hall Funds. So, even when you're reading this, there should still be plenty of time for you to rummage at home and send along all those 'never use' or 'rarely used' items to convert into ££'s or ££££'s! And better still, come along as well and buy a few bits 'n pieces, raffle tickets and refreshments. See you there!    

Colin Trinder


Artwork: Paul Swailes


We're pleased  to report that Natalie Stanbury is set to join our Committee and represent the interests of the much younger generation in Berrynarbor - both the Pre-School [our major User Group, now taking seven half-day sessions each term week] and also the Toddlers. Also, to report that our decorating work in the rear passages and toilet areas to the left of the stage are now complete after week-end working to minimise any disruptions.

We should now like to see the Bassett Room area freshened with a lick of paint and believe that this might be possible in the New Year with a small team of volunteers giving perhaps a couple of 3 hour time slots . . . if anyone has time and is interested in helping, then please let us know.

By popular request, we shall be offering a Christmas Card Distribution service again this December, and with the help of our friends in the Shop, we'll see where we might best site the Collection Box. This will be available up until Friday 16th December. Please, please be generous with your donations again, which we plan to channel into a Roof Restoration fund, with added support from Parish Council and grant possibilities from other sources.

A village get-together in the Hall at Christmas has been a regular feature in our calendar, and 2011 is to be no exception. Put Saturday morning.. December 17th in the diary for a Coffee Morning in the Hall and come along at 10.30 a.m. to meet friends, sing carols, win raffle prizes and more!!  Please put all your Christmas Cards for the Village Distribution in the box well in advance of this date , so 99.9% of "sorting" can be done ahead of Coffee Morning. There will be no charge for this event, but generous donations are always welcome! 

Looking ahead to next year, like us, you'll be aware that 2012 is both Olympic Year, and also our Queen's Diamond Jubilee. Currently to our knowledge, there are no plans in place for Village Celebrations for one or other or both events, but we should be happy to make the Hall available for a first planning meeting if anyone is interested in kick-starting a Jubilee Event or an Olympic 2012 Activity. Let us know!

Best Wishes and Seasonal Greetings to All

Colin Trinder and Your Manor Hall Committee


Artwork: Peter Rothwell


The first thing to report is the result of the Berry Revels 2011 and the news that it was a record, with £2,005 going to the bank and net proceeds approaching £1,600 - all achieved in the two hour time span of the event! So there's every reason to be smiling and big thanks go to the individuals and organisations who were again so generous in their gifts and support for the raffles, auctions and the many various stalls and entertainments. Also, thanks to the volunteers who helped with the organisation and setting up, running things on the night and the clear-up afterwards, again over 40 helpers! But thanks also go to all villagers and visitors who came along, dug deep into their pockets and combined to give us such a tremendous result. We were well blessed with good weather, which helped enormously, and there is a new high target to aim for in the 2012 Revels Olympic Year! So thank you all!

As autumn fast approaches, many of our regular groups are re-forming and commencing their activities in the Hall, but there still remains space for any new groups to trial events and enjoy the facilities. We still have a table tennis table in the Bassett Room, which could be brought into play if anyone is interested . . .

The new dinner plates and coffee mugs have arrived and are ready for use in the kitchen, complementing the existing kit.

Within the Hall Programme between now and the year end is a Beaford Arts musical event on the 23rd November, and we hope to organise a Christmas Card distribution around the village and host a Seasonal Coffee Morning on Saturday, 17th December.

Please use the Comments Book located in the kitchen to record any thoughts/ideas you'd like the Committee to consider as we move forward and if anyone has time and energy to help with Hall Matters, then there is always space to come and join the present eight committee members . . . please give me a call if you would like to meet or discuss this.

Colin [889298] - Chairman


Artwork: Peter Rothwell


With just a small amount of painting to do, the kitchen project should be finished by the time you read this. To top'n'tail the project, we have sourced some new, styling white mugs for all the tea and coffee drinkers, and for those sitting down for a lunch or supper, there's a brand new stock of white dinner plates to take over from the '57 Varieties' you've been living with until now! Did you increase your own supply of recycled dinner plates from the bric-a-brac stall at the Berry Revels?!

The Committee continues to work well and has recently been joined by Lorna Bowden who has been co-opted to represent the Parish Council.

Looking ahead, you'll all be aware that 2012 is Olympic Year, but did you know it will also be 65 years in February since the Manor Hall, Manor House and Parish Room were acquired for the benefit of the parishioners?

Could this be a theme for organising and doing something tangible around the Hall and its facilities for the benefit of both present and future generations of villagers? Please do let us have your thoughts and ideas - it couldn't be easier than writing in the new comments book we've set up and located on the kitchen shelf!

Colin [889298] - Chairman


Artwork: Peter Rothwell


The AGM for the Hall was attended for yet another year by Committee Members only and we were disappointed not to see any of our ' Users', but our full Report and Accounts were presented for a second time at the Parish Council Meeting a week later.

The key points of the AGM Report included reference to the User Group Survey of spring 2010, and the resulting action of 3 projects:

The Accounts confirmed an income for the year of £16K and expenditure of £13.5K but all before final payments on kitchen. The overall conclusion was a year that had been very satisfactory, yet still scope for more bookings, particularly for Thursdays and weekends. 

We said sincere thank you's to Jane Vanstone and Julia Fairchild who after serving on our Committee for some nine years each had chosen to step down..  Anna and Bill Scholes, Nora and Alan Rowlands, Marion Carter and myself were re-elected, and Geoff Adam and Craig Hodgen confirmed as new members at the AGM, having joined us to help since last February. 

With up to 20 different User Groups tapping in with varying frequencies to the facilities we offer at the Hall, it would be hard to expect all wanting to send a representative to sit on the Committee... but that option is always there and we should  like to see, in particular, support to represent the younger age groups.

That said, there is always the facility to put Questions, Comments and Suggestions to the Committee either personally or via a new Log Book which has been set up and can be found in the, anyone can use it to record views, ideas or requests.

Our Committee Agenda for the June and July meetings will almost certainly include planning for the Berry Revels 2011, which will be held on Tuesday, 2nd August. Last year's event was very successful and included a number of new activities and games to keep everyone amused. An important part of that success was the number of volunteers who stepped in to help in all aspects of set-up and running things . . . like 42 in all!

2011 will be equally challenging, so if you have time and are willing to help, then let anyone on the Committee know and we'll sign you up!

Alternatively, add your name to the Recruitment Notice to appear in the Hall and put 2nd August date in your diary NOW!

Colin Trinder - Chairman


Artwork: Peter Rothwell


The latest news from the Manor Hall concerns the refurbishment of the kitchen and the opportunity to report that this project is well advanced, but there are still some important finishing touches needed. The wooden panelling to the walls and ceiling have been prepared for final decorating and a certain amount of tiling will be needed. All should be complete by the end of March and we hope you'll be pleased with the result. In stripping out the old kitchen, you'd be amazed how much "clutter" we had to clear out in to the magic wheelie bin, and in going forward, we need your help please to ensure that there is no build up of such stuff in the future! Thank you.

A new supply of extra blue padded chairs is in the pipeline as part 2 of the plan to phase out the plastic ones. This will take the total of this better variety to over 70. Long may you sit comfortably!

There is a Health & Safety issue which I really must draw to everyone's attention. It concerns the Fire Alarm. It seems that a fault had developed on one piece of the circuitry which probably caused a false alarm, but certainly for a fault light to be activated on the Control Box just inside the front door. To 'kill' the alarm, someone switched off the mains power to the system but did not alert anyone! The result was a period when the Hall was without alarm cover! The back-up batteries [there to keep the system alive should mains power ever be interrupted] became discharged and the batteries had to be replaced, at a cost approaching £45!  I leave you to be judge on this one but we must ask all Hall Users to be alert to any issues arising and report any problems to myself or indeed anyone on the Committee. An important matter like this must never go unreported! 

On a positive note, I'm pleased to advise that Craig Hodgen and Geoff Adam have responded to my earlier requests for help on the Hall Committee and have now joined the group. At the same time, at least one of our long-standing Committee members has signalled intention to step down at the next AGM, so there is still room for an extra volunteer or two to help keep the ship afloat and heading in the right direction. The AGM will be held on Wednesday, 4th May at 7.30 p.m. As usual, this is an open meeting and it would be good to see a representative from the different user groups.

Colin Trinder - Chairman


Artwork: Peter Rothwell


Christmas and New Year seem weeks ago now, as does the Manor Hall Christmas Card Distribution and Coffee Morning. However, it's never too late for saying a big 'Thank you all' for supporting the event, and for coming along on that snow-covered Saturday to enjoy the morning festivities and join in the carol singing led by Stuart and the village choir. A very relaxed and informal couple of hours and a sum in excess of £300 raised to support Hall funds. A major slice came from the donations for Christmas messages published in the December Newsletter. Thank you all and thank you Judie and the Newsletter!

As we move into 2011, your Committee has been busy behind the scenes. Firstly, a number of updates and improvement to some of the electrical circuitries have been completed, and secondly, our heating engineer has been grappling with the dreaded gas heater No. 4, seeking to sort out what has been a long standing problem. Hopefully this should be sorted by the time you're reading this.

The third area of activity concerns the kitchen where we're near concluding the plans for a major refurbishment. Part of the planning will be to carry out the work with minimum disruption to our valued regular bookings, but some impact may be unavoidable. If you are the organiser or leader of a regular activity in the Hall which would rely on kitchen access, then you will be contacted ahead of any work. Everyone's patience and understanding would really be appreciated.

A concluding note has to be a vote of thanks to Tom Bartlett for his help and support on the Committee for several years now. Tom has resigned his duties . . . to free up more time for even more holidays?! Enjoy!

So, the Committee presently stands at eight members, at least two of whom have served on the Committee for close on ten years, and could be seeking to stand down this spring. So, again, comes the question of new members. Of possible interest? Want to know more? If so, please do give me a call on [01271] 889298. Kind regards.

Colin Trinder - Chairman


Artwork: Paul Swailes


The Christmas Holidays are almost upon us and I guess you'll be reading this and perhaps trying to wrap those final presents, and complete the Christmas card list . . . but remember, you do not need to be rushing out to catch a regular mail collection for your cards within the confines of the Village, by popular request we're again offering a rapid delivery service. Use the Christmas Card Collection Box sited in the Shop for your cards by Friday, 17th December and please include a generous donation per card in support of Manor Hall Funds for 2011.

  Ever popular has been the Christmas Coffee Morning in the Manor Hall and this year it's booked for Saturday 18th December at 11.00 a.m. Put the date on your calendar NOW as a 'not to be missed' social event and come along for an hour or so to enjoy coffee [maybe some seasonal punch!] and I'm sure there'll be mince pies 'n biccies , a raffle and more. With popular Christmas music and carols, we hope to have with us some of the children from the School and the Village Choir to help make the morning go with a swing!

2011 seems destined to be another important year for your Committee and an Agenda item presently under discussion is the refurbishment of the kitchen area. More news on this as the new year unfolds, but if you have your own thoughts on what's needed, then please make them known to me or any member of the Committee.

The Manor Hall has been a popular choice of venue for various functions over the years, including wedding receptions, but we're a bit short on capacity to host such an event for William and Kate in 2011! So, instead, we'll be looking at the opportunities for a Berrynarbor Royal Wedding event around the Manor Hall, a Street Party or a Dance or all of these and more! Plans might start in earnest when the date is announced.

  Could such an exercise interest YOU to join the Manor Hall Committee? We didn't actually get 100's of volunteers coming forward after the article in the last Newsletter . . . in fact, the response was '0'!

I hope to see you all at the Manor Hall on the 18th. Enjoy your Christmas and New Year.

Colin Trinder


Artwork: Paul Swailes


I must start with a big Thank You to everyone who helped and supported, in whatever way, to this year's highly successful Berry Revels. Whether through donations of raffle prizes, baking of cakes and the like, the contributions were truly appreciated. Also of tremendous importance was the help provided in setting up the event and running of the various stalls in the evening, when we had the help of at least 45 volunteers! And finally, thank you to all those who joined the activities and spent money! You've probably already seen the notices around the village but, to recap, the result was a net £1,360.

The next thing to report is a project in the Main Hall to improve the options for lighting. Many requests for which came from our Hall User Questionnaire earlier this year. Hopefully by the time you're reading this article, the work will have been completed and lighting improved for close-up work for craft, spinning and upholstery people, and also capable of being subdued for parties, dining and stage functions.

We've addressed the issue of heating the Main Hall and taken expert advice on different options, remembering that the building is used just intermittently, at different times of the day, with no two days being the same. The big downside to most of the alternatives to the present system is a long warm up time, requiring systems to be running for longer periods, with complex programming and much higher running costs! Against that background, I have to report on your Committee's decision to stick with the current overhead gas heater system for the foreseeable future. For the future, as technology changes and improves, more cost effective options may arise.

There are Beaford Arts Events for your diary in October and November [details appear elsewhere] . . . please, please try and attend.

Finally comes a request for further help on the Manor Hall Committee. Essentially, we're in need of a new recruit or two [even 3!] to join and help steer the future direction and running of this key village facility. Ideally we'd like to see new, younger blood coming forward. Interested and want to know more? Give me a call on [01271] 889298.

Colin Trinder


Artwork: Paul Swailes


The first important thing to say this month is " Happy 21st" to the Berrynarbor Newsletter and a big " Thank You " for all the help and support given to reporting Manor Hall Matters over the years.

  Next, comes a " Must Not Miss" date for your diary and that is Tuesday 17th August for the 2010 Berry Revels Evening Fete . . . Please come along and lend your support on the night, but meantime, howsabout turning out some of that unwanted bric-a-brac or books that are now ready for others to read and enjoy. Bring them along to Manor Hall earlier in the day! If you have any ideas for new fund-raiser stalls for the fete then please make them known, or, better still, why not volunteer to set up and run a stall that evening for Manor Hall funds.

  Decorating works to the outside of windows are now complete and I hope you think the buildings are now looking in good shape. The last lap will be some attention to the woodwork on the front porch which will hopefully be finished by the time you're reading this! 

The User Group Questionnaires are now analysed and we're beginning discussions with the various trades to cost out options to improve both the lighting and heating, as well as exploring whether grants might still be available in these difficult budget-cutting times! We're also exploring options to improve the kitchen area . . . more news to follow!

See you at the "Berry Revels"!

Colin - Chairman


Artwork: Paul Swailes


The AGM was disappointing in terms of attendance, but the business agenda was transacted, Accounts for 2009-2010 approved and the Committee for the next twelve months voted in. Thanks were expressed for the inputs over time of Margaret Weller and Mick Gadd, who are now stepping back.

The questionnaires from User Groups are still coming in, so it's a bit early to report a full analysis, except to say that heating, lighting and kitchen get a fair number of mentions! Hopefully the new Committee will have the opportunity for a first discussion on all points at the June meeting.

Meantime, as I write this, work is about to start on external decorating of windows using the same contractor who did the internal decorating of the main hall last year. The programme is likely to take 4-5 days but should not be disruptive on routine use of the main Hall, Penn Curzon Room or Men's Institute.

Discussions are underway with Beaford Arts for events in October and November time, but an earlier date for your diary is the Berry Revels on Tuesday, 17th August when we shall be looking for help and input from User Groups to run various stalls and we should like to introduce a number of new activities if possible, to breathe some variety into the event. So your ideas and thoughts would be welcome please!

Finally, with the hint of summer around, a reminder that the Manor Hall has 2 gazebos and a 'new in 2009' larger marquee-type shelter, so if you're planning a big BBQ or family gathering in the garden, then these are available for hire at a modest cost!

Colin - Chairman


Artwork: Peter Rothwell


The feedback from those who supported the Simon Banks Musical Evening and Supper in early February was extremely positive and thanks must go to committee members for their help in staging the event and providing puddings! Particular thanks to Alan for his tenacity throughout the preceding days and weeks to get things organised. So, a qualified success for our first 'fund raiser' of the year!

Growing our funds is really important as they are forever being stretched!  At the time of writing, for example, we've just had to contend with a major breakdown of the gas boiler which serves the Penn Curzon Room and to reorganise the configuration of some of the guttering at the rear of the building to avoid further water entry and damage to plasterwork beyond that which occurred during the bad weather since the new year.

  So, can I again emphasise the continued importance of fund raising and the hope of your full support for the two Beaford Arts events scheduled for a few weeks' time?

  Also, just round the corner, on Wednesday 5th May to be precise, we shall be holding our Annual General Meeting. This will be, as always, an open meeting and we should love to see a presence from all the User Groups. Please do your best to send a representative.

  Hopefully by now, the Regular User Groups will have received a short form on which to record and input their collective views to define the projects and priorities they believe the Manor Hall Committee should consider in the months and years ahead, both for the buildings and the facilities. From these form inputs and from the Committee itself, we hope to organise a short, medium and long term Action Plan as well as developing plans for further fund raising and grant applications to support the Action Plan and anticipate some ambitious ideas! 

One project which will get underway in the coming weeks will be the external decoration and treatment of window timbers. Timings are not yet fully defined and will be dictated, to some extent, by the weather.

Colin Trinder - Chairman


Artwork: Paul Swailes


Hopefully, it's not too late to send good wishes for the New Year to all supporters and users of the Manor Hall.

The support we get from the village and beyond is really appreciated and it is pleasing to report that the proceeds of the Christmas Coffee Morning resulted in over £300 going to our funds. Particular thanks to the school children who blessed us with their carols, to Stuart for entertaining the gathering with his music, and to the Newsletter for sharing with us the money raised from the Christmas messages in the December issue.

In the last Newsletter I was thanking Hedi and wishing her well as she retired as Caretaker, and now I have to record special thanks to Anne Hinchliffe, who has served tirelessly on the Manor Hall Committee for many, many years but has decided now to step down for personal reasons. Sincerely, Anne, we thank you.

As we move on with Manor Hall work in 2010, it is pleasing to report that repairs are now completed on certain sections of the roof, we've got rid of various electrical gremlins and the kitchen window has had its long-awaited make-over!

Over the next six months or so, your Committee hopes to lay down the foundations for a short, medium and longer term plan for any necessary repairs, renovations and upgrading of the facilities and the funding requirements, and it is planned to get inputs from user groups in due course . . . more news in the following weeks!

Hoping to see you at the several fundraiser events coming up, including the evening with Simon Banks in February and Beaford Arts events a little later.

Colin Trinder - Chairman


Artwork: Paul Swailes


Hedi Belka has long been a supporter of the Manor Hall and has acted as Caretaker for more years than she cares to remember! So it is sad that she has decided to retire from the role. Consequently, I'd like to record everyone's sincere thanks for her much appreciated contribution over the years.

With Christmas fast approaching, please remember you can again send your greetings cards within the village using the Manor Hall distribution box, to be found in the Shop. All donations will be appreciated and will go towards funds for the Hall for 2010. Please put Saturday, 19th December as a 'not to be missed' date in your diary and on your calendars for the customary Coffee Morning in the Hall, with festive goodies, carol singing, raffle and more! Meet from 10.30 a.m.

The New Year is when we'll be trialling a Saturday morning 'Table Top Sale', aka Indoor Boot Fair. We'll need 8 - 10 tables to be booked to ensure viability . . . please 'phone me on 889298 if you'd be interested in booking.

There is also the prospect of a Jazz Evening - provisionally for Saturday, 20th February and new Beaford Arts events for the spring . . . so lots in store!

All for now, except best wishes from your Hall Management Committee for the Festive Season.

Colin Trinder - Chairman


Artwork: Paul Swailes


A big " Thank You" to everyone who helped and supported this year's Berry Revels fundraiser at the beginning of August. Notwithstanding the rather indifferent weather, attendance numbers were similar to earlier years and the result has been £1200 going into the funds to help finance the running of this key facility of the village.

With costs for everything always 'on the up' it's perhaps worth reminding everyone that some £15,000 is now needed to run the Hall for a year, that's fast approaching £300 a week or nearly £45 a day, which puts the still very competitive rental rates into perspective!

Work is planned for the repair and external decoration of the windows in the immediate future, and there seems to be a need to be up on the roof again to fix loose slates and avoid wet ceilings - it's on-going!

Your Committee is always asking itself "How might we do better?" So if you have ideas which could fit for next year's Revels then please let us have them, or indeed, other ideas for events you'd like to see staged at Manor Hall at some time.

We've set a date of Saturday 19th December for the Christmas Coffee Morning & Christmas Card Distribution event, and are considering the idea of a Cheese & Wine evening around that time too. We'd also like to hear from people who might be interested in a Table Top Sale, on a Saturday morning were we to organise one, either in November or in the New Year. The New Year is also when we hope to hold a "Quiz 'n Curry" Supper Evening. So please watch notice boards for further details as the ideas unfold!

Colin Trinder - Chairman of the Management Committee


Artwork: Paul Swailes


The first thing I should like to do as the new Chairman is to convey a vote of thanks to Bob Hobson for his efforts and achievements of the last 3 1/2 years as Chairman of your Management Committee.

With the main hall freshly decorated and new curtains now ready for hanging, things are looking good . . . but, round the corner are always new projects to take on in buildings the age of ours.

Recently the systems and procedures operated by the Committee have been independently audited and it's pleasing to report that the Manor Hall has achieved the award of a Hallmark standard for the way it works. There will be a presentation of the Award in the coming weeks.

Running costs of the last year were close to £16,000 and this level of expenditure seems likely to continue. It means £300 a week, or approaching £50 per day, irrespective of occupancy levels. This in turn has called for a review of Rental Rates which have been unchanged now for three years, despite large increases in utility bills, of which you will be aware. The new rates - given below - mean your facilities at the Hall remain the most competitive of all village halls in the area. They come into effect from the 1st May 2009.

The Committee continues to strive to ensure the buildings and facilities are developed and run to a good standard, and would welcome your input of constructive ideas and suggestions for the future.

This year's Berry Revels will be on Tuesday, 4th August. Please make a note in your diary and come to give your support to our Manor Hall.

Colin Trinder - May 2009




Price per Session

Main Hall



Main Hall



Penn Curzon Room



Penn Curzon Room




Other Functions

Main Hall/Day

Fundraiser [e.g. Coffee Morning]


Fetes, Exhibitions,Markets, etc.


Children's Party


Wedding Reception


Other Activities

On Application

Category A: Regular non profit-making meetings [at least monthly]
Category B
: Regular commercial events or other less frequent meetings
Session Times
: 8.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. 1.00 p.m. to 6.00 p.m. 6.00 p.m. to 11.30 p.m.


Artwork: Peter Rothwell


We have had a busy time at the Manor Hall over the past weeks, with the completion of the decorating of the main hall and putting back all the items which are displayed. A major water leak occurred and the repair of this has cost over £1800, but this should ensure it does not occur again for many years to come!

We applied for a grant of £400 for new curtains and rails and I believe we will have the cheque from the North Devon District Council shortly.

The Hall has been busy with events for all sorts of fund raising activities, and we thank the people who have used the hall, as it maintains our efforts to collect enough money to keep it going, we are after all a charity that needs funds too!

I should like to thank all the people who have supported me as Chairman over the past 4 1/2 years and hope that the new Chairman will have similar support.

Bob Hobson - Chairman

N.B. Look out for Hallmark Awards as the Committee works towards the first stage of this award.


Artwork: Paul Swailes


The Pre-Christmas Coffee Morning and Christmas Card distribution was well attended and very successful. Money raised from the coffee, cards and raffle amounted to £184 and with the contribution from messages in the Newsletter, the total amount for the morning was a very welcome £324. Thanks to all those who supported the event, helped in any way, the pupils from the Primary School who entertained us with Christmas songs and carols, and Judie and the Newsletter for the shared message funds.

Work is in progress for the redecoration of the main hall and by the time you read this the work should be complete. We also hope to replace the four sets of curtains and for the future we are looking at obtaining grants to put new double glazed windows in the hall to improve the light and reduce heating costs.

There are two events being run by the Manor Hall and Shop committees, Tales of Time and Tide on Saturday, 7th February and Twitcher with a Twist on Sunday, 5th April. Please make a note of the dates and we hope to see you at one or both of these performances by Beaford Arts.

The AGM for the Hall will be with us again before too long and I again urge people who use the hall to come and join the Committee. We shall also need a new Chairman, as I shall be resigning at the AGM, so please ring me to discuss the situation.

Best wishes to everyone for the New Year.

Bob Hobson - Chairman


Artwork: Paul Swailes


Work will start on the 5th January 2009 to redecorate the hall. This means that the hall will be out of use for everyone until February. A letter has been sent to all hall users. We apologise for the inconvenience this work will cause and hope you will bear with us until it is finished. The Penn Curzon Room could be an alternative in the afternoon if any group is willing and able to use the space available.

With ever-increasing costs of maintenance and services, it is proposed to increase the charges for hiring the Hall and Penn Curzon Room by a nominal 10% as from May 2009. The current charges, operational since April 2006, are:

Room/EventCategoryPrice per Session
Main HallA£8
Penn Curzon RoomA£7
Fund Raising, i.e. Coffee Morning£20
Children's Party£25

  • Category A: Is for Non Profit Organisations working for the benefit of those living in the Parish
  • Category B: Is for all other regular user groups
  • Sessions: 9.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. 1.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m. 5.00 p.m. to 12.00 midnight

Once again we'll be organising the Christmas Card Collection and Distribution. The posting box will be available in the Shop from the 1st December and will close just before the Coffee Morning. The charge for using this service is 10p per card [a big saving on postage] or a generous donation! The Coffee Morning with mulled wine and mince pies will be from 10.30 a.m. on Saturday, 20th December. Cards will be distributed, and we shall also have the pleasure of listening to the pupils of the Primary School singing carols, and of course you can catch up on all the gossip. We hope there will be lots of people there to say 'Merry Christmas' to each other!

Bob Hobson - Chairman


Artwork: Paul Swailes


In July, the BBC gave the Manor Hall the magnificent sum of £700, which was accepted with great delight and we should like to thank all the hard working team for this generous donation.

In August we held our Berry Revels and chose a dry day for the event! We made over £1200. Well done to all those who worked so hard and a special thanks to Ivan Clarke and his family for all their hard work and commitment to the village.

We are still waiting for further quotes for the decoration of the Hall, but we are hopeful that the leaks in the roof will soon be put right.

On Friday, 10th October, in conjunction with the Beaford Arts Centre, we are putting on a Comedy Play entitled 'Funeral Games', by Unpacked Theatre, who have recently appeared at the Edinburgh Festival.

This should be a very good evening, starting at 7.30 p.m. in the Manor Hall, with a bar and costing £7.50 [under 16'S £4.00]. So make a note of it in your diary NOW and come along and support this activity. This is a joint venture between the Manor Hall and our Community Shop.

Bob Hobson - Chairman


Artwork: Peter Rothwell


The Berry Revels will be held on
Tuesday, 19th August, commencing at 6.30 p.m.

There will be lots of stalls in and outside the Hall - BBQ, a Bar and Entertainment by the Red Petticoats, as well as face-painting and candyfloss, to name but a few of the attractions. We do need bottles for the bottle stall, so if you can help please leave them either with Tony Summers or a Committee Member.

The Committee would like to thank members of the BBC for their gift of £700 to help with the expenses of the Hall. This was very much appreciated and will be spent wisely. Thanks, also, to the Parish Council and the men involved in cutting back the overhanging branches of trees in the car parking area, and well done the committee for painting the toilets in the Bassett Room.

Bob Hobson - Chairman


Artwork: Peter Rothwell

Chairman's Report 2007-8

Work has continued on updating the Hall to meet the requirements of current legislation. New fuse boxes have been fitted and the switches have been rearranged to enable easy access. The Men's Institute was also updated and £100 was contributed by them to help with the expense. The wiring and lighting on the stage has been updated and is now in a safe condition.

Work in the kitchen includes a new hot water heater and sink taps, and a new electric cooker with associated new wiring was installed. To ensure children could not scold themselves, a thermostat was installed in the Penn Curzon area at the request of the Pre-School Group.

The Christmas card distribution and coffee morning was enhanced by the Primary School children singing carols.

In the winter the roof leaked and one of the electric fans in the roof was damaged and had to be replaced. The roof has been temporarily repaired and more money needs to be spent on the problem.

Our fund raising continued in the year but the money did not cover the cost of running the Hall this year. We are aware that interest in the Village Shop this year has taken preference over the Hall, but we hope this will change in the coming year.

Parish Rooms - we are hopeful that a new lease will be signed shortly and that the school, through the County, will be able to start work bringing the rooms up to the required standard for the use of children.

In the coming year a new heater replacement will cost over £1,000, we are working toward the new CCD Hallmark Awards for Village Halls and hope to repair the roof and redecorate the Hall.

Many thanks to all those who have put so much work into keeping our Hall going.

Bob Hobson - Chairman

NB - We are once again supplying hand towels, tea towels and dishcloths for use at the Hall, all of which have gone missing. Also, the new stapler has been removed. We regret that we cannot continue forever supplying these items.

Advance Notice - This year's Berry Revels will be on Tuesday, 19th August. Please make a note to keep this date free in your diary.


Artwork: Peter Rothwell


In a short time, on the 7th May, we shall be holding our Annual General Meeting and we should like to have some new members on our Committee.

We work hard to satisfy the needs of the community and all the new regulations which seem to occur on a regular basis. For this work and for new ideas, we should welcome members of the users of the hall and people with a community spirit to join us and help keep the hall in good order for everyone. Please give me a ring on [01271] 882353.

The roof has been temporarily repaired and a new controller and fan will be fitted shortly. The overhead heaters have been serviced and our new chairs have arrived.

Archivist We have old minute books and information on the Manor Hall collected in boxes in several locations. We are hoping to find someone who might be interested to draw all the information together to look after our local history.

If you would be interested in carrying out this work, please do give me a ring.

Bob Hobson - Chairman


Artwork: Paul Swailes


We had another successful Christmas Card collection and delivery this year. The children from the Primary School helped to sort the cards and distribute to those addresses within the immediate vicinity of the Hall. We especially enjoyed their singing for us in the Manor Hall on the Saturday morning, and many enjoyed the mulled wine and coffee. Many thanks to all who supported the event and those who kindly helped.

We raised £373 and of this £187 was raised for us by the greetings via Judie and the Berrynarbor Newsletter.

For the coming year, we hope to purchase some new padded seats! We also hope to resolve the problem of the leaking roof!

Happy New Year to all our Hall users and thank you for your support.

Bob Hobson - Chairman - Management Committee


Artwork: Paul Swailes


Dear Manor Hall Users

Due to the new legislation under the Landfill Directive, the handling of waste on commercial premises, which includes the Manor Hall, has changed from the 30th October 2007.

We are now obliged to recycle all our waste which in the past has been put into the black bin. To help with this process at the Manor Hall, we shall provide a green bin for cardboard only. All other recyclables will have to be removed by you, the hirer of the Manor Hall.

The following cannot be left at the Hall:

Cardboard placed in the green bin will be collected by South Molton Recycle Ltd. at a cost to the Manor Hall. All other waste, such as tea bags, wrappers, etc., should be placed in the black bin provided by North Devon District Council.

Thank you for your help.

Bob Hobson - Chairman, Manor Hall Committee


Artwork: Peter Rothwell


We have now put a new power line in to the kitchen to enable us to install a new water heater and taps for the sink unit, and exchange the gas cooker for an electric one, which should prove to be safer than its predecessor.

On Saturday, 13th October, we are holding a Quiz in the Manor Hall in conjunction with Exmoor Zoo. The money raised will be shared between the BIAZA Rainforest in Madagascar and the Manor Hall. We hope that everyone, especially user groups, will form teams to compete in this exciting new event.


Artwork: Paul Swailes


The Manor Hall is used by many groups of people and we rely on everyone using the Hall to leave it in a tidy condition, with chairs and tables put back in their original position.

We are making progress, slowly, with some changes to the kitchen and a new power supply will be required so that we may install a new electric cooker and reorganise the hot water system for the sink and supply new taps.

In October we are having a new fund-raising event hopefully on Saturday, 13th October. This will be a quiz night called 'Bush Tucker Night' held with the help of Exmoor Zoo - more information next time but please put the date in your diary for a fun night out.

Bob Hobson - Chairman


Artwork: Paul Swailes


The Annual General Meeting was held on the 2nd May at which the Chairman, Bob Hobson, gave his report:

The resignations from the Committee by Vi and Ann Davis were regrettably accepted and they were thanked for all the hard work they had put in over the years and were assured of a warm welcome should they feel able to return.

The Committee for the year 2007-2008 is:

  • Chairman - Bob Hobson
  • Secretary - Margaret Weller
  • Treasurer - Nora Rowlands
  • Hall Bookings - Alan Rowlands
  • General Committee -
    Tom Bartlett, Marion Carter, Julia Fairchild, Ann Hinchliffe,
    Sue Sussex, Jane Vanstone


Artwork: Peter Rothwell


During the Easter period, the fuse boxes and switches in the Hall are due to be updated, which will bring the standard of electrical wiring up to the latest legislation. Trees have been cut down in the grounds to save damage to the Manor Hall roof tiles and work is progressing on tidying the hedges on both the road side and the car park. We should like to thank the people, holiday makers I think, who left a cheque for £40.00 at The Globe recently - the money was given for the upkeep of the Hall.

Finally, it is getting near AGM time and we should welcome anyone interested in joining us to look after the Manor Hall for the people of Berrynarbor.

Bob Hobson


Artwork: Peter Rothwell


During the Christmas period, a person or persons unknown entered the Penn Curzon Room and removed from the fuse box, which is inside a cupboard, all the fuses. The result was that Sure Start could not operate in the room and we had a bill from the electrician for finding the fault and replacing the fuses! The bill for this came to £40.00 and it would be very nice if a cheque could be sent to the Manor Hall Committee to cover this expense.

On a lighter tone, we had another very successful Christmas Card Distribution and Coffee Morning, raising £250, some £70 more than last year. This included a very welcome sum of £106 from the greetings given in the Newsletter. We also have a special parking bay marked out for the disabled and I should ask all car users to respect this area.

I must thank all Hall users for their forbearance following the fire in the boiler room, and finally I can announce that we have appointed Charlotte Fryer as our new cleaner for the Manor Hall and wish her all the best in her new task.

Bob Hobson - Chairman, Manor Hall Committee


Artwork: Paul Swailes


A parking space for the disabled has to be provided as close to the Manor Hall entrance as possible and this will be in place by Christmas. We held a folk evening in September and thanks to our Secretary, Margaret, and her team, raised over £300 for Manor Hall funds.

In the new year we hope to update the electrical fuse box and rearrange the switch by the door to meet safety standards - we are waiting for a further quotation for the job.

Finally, I should like to thank our hard working team for their support over the year and wish them a Very Merry Christmas.

Bob Hobson - Chairman


We have had a fire in the boiler room and as a result part of the building is out of use, but the main hall is still available although a bit grimy in places. Work is in hand to clean the Hall and other areas but we ask for your forbearance in this matter until we can get back to normal.


Artwork: Paul Swailes


Many thanks to everyone for all your help and support with the August Berry Revels, which were a great success weather-wise and financially - just over £1,500 - a big help towards meeting the requirements of the Disabled Discrimination Act. The porch ramp and handrail are in place, the door frame in the Bassett Room removed to enable wheelchairs to reach the fire exit and the outside path widened for a speedier and easier exit. We have also acquired an induction loop and two chairs with arms.

On the 23rd September, the Hearts of Oak gave a great performance as well as very generously donating their fee to our funds - £300 raised. As announced, they are disbanding but not before giving their final concert at the Roundswell Community Hall, Barnstaple, on Saturday, 28th October, 7.30 p.m. to 12.00 midnight. Proceeds for the North Devon Hospice [01271-344248], tickets £5.00 and take your own supper and beverages.

Thinking ahead, the village Christmas Card Collection and Delivery, with the help of the Community Shop, will be operating again this year. With a 10p per card donation, put your cards in the 'special box' provided at the shop. Cards will be sorted and delivery arranged at the Manor Hall Christmas Coffee Morning on Saturday, 16th December.

Thank you for your support.

Margaret Weller - Secretary
Manor Hall Committee


Artwork: Paul Swailes


Our main fund raising event will be the Berry Revels which will be on Tuesday, 15th August, and we hope to see lots of people to support the Manor Hall. In September we shall be hosts to the South Molton group, Hearts of Oak, for an evening's entertainment.

We'll be starting work on improving access for the disabled during the school holiday period and the first step [!] will be a ramp running through the porch for easy access for wheelchair users - other changes will then follow.

A new book has been provided, kept in the kitchen, for reporting accidents. Please fill in details of any incidents that occur. Tom Bartlett is now in charge of the Health and Safety policy at the Manor Hall.

Bob Hobson - Chairman, Manor Hall Committee


Artwork: Peter Rothwell


After careful consideration, the Committee have decided that hiring charges for the Hall should be increased and the following table shows the new prices from March 2006.

Room/EventCategorySession £
Main HallA8.00
Penn Curzon RoomA7.00
Fund Raising, i.e. Coffee Morning20.00
Children's Party25.00

Category A: Is for Non Profit Organisations working for the benefit of those living in the Parish
Category B
: Is for all other regular user groups

Sessions: 9.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. 1.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m. 5.00 p.m. to 12.00 midnight

We are always happy to discuss any other type of session not covered by the above.

The AGM was held on the 3rd May and the following Officers were elected:

Chairman: Bob Hobson
Secretary: Margaret Weller
Treasurer: Nora Rowlands
Booking Clerk: Alan Rowlands

The Chairman would like to thank the outgoing officers for all their hard work over the past years and was pleased that they agreed to remain on the Committee as village representatives.

The work over the past year has mainly been in looking after the fabric of the buildings, including the work on the gents' toilets. Our main concern over the coming year is to run the Hall and break even at the end of the year. Pressures for not achieving this include escalating prices for services, such as gas, electricity and water. We also have to come to terms with the latest legislation - Disability Discrimination Act. This will affect many parts of the building, one in particular will be the installation of a hearing loop system which could cost over £2,000!

Finally, many thanks for the tea cloths donated and could anyone please help with the whereabouts of the small, folding table which has gone missing from the Hall?

Bob Hobson - Chairman


Artwork: Paul Swailes


The Annual General Meeting this year will be held on Wednesday, 3rd May, at 7.30 p.m. We shall be saying goodbye to Jane Vanstone as our Secretary and we should like to thank her for all her hard work. It is hoped that a replacement will be available. Jane may stay on as a Committee Member representing village views. We should also like to welcome any other members of the village who would like to bring their views on how the Manor Hall could be managed.

In the kitchen of the Manor Hall our stock of tea towels and tablecloths is somewhat diminished and we should be grateful for any replacements. Please leave them either at the Community Shop or at the Manor Hall. In the meantime, users of the kitchen might be advised to take their own tea towels, etc.

Bob Hobson

Chairman - Manor Hall Committee


Artwork: Peter Rothwell


The Christmas Card Collection and Distribution was again very successful and the event raised £180, including the Coffee Morning and raffle. All our thanks to the helpers and especially to the Community Shop for collecting the cards.

During January the locks on the doors to the Manor Hall and Penn Curzon Room will be changed. This will help to comply with insurance recommendations and also the possibility of illegal access due to so many keys in circulation at the present time.

The key system cannot be copied except through the master key holder - contact the Chairman who can authorise a replacement at a cost of £10.00.

With the current interest in the 'No Smoking' in public areas' debate and imminent changes to the Law, the Committee has decided to recommend that a No Smoking policy be employed for the Manor Hall buildings, both for health and fire safety.

Bob Hobson - Chairman, Manor Hall Committee


Artwork: Paul Swailes


The stage doors have now been modified so that they hinge outwards and give easier access to the storage space underneath the stage. During the next few weeks, new locks will be fitted to the Manor Hall doors to help with insurance issues and new keys will be distributed to user groups on completion. The mosaic project undertaken by the Women's Institute is nearly complete and will be hung in the Hall in the near future.

The Hall will be decorated for Christmas in early December and anyone willing to help would be most welcome. Please contact Bob Hobson [882353] or any Committee Member.

We shall be providing the usual Christmas Card distribution service and full details appear later in this Newsletter.

Bob Hobson - Chairman


Artwork: Paul Swailes


The Committee would like to thank everyone who helped, donated and supported the Berry Revels - a very successful evening which raised £1700 for our Hall. Special thanks to Ivan Clarke and his family who not only ran the barbecue but also supplied and donated all the food.

Bookings for the Hall are now into the autumn session and a reminder that they should be made through Margaret Weller on 882927.

Work to improve the facilities continues and the men's toilet is now finished. Thank you for your patience whilst the work was carried out. This has completed the refurbishment of the toilets.

The Committee are currently in the process - no mean task - of updating the health and safety aspects and regulations for the Hall - more information in the December Newsletter.


Artwork: Paul Swailes


There have been some changes recently in the Manor Hall Committee. The AGM saw three new members - Margaret Weller, Marion Carter and Christine Burbridge - and Colin and Annie Trinder have now left the village and for a short time we were without a Chairman and one member down! On behalf of the Committee and the village, I should like to take this opportunity to thank Colin and Annie for all their hard work and wish them every happiness in their new venture. The Committee would like to welcome the new Chairman, Bob Hobson. Bob spent his early childhood in the area, left and then returned to Combe Martin in 1987, where he ran a hardware business for some years. He has been both Secretary and Chairman of the British Hardware Federation and President of the Lions Club of Ilfracombe. He is also a golfer.

Margaret Weller is taking over the bookings of the Hall from Vi Davies but as Vi is Treasurer, they will be working closely together. If you are thinking of making a booking, Margaret's 'phone number is 882927.

The next meeting of the Committee will be at the Manor Hall, 7.30 p.m. on Wednesday, 7th September. A reminder to all groups and organisations who hire the Hall that they can and should be represented at the meetings.

Jane Vanstone


Artwork: Paul Swailes


Annual General Meeting, Wednesday, 11th May 2005

Treasurer's Report

The overall financial position of the Manor Hall accounts is positive and healthy. We started the year with £23,000 and closed with £21,500, so we're down a bit year-on-year.

Our Insurers have yet to issue renewal paperwork for March, so the real position of funds is actually down to £20,000 as the insurance is about £1,500.

Income from the hire of the Hall to our regular users at £5,900 is up significantly on the previous year because more new classes have started and extra bookings have arisen when Adult Education classes finish, but attendees continue to meet in affinity groups. Use for parties has increased and we have hosted one major wedding reception.

The support of the Parish Council with an £800 grant towards our insurance costs remains really important to us.

Income from fund raising is also up by almost £100 at £1900. This is due to a good result from the Berry Revels, a record result for our Christmas Card Coffee Morning and £150 from our two trial Table Top Sales. These offset monies now separated from the Manor Hall for the Horticultural and Craft Show in September.

Expenditure is higher than previously at almost £12,000 because of the added costs of the toilet refurbishment project and the building of the next extra toilet with facilities for the disabled.

Without allowing for any maintenance work, it is important to see that the basic annual running costs of the Hall are close to £6,000 per year [say £125 per week], so there continues to be a need to be vigilant on finances.

We continue to have a 'financial cushion' from the benefits of the donation from the Estate of Bobbie Hacker [October 2003], but that remains a one-off. The reality is that this year expenditure exceeded income.

May I thank Chris Walden for his continued support with an audit and preparation of the Accounts.

Vi Davies - Treasurer

Chairman's Report

2004/2005 has been a year of development for the Manor Hall and I feel it's been a good year overall.

Committee meetings have been held regularly each month. Attendance has been fair, quality of discussion good. Recording of discussion in the Minutes has been very good, so that anyone in the future can look back and easily get a picture on the background of a topic and the outcome.

Development of job descriptions for our Caretaker and Cleaners has had positive benefits with clarity now on our needs.

We quickly went up the learning curve to organise and get the important testing of electrics, extinguishers, fire alarms, etc., carried out to renew our Public Entertainment Licence and are now doing the same all over again! This will see us through to November 2005 when it is 'all change' and new Licensing Laws come in to play . . . understanding them and looking for routes to achieve simple, not too onerous solutions is challenging and we are not there yet! I have been comparing notes with The Men's' Institute to see if there are any common solutions for us.

News in just today advises that in the future events like the BBC Show will be needing Door Supervisors trained and registered with the Security Industry Authority [certificated bouncers?!] by 23rd August!

After a period of fact-finding on other local hall rental charges, last autumn we developed a new scale and tariff designed to help us offset our ever-rising costs. Implementation of the new charges was deferred until last month.

Fundraising events developed well. The Berry Revels was a pleasing result. The Christmas Card exercise and Coffee Morning was an all-time record and our two attempts at Table Top Sales have been encouraging but not runaway successes. There's scope to develop further and to look at new activities to fit in with otherwise vacant slots in the Hall diary. As an example, a junior badminton group has been formed and now meets on Sundays for a twilight session. No ideas have come forward from requests made in the Newsletter . . . disappointing, but that can also be interpreted that everyone is happy!

We've developed a system that all maintenance and repair works will follow a full written specification of what's needed and that quotes must follow that brief. This is being implemented for the plan to refurbish the gents' loo [long overdue many might say!] and redesign the door system to the under stage storage. The refurbishment of the other toilets and creation of a facility for the disabled means that your Hall now complies with 2004 legislation. Recarpeting has made improvements and thanks are due to Sure Start for important financial input.

I think that every Agenda over the last twelve months has featured the dreaded subject of under floor heating and reflooring. Objective advice on options and comparative running costs remains difficult to source and just one contractor from outside the area has come forward with a quote. Help and advice on which of the other 440 village halls in Devon have addressed similar issues has not been forthcoming from Community Council of Devon. We will pursue further because we really must follow the successes of others and avoid expensive pitfalls.

Looking Forward

There is little doubt that the Manor Hall will continue as a key focal point for social activities in this community. Ensuring it meets today's and tomorrow's needs does require fresh ideas and good communication. I hope there is a confidence in the Committee being there not only to manage the immediate affairs but also become even more forward thinking.

Presently we are financially stable and Vi has demonstrated this. However, it's my forecast that expenditure is likely to out-strip income for a second year running with the next refurbishment project already planned. Grant support may or may not be forthcoming to help. If that project is self funded, then our Bobbie Hacker legacy may be eroded further. A heating/flooring project, even with major grant support, could see those monies being totally used up and the village would see a Hall living 'hand-to-mouth' again financially.

There is little buffer to cover any MAJOR project - like a new roof or whatever was on the agenda some years back and never got actioned. The need, I feel, is to look forward and get inventive. Fundraising exercises to bring in an extra £4,000 a year for each of the next five years could be a goal [£5 per resident per year/10p per week]. Can the village rise to that challenge - I believe YES. It has already done it in the context of the Community Shop, and now the Community Hall?

In closing I should like to thank the Committee for their help and support over the past twelve months, and the villagers for their support of Manor Hall activities.

Colin Trinder - Chairman

Thank you Vi and Colin for your reports which give us a very clear picture of Manor Hall matters.

Since the AGM, however, we have learnt that due to their impending move, Colin and Annie have resigned from the Committee, although they will continue to give advice and support until their departure. Thanks must, therefore, be given to them both but particularly Colin for his excellent Chairmanship.

Please note that THE BERRY REVELS will be held this year on Tuesday, 26th July. Look out for posters giving details nearer the time.


Artwork: Peter Rothwell


Regular users of the Hall will have noticed the recent completion of the refurbishment of the loos off the Bassett Room, and the building of an extra cubicle with facilities for the disabled and a baby changing unit, all of which brings us up-to-date with various legislations. We hope to re-carpet the Bassett Room to complete the project and have just been awarded a grant via Sure Start to help with the costs.

The next project will see the gents' loo in the passageway get a make-over to bring it into the 21st Century!

A further Table Top Sale has been planned for the morning of Sunday, 10th April, 10.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m., to build on the encouraging start we got with the experimental first shot back in February. Posters are already out announcing the event and tables can be booked through Vi Davies on 882696.

As the Financial Year draws to a close, it's time to remind User Groups, and indeed any interested party in the village, that our ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING is just around the corner, Wednesday, 4th May, and posters will confirm this. Please put the date in your diary NOW!

Over the next couple of months, planning will start for this July's BERRY REVELS fund raising evening for the Manor Hall funds. If you have some new fresh ideas for side shows, etc., then it's never too early to make them known.

Colin Trinder - Chairman


Artwork: Paul Swailes


The first thing I must do is to say 'Thank You' to everyone for their participation in the Christmas Coffee Morning on the 18th December, and the Christmas Card Distribution facility. Thanks, too, to the Community Enterprise and Ross for letting us place the collection box in the Shop.

We sorted and delivered in excess of 1,000 cards and more than fifty villagers enjoyed a social chat, coffee, mince pies [and in some cases a sherry!] and a truly excellent raffle table. We raised a total of £213 - a record and therefore very pleasing. But the day was doubly pleasing as friends from Berrynarbor Park came with an extra cheque for a handsome £95, generated through the sale of Christmas trees.

Work will be starting shortly to install an extra toilet facility that will be 'disabled friendly' and we have plans to refurbish the gents' loo - perhaps long overdue!

We seem to be suffering an increasing level of damage around the Hall site and premises, allegedly caused by individuals in the village. We need the help of everyone to alert a member of the Committee if anything untoward is spotted. The climbing on roofs and up drainpipes is not only a cause of damage but is also extremely dangerous. Please note: football and other ball games ARE NOT ALLOWED in the Manor Hall Car Park and Play Areas. Persistent offenders will be named and required to pay for further damage. The names of Committee Members are given on the Notice Board in the Main Hall.

You will have seen from the posters that we are set to trial a new fund raising activity - a Table Top Sale, akin to an indoor boot sale. It will be held on next Sunday, 6th February from 10.00 a.m. to approximately 12.30 p.m. We feel we need ten tables to make the event viable and if you have not already booked yours, this can be done through Vi Davies on 882696 at a cost of £5.00. We hope to raise a few extra £'s through teas 'n' coffees, etc.

So, sort out your craft items, bric-a-brac, unwanted Christmas gifts and come along - or just come along to browse and buy! See you on Sunday.

If the event proves successful, then it may be something to repeat perhaps on alternate months. Any other new ideas to increase the usage of the Hall can be passed on to any of the Committee - we're open to suggestions! All for the moment.

Colin Trinder

Chairman - Manor Hall Management Committee


Artwork: Peter Rothwell


It's good to see the Hall premises enjoying increased usage in recent times as the autumn evenings closed in and regular daytime and evening activities started up again after the summer recess.

The Manor Hall Management Committee [MHMC] continues to meet regularly and has been addressing a number of administrative matters of late. 2005 sees the introduction of new Licensing Laws, so the implications for us are being unravelled. Also, Rate Reviews for non-domestic properties are now published and they, too, need our attention. The Constitution documents for the MHMC date back to 1947! They are being studied with a view to drafting an update in line with today's needs. Hall Rental Charges have been updated for 2005 and we've also put job descriptions in place!

But administration matters aside, the key is having a Hall facility that meets the ever-changing times and needs of the village community. There remain vacant slots in the diary for anyone seeking to start up new activities or groups and, at the time of writing, it seems likely that the ever-popular Youth Club will restart.

So, any ideas out there on how best to further develop and optimise Hall usage? One recent suggestion has been to trial a Table Top sale [like an indoor 'boot fair'], where we provide the venue - and the usual cuppa and fancy cake - and offer tables at say £5 for individual stall holders to flaunt their wares. Perhaps it's something to try once a month across January, February and March to gauge popularity. What do you think?

If that's an idea for development then, by contrast, a definitive event is our Christmas Coffee Morning on Saturday, 18th December. Put it in your diary. For more details about it and the Christmas Card delivery, see the posters and separate article later in this issue.

Colin Trinder - Chairman


Artwork: Paul Swailes



Time flies when you're having fun!! It only seems like yesterday I was penning words for the Berry Newsletter and reminding folk of the 17th August date for the Berry Revels fund raiser for the Hall.

The weather could have been a little kinder, but the overall result was a tremendous success and a good time was had by all. Through the columns of the Newsletter, I'd like to express the thanks of the Committee to the many of you who contributed to that success.

To members of various 'Hall User Groups', who helped with the setting up and running of the many stalls; to friends who donated prizes for the raffle, or who baked cakes or sent along their home-made jams; to those who busied themselves with the popcorn machine or cooked hot dogs over the BBQ, or entertained us with their spinning or danced their socks [Petticoats] off . . . to you all we offer our sincere thanks.

Thanks also go to everyone who came along to support the event and spend a £ or £££'s! The end result was some £1,250 going to Hall funds to help with the on-going running costs and future improvement plans, and all raised at a great pace over two-and-a-half hours!

Looking ahead, I hope it's not too early to give you a Manor Hall date for your Christmas Diary: Saturday, 18th December for Coffee and Mince Pies and the popular village Christmas Card delivery.

Colin Trinder - Chairman


Artwork: Peter Rothwell


Since the AGM on 4th May, various changes in membership of the Committee have come into play.

Vi Davies assumes the role of Treasurer with added responsibility to manage the diary and bookings. Jane Vanstone has become Secretary, and 'yours truly' elected Chairman to the Committee. There are new members to the Committee, Sue Sussex and Annie Trinder.

The usage of our Hall continues to grow and new, extra events and classes will be a feature of the diary as we move towards the autumn.

More immediately we look forward to the Berry Revels Fete, rescheduled to TUESDAY 17TH AUGUST to avoid a clash with events in the Combe Martin Carnival Week. This is the most significant event of the year to raise funds for the Hall and we'll be looking to your support to attend and contribute to a successful evening, at the same time hoping for the best of summer weather!

Progressively, the Committee will be addressing some key agenda items in the coming weeks, including:

The Manor Hall is a superb asset to Berrynarbor and a focal point for the Village that may take on an even greater significance in the months ahead. Keeping abreast with the needs of Hall users and a keen eye for the future is what your Committee is about. To help get it right, your input of constructive ideas and comments are important. If you have items to put forward then please feel free to do so to me or to any members of the Committee.

Colin Tinder Chairman


Artwork: Peter Rothwell


The Annual General Meeting
Wednesday, 5th May 2004

Chairman's Report:

Our Hall continues to be very well supported. The premises are pretty well booked for each available session. During the past year, it has been redecorated, the curtains cleaned and the windows in the Parish Room repaired, the latter at no cost to the Committee.

The painting of Watermouth Castle has been repaired, restored, cleaned and returned to its original position. The painting of Mrs. Penn Curzon should be returned soon after undergoing similar treatment. Work has been carried out to improve the kitchen area and thanks are due to Sure Start for their contribution towards the cost.

Last year's Horticultural and Craft Show was disappointing in the number of entrants and it was doubted whether there was sufficient support within the village for another show. However, a small group has been set up and the situation is more hopeful.

Undoubtedly, the most significant item to report is the receipt of a large financial gift from the late Bobbie Hacker. Currently enquiries are being made to seek grants for improvement which will make her gift even more beneficial.

The Committee has worked hard throughout the year, for not only a successful Berry Revels and Christmas Card Distribution, but also with the general running of the Hall and my thanks go to every one of them.

That brings me to the final point. For various reasons the following are leaving the Committee: Linda Brown and Chris Jesson. They will be greatly missed. l, too, am standing down. After seven years on the Committee, four as Chairman, it is time for someone else to take forward the development of the Manor Hall. Thank you.

John Hood - Chairman

The Committee would like to take this opportunity to thank John for all his hard work over the last seven years. The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, 9th June at 7.30 p.m. in the Manor Hall, when a new Chairman and Committee will be elected.

Please remember that all Hall bookings should be made through Vi Davies on 882696.


Artwork: Paul Swailes


The Annual General Meeting of the Manor Hall Management Committee will be held in the Hall at 7.30 p.m. on Wednesday, 5th May, 2004.

This is an open meeting to which everyone is invited to attend. Please come along and have your say about how you think your Hall should be run in the future. You can also point out things which may be could have been done better in the past.

There is now an urgent need for new blood to join the Committee. Several of the present members are leaving, or have left the village or moved on to other things. There is now a chance for you to make a difference.

The clock in the Manor Hatl has stopped, broken, possibly never to go again! But, before we consider replacing it, does anyone know its story? I should not wish to throw away something which had a special place in the history of this village.

John Hood - Chairman


Artwork: Paul Swailes


The Christmas Card Coffee Morning on 20th December was very well attended and as a result, we made over £150. About a thousand cards were put through the system, so many thanks to everyone who supported the initiative and particular thanks are due to those who helped with the sorting and distribution of the cards. [A reminder will be given next December, but to help them, the sorters have asked that full names and addresses are put on the envelopes.]

It is quite a few years now since Alan Richardson first floated the idea of the village Christmas post. I wonder if he visualised just how successful it would become!

The painting of Watermouth Castle has now been re-hung following repair and restoration work by Nigel Mason. It now looks spectacular. Thank you, Nigel. The picture of Mrs. Penn-Curzon should also be returned soon after her 'wash and brush-up'. Initially the repair and restoration of both pictures was intended to celebrate the new Millennium and it was hoped that a grant, or other funding, might have helped towards the cost, but that was not to be. These two projects have taken longer than hoped to come to completion, but they should enhance the appearance of our hall.

The return of Vi Davies to the Management Committee is very welcome, particularly as she has agreed to look after the bookings and keep the diary up to date. For any future requests to hire the hall, please contact Vi.

So far as the Horticultural and Craft Show is concerned, there have been one or two offers to join a committee and to help on the day, but more help is still required and is there someone willing to co-ordinate and do the organising necessary beforehand? This Show is not something that can be organised at the last minute and it would be a shame if we did not have one this year. Please think about it and then get in touch [883105] or come along to the next Management Meeting to be held on Monday, 2nd February at 7.00 p.m.

John Hood - Chairman


Artwork: Paul Swailes


Illustration by:
Debbie Rigler Cook

On Saturday, 20th December, from 10.30 a.m. until noon, the Christmas Card Coffee Morning will be held in the Manor Hall. Sherry and mince pies will be on offer and also some Christmassy things will be on sale. If anyone would like a table, please let me or any Committee Member know in advance.

Your cards for distribution within the Village may be left, with a donation [10p per card please] in the box in the village shop. This facility will be available from 13th to 20th December, or you can bring your cards along to the coffee morning, when they will be sorted and then distributed. All money raised will go towards the Manor Hall funds.

Our Hall is very well used - there is hardly a time, either morning, afternoon or evening, every day of the week, when there isn't something going on. This is causing a parking problem. There is only limited space in front of the hall so, unless you are, there and then, attending a class or function in the Manor Hall, please leave your car somewhere else.

Our Committee is small in number and is likely to become even smaller soon. If anyone is willing to assist in the management of the Manor Hall, please do come forward. It is not all time-consuming, but is an essential to village life.

John Hood - Chairman


Artwork: Paul Swailes


This summer has been quite a busy time in the Manor Hall. There have been the three fetes, a great singalong with the Harmonica Singers, an evening of melodrama from the Studio Theatre and, with the onset of autumn, the Horticultural and Craft Show.

On top of these events, the kitchen has been refurbished, the hall painted and the Penn Curzon picture sent off for repair and cleaning.

The number of entries for the Horticultural and Craft Show was disappointingly down from previous years and yet the large number of villagers who came along in the afternoon to view the exhibits, have a cuppa and a chat, indicates that there is still a great deal of support for the event.

Is it just that we don't like competing? Can we alter the Schedule? Can we improve the format in any way?

So far there have been 24 annual shows. If an answer is not found, then the quarter century event may well be the last! Even though the number of exhibitors was down, the Judges did comment on the high standard of the items presented.

Awards for the year were as follows, and they were presented by one of our greatest supporters, Ron Toms:

Globe Cup [Floral Art]
Walls Cup [Home Cooking]
Davis Cup [Handicrafts]
Watermouth Cup [Handicrafts]
Watermouth Castle Cup [Wine]
George Hippisley Cup [Art]
Vi Kingdon Award [Photography]
Derrick Kingdon Cup [Fruit and Veg
Lethaby Cup [ Potted Plants]
Manor Stores Rose Bowl [Cut Flowers]
Angela Legg
Sarah Sanders
Sally Barten
Malcom Davidson
Ken Gosham
Jim Constantine
Judie Weedon
Ken Gosham
Hazel Gosham
Hazel Gosham

The Management Committee Cup for the best Horticultural Exhibit in the Show was a choice between a plate of onions and a bottle of wine. As Ken Gosham had entered both items, he received the Cup. The Ray Ludlow Award for the best non-horticultural exhibit went to Malcolm Davidson for a superbly crafted wooden bowl.

Congratulations to you all.

John Hood

Illustrated by: Debbie Rigler Cook

Another Show over and now the inquest begins. Is it too late? Was the season too hot? Was the publicity poor or are we faced with total apathy'? Certainly something went wrong as only 28 people entered compared with 48 last year - 3 came from llfracombe and 2 from Combe Martin, so that meant 23 from the village, which was pretty dismal!

Perhaps the time has come to put the Show gently to rest or find a new fresh team to re-think the Schedule. Anyone who would like the challenge should contact John Hood who will be pleased to listen to new ideas.

Meanwhile I have been asked to take on a new challenge for the village next summer, which will be planned throughout the winter and will take up most of my time, and as I have been involved with the Show for the last nine years, I think it's time to move on to pastures new.

I must conclude by thanking all the team who helped in different ways - John and Marion Hood, Margaret Ludlow, Judie Weedon, Debbie Luckham, Chris Jesson and the two Janes Jane V and Jane J. and, of course, all the judges who gave us their time and expertise. My genuine good wishes to the new team for 2004.

Linda Brown Devon Cottage

From both John and Linda's reports of the Horticultural and Craft Show, it is obvious that there is genuine concern for its future and the Committee is seeking YOUR support. Please do let them know your thoughts - why perhaps YOU didn't enter, new ideas for classes, new subjects within the classes - chats and discussions have taken place around the village, so don't keep those comments to yourselves, share them, either by speaking to John or jotting them down on paper and giving them to John or putting them in the Newsletter box at the Post Office.

Thank you, Linda, for all your hard work and enthusiasm over the past nine years.



Artwork: Paul Swailes


A reminder that the Berrynarbor Horticultural and Craft Show will be held on Saturday, 6th September. Schedules and entry forms will be available from the Post Office, Glenbridge and Devon Cottage from mid-August.

Anyone can enter and there is no fee, so the more classes you enter, the better your chances are.

When the Hall is full of exhibits, it makes a splendid sight, so please show us the best you have got! Weather is no excuse for flowers and vegetables - we all suffer the same. And for the art and craft classes, there is still time!

This year is a departure from previous years and entries will be accepted into certain classes from individual children and judged according to age.

Finally, to those who won cups and awards last year, please let me have them back before the Show, even if you do think that you might win again!

John Hood


Artwork: Peter Rothwell


Our AGM was held on 2nd April. The present Committee agreed to continue and we also welcomed aboard Jane Vanstone and Colin Trinder as Book Keeper.

Plans are now in hand to upgrade the kitchen area and decorate the inside of the main hall. Cash from Sure Start and a generous contribution from the BBC are making these improvements possible.

We are also making arrangements to have the painting of Watermouth Castle restored and re-framed, and the painting of Mrs. Edith Penn Curzon cleaned. Both should look good.

If anyone has taken tea towels or table cloths from the Manor Hall home for laundering, please can you return them as we are getting very short in that department!

Summer is upon us and this will be the last Newsletter before the Berry Revels - Tuesday, 29th July. Please publicise the event and come along to enjoy the fun and games provided. And, when it gets dark, there will be dancing to music by the Parcel of Rogues.

For the information of photographers, subjects for this year's Horticultural and Craft Show, on 6th September, are: A Local View, Cottages and Castles, Animal Magic and Sport for All.

Plenty of time! Oh no, there isn't, and gardeners should have sown their seeds by now.

John Hood - Chairman


Artwork: Peter Rothwell


The Annual General Meeting of the Committee will be held in the Manor Hall on Wednesday, 2nd April 2003 at 7.30 p.m. Everyone is welcome and we should appreciate any comments, ideas and even criticisms of a helpful nature. What would be really nice would be the attendance of people, or even just someone, willing to join our Committee.

Apart from the general management of the Hall, the Committee organises the Berry Revels [29th July], the Horticultural and Craft Show [6th September] and the Christmas Card Delivery. These are the sources of income which make it possible to charge such low rentals for regular users of the Hall. Any help with these events and any other ideas for raising cash would be most welcome.

If any of the above seems familiar, it is because it is an exact copy from the Berrynarbor Newsletter of April 2001. The invitation is still open.

Please come to the AGM and/or join our Committee.

John Hood - Chairman


Artwork: Peter Rothwell


The Christmas Card, Sherry & Coffee Morning was again well attended. It is really nice to see so many people coming together for a mince pie and a chat and then helping with the distribution of the cards afterwards.

Although I lost count past 800, I think we must have handled about a thousand cards all told and the Hall funds have been swollen by about £150. Many thanks to you all for your support.

Here are a few dates to enter on those brand-new calendars:

John Hood


Artwork: Peter Rothwell


The Christmas Card Coffee Morning will be held again this year in the Manor Hall, from 10.30 a.m. to 12.00 noon on Saturday, 21st December. Sherry and mince pies will be provided, as well as the usual tea and coffee, and there will also be suitable Christmassy items being offered for sale. If anyone would like to rent a table, then please let me or a member of the Management Committee know. There might even be a raffle and music!

The Management Committee will organise the distribution of your cards within the village, for a donation of 10p per card, all monies to the Village Hall Fund. There will be a box for your cards in the village shop from Saturday, 14th December, or bring them along on the 21st.

What a lovely way to start off the holiday. I hope to see you there, but if not, on behalf of the Management Committee may I wish you a Happy Christmas and a Peaceful New Year.

John Hood - Chairman


Artwork: Paul Swailes


Before autumn really sets in, let me report on the two events which were presented in the name of the Management Committee.

First was the Berry Revels in the middle of August. We were blessed with excellent weather and a good crowd of friends and visitors turned up to enjoy the fun and games laid on outside the Manor Hall, all to the sound of the Watermouth Castle organ. Then, as darkness fell, we all went inside to continue the revels with barn dancing.

This is the second year running that the evening has continued after dark with dancing and the formula seems to work. For the first time ever, we made over a thousand pounds!

The Horticultural and Craft Show was held at the beginning of September, on the 7th. Sadly, too late for some flowers and vegetables, but too early for others. Yet, congratulations to all the gardeners who rose to the challenge. The standard set by the exhibitors was very high indeed.

The number of entrants was slightly down in some sections but it was pleasing to see that it was up in others and particularly pleasing was the increase in the Wine section.

The judges take their role very seriously indeed, and whilst we may not always agree with their decisions, it is good to see so many of you taking an interest. And interest there was in plenty. The number of people who looked in during the afternoon was really gratifying.

The Management Committee Cup for Best Horticultural Exhibit in the Show went to Ken Gosham for what the judge described as 'the best almond wine you could make'. The Ray Ludlow Award for Best Non-Horticultural Exhibit went to Sally Barten for her magnificent Millennium Tapestry. Well done to all winners.

While the people who helped with these two events are too numerous to mention by name, particular thanks must go to Debbie Luckham and Ann Davies for organising the Revels, and to Linda Brown and Margaret Ludlow who prepared and presented the Horticultural Show. But mainly thank you to all who supported, attended and, hopefully, enjoyed the events. Now we can do it all again next year!

John Hood - Chairman

Awards were:

  • Globe Cup Floral Art - Judie Weedon
  • Walls Cup - Home Cooking - Angela Legg
  • Davis Cup Handicrafts - Sally Barten
  • Watermouth Cup - Handicrafts - Colin Harding
  • Watermouth Castle Cup - Wine - Ken Gosham
  • George Hippisley Cup - Art - Joan Wood
  • Vi Kingdon Award - Photography - Colin Harding
  • Derrick Kingdon Cup Fruit and Vegetables -Hedi Belka
  • Lethaby Cup - Potted Plants - Vi Davies
  • Manor Stores Rose Bowl - Cut Flowers -Maureen Scott-Nash

Winners in the Children's Section were:

  • Class 4 - The Manor Hall Cup -Danny Ellis Fuller
  • Class 3 - The PTA cup -Ryan Beal
  • Class 2 - The Men's Institute Cup -Daisy Ivan
  • Class 1 - The Mayflower Dish -Kayleigh Hinsley

Grateful thanks to Judie Weedon for printing the schedules, Margaret Ludlow for helping with the competitors' entries, Debbie Luckham and Marion Hood for the refreshments, John Hood for clearing the decks, Ann and Peter Hinchliffe for stoically selling raffle tickets all afternoon and Tom Bartlett for acting as auctioneer. Thank you, too, to the competitors who were brave enough to enter the Show, and of course everyone who attended in the afternoon. Especial thanks to my husband who didn't have a decent meal for 3 days!

Linda Brown


Artwork: Paul Swailes


6.30 p.m. on Tuesday, 13th August, is the opening time for the Berry Revels. There will be plenty of games and stalls set up for all to try their luck, test their skills and have fun.

As it gets dark, the band, M'larkey, will start playing for a Village Dance which will continue in the hall until 11.00 p.m.

There is a small admission charge of 50p [children free] but as this is the main occasion on which we can raise money to keep the Hall up to scratch, please, please come along and spend your cash and encourage as many visitors along as well.

The plans are in order for the Horticultural and Craft Show on Saturday, 7th September. All we need now is a bumper crop of entries and a good attendance to see whether the judges got it right!

John Hood


Artwork: Paul Swailes


Following last month's AGM, our Committee now comprises:

  • John Hood [Chairman]
  • Debbie Luckham [Treasurer/ Bookings]
  • Anne Davies [Secretary]
  • Chris Jesson [Minute Secretary]
  • Mary Malin [Parish Council Representative]
  • Linda Brown
  • Brian Mountain
  • Ann Hinchliffe
  • Julia Fairchild

There is always room for anyone else to join and we shall definitely need help for the Berry Revels on Tuesday, 13th August. This will be our main fundraiser, which will then be followed by the Horticultural and Craft Show to be held on the 7th September.

So that you will have all summer to prepare, here are the six subjects for the Photography Section -

It has been decided to give the Homemade Wine another chance. As well as the classes for Red & White, Sweet & Dry, there will be a class for 'Any Other Alcoholic Drink'. The size of bottle is optional, but contents must be named.

John Hood - Chairman

* Please note that although Tom Tucker's name has been mentioned in the Newsletter as being involved with the finances of the Manor Hall Management Committee, this is no longer the case and queries regarding invoices and payments, etc., should be addressed to Debbie Luckham. Tom was, in the past, Treasurer to the Committee and we thank him for his past services.


Artwork: Paul Swailes


The Annual General Meeting of the Management Committee will be held in the Hall at 7.00 p.m. on Wednesday, 3rd April 2002. This is, of course, an open meeting and I invite as many of you as can to attend. I particularly ask, please, that each of the groups who use the Hall should be represented.

The Hall is now being used by more and more people and at different times. This sometimes leads to problems with the car parking. May I remind everyone that the area in front of the Manor Hall is for the use of those who are attending classes and functions in the Hall. Other vehicles should, please, be parked preferably in the public car park up Castle Hill.

John Hood - Chairman


Artwork: Paul Swailes


The Christmas Coffee Morning on the 22nd December was well attended and the Card Distribution well supported. I lost count when we passed the 1,000 mark, so the help of those who undertook the deliveries, was very much appreciated! Many thanks to all who turned up and who helped. It was a great start to Christmas.

Although we announced in the summer that Tom Tucker was joining the Committee in order to undertake the bookkeeping work for us, he will not be taking over until April. This is the start of the new financial year, by which time we shall be fully computerised.

Debbie Luckham is continuing as Diary Secretary, so all bookings and enquiries re. the availability of facilities should be directed to her.

John Hood - Chairman


Artwork: Peter Rothwell


The Village Get Together on the 14th November would seem to have been a success. There were certainly plenty of villagers in attendance, the noise level as they chatted away was quite something, and the many and varied displays around the hall were much appreciated.

Many thanks are due to those people who set up their interesting exhibits and to all those who helped. Indeed, thank you to all of you who turned up I hope you enjoyed the occasion.

More 'thank you's' - thank you to everyone who has supported the various functions and groups who have used the Manor Hall during the past year. May you continue to do so.

Sadly, during the summer between the Berry Revels and the Church Fete, two bags containing the balls, pins and wedges for use with the skittle alley went missing from inside the Manor Hall. They are not likely to turn up again now and will have to be replaced. If anyone knows where we might acquire suitable replacements - condition not all that important - please let me know.

Christmas Cards for distribution within the Parish may again be left at the village shop from Friday, 14th December. Please include at least 10p per card donation for charity.

The collection will conclude with a sherry, mince pies and coffee morning in the Manor Hall at 10.00 a.m. on Saturday, 22nd December, when the cards will be distributed. If anyone has suitable Christmas items for sale, then tabletops can be 'hired' at £5.00 a time.

Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Peaceful New Year.

John Hood - Chairman


Artwork: Peter Rothwell


The Horticultural and Craft Show would appear to have been enjoyed by all. The weather was fine and sunny, the numbers of contributors was up and the standard as high as ever. The large number of visitors during the afternoon were very appreciative.

So, congratulations to Linda Brown and Margaret Ludlow for their organisation, and to the competitors and many helpers who made it such a success. We shall have to do the same again next year.

The presentation of silverware was graciously made by Vi Kingdon and was as follows:

  • Globe Cup - Floral Art - Angela Legg
  • Walls cup - Home Cooking - Jill Massey
  • Davis Cup - Handicraft - Chris Jesson
  • Watermouth Cup - Handicrafts - Judie Weedon
  • Watermouth Castle Cup - Wine - Ken Gosham
  • George Hippisley Cup - Art - Mary Hughes
  • Vi Kingdon Award - Photography - Bernard O'Regan
  • Derrick Kingdon Cup - Fruit and Vegetables - Josef Belka
  • Lethaby Cup - Potted Plants - Mr. Parkhouse
  • Manor Stores Rose Bowl - Cut Flowers - Hazel Gosham

Management Committee Cup for Best Horticultural Exhibit in Show
Josef Belka

Ray Ludlow Award for Best Non-Horticultural Exhibit in Show [awarded for the first time with much emotion]
Chris Jesson

On the evening of Wednesday, 14th November, we shall be holding another 'Village Get Together' in the Manor Hall. Nothing fancy, but a good opportunity for 'newcomers' to the village and the 'not so newcomers' to meet together, put faces to names and, perhaps, be surprised by the groups and facilities which are available to you in our village. See you there.

John Hood


Artwork: Peter Rothwell


  • Chairman - John Hood
  • Vice-chairman - Mike Lane
  • Treasurer - Debbie Luckham
  • Minute Secretary - Chris Jesson
  • Committee - Sylvia Baker, Ann Davies, Julia Fairchild, Ann Hinchliffe, Alice Wilson
  • Representing the P.C - Mary Malin